7,212 research outputs found
Spent Oyster Mushroom Substrate in a Mix with Organic Soil for Plant Pot Cultivation
Disposal of spent mushroom substrates can pose a problem to the environment. The reuse in crop production by its recycling as an ingredient of growing mixes would provide an environmentally safe disposition. We show the use of Pleurotus Pleurotus sp. spent substrate, sp. spent substrate, obtained after cultivation on a sunfl ower seed hulls based substrate and mixed with organic soil from local nurseries. Salvia offi cinalis Salvia offi cinalis was used to study plant growth in was used to study plant growth in pot cultivation under greenhouse conditions. Treatments were: C, control (soil used in a local nursery); T1, soil : Pleurotus Pleurotus spent substrate (2:1 v/v); and T2, equivalent to T1, but spent substrate (2:1 v/v); and T2, equivalent to T1, but using washed Pleurotus Pleurotus spent substrate in order to reduce its salt content. T1 substrate spent substrate in order to reduce its salt content. T1 substrate had 3.3 times higher electrical conductivity (7 mS cm-1) than that of the control, which is high for the growth of most plants. Air porosity was greater in T1 (7.4%) and T2 (10.2%) than the control (2.8%). The content of certain nutrients also increased with regard to the control, such as phosphorus and sulphur (T1 and T2 substrates), as well as potassium (T1 substrate). After growing 29 days on T1 substrate, plants showed a marked increase in biomass (ca. 21%, p < 0.05) and some minerals compared to the control. T2 plants grew poorly, possibly because of nitrogen defi cit. T1 substrate was adequate to sustain the growth of S. offi cinalis S. offi cinalis plants in pots, by improving air porosity and mineral content.Fil: López Castro, Ramón Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; ArgentinaFil: Delmastro, Silvia Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; ArgentinaFil: Curvetto, Nestor Raul. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; Argentin
New understanding of the shape-memory response in thiol-epoxy click systems: towards controlling the recovery process
Our research group has recently found excellent shape-memory response in “thiol-epoxy” thermosets obtained with click-chemistry. In this study, we use their well-designed, homogeneous and tailorable network structures to investigate parameters for better control of the shape-recovery process. We present a new methodology to analyse the shape-recovery process, enabling easy and efficient comparison of shape-memory experiments on the programming conditions. Shape-memory experiments at different programming conditions have been carried out to that end. Additionally, the programming process has been extensively analysed in uniaxial tensile experiments at different shape-memory testing temperatures. The results showed that the shape-memory response for a specific operational design can be optimized by choosing the correct programming conditions and accurately designing the network structure. When programming at a high temperature (T » Tg), under high network mobility conditions, high shape-recovery ratios and homogeneous shape-recovery processes are obtained for the network structure and the programmed strain level (eD). However, considerably lower stress and strain levels can be achieved. Meanwhile, when programming at temperatures lower than Tg, considerably higher stress and strain levels are attained but under low network mobility conditions. The shape-recovery process heavily depends on both the network structure and eD. Network relaxation occurs during the loading stage, resulting in a noticeable decrease in the shape-recovery rate as eD increases. Moreover, at a certain level of strain, permanent and non-recoverable deformations may occur, impeding the completion and modifying the whole path of the shape-recovery process.Postprint (author's final draft
Els manuals epistolars impresos a Catalunya (segles XVI, XVII i XVIII)
Aquest article té com a objectiu principal identificar els manuals epistolars impresos a Catalunya els segles XVI, XVII i XVIII, i donar a conèixer els preceptes de teoria epistolar continguts a les seves pàgines. A banda de descriure les característiques formals i els temes que tractaven aquest tipus d'obres, l'autora es fixa en les normes i els models proposats als manuals com a guia per a l'escriptura d'una carta. Aquest examen bibliogràfic contribueix a dibuixar el curs d'una part de l'activitat editorial catalana i a augmentar la informació sobre la teoria epistolar modernista.El presente artículo tiene como principal objetivo identificar los manuales epistolares impresos en Cataluña durante los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII, y dar a conocer los preceptos de teoría epistolar contenidos en sus páginas. Además de describir las características formales y los temas de que trataban ese tipo de obras, la autora se fija en las normas y los modelos propuestos en los manuales como guía para la escritura de una carta. Dicho examen bibliográfico contribuye a dibujar el curso de una parte de la actividad editorial catalana y a aumentar la información sobre la teoría epistolar modernista.This paper's main objective is to identify the epistolary manuals printed in Catalonia during the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and to publicize the correspondence theory precepts contained in their pages. In addition to describing the formal features and issues that deal with these kind of works, the author focuses on at the rules and models proposed in those manuals a guides for writing letters. This bibliographical review helps to draw the course of a part of the Catalan publishing activity and increase our understanding of the modernist correspondence theory
Index de les obres ressenyades: Antonio CASTILLO GÓMEZ i James S. AMELANG (dirs.), Carmen SERRANO SÁNCHEZ (ed.). Opinión pública y espacio urbano en la Edad Modern
Aprendizaje basado en rúbricas en alumnos de diversificación.
Tesis de másterLa mayoría de los profesores, cuando demandan ayuda por falta de interés y esfuerzo de los alumnos suelen decir que éstos no aprenden porque les falta motivación, no valoran lo que se pretende que aprendan en grado suficiente como para esforzarse por conseguirlo. El origen de este problema brota en el desconocimiento, por parte de los alumnos, de saber cómo auto-regular las actividades de aprendizaje y el desconocimiento del docente en llevar a cabo en su práctica educativa una metodología centrada en los procesos más que en los productos, donde la secuenciación de los aprendizajes de contenidos es fundamental para desarrollar la transferencia y generalización de los mismos a otros contextos o situaciones.
Ello ha sido el motivo por el cual se desarrolla esta investigación cuasi-experimental, orientada bajo el paradigma empírico-analítico, basada en el diseño antes-después sin control equivalente, donde se desarrolla una intervención metacognitiva basada en la auto-regulación a través de rúbricas.Most teachers, when they demand help for lack of interest and effort of students often say that they don´t learn because they lack motivation, not value what they are intended to learn in sufficient degree to strive for it. The origin of this problem stems from ignorance on the part of students, to know how to self-regulate learning activities and the lack of teachers in carrying out their educational practices in a methodology focused on processes rather than products where the sequencing of learning content is essential to develop the transfer and generalization of them to other contexts or situations.
This has been the reason for this quasi -experimental research, aimed on the empirical-analytical paradigm, based on before-after design unparalleled control, where a metacognitive intervention based on self- regulation through rubrics
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