7,858 research outputs found

    SPH Simulations of Direct Impact Accretion in the Ultracompact AM CVn Binaries

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    The ultracompact binary systems V407 Vul (RX J1914.4+2456) and HM Cnc (RX J0806.3+1527) - a two-member subclass of the AM CVn stars - continue to pique interest because they defy unambiguous classification. Three proposed models remain viable at this time, but none of the three is significantly more compelling than the remaining two, and all three can satisfy the observational constraints if parameters in the models are tuned. One of the three proposed models is the direct impact model of Marsh & Steeghs (2002), in which the accretion stream impacts the surface of a rapidly-rotating primary white dwarf directly but at a near-glancing angle. One requirement of this model is that the accretion stream have a high enough density to advect its specific kinetic energy below the photosphere for progressively more-thermalized emission downstream, a constraint that requires an accretion spot size of roughly 1.2x10^5 km^2 or smaller. Having at hand a smoothed particle hydrodynamics code optimized for cataclysmic variable accretion disk simulations, it was relatively straightforward for us to adapt it to calculate the footprint of the accretion stream at the nominal radius of the primary white dwarf, and thus to test this constraint of the direct impact model. We find that the mass flux at the impact spot can be approximated by a bivariate Gaussian with standard deviation \sigma_{\phi} = 164 km in the orbital plane and \sigma_{\theta} = 23 km in the perpendicular direction. The area of the the 2\sigma ellipse into which 86% of the mass flux occurs is roughly 47,400 km^2, or roughly half the size estimated by Marsh & Steeghs (2002). We discuss the necessary parameters of a simple model of the luminosity distribution in the post-impact emission region.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Lower Cretaceous Pre-Batholithic Rocks of Northern Baja California, Mexico

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    Cretaceous fossils have been found at scattered localities in the pre-batholithic metamorphic rocks of northern Baja California by investigators during the past half-century. The resulting information has been inadequate, however, for the explanation of regional stratigraphic and structural relations, particularly those correlations between the less metamorphosed coastal sections and the more deformed rocks of the mountainous interior

    General method for exponential-type equations for eight- and nine-point prismatic arrays.

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    Abstract The results of three-parameter experiments are commonly interpreted by the trilinear equation for eight data in a prismatic array. If a center point estimate is available, the eight-and nine-point arrays can be represented by new exponential-type equations. The equations are easy to generate, they are invariant under data translation, and they estimate curvature coefficients. Mathematics Subject Classifications: 65D07, 65D1

    Implicit Curvilinear Interpolation

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    Abstract The shifting operator is applied to generate implicit interpolating equations for curves defined by three and four equidistant data. The equations trade the abscissa of the interpolated point for another curvilinear measurement. The new method yields expressions for estimating the extreme and mirror points on curves. Mathematics Subject Classifications: 65D07, 65D1

    The Starburst in the Central Kiloparsec of Markarian 231

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    We present VLBA observations at 0.33 and 0.61 GHz, and VLA observations between 5 and 22 GHz, of subkiloparsec scale radio emission from Mrk 231. In addition to jet components clearly associated with the AGN, we also find a smooth extended component of size 100 - 1000 pc most probably related to the purported massive star forming disk in Mrk 231. The diffuse radio emission from the disk is found to have a steep spectrum at high frequencies, characteristic of optically thin synchrotron emission. The required relativistic particle density in the disk can be produced by a star formation rate of 220 Msolar/yr in the central kiloparsec. At low frequencies the disk is absorbed, most likely by ionized gas with an emission measure of 8 x 10^5 pc cm-6. We have also identified 4 candidate radio supernovae that, if confirmed, represent direct evidence for ongoing star formation in the central kiloparsec.Comment: in press at ApJ for v. 519 July 1999, 14 page LaTeX document includes 6 postscript figure

    Preliminary report on the geology and field petrology at the Apollo 15 landing site

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    Apollo 15 mission and manned geologic exploration of lunar landing site - map

    Fe XVII X-ray Line Ratios for Accurate Astrophysical Plasma Diagnostics

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    New laboratory measurements using an Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) and an x-ray microcalorimeter are presented for the n=3 to n=2 Fe XVII emission lines in the 15 {\AA} to 17 {\AA} range, along with new theoretical predictions for a variety of electron energy distributions. This work improves upon our earlier work on these lines by providing measurements at more electron impact energies (seven values from 846 to 1185 eV), performing an in situ determination of the x-ray window transmission, taking steps to minimize the ion impurity concentrations, correcting the electron energies for space charge shifts, and estimating the residual electron energy uncertainties. The results for the 3C/3D and 3s/3C line ratios are generally in agreement with the closest theory to within 10%, and in agreement with previous measurements from an independent group to within 20%. Better consistency between the two experimental groups is obtained at the lowest electron energies by using theory to interpolate, taking into account the significantly different electron energy distributions. Evidence for resonance collision effects in the spectra is discussed. Renormalized values for the absolute cross sections of the 3C and 3D lines are obtained by combining previously published results, and shown to be in agreement with the predictions of converged R-matrix theory. This work establishes consistency between results from independent laboratories and improves the reliability of these lines for astrophysical diagnostics. Factors that should be taken into account for accurate diagnostics are discussed, including electron energy distribution, polarization, absorption/scattering, and line blends.Comment: 29 pages, including 7 figure

    Reluplex: An Efficient SMT Solver for Verifying Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks have emerged as a widely used and effective means for tackling complex, real-world problems. However, a major obstacle in applying them to safety-critical systems is the great difficulty in providing formal guarantees about their behavior. We present a novel, scalable, and efficient technique for verifying properties of deep neural networks (or providing counter-examples). The technique is based on the simplex method, extended to handle the non-convex Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activation function, which is a crucial ingredient in many modern neural networks. The verification procedure tackles neural networks as a whole, without making any simplifying assumptions. We evaluated our technique on a prototype deep neural network implementation of the next-generation airborne collision avoidance system for unmanned aircraft (ACAS Xu). Results show that our technique can successfully prove properties of networks that are an order of magnitude larger than the largest networks verified using existing methods.Comment: This is the extended version of a paper with the same title that appeared at CAV 201

    Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycans Are a Common Component of Neuronal Inclusions and Astrocytic Reaction in Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Previously, we showed three differentially sulfated forms of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPG) associated with senile plaques, astrocytes and neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer\u27s disease. Here, monoclonal antibodies were used to demonstrate CSPGs in other neurodegenerative diseases. CSPGs were found associated with inclusions of Parkinson\u27s, diffuse Lewy body, Pick\u27s diseases, and progressive supranuclear palsy. Reacting astrocytes in each of these neurodegenrative diseases and Huntington\u27s disease showed immunoreactivity for CSPG. CSPG distribution in a variety of neurodegenerative diseases suggests that similar mechanisms may be involved in the accumulation of proteoglycans in a number of filamentous inclusions

    Calculation of Densities of States and Spectral Functions by Chebyshev Recursion and Maximum Entropy

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    We present an efficient algorithm for calculating spectral properties of large sparse Hamiltonian matrices such as densities of states and spectral functions. The combination of Chebyshev recursion and maximum entropy achieves high energy resolution without significant roundoff error, machine precision or numerical instability limitations. If controlled statistical or systematic errors are acceptable, cpu and memory requirements scale linearly in the number of states. The inference of spectral properties from moments is much better conditioned for Chebyshev moments than for power moments. We adapt concepts from the kernel polynomial approximation, a linear Chebyshev approximation with optimized Gibbs damping, to control the accuracy of Fourier integrals of positive non-analytic functions. We compare the performance of kernel polynomial and maximum entropy algorithms for an electronic structure example.Comment: 8 pages RevTex, 3 postscript figure