706 research outputs found


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    Western bean cutworm, Striacosta albicosta (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a native pest of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and corn (Zea mays L.), and historically distributed in the western United States. The insect’s recent expansion eastward is documented since 1999. The species is univoltine, the adults typically emerge in the middle of July, lay eggs on corn leaves, and the larvae feed on different corn tissues. In the fourth instar, larvae start colonization of the ear where they feed on kernels. There is a narrow window for management and early detection of the pest in the field is essential. Larval feeding and dispersal of early larval instar studies of western bean cutworm are necessary to improve the understanding about how feeding requirements affect larval survival and establishment on the corn plant. A refinement of economic injury levels (EIL) and economic thresholds (ET) are also required for management decision-making. Studies during 2008 - 2011, across three ecoregions of Nebraska, had the following objectives: (1) developing a binomial sequential sampling plans for egg masses, (2) determine the feeding behavior and dispersal of the early instars on corn, and (3) development of EILs and the ETs that incorporate the dynamics of corn price, management cost, and pest survival. The results from the present study demonstrated that the binomial sequential sampling plans developed significantly reduce the effort required for effective management of this pest, reducing sampling effort from 100 plants sampled to an average of 38 to 41 plants sampled per field. The results indicate low larval survival of this species and that the early instars of western bean cutworm are the critical stage for establishment in corn. A behavior of initial larval movement toward the tassel was observed. The overall mean yield loss one western bean cutworm larva per plant was 945.52 kg/ha (15.08 bu/acre), based on 74,100 plants/ha. The ETs are expressed in percentage of plants with at least one egg mass, incorporate larval survival that was observed across three locations in Nebraska

    Afastamentos para pós-graduação stricto sensu de servidores Técnicos Administrativos em Educação na Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

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    This dissertation was developed within the scope of the Professional Master's degree in Management and Evaluation of Public Education (PPGP) of the Public Policies Center and Education Evaluation of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (CAEd/ UFJF). The research originated from the following question: What measures could be adopted by UFJF to subsidize requests of leaves for stricto sensu postgraduation from Administrative Technical Servants in Education (TAE), considering the changes brought by Decree No. 9.991/19? The new National People Development Policy (PNDP), instituted by the aforementioned decree, determines that the institutions must elaborate, annually, planning of the development actions they intend to perform in the following year. Moreover, concerning the leaves for stricto sensu post-graduation, it is established the need for such leaves to be preceded by a selection process, to enable transparency and equanimity in benefit granting. In this context, the objective of the research is to understand what procedures could be adopted by UFJF to regulate the granting of the leaves for stricto sensu postgraduate courses, in the light of Decree No. 9.991/19. The topic choice was due to the author acting as an Administrative Technician in Education at GAQC - UFJF, and verifying the need to create rules and procedures for effective management of these processes, in addition to the need to adjust them to the current rules. Specific objectives were defined: to describe which procedures were adopted by the Federal University of Juiz de Fora for the granting of leaves before the Decree No. 9.991/19; to analyze what changes and adjustments were made as well as analyze what impacts are expected for the coming years and, finally, to propose an action plan to fill eventual gaps in the leave process, besides adjusting the internal regulatory acts to the provisions in the decree. To reach the objectives, we adopted a case study and qualitative research as a methodology, in which instruments were used such as the mapping of leave processes for stricto sensu postgraduate courses, through which we performed the analysis of documents contained in the institution's databases. To support the research, we sent questionnaires to a group of TAE civil servants, who participate in graduate programs, to understand how training, qualification, and the leaves for graduate studies at UFJF have been treated. We also conducted semi-structured interviews with the careers and people development coordinator with the people management dean, to verify whether there was an adjustment of the internal rules to the decree and how requests for leaves have been handled for TAE servants qualify. Finally, an action plan was proposed to assist UFJF in the management of leave requests and adequacy to the current rules, seeking isonomy in the treatment of leaves for stricto sensu postgraduate studies within the institution, in addition to ensuring the excellence of the qualification and training programs of the institution.A presente dissertação foi desenvolvida no âmbito do Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Avaliação da Educação (PPGP) do Centro de Políticas Públicas e Avaliação da Educação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (CAEd/UFJF). A pesquisa partiu da seguinte pergunta: quais medidas poderiam ser adotadas pela UFJF para subsidiar os pedidos de afastamentos para pós-graduação stricto sensu de servidores Técnicos Administrativos em Educação (TAE), levando em conta as alterações trazidas pelo Decreto nº 9.991/19? A nova Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Pessoas (PNDP), instituída pelo decreto supracitado, determina que as instituições deverão elaborar, anualmente, um planejamento das ações de desenvolvimento que pretendem realizar no ano seguinte. Além disso, no que tange aos afastamentos para pós-graduação stricto sensu, estabelece a necessidade de que tais afastamentos sejam precedidos de processo seletivo, a fim de possibilitar transparência e equanimidade na concessão do benefício. Nesse contexto, o objetivo da pesquisa é compreender quais procedimentos poderiam ser adotados pela UFJF para regulamentar a concessão dos afastamentos para pós-graduação stricto sensu, à luz do Decreto nº 9.991/19. A escolha pela temática deu-se em virtude de a autora atuar como servidora Técnica Administrativa em Educação na UFJF, na Gerência de Afastamentos, Qualificação e Capacitação (GAQC) e verificar a necessidade de criação de normas e procedimentos para uma gestão eficaz destes processos, além da necessidade de adequá-los às normas vigentes. Foram definidos como objetivos específicos: descrever quais procedimentos eram adotados pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora para concessão de afastamentos antes do Decreto nº 9.991/19; analisar quais as mudanças e adequações foram feitas, bem como analisar quais impactos são esperados para os próximos anos e, por fim, propor um plano de ação para suprir eventuais lacunas no processo de afastamento, além de adequar os atos normativos internos ao disposto no decreto. Para se alcançar os objetivos, adotamos como metodologia o estudo de caso e uma pesquisa qualitativa, em que foram utilizados instrumentos como o mapeamento de processos de afastamentos para pós-graduação stricto sensu, por meio do qual realizamos a análise de documentos constantes nas bases de dados da instituição. Também, foram encaminhados questionários a um grupo de servidores TAE, que participam de programas de pós-graduação, para entender como tem sido tratados a capacitação, a qualificação e os afastamentos para pós-graduação na UFJF, na perspectiva desses servidores. Realizamos, adicionalmente, entrevistas semiestruturadas com a Coordenadora de Carreiras e Desenvolvimento de Pessoas e com a Pró-Reitora de Gestão de Pessoas, a fim de verificar se houve uma adequação das normas internas ao decreto e como têm sido tratados os pedidos de afastamentos para os servidores TAE se qualificarem. Por fim, foi proposto um plano de ação para auxiliar a UFJF na gestão dos pedidos de afastamentos e na adequação às normas vigentes, buscando isonomia no tratamento dos afastamentos para pós-graduação stricto sensu dentro da instituição, além de garantir a excelência dos programas de qualificação e capacitação da instituição

    O Adolescente e a sociedade nas obras distópicas

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    Taking into account the inserted science fiction on the theme that addresses possibilities for devir the expectations surrounding this devir with in the literary representations do not have a society in which people would want to live. This scenario calls dystopian, is setting for works such as The Hunger Games (2008) and The Selection (2012). These environments also has the feature, use the spaces that already exist in the world in which they live human beings, unlike utopia that creates alternative worlds to organize society. Thus, this article aims to analyze how to organize society works cited, still making a correlation with the adolescent figure is with in this context. This teenager tends to take on the role and function that adults have. This leads to an early maturity since now the teenager will become responsible or the entire breadwinner of the family in case of death of the father or just to contribute to the household expenses. Besides discussing utopia concepts according to conceptions of Hilário (2013), Ribeiro et.al (2006) among others, in order to show that it eventually becomes a distorted mirror that gives rise to dystopia.Considerando a ficção científica inserida no tema que aborda possibilidades para o devir, as expectativas que cercam este devir dentro das representações literárias não apresentam uma sociedade na qual as pessoas iriam querer viver já que ela é marcada por desesperanças e violências. Esse cenário chamado de distópico é ambiente para obras como The Hunger Games (2008) e The Selection (2012). Esses ambientes também têm como característica, utilizar os espaços que já existem no mundo em que vivem os seres humanos, ao contrário da utopia que cria mundos alternativos para organizar a sociedade. Dessa forma, o presente artigo tem o objetivo de analisar como se organizam a sociedade das obras citadas, ainda fazendo uma correlação com a figura do adolescente que se encontra dentro desse contexto. Esse adolescente tende a assumir o papel e a função que os adultos têm. Isso acarreta um amadurecimento precoce já que agora o adolescente se tornará responsável ou pelo sustento da família inteira, no caso de morte da figura paterna ou apenas para contribuir com as despesas da casa. Além de discutir conceitos de utopia segundo concepções de Hilário (2013), Ribeiro et.al (2006) entre outros, com o intuito de mostrar que ela acaba se tornando um espelho distorcido que dá origem a distopia


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    This study was carried out in the greenhouse of the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD), in the municipality of Dourados, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, from April to May of 2015. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) on the responses under water stress and recovery of Hymenaea courbaril L. seedlings after reirrigation. The following six treatments were assessed: 1) Irrigation with no ABA; 2) Irrigation + 10 µM ABA; 3) Irrigation + 100 µM ABA; 4) No irrigation nor ABA; 5) No irrigation + 10 µM ABA; and 6) No irrigation + 100 µM ABA. No irrigation treatment consisted on water suspension until the photosynthetic rate was close to zero. The plants were then irrigated daily to maintain 70% of the water holding capacity of the soil for a 12-days recovery period. ABA doses applied exogenously during the no irrigation period neither prevented the reduction of photosynthetic activity nor optimized the recovery of gas exchanges and carboxylation efficiency of Rubisco after water and seedling quality restoration. The concentration of 100 µM ABA promoted the degradation of chlorophylls independently of irrigation, which shows that high concentrations of ABA may cause a residual effect on this species. The seedlings exhibited normal metabolic recovery after about 12 days of reirrigation of the soil due to the characteristics of the species and not the tested treatments


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    The cultivation of native species in the Cerrado has encountered various problems, for instance, the slow growth and the lack of knowledge about the cultivation practices. In order to better use the available water resources and to produce quality seedlings, this study aimed to evaluate different substrates and water levels on the emergence and initial growth of Alibertia sessilis Schum. seedlings. The effects of the following substrates were evaluated: dystroferric Red Latosol (Oxisol), Oxisol +sand (1:1 v/v), Oxisol + sand + semi-decomposed poultry litter (1:1:0.5 v/v), Oxisol + sand 2 + semi-decomposed poultry litter (1:2:0.5 v/v) and Oxisol + commercial-substrate-CS (1:1 v/v) associated with the levels of irrigation of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the water holding capacity in the substrate (WHC). The best results for emergence percentage, initial growth and quality of seedlings were observed in the substrates Oxisol + sand 2 + poultry litter (1:2:0,5) at 100% of WHC. There was no emergence at 25% of WHC.           Keywords: Rubiaceae, marmelinho, fruit of the Cerrado. ResumoSubstratos e disponibilidade hídrica na emergência e crescimento inicial de mudas de Alibertia sessilis Schum. O cultivo de espécies nativas no Cerrado tem esbarrado em vários problemas, entre eles, o crescimento lento e a carência de conhecimentos sobre as práticas culturais. A fim de melhor utilizar os recursos hídricos disponíveis e produzir mudas de qualidade, objetivou-se no presente trabalho avaliar diferentes substratos e níveis de água na emergência e no crescimento inicial das mudas Alibertia sessilis Schum. Foram avaliados os efeitos dos substratos Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico (LVd), LVd +areia (1:1 v/v), LVd + areia + cama de frango semidecomposta (1:1:0,5 v/v), LVd + areia 2 + cama de frango semidecomposta (1:2:0,5 v/v) e LVd + substrato comercial -SC (1:1 v/v) associados aos níveis de irrigação de 25, 50, 75 e 100% da capacidade de retenção de água no substrato (CRA). Os melhores resultados para porcentagem de emergência, crescimento inicial e qualidade das mudas foram observados nos substratos LVd + areia 2 + cama de frango (1:2:0,5) a 100% da CRA.  Não houve emergência a 25% da CRA.          Palavras-chave: Rubiaceae, marmelinho, frutífera do Cerrado.The cultivation of native species in the Cerrado has encountered various problems, for instance, the slow growth and the lack of knowledge about the cultivation practices. In order to better use the available water resources and to produce quality seedlings, this study aimed to evaluate different substrates and water levels on the emergence and initial growth of Alibertia sessilis Schum. seedlings. The effects of the following substrates were evaluated: dystroferric Red Latosol (Oxisol), Oxisol +sand (1:1 v/v), Oxisol + sand + semi-decomposed poultry litter (1:1:0.5 v/v), Oxisol + sand 2 + semi-decomposed poultry litter (1:2:0.5 v/v) and Oxisol + commercial-substrate-CS (1:1 v/v) associated with the levels of irrigation of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the water holding capacity in the substrate (WHC). The best results for emergence percentage, initial growth and quality of seedlings were observed in the substrates Oxisol + sand 2 + poultry litter (1:2:0,5) at 100% of WHC. There was no emergence at 25% of WHC

    A ação coletiva pela permanência e efetivação da Educação no Campo, na Escola Estadual do Campo Pio X: ensino fundamental - São Jorge D'Oeste, PR

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Neste artigo, discorre-se sobre a organização do trabalho coletivo pela permanência da Escola Estadual do Campo Pio X – Ensino Fundamental, situada na comunidade São Pio X, na cidade de base agrária São Jorge d ́Oeste, pertencente ao Núcleo Regional de Educação de Dois Vizinhos – Paraná. Objetiva-se refletir sobre o movimento de resistência da referida comunidade escolar, junto aos bolsistas PIBID da Licenciatura em Educação do Campo, da UTFPR – Dois Vizinhos. Este trabalho se justifica pela necessidade de efetivar a oferta de Educação do Campo, no interior do sudoeste paranaense. Tem-se como hipótese, que as dificuldades enfrentadas pela permanência das escolas do interior dão-se em nome da retenção de gastos. Administradores públicos desconsideram a resistência daqueles que ainda sonham com vida digna e escola de qualidade para seus filhos, no lugar onde vive


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    The restoration of altered and degraded ecosystems will only be successful if research studies generate biological, ecological and physiological knowledge about the species of different Brazilian ecosystems. In order to produce quality seedlings, ecophysiological knowledge of the initial phase of the species is essential, since artificial shading can interfere with the growth rate and quality of the seedling. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different levels of shading on the emergence, initial growth and photosynthetic metabolism of Ormosia arborea. The experiment was carried out with 30% and 70% shade and in full sun. At 60 days after sowing, non-destructive (gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence) and destructive (growth measures) analyzes were performed. 70% shade provides greater emergence, initial growth, gas exchange and photosynthetic efficiency of PS II. Cultivation at 0% shade (full sun) is not suitable for this species