1,951 research outputs found

    Chemical evaluation of by-products of the grape industry as potential agricultural fertilizers

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    The grape industry, specifically the wine industry, is generating by-products rich in nutrients, which are underutilized and often end up being polluters of the environment. These byproducts are the bagasse, the stem and the grape seed in a proportion of 20% of the grape industrialized, that is, more than 100,000 tons/year in the Serra Gaucha. The use of winemaking by-products in the production of raw materials is a pioneering activity in Brazil and possibly in the world. This study is a characterization of products generated by the composting of this rich material, in order to assess its nutrient availability and possible contaminants. Also, the by-product of wine production in this pioneering project in Serra Gaucha were used and studied. The analyzes were done on the by-products and raw materials used; in the final products of the BEIFORT® line, both organic and organic certified fertilizer, solids, and liquid organic fertilizers 867 and 645 AHF. Organic nutrients, macro and micronutrients, important nutrients for agriculture and contaminants were analyzed using appropriated analytical techniques. It was concluded that the byproducts of the grape industrialization have optimal levels of organic loads and a good amount of important mineral elements to plants. However, in the course of composting, the concentration of Cu and Cr increases in the final solid compost, limiting the possible organic certification. Liquid extracts, despite not having high concentrations of nutrients, present a minimum of elements considered pollutants. In the final products only the uncertified organic fertilizer showed concentrations of Zn, Cu and Cr above the allowed levels, however the mixtures of inputs solved the problem. In other Beifort® products, especially liquid products, the presence of contaminants is irrelevant and the organic loads and nutrients were satisfactory

    Response of upland rice cultivars to nitrogen as affected by water deficiency

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    Foram conduzidos dois experimentos visando a determinar a influência da deficiência hídrica na resposta de cultivares de arroz à adubação nitrogenada. No primeiro experimento, foram usados tratamentos de suspensão da irrigação nos intervalos de: a. 45 aos 60 dias, b. 75 aos 90 dias e C. 45 aos 60 dias e 75 aos 90 dias após a emergência. Incluiu-se um tratamento com irrigação contínua, como testemunha. Os níveis de nitrogênio estudados foram 0, 30, 60 e 90 kg/ha de N, e as cultivares usadas foram IAC 1246, IAC 47 e IET 1444. No segundo experimento, o tratamento de suspensão da irrigação foi dado aos 90 dias. Os níveis de nitrogênio e as cultivares foram os mesmos do primeiro experimento, com exceção da cultivar IET 1444, que foi substituída pela CICA 4. No primeiro experimento, os tratamentos de suspensão da irrigação não tiveram influência significativa sobre a produção, devido a ocorrência de chuvas. Quando o conteúdo de água no solo não foi limitante, houve resposta da produção de grãos à adubação nitrogenada até 60 kg/ha de N. Não houve diferença significativa entre as cultivares, com relação à produção de grãos, tendo, as cultivares IAC 1246 e IAC 47, apresentado uma correlação linear e positiva entre o índice de área foliar (IAF) na floração e a produção de grãos. Em condições de pouca disponibilidade de água, não houve resposta à adubação nitrogenada. A produção de grãos da cultivar CICA 4 foi menor do que a das cultivares IAC 1246 e IAC 47, apresentando uma correlação linear e negativa com a duração da área foliar (DAF). Houve uma correlação linear e positiva entre a DAF e a evapotranspiração real, comprovando a influência da área foliar no consumo de água. A equação quadrática parece ser a que melhor se aplica na relação entre a DAF e produção de grãos, explicando as quedas de produção, em condições de deficiência hídrica, pela aplicação de qualquer insumo que aumente a área foliar acima de um ponto crítico.Two field experiments were carried out (in an attempt) to determine the influence of water deficiency on the response of rice cultivars to nigrogen. In the first experiment, the treatments inducing water deficiency were suppression of the irrigation after the seedting emergence from: a. 45 to 60 days, b. 75 to 90 days and e. 45 to 60 and 75 to 90 days. Also, included a control with continuous irrigation. Four levels of nitrogen (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg/ha of N and three cultivars (IAC 1246, IAC 47 and IET 1444) were used. In the second experiment, water deficiency was induced by the suppression of irrigation 90 days after the emergence of the plants. The nitrogen levels and cultivars were the same as those in the first experiment, excepting cultivar IET 1444 which was substituted by CICA 4. In the first experiment, there was no significant influence of the water suppression treatments on grain yield, due to rain occurence. When the soil water content was not a limiting factor, grain yield increased in response to nitrogen fertilization up to 60 kg/ha of N. There was no significant difference among the cultivars with regard to grain yield. The cultivars IAC 1246 and IAC 47 showed a linear and positive correlation between the leaf area index (LAI) at flowering, and grain yield. When the soil water content was low, there was no response to nitrogen fertilization. The grain yield of cultivar CICA 4 was lower than those of IAC 1246 and IAC 47, exhibiting a linear and negative correlation with the leaf area duration (LAD). There was a linear and positive correlation between the LAD and actual evapotranspiration, proving thereby the influence of leaf area on the water consumption. The relationship between LAD and grain yield is better explained by the quadratic equation. It is evident that the application of any input that increases the leaf area over a critical point is responsible for the decrease in grain yield when water is the limiting factor


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    Acute mesenteric ischemia is not a common affection, it happens in 1 to 1,000 people in the United States. Acute mesenteric ischemia should always be one of the differential diagnoses for abdominal pain as it is difficult to diagnose and has very high mortality rates. Among its causes, the most uncommon remains the obstruction caused by displacement of atherosclerotic plaques. Therefore, the description of a case of acute mesenteric ischemia caused by detachment of a plaque in the thoracic aorta is contributing to academic field. The present case was treated by immediate exploratory laparotomy with resection of the distended segments and implantation of an endoprosthesis via femoral artery. Keywords: Bile duct cancer. Epidemiology. Cholelithiasis. Anatomicopathological. Cholecystectomy. RESUMO A isquemia mesentérica aguda não é comum, atinge 1 a cada 1000 habitantes nos Estados Unidos. Por ser de difícil diagnóstico e de elevada mortalidade deve sempre ser um dos diagnósticos diferenciais para dor abdominal. Dentre suas causas, mais incomum ainda é a obstrução causada por deslocamento de placa aterosclerótica. Portanto, torna-se útil demonstrar um caso de isquemia mesentérica aguda causada por descolamento de placa da aorta torácica, tratado por laparotomia exploradora imediata com ressecção das alças em sofrimento e implantação de endoprótese torácica reta via femoral.   Palavras-chave: Câncer de ducto biliar. Epidemiologia. Colelitíase. Anatomopatológico. Colecistectomia.Resumo: A isquemia mesentérica aguda não é comum, atinge 1 a cada 1000 habitantes nos Estados Unidos. Por ser de difícil diagnóstico e de elevada mortalidade deve sempre ser um dos diagnósticos diferenciais para dor abdominal. Dentre suas causas, mais incomum ainda é a obstrução causada por deslocamento de placa aterosclerótica. Portanto, torna-se útil demonstrar um caso de isquemia mesentérica aguda causada por descolamento de placa da aorta torácica, tratado por laparotomia exploradora imediata com ressecção das alças em sofrimento e implantação de endoprótese torácica reta via femoral


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da oxitocina sobre a qualidade do sêmen suíno heterospérmico diluído em BTS e armazenado a 15 °C. Foram utilizadas três misturas de dois ejaculados, coletados de quatro animais mestiços. As doses contendo o sêmen foram armazenadas em geladeira, em garrafas plásticas, sem oxitocina (T1) e outra com adição de oxitocina (T2) na concentração de 2,5 UI/ dose. Amostras de sêmen foram retiradas nos tempos zero, 24 e 48 horas para avaliações de fertilidade. Os valores médios encontrados para motilidade, vigor, percentagem de espermatozóides vivos e integridade de acrossoma foram respectivamente de 63,0%, 2,9, 90,0% e 98,0% no tempo 24 h e 55,0%, 2,7, 90,6% e 97,2% no tempo 48 h de armazenamento. E para o sêmen tratado com oxitocina (T2) os valores médios encontrados foram: 63,0%, 3,0, 90,7% e 97%,1 no tempo 24 h e 58,0%, 2,8, 88,6% e 97,1% no tempo 48 h. As análises estatísticas mostraram que houve diferenças significativas apenas para o vigor espermático, mas que a oxitocina pode ser utilizada como meio de aumentar a taxa de concepção dos animais. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Inseminação artificial, suínos, sêmen heterospérmico

    Treatment Of Effluent From Re-Refined Lubricating Oils By Combined Processes Of Coagulation, Flocculation, And Fenton Process

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    This work examines the possibility and the potential application of physicochemical processes (coagulation and flocculation) and advanced oxidative processes (Fenton Process) in the treatment of effluents from the re-refining of used lubricating oils

    Environmental assessment and nano-mineralogical characterization of coal, overburden and sediment from Indian coal mining acid drainage

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    The deterioration of environmental conditions is the major contributory factor to poor health and quality of life that hinders sustainable development in any region. Coal mining is one of the major industries that contribute to the economy of a country but it also impacts the environment. The chemical parameters of the coal, overburden, soil and sediments along with the coal mine drainage (CMD) were investigated in order to understand the overall environmental impact from high sulphur coal mining at northeastern coalfield (India). It was found that the total sulphur content of the coal is noticeably high compared to the overburden (OB) and soil. The volatile matter of the coal is sufficiently high against the high ash content of the soil and overburden. The water samples have a High Electrical Conductivity (EC) and high Total Dissolve Solid (TDS). Lower values of pH, indicate the dissolution of minerals present in the coal as well as other minerals in the mine rejects/overburden. The chemical and nano-mineralogical composition of coal, soil and overburden samples was studied using a High Resolution-Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-TEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), Selected-Area Diffraction (SAED), Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM)/EDS, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman and Ion-Chromatographic analysis, and Mössbauer spectroscopy. From different geochemical analysis it has been found that the mine water sample from Ledo colliery has the lowest pH value of 3.30, Tirap colliery samples have the highest electrical conductivity value of 5.40 ms cm−1. Both Ledo and Tirap coals have total sulphur contents within the range 3–3.50%. The coal mine water from Tirap colliery (TW-15B) has high values of Mg2+ (450 ppm), and Br− (227.17 ppm). XRD analysis revealed the presence of minerals including quartz and hematite in the coals. Mineral analysis of coal mine overburden (OB) indicates the presence both of pyrite and marcasite which was also confirmed in XRD and Mossbauer spectral analysis. The presented data of the minerals and ultra/nano-particles present shows their ability to control the mobility of hazardous elements, suggesting possible use in environmental management technology, including restoration of the delicate Indian coal mine areas

    Identification of virulence-associated markers in Escherichia coli isolated from captive red-browed amazon parrot (Amazona rhodocorytha)

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    Due to the genetic similarity of pathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from birds and pathotypes of human origin, it is suggested that they have a common ancestor and may exchange virulence-associated genes. This study aimed to detect virulence-associated genes in E. coli strains isolated from the Red-browed Amazon parrot (Amazona rhodocorytha) kept at a conservation institute in Brazil. High genetic variability in virulence was observed, since 12 virulence profiles were found among 14 strains. The number of virulence-associated genes of single strains ranged from 5 to 22 out of 33 genes tested, and only one strain did not present any virulence genes. Regarding adhesion genes, most strains presented from two to five genes, and crlA (85.7%) and fimC (85.7%) were the most frequent. Frequencies were similar for invasion and iron acquisition genes. Variations among genes were observed for serum resistance and toxin-related genes. Some of the E. coli strains isolated from parrots presented virulence genes that are commonly associated with pathotypes of human origin, including newborn meningitis E. coli, uropathogenic E. coli, and sepsis-associated E. coli. It is noteworthy that some of these genes were present in the majority of the analyzed strains. Our results indicate that these strains detected in clinically healthy parrots can be potential reservoirs of several virulence-associated genes. These genes can be transmitted to other E. coli strains, including those that affect humans. These E. coli strains present a high pathogenic potential of virulence-associated genes in extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli strains

    Aplicação de metodologia de engenharia de processos na melhoria da eficiência energética em unidade industrial de evaporação

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    Este artigo mostra a aplicação de metodologia de análise de processo, envolvendo a modelagem matemática e a simu lação de processos e a sua aplicação no estudo de otimização energética de uma unidade industrial de evaporação, em uma planta de soda cáustica. Foram desenvolvidos e validados os balanços de massa e de energia que representam o processo de evaporação em múltiplos estágios, e foram simuladas diversas variáveis operacionais. Foi possível identifi car as principais causas de perdas energéticas e buscar as condições ótimas de operação, especialmente quanto à pressão de operação, concentração de soda na entrada dos evaporadores e possibilidade de recompressão mecânica de vapor para recuperação de energia. O modelo fenomenológico também possibilitou a simulação de uma alteração no processo (uma retirada de corrente intermediária) e suas consequências na confi guração e no consumo energético da planta313192