6,657 research outputs found

    Are there biological gender differences at the early stages of first language acquisition when producing double object constructions and to/for-datives?

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    Producción CientíficaThis study examines whether biological gender differences appear in the early stages of acquisition in the case of English dative alternation (DA) structures (double object constructions (DOCs) and to/for-datives). Girls have been found to show faster syntactic development when compared to boys (Lovas, 2011). In the case of the acquisition of DA, an order in the emergence and in the incidence of English DA would entail a syntactic derivational status between DOCs and to/for-datives with one being the original structure and the other the derived one (Gu, 2010). However, analogous ages of onset and fairly similar frequency rates in the production could suggest the construction of two underived structures. We investigate whether biological gender differences appear in the case of DOCs and to/for-datives. We also investigate whether the exposure to English DA (adult input) results in differences between the girls’ output and the boys’ output. We analyze data from eight monolingual English girls and five monolingual English boys, and the adults that interact with them, as available in CHILDES. Our findings reveal that monolingual girls and monolingual boys pattern closely in the acquisition of the syntactic non-derivational relationship between DOCs and to/for-datives, as seen in their similar emergence. Biological gender differences are not seen either in the acquisition of the additional properties of to/for-datives given their later onset and their lower incidence when compared to DOCs. These production patterns also correlate with the frequency with which these structures are heard in the adult input.Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA009P17)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (ref. PGC2018-097693-B-I00

    Basque Children in England: Memories of Exile

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    New approaches in the research on historical events emerged during the 80´s. Poststructuralist theories changed the focus of attention, and the history started to be told by its participants. In Spain, the Spanish Civil War started to be analyzed through the eyes of its victims, and oral accounts about its events started to be examined. In this context, the exile gained special importance. Although most of the refugees found their place in France and the USSR, a group of 4,000 Spanish children were exiled in England. They are known as the Basque Children, and they have called the attention of numerous researchers. Although most of the children had returned to Spain by 1939, many others lived for the rest of their lives in England. This study will focus on the education received during their exile and in how this experience affected their identity.Durante los años 80, los estudios historiográficos contaron con nuevos enfoques gracias a las teorías postestrucutralistas en auge. La historia empezó a ser contada por los individuos que la vivieron. En España, la Guerra Civil fue analizada desde la perspectiva de las víctimas y se empezaron a analizar testimonios orales sobre distintos aspectos. En este contexto, el exilo cobró una gran importancia para el estudio del conflicto. A pesar de que la mayoría de refugiados huyeron a Francia y a la URSS, un grupo de 4.000 niños españoles se exiliaron en Inglaterra. Desde entonces se les conoce como los Niños Vascos y han atraído la atención de muchos investigadores. A pesar de que la mayoría regresó a España en 1939, otros muchos decidieron establecerse en Inglaterra de por vida. Este estudio analizará la educación recibida por estos niños durante el exilio y la influencia que esta experiencia tuvo en su identidad.Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    Community-oriented Service-Learning: A university experience for preventing cannabis abuse in vulnerable adolescents and young people

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    Learning integrated into community action promotes a more active citizenry. More specifically, service-learning (S-L) embedded into higher education can represent a big challenge yet also an opportunity to involve the whole university community in social and community development. This paper addresses this teaching method by identifiying and reviewing the different components that define S-L, that is: civic engagement, social responsibility, civic education, partnership, and reflection. The ways in which S-L can be introduced into the curriculum are explained, through detailing experiences already carried out in the teaching of psychology. Current available data on its efficacy in university education are analyzed. The focus now turns to a university experience involving Community Psychology students across Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. During this experience, students on both programmes make their final-year projects to develop a prevention resource aimed at young people at high risk of problematic cannabis use. Ultimately, this program not only teaches students the principles of Community Psychology but also give them an opportunity to put them into practice

    Cross-Border M&A as a Driver for Further Integration"

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    Due to the close ties developed between Spain and Portugal since the joint entry in the European Union, this paper studies the feasibility of further economic integration. For that purpose, I analyzed the trends of commercial and investment flows, and M&A transactions during the period between 1985 and 2017. The findings seem to suggest that this further integration could be achieved through cross-border M&A, preferably with non-horizontal acquisitions. This would position Iberia as a powerful market capable of coping with the different economic cycles, strengthening the performance of its SMEs and enhancing their international expansion

    The Bridge between History and Literature: the Representation of Memory in Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia and Lee’s A Moment of War

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    The English intellectual and artistic spheres spontaneously reacted to the Spanish Civil War, travelling to the country, writing about their experiences in Spain, and forging what was to become a popular literary phenomenon. Ever since then, works contextualized in the conflict have been approached through historicist standpoints. These have neglected to consider a central aspect of this kind of literary productions: that they normally recount personal experiences, and thus, they are acts of remembrance. This study will be looking at intertextuality in two prominent works, Homage to Catalonia and A Moment of War, in order to explore the methods employed by both authors to reconcile their intimate insights on the war with external data which, after their experiences, has been regarded as historically relevant. This thesis will suggest that both George Orwell and Laurie Lee, even if differently branded with regards to objectivity, employ similar techniques in the incorporation of impersonal information.Con el comienzo de la Guerra Civil española, los círculos artísticos y literarios ingleses reaccionaron casi de manera espontánea, viajando al país, escribiendo sobre sus experiencias y forjando lo que más tarde se convertiría en un fenómeno literario muy popular. Desde entonces, la crítica ha analizado aquellos trabajos contextualizados en el conflicto desde puntos de vista historicistas que pasan por alto uno de los aspectos centrales de este tipo de producciones literarias: en su gran mayoría, estos escritos relatan experiencias personales y son, por lo tanto, actos de memoria. Este estudio se enfoca en la intertextualidad de dos trabajos prominentes, Homenaje a Cataluña y Un instante en la guerra, con el objetivo de explorar las técnicas utilizadas por ambos autores para reconciliar sus recuerdos en la guerra con información externa que, tras sus experiencias, ha sido considerada de relevancia histórica. Este trabajo concluirá que, a pesar de que hayan sido tildados de manera completamente diferente en cuanto a su nivel de objetividad, tanto George Orwell como Laurie Lee utilizan métodos muy similares en la incorporación de información no personal.Departamento de Filología InglesaMáster en Estudios Ingleses Avanzados: Lenguas y Culturas en Contact

    Geometry with a STEM and Gamification Approach: A Didactic Experience in Secondary Education

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    Recent societal changes have meant that education has had to adapt to digital natives of the 21st century. These changes have required a transformation in the current educational paradigm, where active methodologies and ICT have become vehicles for achieving this goal, designing complete teaching sequences with STEM approaches that help students to learn. Under a gamified approach, this document addresses a didactic proposal in geometry focused on STEM disciplines. This proposal combines tools such as AR, VR, manipulative materials, and social networks, with techniques such as m-learning, cooperative-learning, and flipped-learning, which make methodological transformation possible. The research was carried out during two academic years under an action research framework. It departed from a traditional methodology and, in two cycles, methodology was improved with the benefits that gamification brings to STEM proposals in Secondary Education. The data gathered in the experiment were analysed following a mixed method. Learning produced, strategies employed, successes and errors, and results of a questionnaire are presented. Evidence shows an improvement in academic performance from 50% fails to 100% pass, most of the students ended up motivated, participation was of the whole group, more than 80% showed positive emotions, and thanks to the cooperative-learning, group cohesion was improved.This study was partially funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) research project from the FEDER-Andalusian Regional Government grant UAL2020-SEJ-B2086 and by University of Málaga (Spain). Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga

    Análisis del Síndrome Metabólico desde una mirada social, en un Centro de salud en Chimalhuacán, Estado de México

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    El síndrome metabólico es un factor de riesgo cardiovascular y cerebrovascular, compromete a diferentes órganos y sistemas, en el sector salud es manejado y tratado desde la óptica clínica y no es considerado el aspecto social, por tal motivo esta investigación se realizó con el objetivo de destacar la importancia de considerar los aspectos sociales que contribuyen al diagnóstico de síndrome metabólico obtenidos de literatura, comparados con los resultados de enfermedades crónicas que dan diagnóstico de síndrome metabólico de las tarjetas de enfermedades crónicas de un Centro de Salud en Chimalhuacán Estado de México; es una investigación cualitativa, analítica y descriptiva sustentada con la teoría sociológica de Emile Durkheim. Los resultados obtenidos fueron una prevalencia elevada en los diferentes componentes de síndrome metabólico, así como una prevalencia de 22 por ciento de SM.La maestrante Maricela Sánchez Olalde estuvo becada por el CONACY

    El razonamiento de estudiantes de bachillerato y profesores en formación sobre la regla del producto probabilístico

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    Esta comunicación forma parte de una investigación más amplia, cuyo objetivo es describir la evolución del razonamiento de estudiantes de bachillerato (15-17 años) y profesores de secundaria en formación inicial sobre la fórmula binomial. Se describen y analizan las respuestas a dos preguntas de un cuestionario de 10, que fueron elaboradas para evaluar los niveles de razonamiento de elementos de conocimiento de la fórmula binomial. Se aplicó a tres tipos de estudiantes: un grupo de bachillerato sin instrucción previa de probabilidad; un grupo de bachillerato y otro de futuros profesores que reciente e independientemente habían estudiado un curso. Se concluye con una jerarquía de razonamiento de la regla del producto de probabilidades

    Assessment of metals behaviour in industrial soil using sequential extraction, multivariable analysis and a geostatistical approach

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    The main objectives of this studywere to evaluate the degree of Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr and Ni pollution using pollution indexes and geostatistical approach, and to assess metals dynamic using sequential extraction procedure and multivariable statistical analysis in surface soils and soil profiles froman industrial complex as a base for a correct management in order to avoid health and environmental problems. Results showed that the industrial activity increases both Pb (103 mgkg−1), Zn (526 mgkg−1) and Cu (39 mgkg−1) concentrations and salinity in soil. Pollution indexes showed that industrial soils were moderately contaminated by Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr and Ni as well as a moderate ecological risk was reported. Two main areas were identified: southeast area with the highest metal concentrations, and northwest areawith the lowest levels. Chemical speciation of metals showed that the residual phase was the dominant phase for all metals. However, Pb and Zn were highly associated to the reducible phase (25–30% and 35–40% respectively) and a significant concentration was associated to carbonates (5% for both metals). In contrast, Cu, Cr and Ni were mainly bound to the residual phase (N80% for all metals) with low concentrations retained to reducible phase, and very low concentrations bound to the most labile phases. Cd was the most mobile metal with high concentration associated to exchangeable (5%) and carbonates (15–20%) phases. Therefore, Pb, Zn and Cd represent the greatest risk for human health and the environment

    Bilingual and monolingual children's acquisition of Spanish dative alternation structures: order of acquisition and adult input effects

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    Producción CientíficaThis work investigates the acquisition of Spanish dative alternation (DA) in the production of English-Spanish bilingual and Spanish monolingual children. We explore whether a/para-datives and dative clitic doubled (DCLD) structures are syntactically derived from one another or, whether they are different structures. We also examine whether bilinguals follow similar developmental paths to monolinguals in the acquisition of Spanish DA or whether they differ from their peers given the influence from the syntactic status of English DA in their other language. We conduct an analysis of the spontaneous data from nine English-Spanish bilingual and nine Spanish monolingual children, along with the adults that interact with them, as available in CHILDES database (MacWhinney, B. 2000. The CHILDES Project: Tools for Analyzing Talk. 3rd ed. Hillsdale: Erlbaum. Accessed December 10, 2018. http://childes.talkbank.org). Our results reveal that bilinguals begin to produce DCLDs and a/para-datives at an approximately similar age. This suggests a syntactic underived relationship between the two DA structures, akin to that in monolinguals’ data. Nevertheless significant, the bilinguals and the monolinguals show a delay in the onset and a lower incidence in the production of a/para-datives when compared to DCLDs, which seems to be in line with adult input factors. The monolingual-like patterns in the bilinguals’ data point to a lack of crosslinguistic influence from English DA