11 research outputs found

    Construcción de secuencia de enseñanza en matemática, que favorezca la articulación de niveles

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    En el marco de los Proyectos de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Orientados, la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, el Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°2 y el Instituto Superior de Profesorado N°20, llevan adelante el proyecto denominado: “Un espacio compartido entre la investigación educativa y las prácticas docentes. Construcción de secuencias de enseñanza en Matemática, Química y Lengua que favorezcan la articulación de niveles”. El presente trabajo, metodológicamente, se centró en la Hipótesis: la construcción de un espacio de interacción entre la investigación educativa y las prácticas docentes permite diseñar secuencias de enseñanza favorecedoras de aprendizajes específicos y de articulaciones pertinentes entre la educación media y los estudios superiores. Espacio que reunió a quienes realizan la investigación y a los que tienen a cargo las prácticas docentes en ambos niveles. En primer lugar fue necesario, a partir de las experiencias y datos aportados por los actores involucrados, indagar e identificar los nudos problemáticos que presentan los alumnos al momento de ingresar a la educación superior: en el área matemática, la disociación entre las expresiones polinómicas de una variable y las funciones polinómicas asociadas, el estudio de la ecuación de 2º grado, su resolución: cálculo e interpretación de soluciones, construcción e interpretación de gráficas y sus elementos. Luego de este trabajo conjunto se elaboró una secuencia de enseñanza para desarrollaren los últimos cursos de la educación media, durante el año 2009, basada en el análisis de situaciones reales relativas a accidentes de tránsito: el estudio de las relaciones entre la velocidad de los automóviles, la distancia de reacción y la distancia de frenado, en piso seco o húmedo. Y por último, corroborar la hipótesis planteada, mediante la aplicación y evaluación de la secuencia diseñada, desde una lógica cuantitativa y otra cualitativa para triangular luego la información, etapa en la que se está trabajando

    N° spécial Norois "Mobilité, santé et développement territorial, de nouveaux défis pour la gouvernance des territoires ruraux"

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    Background and aims: Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is a condition associated with increased cardiovascular risk and insulin-resistance. Oxidative stress (OS) could be a mechanism underlying both these phenomena. In order to investigate plasma antioxidant defenses in such condition, we evaluated adults with GHD, compared with controls and metabolic syndrome patients (MetS), studying plasma total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10, lipophilic antioxidant) levels, both in its oxidized and reduced forms, correlating this data with metabolic and hormonal pattern. Materials and methods: In this case-control study, 51 GHD, 36 controls, and 35 MetS were enrolled. An evaluation of hormonal and metabolic parameters was performed. TAC was measured using the system metmyoglobin -H202and the chromogen ABTS, whose radical form is spectroscopically revealed; latency time (LAG) in the appearance of ABTS\ue2\u97\u8fis proportional to antioxidant in sample. CoQ10 was assayed by electrochemical method. Results: Despite HOMA index was higher in both GHD and MetS (2.2 \uc2\ub1 0.3 and 3.1 \uc2\ub1 0.3 vs. 1.2 \uc2\ub1 0.2 in controls), only in MetS we observed lower LAG levels (64.5 \uc2\ub1 3.1 s vs. 82.8 \uc2\ub1 5.8 in GHD and 80.6 \uc2\ub1 6.6 in controls), suggesting an increased consumption of antioxidants. LAG significantly correlated with uric acid only in MetS (r2= 0.65, p < 0.001), suggesting a different pattern of antioxidants. CoQ10 exhibited a trend toward lower levels in GHD, although not significant. Conclusions: Our data indicate that GHD, although sharing with MetS various metabolic features, including increased HOMA levels, showed a different pattern of plasma antioxidants, suggesting inadequate reactivity toward radical production rather than an antioxidants consumption as in MetS

    Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Seminal Plasma: Search for Biomarkers in Diagnostic Approach to Male Infertility

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    Oxidative and inflammatory damage underlie several conditions related to male infertility, including varicocele. Free light chains of immunoglobulins (FLCs) are considered markers of low-grade inflammation in numerous diseases. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a lipidic antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound, is involved in spermatozoa energy metabolism and motility. We aimed to evaluate FLCs&rsquo; seminal levels in patients with varicocele in comparison to control subjects and to correlate them with CoQ10 and Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) in human semen. Sixty-five patients were enrolled. Semen analysis was performed; patients were divided into three groups: controls, 12 normozoospermic patients, aged 34 (33&ndash;41) years; varicocele (VAR), 29 patients, aged 33 (26&ndash;37) years; and idiopathic, 24 oligo-, astheno- and oligoasthenozoospermic patients aged 37 (33.5&ndash;40.5) years. FLCs (&kappa; and &lambda;) were assayed by turbidimetric method; CoQ10 by HPLC; TAC by spectrophotometric method. &lambda; FLCs showed a trend toward higher levels in VAR vs. controls and the idiopathic group. VAR showed a trend toward lower &kappa; FLCs levels vs. the other two groups. When comparing &kappa;/&lambda; ratio, VAR showed significantly lower levels vs. controls and idiopathic. Moreover, CoQ10 seminal levels showed higher levels in VAR and idiopathic compared to controls. Data reported here confirm lower levels of &kappa;/&lambda; ratio in VAR and suggest a possible application in personalized medicine as clinical biomarkers for male infertility

    Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Olive Leaf Extract and Its Bioactive Compounds Oleacin and Oleuropein-Aglycone on Senescent Endothelial and Small Airway Epithelial Cells

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    Olive tree by-products have been deeply studied as an invaluable source of bioactive compounds. Several in vitro and in vivo studies showed that olive leaf extract (OLE) has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Here, we wanted to assess the valuable benefits of two less-studied OLE components—3,4-DHPEA-EDA (Oleacin, OC) and 3,4-DHPEA-EA (Oleuropein-Aglycone, OA)—directly purified from OLE using a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable method, in line with the principles of circular economy. OLE, OC and OA were then tested in human cellular models involved in acute and chronic inflammation and in the pathogenesis of viral infections, i.e., lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated monocyte/macrophages (THP-1) and endothelial cells (HUVECs), senescent HUVECs and Poly(I:C)-treated small airway epithelial cells (hSAECs). Results showed that OC and OA are efficient in ameliorating almost all of the pro-inflammatory readouts (IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-8, ICAM, VCAM) and reducing the release of IL-6 in all the cellular models. In hSAECs, they also modulate the expression of SOD2, NF-kB and also ACE2 and TMPRSS2, whose expression is required for SARS-CoV-2 virus entry. Overall, these data suggest the usefulness of OLE, OC and OA in controlling or preventing inflammatory responses, in particular those associated with viral respiratory infections and aging

    The time since land-use transition drives changes in fire activity in the Amazon-Cerrado region

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    Abstract Deforestation and climate change are expected to alter fire regimes along the Cerrado-Amazon transition, one of the world’s most active agricultural frontiers. Here we tested the hypothesis that the time since land-use transition (age of frontier) and agricultural intensification also drive changes in the region’s fire regimes by reducing fire probability in both drought and non-drought years. We modeled fire probability as a function of the time since land-use transitions based on MapBiomas Project datasets from 1986 to 2020. We find that, while burned area declined as pasturelands aged and croplands advanced, deforestation abruptly increased fire activity before (Amazon: 4 years; Cerrado: 3 years) and after (Amazon: 8 years; Cerrado: 7 years) land clearing for pasture, especially in the Amazon. Additionally, the combination of ignition risk, drought, and air-dryness increased the likelihood of large extents of burned areas associated with deforestation. Incorporating frontier age as a proxy for governance in fire modeling is crucial, given the ecological implications of changing fire regimes despite declining rates of fire probability. Most importantly, protecting against deforestation and preserving native vegetation are vital