51 research outputs found

    Towards the exact Bremsstrahlung function of ABJM theory

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    We present the three-loop calculation of the Bremsstrahlung function associated to the 1/2-BPS cusp in ABJM theory, including color subleading corrections. Using the BPS condition we reduce the computation to that of a cusp with vanishing angle. We work within the framework of heavy quark effective theory (HQET) that further simplifies the analytic evaluation of the relevant cusp anomalous dimension in the near-BPS limit. The result passes nontrivial tests, such as exponentiation, and is in agreement with the conjecture made in [1] for the exact expression of the Bremsstrahlung function, based on the relation with fermionic latitude Wilson loops.Comment: 46 pages, 15 figure


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    Para garantizar la conservación y preservación del patrimonio inmueble de manera general, existen principios establecidos por el ICOMOS desde 1966, los mismos que incentivan a la creación de archivos documentales, que deben ser actualizados y que adquieren mayor importancia cuando se incluye como tema de estudio al patrimonio del siglo XX, el cual requiere ser conocido, comprendido y gestionado. Tras la conferencia realizada por la misma organización en Madrid, en 2011, se plantean criterios para identificar el valor y significado sociocultural de estos bienes en los cuales se destaca la importancia de generar inventarios que contengan información: técnica, métrica, histórica, gráfica, tecnológica, de uso, identificación, localización y contexto. Sin embargo, en la ciudad de Cuenca, los archivos documentales de arquitectura moderna se limitan a fichas de registro superficiales que exponen un contenido técnico y de gestión municipal, lo que ha ocasionado la falta de comunicación entre los organismos que velan por su protección generando una subutilización de recursos y profundizando la molestia de parte de los dueños por poseer un bien, que a su criterio no debería ser parte de un inventario patrimonial. Es por esta razón, que la presente investigación aborda un acercamiento a la arquitectura moderna a través de la adaptación de una metodología de documentación digital y tridimensional al contenido de una ficha de catalogación para arquitectura moderna, como caso estudio en la ciudad de Cuenca. De esta manera, los resultados cubren los requisitos para crear archivos documentales que permitan análisis comparativos para establecer una significancia del patrimonio moderno y demostrar la importancia de la valoración y difusión de este patrimonio y su aporte histórico a nivel local y nacional.Palabras clave: Patrimonio moderno, documentación digital, valoración, inventario. AbstractIn order to guarantee the conservation and preservation of the immovable heritage in general, there are principles established by ICOMOS since 1966, which encourage the creation of documentary files, that must be updated and become more important when the study of the 20th-century heritage is included, which requires to be known, understood and managed. After the conference held by the same organization in Madrid, 2011, criteria are proposed to identify the value and socio-cultural significance of these assets in which the importance of generating inventories containing: technical, metric, historical, graphic, technology, use, identification, location, and context information. However, in the city of Cuenca, the documentary files of modern architecture are limited to superficial registration cards that expose a technical and municipal management content, which has caused the lack of communication between the organizations that ensure their protection, generating an underutilization of resources and deepening the annoyance on the part of the owners for owning a property, who in their opinion should not be part of a heritage inventory. For this reason, the present research addresses an approach to modern architecture through the adaptation of a three-dimensional and digital documentation methodology to the content of a cataloging sheet for modern architecture, as a case study in Cuenca. In this way, the results cover the requirements to create documentary files that allow comparative analysis to establish a significance of modern heritage and demonstrate the importance of the valuation and dissemination of this heritage and its historical contribution at the local and national level.Keywords: Modern heritage, digital documentation, valuation, inventory

    Brain Metastases from Ovarian Cancer: Current Evidence in Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis

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    With this review, we provide the state of the art concerning brain metastases (BMs) from ovarian cancer (OC), a rare condition. Clinical, pathological, and molecular features, treatment options, and future perspectives are comprehensively discussed. Overall, a diagnosis of high-grade serous OC and an advanced disease stage are common features among patients who develop brain metastases. BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations, as well as the expression of androgen receptors in the primary tumor, are emerging risk and prognostic factors which could allow one to identify categories of patients at greater risk of BMs, who could benefit from a tailored follow-up. Based on present data, a multidisciplinary approach combining surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy seem to be the best approach for patients with good performance status, although the median overall survival (<1 year) remains largely disappointing. Hopefully, novel therapeutic avenues are being explored, like PARP inhibitors and immunotherapy, based on our improved knowledge regarding tumor biology, but further investigation is warranted

    Revisiting brain rewiring and plasticity in children born without corpus callosum

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    The corpus callosum is the largest white matter pathway connecting homologous structures of the two cerebral hemispheres. Remarkably, children and adults with developmental absence of the corpus callosum (callosal dysgenesis, CD) show typical interhemispheric integration, which is classically impaired in adult split-brain patients, for whom the corpus callosum is surgically severed. Tovar-Moll and colleagues (2014) proposed alternative neural pathways involved in the preservation of interhemispheric transfer. In a sample of six adults with CD, they revealed two homotopic bundles crossing the midline via the anterior and posterior commissures and connecting parietal cortices, and the microstructural properties of these aberrant bundles were associated with functional connectivity of these regions. The aberrant bundles were specific to CD and not visualised in healthy brains. We extended this study in a developmental cohort of 20 children with CD and 29 typically developing controls (TDC). The two anomalous white-matter bundles were visualised using tractography. Associations between structural properties of these bundles and their regional functional connectivity were explored. The proposed atypical bundles were observed in 30% of our CD cohort crossing via the anterior commissure, and in 30% crossing via the posterior commissure (also observed in 6.9% of TDC). However, the structural property measures of these bundles were not associated with parietal functional connectivity, bringing into question their role and implication for interhemispheric functional connectivity in CD. It is possible that very early disruption of embryological callosal development enhances neuroplasticity and facilitates the formation of these proposed alternative neural pathways, but further evidence is needed

    Estaquia de resedá-nacional (Physocalymma scaberrimum Pohl.) em diferentes substratos e concentrações de AIB

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050985745The Brazilian rose wood is a native species from Brazil that has great potential for use in landscaping and reforestation, in addition to its use in luxury furniture. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different substrates and concentrations of indole butyric acid (IBA) in the cutting of Brazilian resedá. The experiment had a randomized design in a 3x3 factorial arrangement with five replications, and each plot was composed by ten cuttings. The factors were types of substrates (washed mild sand; carbonized rice husk and vermiculite medium granules), and IBA (0 mg. L-1; 1,000 mg.L-1 and 2,000 mg.L-1). After 104 days, the following variables were evaluated: cutting survival; leaf retention; non-rooted cuttings with callus; rooted cuttings; root number per cutting; root length per cutting and dry root matter per cutting. There was no difference using IBA to improve the cuttings rooting, with average of 23.5% of rooting. Among the substrates, although the cuttings in sand and carbonized rice husk showed a better leaf retention, all substrates can be used.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050985745O resedá-nacional (Physocalymma scaberrimum Pohl.) é uma espécie nativa do Brasil que apresenta grande potencial para uso no paisagismo e em reflorestamento, além da madeira ser empregada na marcenaria de luxo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes substratos e concentrações de ácido indolbutírico (AIB) na estaquia de resedá-nacional. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições em arranjo fatorial 3 x 3, sendo os fatores: tipos de substratos (areia de granulação média; casca de arroz carbonizada e vermiculita de granulação média) e concentrações de AIB (0; 1.000 e 2.000 mg L-1), em parcelas compostas por dez estacas. Após 104 dias da instalação do experimento, foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: sobrevivência das estacas; retenção foliar; porcentagem de estacas com calos não enraizadas; estacas enraizadas; número de raízes por estaca; comprimento de raízes por estaca e massa seca das raízes por estaca. Não foram observadas diferenças quanto ao enraizamento em relação à aplicação de AIB, obtendo-se, em média, 23,5%. Entre os substratos, embora as estacas enraizadas em areia e casca de arroz carbonizada tenham apresentado maior retenção foliar, todos os substratos testados podem ser utilizados


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    O resed \ue1-nacional ( Physocalymma scaberrimum Pohl.) \ue9 uma esp\ue9cie nativa do Brasil que apresenta grande potencial para uso no paisagismo e em reflorestamento, al\ue9m da madeira ser empregada na marcenaria de luxo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes substratos e concentra\ue7\uf5es de \ue1cido indolbut\uedrico (AIB) na estaquia de resed \ue1-nacional. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repeti\ue7\uf5es em arranjo fatorial 3 x 3, sendo os fatores: tipos de substratos (areia de granula\ue7\ue3o m\ue9dia; casca de arroz carbonizada e vermiculita de granula\ue7\ue3o m\ue9dia) e concentra\ue7\uf5es de AIB (0; 1.000 e 2.000 mg L-1), em parcelas compostas por dez estacas. Ap\uf3s 104 dias da instala\ue7\ue3o do experimento, foram avaliadas as seguintes vari \ue1veis: sobreviv\ueancia das estacas; reten\ue7\ue3o foliar; porcentagem de estacas com calos n\ue3o enraizadas; estacas enraizadas; n\ufamero de ra\uedzes por estaca; comprimento de ra\uedzes por estaca e massa seca das ra\uedzes por estaca. N\ue3o foram observadas diferen\ue7as quanto ao enraizamento em rela\ue7\ue3o \ue0 aplica\ue7\ue3o de AIB, obtendo-se, em m\ue9dia, 23,5%. Entre os substratos, embora as estacas enraizadas em areia e casca de arroz carbonizada tenham apresentado maior reten\ue7\ue3o foliar, todos os substratos testados podem ser utilizados.The Brazilian rose wood is a native species from Brazil that has great potential for use in landscaping and reforestation, in addition to its use in luxury furniture. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different substrates and concentrations of indole butyric acid (IBA) in the cutting of Brazilian resed \ue1. The experiment had a randomized design in a 3x3 factorial arrangement with five replications, and each plot was composed by ten cuttings. The factors were types of substrates (washed mild sand; carbonized rice husk and vermiculite medium granules), and IBA (0 mg. L-1; 1,000 mg.L-1 and 2,000 mg.L-1). After 104 days, the following variables were evaluated: cutting survival; leaf retention; non-rooted cuttings with callus; rooted cuttings; root number per cutting; root length per cutting and dry root matter per cutting. There was no difference using IBA to improve the cuttings rooting, with average of 23.5% of rooting. Among the substrates, although the cuttings in sand and carbonized rice husk showed a better leaf retention, all substrates can be used

    Trends in Net Survival from Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Italy (1990–2015)

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    Objective: In many Western countries, survival from vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (VSCC) has been stagnating for decades or has increased insufficiently from a clinical perspective. In Italy, previous studies on cancer survival have not taken vulvar cancer into consideration or have pooled patients with vulvar and vaginal cancer. To bridge this knowledge gap, we report the trend in survival from vulvar cancer between 1990 and 2015. (2) Methods: Thirty-eight local cancer registries covering 49% of the national female population contributed the records of 6274 patients. Study endpoints included 1- and 2-year net survival (NS) calculated using the Pohar-Perme estimator and 5-year NS conditional on having survived two years (5|2-year CNS). The significance of survival trends was assessed with the Wald test on the coefficient of the period of diagnosis, entered as a continuous regressor in a Poisson regression model. (3) Results: The median patient age was stable at 76 years. One-year NS decreased from 83.9% in 1990–2001 to 81.9% in 2009–2015 and 2-year NS from 72.2% to 70.5%. Five|2-year CNS increased from 85.7% to 86.7%. These trends were not significant. In the age stratum 70–79 years, a weakly significant decrease in 2-year NS from 71.4% to 65.7% occurred. Multivariate analysis adjusting for age group at diagnosis and geographic area showed an excess risk of death at 5|2-years, of borderline significance, in 2003–2015 versus 1990–2002. (4) Conclusions: One- and 2-year NS and 5|2-year CNS showed no improvements. Current strategies for VSCC control need to be revised both in Italy and at the global level

    Low in‑hospital mortality rate in patients with COVID‑19 receiving thromboprophylaxis: data from the multicentre observational START‑COVID Register

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    Abstract COVID-19 infection causes respiratory pathology with severe interstitial pneumonia and extra-pulmonary complications; in particular, it may predispose to thromboembolic disease. The current guidelines recommend the use of thromboprophylaxis in patients with COVID-19, however, the optimal heparin dosage treatment is not well-established. We conducted a multicentre, Italian, retrospective, observational study on COVID-19 patients admitted to ordinary wards, to describe clinical characteristic of patients at admission, bleeding and thrombotic events occurring during hospital stay. The strategies used for thromboprophylaxis and its role on patient outcome were, also, described. 1091 patients hospitalized were included in the START-COVID-19 Register. During hospital stay, 769 (70.7%) patients were treated with antithrombotic drugs: low molecular weight heparin (the great majority enoxaparin), fondaparinux, or unfractioned heparin. These patients were more frequently affected by comorbidities, such as hypertension, atrial fibrillation, previous thromboembolism, neurological disease,and cancer with respect to patients who did not receive thromboprophylaxis. During hospital stay, 1.2% patients had a major bleeding event. All patients were treated with antithrombotic drugs; 5.4%, had venous thromboembolism [30.5% deep vein thrombosis (DVT), 66.1% pulmonary embolism (PE), and 3.4% patients had DVT + PE]. In our cohort the mortality rate was 18.3%. Heparin use was independently associated with survival in patients aged ≥ 59 years at multivariable analysis. We confirmed the high mortality rate of COVID-19 in hospitalized patients in ordinary wards. Treatment with antithrombotic drugs is significantly associated with a reduction of mortality rates especially in patients older than 59 years


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    ABSTRACT This study used structural equations modeling to examine the mediating role of procedural justice in the relationships between promotion decisions and organizational commitment and between promotion decisions and intent to leave the organization. 156 managers and executives in Italian subsidiaries of two large multinational organizations in the chemical industry were surveyed about their career history within the organization and their reactions to promotion decisions over an 8-year period. The results showed that promotion decisions influenced feelings of organizational commitment through perceptions of procedural justice in promotion decision-making processes. The theoretical and practical implications of the study s findings are discussed. Keyword procedural justice- promotion decisions- career