43 research outputs found

    Functional training: functional for what and for whom?

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    The prescription of neuromuscular conditioning programs aimed at the development and maintenance of activities of daily living (ADLs) has been based on functionality. The functional training proposal needs further academic discussion. The present study presents a critical view on the functional training, assumptions, characteristics and definitions. The mere exercise selection does not make it a functional training, as there are no exercises that have greater or lesser functionality. For training to be functional, variables must be controlled and monitored, so that the prescription has the proper dose of exercise that the individual must perform in the training unit. Furthermore, a well-planned and objective training does not depend on a name, method, system, program, exercise or equipment.A prescrição de programas de condicionamento neuromuscular voltados ao desenvolvimento e manutenção das atividades da vida diária (AVD’s) tem-se baseado na funcionalidade. A proposta de treinamento funcional carece de maior discussão acadêmica. O presente texto apresenta visão crítica sobre o treinamento funcional, as premissas, características e definições. A mera seleção de exercícios não torna um treinamento funcional, assim como não existem exercícios que possuam maior ou menor funcionalidade. Para um treinamento ser funcional, deve-se controlar e manipular as variáveis para que a prescrição contenha a dose adequada de exercício que o indivíduo deve realizar na unidade de treinamento. Ademais, um treinamento bem planejado e objetivo não depende de um nome, método, sistema, programa, exercício ou material

    Brain functional training: a perspective article

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    Introduction: Physical exercise (PE) positively affects the nervous system, impacting morphology and physiology. It increases brain gray and white matter, improves cerebral blood flow, and stimulates neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, and angiogenesis, promoting brain function. Although exercise already affects cognition, some training modalities place greater demands on the cognitive aspects of physical exercise, such as perceptual-motor and visual-motor training. This type of approach aims to emphasize the cognitive adaptations that occur chronically. Specifically for older people, functional training, a multi-component approach, is a promising exercise modality that stimulates functionality using multi-joint, multi-planar exercises mirroring daily activities. However, applying a greater focus on cognitive adaptations in line with the functional training proposal for maximal benefits remains underexplored.Aim: Thus, this perspective article initially explores different exercise approaches emphasizing cognitive adaptations and proposes Brain Functional Training to improve older adult’s functionality.Methods: Furthermore, we explain how brain functional training can be explored to emphasize cognitive aspects based on increasing complexity to stimulate the executive function and its subdomains.Conclusion: This proposal is one alternative to combining motor and cognitive stimuli to promote autonomy and health in older people

    Is functional training an efficient approach to improve body composition in older people? A systematic review

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    Introduction: Increases in fat mass and reductions in lean mass are associated with the frailty and mortality of older people. In this context, Functional Training (FT) is an option to increase lean mass and reduce fat mass in older people. Thus, this systematic review aims to investigate the effects of FT on body fat and lean mass in older people.Methods: We included randomized controlled clinical trials, with at least one intervention group that employed FT, with the age of participants ≥60 years; and participants physically independent and healthy. We performed the systematic investigation in Pubmed MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar. We extracted the information and used the PEDro Scale to assess the methodological quality of each study.Results: Our research found 3,056 references with five appropriate studies. Of the five studies, three presented reductions in fat mass, all of them with interventions between three and 6 months, different training dose parameters, and 100% of the sample was composed of women. On the other hand, two studies with interventions between 10 and 12 weeks presented conflicting results.Conclusion: Despite the limited literature about lean mass, it appears that long-term FT interventions may reduce fat mass in older women.Clinical Trial Registration:https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=399257, identifier CRD4202339925

    Exercício físico e capacidade cognitiva em idosos

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    Introdução: Atualmente, uma das terapias mais eficazes e de baixo custo para reduzir os efeitos incapacitantes das doenças neurodegenerativas em idosos é o exercício físico. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre seus mecanismos de ação e benefícios sobre a Reserva Cognitiva (RC). Objetivo: Apresentar e discutir estudos sobre os efeitos do exercício físico sobre a morfologia e funcionalidade do cérebro humano e sugerir uma estruturação de programas para melhora da RC em idosos. Método: Trata-se de um artigo especial de opinião fundamentado em pesquisas nas bases de dados MEDLINE e Scholar Google, a fim de abordar os seguintes aspectos: (a) benefícios do exercício físico na RC e (b) como estruturar sessões respeitando os critérios de eficácia e funcionalidade. Resultados: Os principais benefícios do exercício estão relacionados ao aumento do fluxo sanguíneo cerebral, redução dos fatores risco cardiovascular, melhora da plasticidade sináptica e aumento no número de fatores de crescimento do cérebro. Dentre os aspectos a serem considerados na elaboração de tarefas específicas para estimulação cognitiva, temos: a análise do perfil de comprometimento neuropsicológico do indivíduo; a complexidade dos padrões de movimento; o estímulo a diferentes componentes da aptidão física e a análise subjetiva em termos de bem-estar psicológico e autoestima. Conclusão: Embora este artigo aponte para os efeitos positivos do exercício físico como uma estratégia eficaz no tratamento e na prevenção de doenças neurodegenerativas, pode-se afirmar que existe uma lacuna no campo do conhecimento acerca dos efeitos da atividade e/ou exercício físico a sobre a RC

    Ability to repeat strength: effects of recovery between repetitions

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    The progressive training sessions with overloads are the most used strategies to elicit greater adaptive response to specific aims in strength performance. The total work with overload is a relevant factor in performance improvement. However, overload training affects mechanical muscular response, which triggers the onset of fatigue. The muscle fatigue reflects the loads characteristics (volume, intensity and recovery). In order to avoid the excessive fatigue while maintaining appropriate mechanical techniques, it is necessary to manipulate the recovery. Add more time between sets is the most applied strategy. According to the current researches, it seems that the best way to get both goals (less muscle fatigue and equal efficiency volume), is due to intra-set rest (ISR), which may be achieved by adding inter-repetition rest (IRR) in each repetition or cluster of repetitions within sets. These methodological approaches allow us to maintenance of technical characteristics (speed, strength, power) within many repetition-sets.Para estimular uma melhor resposta adaptativa aos objetivos específicos do treinamento de força, a sobrecarga progressiva é a estratégia mais utilizada. A quantidade de trabalho realizada no treino com sobrecarga é aspecto determinante para a melhora do rendimento. Porém, a sobrecarga resulta em desgaste muscular mecânico, o que desencadeia o aparecimento da fadiga. A fadiga é proporcional à característica das cargas (volume, intensidade e recuperação). Neste sentido, a manipulação do intervalo de recuperação é fundamental para evitar a fadiga excessiva, possibilitando uma menor influência do desgaste mecânico na execução da série, auxiliando, assim, na manutenção do volume e intensidade adequadas. A estratégia frequentemente empregada é aumentar o tempo de recuperação entre séries. No entanto, evidências existentes na literatura científica indicam que a maneira mais eficiente de conseguir estes objetivos (diminuir a fadiga e manter o volume de treinamento necessário) é incorporar curtas recuperações no interior da série ("intra-set" ou ISR). Pode-se alcançar tal objetivo, incorporando a recuperação entre repetições ("inter-repetition rest" ou IRR), ou a cada bloco de repetições (agrupamento ou "cluster"). Estas estratégias metodológicas permitem conservar as características mecânicas do gesto (velocidade, força e potência) durante as repetições por série

    Comparação da resposta da percepção subjetiva do esforço e da carga total levantada nos exercícios resistidos em plataforma estável e instável

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    This study aimed to compare the perceived subjective exertion (PSE) and total load lifted in resistance exercises performed on stable platforms (SP) and unstable platforms (UP). Participants were 20 men (24.6 ± 3.4 years, 179 ± 0.1 cm, 80.6 ± 9.1 kg and 11.8 ± 3.4% fat). Each subject performed a 15 maximum repetition test in half squat exercises (soil and balance discs), pronated barbell row (soil and bosu) and biceps curl (soil and balance discs) in both conditions. PSE was measured using the OMNI-RES scale and the load lifted value (kg). To verify the normality of data, the Shapiro-Wilk test was used. Possible differences related to loads and PSE on the platforms were performed by the paired t test. Significance level of p <0.05 was adopted. No significant differences between PSE values on SP and UP were respectively observed in the half squat (8.2 and 8.5 / p = 0.8), pronated barbell row (8.4 and 8.4 / p = 0.7) and biceps curl (8.6 and 8.7 / p = 1.0). Higher load values on SP and UP were respectively found in half squat (83.9kg and 70.3kg / p <0.001) and pronated barbell row exercises (53.2kg and 48.6kg / p = 0.01) on SP. However, biceps curl showed dissimilar behavior (48.2kg and 47.4kg / p = 0.5). It was concluded that UP does not promote differences in PSE responses even working with smaller load or similar load.Objetivou-se comparar a percepção subjetiva do esforço (PSE) e a carga total levantada nos exercícios resistidos em plataformas estáveis (PE) e plataformas instáveis (PI). Participaram do estudo 20 homens (24,6 ± 3,4 anos, 179 ± 0,1 cm, 80,6 ± 9,1 Kg e 11,8 ± 3,4 % de gordura). Cada voluntário realizou um teste de 15 repetições máximas nos exercícios meio agachamento (solo e discos de equilíbrio), remada curvada pronada (solo e bosu) e rosca bíceps (solo e discos de equilíbrio) em ambas as condições. Foram medidas a PSE através da escala de OMNI-RES e o valor da carga levantada (kg). Para verificar a normalidade dos dados, utilizou-se o teste Shapiro-Wilk. As possíveis diferenças relacionadas às cargas e à PSE nas plataformas foram realizadas pelo teste t pareado. Adotou-se um nível de significância de p<0,05. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os valores da PSE em PE e PI respectivamente, no meio agachamento (8,2 e 8,5 / p=0,8), remada curvada pronada (8,4 e 8,4 / p=0,7) e rosca bíceps (8,6 e 8,7 / p=1,0). Foram encontrados maiores valores de carga em PE e PI respectivamente, nos exercícios de meio agachamento (83,9kg e 70,3kg / p<0,001) e remada curvada pronada (53,2kg e 48,6kg / p=0,01) na PE. Em contrapartida, para a rosca bíceps não ocorreu o mesmo (48,2kg e 47,4kg / p=0,5). É possível concluir que as PI não promovem diferenças nas respostas da PSE mesmo sendo trabalhadas com uma menor carga ou com uma carga semelhante

    Post resistance exercise hypotension on distinct types of somatotype characteristics

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    The aim of this study was to verify the post-exercise hypotension phenomenon on two distinct somatotype. For this purpose, twenty-four normotensive trained men (23.2 ± 2.91 years; 73.78 ± 4.53 kg; 177.16 ± 5.73 cm; 23.58 ± 2.18 kg/m2) were divided into two groups (mesomorph and ectomorph). All subjects performed two 10-repetition maximum load test sessions (test and retest) for a whole-body workout routine of resistance exercises. After the load tests, subjects performed sessions structured for 3 sets of each exercise with loads of 85% of 10-repetition maximum loads with 2-min of rest between sets of exercises. The two-way ANOVA showed the same reduction pattern (p = 0.001) in post-exercise systolic blood pressure for both groups. Additionally, a prolonged reduction was observed only on the systolic blood pressure of the mesomorph group following the 10-min (Δ = 13.41%; ESs = 2.08) up to 60-min post-exercise (Δ = 5.64%; ESs = 0.89). However, the same kinetics were not observed in the ectomorph group, the reduction was found only at the 10-min post-exercise time point (Δ = 5.55%; ESs = 1.12). On the other hand, no significant differences were found between groups for any diastolic blood pressure post-exercise time points. In conclusion, our data suggest that regardless the somatotype (mesomorph or ectomorph) a similar post-exercise hypotension phenomenon for systolic blood pressure was observed. However, it is important to highlight that those individuals classified as mesomorphs remained with a reduced systolic blood pressure about 60 minutes after performing exercise, which did not occurred in the ectomorph group

    Core and neuromotor control system: basic mechanisms for the stability of the lumbar spine

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    El "CORE" es un concepto funcional que engloba la integración de tres sistemas cuyo óptimo funcionamiento garantiza la realización de tareas con una mayor eficacia y seguridad a nivel raquídeo, permitiendo adecuados niveles de estabilidad y control del movimiento. En este sentido, a fin de afrontar con éxito retos que demanden un control dinámico de la columna y la pelvis, el SNC debe aplicar estrategias diferentes, sopesando as fuerzas internas y externas con el fin de proporcionar una respuesta muscular que permita un movimiento óptimo y resista cualquier posible perturbación. En el presente manuscrito se revisa de forma aplicada, las bases, atendiendo a la información disponible actualmente, de los mecanismos básicos de control motor y las posibles alteraciones en los mismos a ser considerados por los especialistas en ejercicio respecto a su intervención mediante programas de ejercicio para la mejora de la capacidad de estabilización raquídea.The "CORE" is a funcional concept that englobes the integration of three systems which optimal operation guarantees better eficiency and security in tasks related with the spine, allowing appropiate stability and movement control levels. In order to successfully addres challenges which demand a dynamic control of the spine and the pelvis, the SNC must use diferent strategies, weighing the internal and external forces in order to provide a muscular response to allow an appropiate movement and resist any possible disturbance. This article reviews the foundations based on the information currently available about the basic mechanisms of motor control and posible changes in them, to be considered by exercise specialists regarding to their exercise intervention programs to improve spinal stabilization capacity

    Analysis of the Use and Applicability of Different Variables for the Prescription of Relative Intensity in Bench Press Exercise

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the use of variables such as % of one-repetition maximum (1RM) and number of maximal repetitions (xRM) with execution velocity to define and control the intensity of resistance training in bench press exercise. Hence, exercise professionals will achieve better control of training through a greater understanding of its variables. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, fifty male physical education students were divided into four groups according to their relative strength ratio (RSR) and performed a 1RM bench press test (T1). In the second test, participants performed repetitions to exhaustion (T2), using a relative load corresponding to 70% 1RM determined through the mean propulsive velocity (MPV) obtained from the individual load–velocity relationship. This same test was repeated a week later (T3). Tests were monitored according to the MPV of each repetition and blood lactate values (LACT). Results: Regarding MPV, the best (fastest) repetition of the set (MPVrep Best) values were similar between groups (0.62 m·s−1–0.64 m·s−1), with significant differences in relation to the high RSR group (p 0.05). Average LACT values (5.72 mmol·L−1) showed significant differences between the Background: Medium RSR and Very Low RSR groups. No significant differences were found (p > 0.05) between T2 and T3 with regards to MNR, MPVrep Best, or MPVrep Last, with little variability seen between participants. Conclusions: The use of variables such as the 1RM, estimated using an absolute load value, or an MNR do not allow an adequate degree of precision to prescribe and control the relative intensity of resistance training. Besides, execution velocity control can offer an adequate alternative to guarantee an accurate prescription of intensity with regard to resistance training.Sección Deptal. de Radiología, Rehabilitación y Fisioterapia (Enfermería)Fac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaTRUEpu


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    The present study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of a community program of physical activity, by comparing the functionality between “starters” and “veteran” older women. Participants were divided into two groups: Starters Group (SG, n=15): participants enrolled in the program less than six months; and veteran Group (VG, n=15): participants enrolled more one year ago in the program. VG presented better performance in all functional tests when compared to SG, to know: Agility/balance (p=0.02; + 33% higher than SG), Muscle strength of lower limbs (p=0.01; + 25%), Upper limb muscular strength (p= .03; + 23%) and Cardiorespiratory capacity (p=0.03; + 20%). Regarding anthropometric variables, BMI (p=0.53) and WHR (p=0.74) did not differ between groups. Thus, we can conclude that the community program analyzed is effective in improving the functional capacity of physically active older women over time.El presente estudio buscó analizar la efectividad de un programa comunitario de actividad física, comparando la funcionalidad entre las mujeres mayores "iniciantes" y "veteranas". La muestra se dividió en: Grupo Iniciantes (GI, n=15): participantes inscritos en el programa a menos de seis meses; y Grupo Veteranas (GV, n=15): participantes inscritos hace un año en el programa. GV presentó un mejor rendimiento en todas las pruebas funcionales en comparación con GI, a saber: agilidad/equilibrio (p = 0,02; +33% más alto que GI), fuerza de las extremidades inferiores (p=0,01; +25%), fuerza de la extremidad superior (p=0,03; +23%) y capacidad cardiorrespiratoria (p=0,03; +20%). Con respecto a las variables antropométricas, tanto el IMC (p=0,53) como el RCC (p=0,74) no difirieron entre los grupos. Por lo tanto, podemos concluir que el programa comunitario analizado es efectivo para mejorar la capacidad funcional de las mujeres mayores físicamente activas con el tiempo.O presente estudo buscou analisar a efetividade de um programa comunitário de atividade física, por meio da comparação da funcionalidade entre idosas “iniciantes” e “veteranas”. A amostra foi dividida em: Grupo Iniciantes (GI, n=15): participantes inscritas no programa a menos de seis meses; e Grupo Veteranas (GV, n=15): participantes inscritas há mais de um ano no programa. O GV apresentou melhor desempenho em todos os testes funcionais quando comparado ao GI, a saber: Agilidade/equilíbrio (p=0,02; +33% superior ao GI), Força de membros inferiores (p = 0,01; +25%), Força de membros superiores (p=0,03; +23%) e Capacidade cardiorrespiratória (p=0,03; +20%). No que concerne às variáveis antropométricas, tanto o IMC (p=0,53) quanto o RCQ (p=0,74) não apresentaram diferenças entre os grupos. Assim, podemos concluir que o programa comunitário analisado é efetivo no aprimoramento da capacidade funcional de idosas fisicamente ativas no transcorrer do tempo