750 research outputs found

    Que ciência da informação precisamos para enfrentar a complexidade? = What information science we need to meet complexity?

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    Num encontro científico com a tradição e a consistência como a que este que nos reúnepossui, apoiado em especial por todos quantos vêm dedicando trabalho e entusiasmo ao ensino e àinvestigação em Ciência da Informação, é imperioso que se reflita sobre os desafios que se colocam aesta disciplina, em si mesma complexa, diante de um quadro global de máxima complexidade. Umadisciplina em que faltam consensos entre os seus praticantes e aprendizes a respeito da matriz natural -interdisciplinar ou trans e interdisciplinar?- e do campo mais geral de inserção as Ciências Sociais ouas Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação? -, sendo certo que há um défice de debateepistemológico grave que os ENANCIB têm servido para preencher, embora haja necessidade eespaço para muito mais. Pretende-se aqui discutir, no plano interno, externo e formativo da CI, oscaminhos que urge traçar e fazer numa Era desafiante como aquela que estamos a viver, partindo demarcos recentes publicados para sinalizar o estado da disciplina em certos panoramas sócio-culturais,nomeadamente o anglo-americano e nórdico-germânico. O apelo à reflexão e ao debate construtivo,se for acatado, é um ganho precioso e vale, por isso, que contribuamos para ele.A scientific meeting with tradition and consistency like this that brings us together hassupported especially by those who have dedicated work and enthusiasm for teaching and research inInformation Science, it is imperative to reflect on the challenges facing this course in itself complex, infront of an overall framework of maximum complexity. A discipline that lack consensus among itspractitioners and learners about the natural matrix - interdisciplinary or trans and interdisciplinary?- and the more general field of integration - Social Sciences or Information and CommunicationTechnologies? Given that there is a serious epistemological debate deficit that ENANCIB have servedto fill, although there is a need and room for more. It is intended here to discuss the internal, external and training plan of the CI the ways that it is urgent to draw and make a was challenging as the onewe are experiencing, starting from recent milestones published to signal the state of discipline incertain socio-cultural landscapes, particularly the Anglo-American and Nordic-Germanic. The call toreflection and constructive debate, if heeded is a precious and worth gain, so that we contribute to it

    Sett entrances characteristics of the Eurasian badger(Meles meles) in sharpham estate, southwest of England

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    A fragmentação e a degradação de habitats estão entre as maiores ameaças aos carnívoros. O Texugo-euroasiático (Meles meles) é um carnívoro com facilidade de adaptação que, embora não esteja ameaçado globalmente, exige atenção na compreensão das características dos seus habitats. Este estudo pretendeu analisar que fatores ambientais caracterizam e influenciam o uso de entradas de tocas de texugo na propriedade de Sharpham (Reino Unido). A abordagem incluiu variáveis topográficas, de vegetação local, usos de solo e de influência humana. O teste U de Mann-Whitney foi executado para todas as variáveis ambientais. Os resultados sugerem que valores mais elevados de declive, cobertura de vegetação e de distância das áreas com pastagem e estruturas antropogénicas, como as estradas, promoveram uma maior probabilidade de uso das entradas. Devem ser incentivadas políticas de manutenção e conservação das características ambientais propícias à utilização das entradas de tocas, de modo a promover a integridade dos habitats de texugos e a sobrevivência das populações; Abstract: Fragmentation and degradation of habitats are among the most important threats to carnivores. The Eurasian Badger (Meles meles) is a very adaptable carnivore that, while is not considered an endangered species globally, requires attention when it comes to understanding its habitats characteristics. This study intended to analyze which environmental factors characterize and influence the use of badger’s sett entrances in Sharpham Estate (UK). The approach included topographical, local vegetation, land uses and human-influenced variables. Univariate U Mann-Whitney test was performed for all environmental variables. The results suggest that high slope, high cover provided by vegetation and high distance from pastures areas and anthropogenic structures, such as roads, promoted a higher use probability of entrances. Maintenance and conservation policies of environmental characteristics conducive to the use of sett entrances should be encouraged in order to promote the integrity of badger habitats and the survival of populations

    Documentation / Information and their paradigms: characterization and importance in research, education and professional practice

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    [Resumo] A partir de 2004 foi sendo formalizada pelos autores uma proposta de paradigmas para a área da documentação/informação, que parte de um sentido abrangente do conceito e se consubstancia na identificação da vigência de um paradigma custodial, patrimonialista, historicista/humanista e tecnicista, que modelou a actividade profissional, o ensino e as políticas públicas do universo arquivístico, biblioteconómico e museológico desde inícios de oitocentos até meados de novecentos. Consiste ainda em sinalizar a emergência de um novo paradigma pós-custodial, informacional e científico, gerado pelas profundas transformações em curso ao nível mundial e que são sintetizadas em expressões fortes, ainda que demasiado genéricas, como a Era da Informação ou a Globalização. Nesta comunicação faz-se a caracterização dos dois paradigmas propostos, enunciando os factores que estiveram na sua génese e os contextos do seu aparecimento, identificando os seus traços dominantes e mostrando a sua importância operatória, ao nível do ensino, da investigação e da prática profissional.[Abstract] Since 2004 the authors began to design a proposal of paradigms for the documentation/information field, which starts from a wide meaning for the concept and it is based on the identification of the force of a custodial, cultural, historicist/humanist and technicist paradigm, that shaped the professional activity, the education and the public policies of archival, librarian and museologist universe, since 19th century until the middle of 20th century. It also consists in pointing out the emergence of a new paradigm, postcustodial, informational and scientific, generated by the deep changes in course at world level, that are summarized in strong but too much generic expressions as Information Era or Globalization. In this paper it is made the characterization of the two paradigms proposed, referring the factors that were in their origin and the contexts of their appearance, identifying their dominant features and showing their operative importance for education, research and professional practice

    The mental and social representation of Cabanagem in the Municipality of Acará in the State of Pará (Brazil): narratives of the past to understand the present

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    Justification: Representations are the figurations of the environment, which occur through symbols, values, norms, knowledge, beliefs, among others, which are presented in a real or ideal way through social interrelations, in a way that they are ethnocentric or relativized in individual memory (Mental Representation), collective (Collective Representation), or social (Social Representation), are created and recreated, destroyed and reconstructed, materializing themselves through communication and language. In view of this, it seeks to understand the present of the city of Acará through the Social and Mental Representation of the Cabanagem Movement to understand the current problems of the population. Methodology: Semi-directive interviews were conducted with residents of the municipality of Acará in the state of Pará (Brazil) , and six interviews were selected, including interviewees with the following profiles: a teacher, a senior citizen, a community leader, a person who worked in social assistance, and two people who did not fit any of the previous profiles, chosen at random. It is worth mentioning that the interviewees were assured anonymity using, when necessary, an alphanumeric code. The most significant narratives were selected to analyze the Mental and Social Representation of Cabanagem and to understand how they reconstruct this history, and how their present fits into these Representations. Objetive: to identify how Cabanagem is represented in the memory of the population of Acará in the State of Pará in Brazil, how they construct, destroy and reconstruct the narratives of Cabanagem and how these communications occur. Conclusions: The study of Mental and Social Representations enables not only the search for history from the perspective of the population, where official history has often erased traces of heroism and dignity, but also the understanding of how people see and communicate their social condition and how they reconstruct facts that have reached them orally through relatives, friends or popular leaders, and thus can identify what they think about their current society, government projects, among others. Identifying their needs provides the elements for developing social projects that truly meet the needs of those population

    Design, Modeling, and Simulation of a Wing Sail Land Yacht

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    Autonomous land yachts can play a major role in the context of environmental monitoring, namely, in open, flat, windy regions, such as iced planes or sandy shorelines. This work addresses the design, modeling, and simulation of a land yacht probe equipped with a rigid free-rotating wing sail and tail flap. The wing was designed with a symmetrical airfoil and dimensions to provide the necessary thrust to displace the vehicle. Specifically, it proposes a novel design and simulation method for free rotating wing sail autonomous land yachts. The simulation relies on the Gazebo simulator together with the Robotic Operating System (ROS) middleware. It uses a modified Gazebo aerodynamics plugin to generate the lift and drag forces and the yawing moment, two newly created plugins, one to act as a wind sensor and the other to set the wing flap angular position, and the 3D model of the land yacht created with Fusion 360. The wing sail aligns automatically to the wind direction and can be set to any given angle of attack, stabilizing after a few seconds. Finally, the obtained polar diagram characterizes the expected sailing performance of the land yacht. The described method can be adopted to evaluate different wing sail configurations, as well as control techniques, for autonomous land yachts.This work was partially financed by National Funds through the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a 337 Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) as part of project UIDB/50014/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The complexity of the global labor market : ECA USP Ischool approach

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    The aim of this research is to layout the complexity of the global labor market in the field of Library and Information Science