297 research outputs found

    Iron chelating properties of Eltrombopag: Investigating its role in thalassemia-induced osteoporosis

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    Chronic blood transfusions are responsible to cause iron overload, which leads to several complications to end organs and osteoporosis. Iron chelation is needed to remove iron excess and to contain bone-mass loss. Deferasirox is the most recent oral iron chelator that prevents transfusion related iron overload complications. Recently Eltrombopag (ELT) iron chelating properties are emerging. ELT is an agonist at Thrombopoietin receptor, used in treatment of thrombocytopenia. We tested ELT and Deferasirox in iron overloaded osteoclasts from thalassemic patients and donors measuring intracellular iron, TRAP expression and osteoclast activity. We confirmed ELT iron chelation capacity also in bone tissue and a synergic effect when used with Deferasirox. Moreover, having demonstrated its effects on osteoclast activity, we suggest for the first time that ELT could ameliorate bone tissue’s health reducing bone mass loss

    Molecular and Physiological Effects of Browning Agents on White Adipocytes from Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

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    Two different types of adipose depots can be observed in mammals: white adipose tissue (WAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT). The primary role of WAT is to deposit surplus energy in the form of triglycerides, along with many metabolic and hormonal activities; as thermogenic tissue, BAT has the distinct characteristic of using energy and glucose consumption as a strategy to maintain the core body temperature. Under specific stimuli—such as exercise, cold exposure, and drug treatment—white adipocytes can utilize their extraordinary flexibility to transdifferentiate into brown-like cells, called beige adipocytes, thereby acquiring new morphological and physiological characteristics. For this reason, the process is identified as the ‘browning of WAT’. We evaluated the ability of some drugs, including GW501516, sildenafil, and rosiglitazone, to induce the browning process of adult white adipocytes obtained from differentiated mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). In addition, we broadened our investigation by evaluating the potential browning capacity of IRISIN, a myokine that is stimulated by muscular exercises. Our data indicate that IRISIN was effective in promoting the browning of white adipocytes, which acquire increased expression of UCP1, increased mitochondrial mass, and modification in metabolism, as suggested by an increase of mitochondrial oxygen consumption, primarily in presence of glucose as a nutrient. These promising browning agents represent an appealing focus in the therapeutic approaches to counteracting metabolic diseases and their associated obesity

    Abnormalities of erythrocyte glycoconjugates are identical in two families with congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II with different chromosomal localizations of the disease gene.

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    We analyzed erythrocyte glycoconjugates in two families with congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II (CDA-II): family 2 with the typical localization of the disease gene to chromosome 20q11.2 and family 1 in which this localization was excluded. Despite the different genetics, the erythrocyte glycoconjugate abnormalities in the two families were identical suggesting a complex inheritance of CDA-II. We also found that erythrocyte anion exchanger 1 protein is decreased in CDA-II homozygotes and obligate carriers alike

    Evaluation of Browning Agents on the White Adipogenesis of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cells: A Contribution to Fighting Obesity

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    Brown-like adipocytes can be induced in white fat depots by a different environmental or drug stimuli, known as "browning" or "beiging". These brite adipocytes express thermogenin UCP1 protein and show different metabolic advantages, such as the ability to acquire a thermogenic phenotype corresponding to standard brown adipocytes that counteracts obesity. In this research, we evaluated the effects of several browning agents during white adipocyte differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). Our in vitro findings identified two compounds that may warrant further in vivo investigation as possible anti-obesity drugs. We found that rosiglitazone and sildenafil are the most promising drug candidates for a browning treatment of obesity. These drugs are already available on the market for treating diabetes and erectile dysfunction, respectively. Thus, their off-label use may be contemplated, but it must be emphasized that some severe side effects are associated with use of these drugs

    First and Second Level Haemoglobinopathies Diagnosis: Best Practices of the Italian Society of Thalassemia and Haemoglobinopathies (SITE)

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    The purpose of this best practice paper is to review the current recommendations for the identification and prenatal diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies. Methods: The management committee of SITE selected and gathered a multidisciplinary team in order to formulate recommendations based on the available scientific evidence integrated with the opinions of experts, with the purpose of supporting clinicians. Results: We provide recommendations for first level tests (complete blood count, hemoglobin separation and iron balance), second level tests (molecular diagnosis) and prenatal diagnosis. Five Italian experts in hemoglobinopathies were consulted regarding the orientation of prenatal diagnosis, and for each indication, the degree of agreement among the experts has been specified. Conclusions: Best practice recommendations are the final outcome of this translational research and allow transfer to daily clinical practice

    Development of interactive algorithm for clinical management of acute events related to sickle cell disease in emergency department

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    Sickle cell disease (SCD ORPHA232; OMIM 603903) is a rare hereditary red cell disorder, which global distribution is changed in the last decade due to immigration-fluxes from endemic areas to Western-countries. One of the main clinical manifestations of SCD are the acute painful vaso-occlusive crisis, which cause frequent accesses of SCD patients to the emergency departments (EDs). This has generated the requirement of feasible tools for emergency givers. In the context of the scientific-Italian-Society for the study of Thalassemias and Hemoglobinopathies (SITE), we developed an algorithm with interactive windows to guide physicians in managing SCD patients in EDs

    A cancer-associated CDKN1B mutation induces p27 phosphorylation on a novel residue: a new mechanism for tumor suppressor loss-of-function

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    CDKN1B haploinsufficiency promotes the development of several human cancers. The gene encodes p27Kip1 , a protein playing pivotal roles in the control of growth, differentiation, cytoskeleton dynamics and cytokinesis. CDKN1B haploinsufficiency has been associated with chromosomal or gene aberrations. However, very few data exist on the mechanisms by which CDKN1B missense mutations facilitate carcinogenesis. Here, we report a functional study on a cancer-associated germinal p27Kip1 variant, namely glycine9->arginine-p27Kip1 (G9R-p27Kip1 ) identified in a parathyroid adenoma. We unexpectedly found that G9R-p27Kip1 lacks the major tumor suppressor activities of p27Kip1 including its antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic functions. In addition, G9R-p27Kip1 transfection in cell lines induces the formation of more numerous and larger spheres when compared to wild type p27Kip1 -transfected cells. We demonstrated that the mutation creates a consensus sequence for basophilic kinases causing a massive phosphorylation of G9R-p27Kip1 on S12, a residue normally never found modified in p27Kip1 . The novel S12 phosphorylation appears responsible for the loss of function of G9R-p27Kip1 since S12AG9R-p27Kip1 recovers most of the p27Kip1 tumor suppressor activities. In addition, the expression of the phosphomimetic S12D-p27Kip1 recapitulates G9R-p27Kip1 properties. Mechanistically, S12 phosphorylation enhances the nuclear localization of the mutant protein, and also reduces its CDK2/CDK1 inhibition activity. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of quantitative phosphorylation of a p27Kip1 variant on a physiologically unmodified residue associated with the loss of several tumor suppressor activities. In addition, our findings demonstrate that haploinsufficiency might be due to unpredictable post-translational modifications due to generation of novel consensus sequences by cancer-associated missense mutations

    Infant hypervitaminosis A causes severe anemia and thrombocytopenia: evidence of a retinol-dependent bone marrow cell growth inhibition

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    Abstract Vitamin A is a pivotal biochemical factor required for normal proliferation and differentiation as well as for specialized functions, such as vision. The dietary intake of 1500 IU/day is recommended in the first year of life. Here, we report the case of an infant who had been given 62 000 IU/day for 80 days. The infant showed several clinical signs of retinol intoxication, including severe anemia and thrombocytopenia. Bone marrow showed a remarkably reduced number of erythroid and megakaryocytic cells. The interruption of vitamin A treatment was immediately followed by clinical and biochemical recovery. To clarify whether the effects of retinol are due to a direct action on bone marrow cell proliferation, we investigated the activity of retinol (both the drug and the pure molecule) on the growth of K-562, a multipotent hematopoietic cell line, and on bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. We observed that vitamin A strongly inhibited the proliferation of the cells at concentrations similar to those reached in vivo. Subsequent biochemical analyses of the cell cycle suggested that the effect was mediated by the up-regulation of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, p21Cip1 and p27Kip1. These are the first findings to demonstrate that infant hypervitaminosis A causes a severe anemia and thrombocytopenia and that this is probably due to the direct effect of the molecule on the growth of all bone marrow cellular components. Our data also suggest potential bone marrow functional alterations after excessive vitamin A intake because of emerging social habits

    Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia Type II: molecular analysis and expression of the SEC23B Gene

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    Background: Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II (CDAII), the most common form of CDA, is an autosomal recessive condition. CDAII diagnosis is based on invasive, expensive, and time consuming tests that are available only in specialized laboratories. The recent identification of SEC23B mutations as the cause of CDAII opens new possibilities for the molecular diagnosis of the disease. The aim of this study was to characterize molecular genomic SEC23B defects in 16 unrelated patients affected by CDAII and correlate the identified genetic alterations with SEC23B transcript and protein levels in erythroid precursors. Methods. SEC23B was sequenced in 16 patients, their relatives and 100 control participants. SEC23B transcript level were studied by quantitative PCR (qPCR) in peripheral erythroid precursors and lymphocytes from the patients and healthy control participants. Sec23B protein content was analyzed by immunoblotting in samples of erythroblast cells from CDAII patients and healthy controls. Results: All of the investigated cases carried SEC23B mutations on both alleles, with the exception of two patients in which a single heterozygous mutation was found. We identified 15 different SEC23B mutations, of which four represent novel mutations: p.Gln214Stop, p.Thr485Ala, p.Val637Gly, and p.Ser727Phe. The CDAII patients exhibited a 40-60% decrease of SEC23B mRNA levels in erythroid precursors when compared with the corresponding cell type from healthy participants. The largest decrease was observed in compound heterozygote patients with missense/nonsense mutations. In three patients, Sec23B protein levels were evaluated in erythroid precursors and found to be strictly correlated with the reduction observed at the transcript level. We also demonstrate that Sec23B mRNA expression levels in lymphocytes and erythroblasts are similar. Conclusions: In this study, we identified four novel SEC23B mutations associated with CDAII disease. We also demonstrate that the genetic alteration results in a significant decrease of SEC23B transcript in erythroid precursors. Similar down-regulation was observed in peripheral lymphocytes, suggesting that the use of these cells might be sufficient in the identification of Sec23B gene alterations. Finally, we demonstrate that decreased Sec23B protein levels in erythroid precursors correlate with down-regulation of the SEC23B mRNA transcript