53 research outputs found

    Apoptosis-related gene expression can predict the response of ovarian cancer cell lines to treatment with recombinant human TRAIL alone or combined with cisplatin

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    OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to determine the sensitivity of ovarian cancer (OC) cell lines (TOV21G and SKOV-3) to cisplatin and to the recombinant human TRAIL (rhTRAIL), and to evaluate the expression profile of TNFRSF10B, TNFRSF10C, TP53TG5, MDM2, BAX, BCL-2 and CASPASE-8 genes and their participation in the resistance/susceptibility mechanism of these tumor cell lines. METHODS: To determine the IC50 values associated with Cisplatin and rhTRAIL, inhibition of cell growth was observed using MTT assays in two human OC cell lines (SKOV-3 and TOV-21G). The analysis of gene expression was performed using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). RESULTS: Both cell lines had different susceptibility profiles to the tested drugs. In the SKOV-3 cell line, the IC50 values for cisplatin and for rhTRAIL were 270.83 ug/mL and 196.5 ng/mL, respectively. The same concentrations were used for TOV-21G. Different gene expression profiles were observed in each tested cell line. CASPASE-8 and TNFRSF10B expression levels could predict the response of both the cell lines to rhTRAIL alone or the response to a combination of rhTRAIL and cisplatin. In addition, we observed a relationship between BCL-2 and BAX expression that may be helpful in estimating the proliferation rate of the OC cell lines. CONCLUSION: SKOV-3 and TOV-21G respond differently to cisplatin and rhTRAIL exposure, and expression of CASPASE-8 and TNFRSF10B are good predictors of responses to these treatments

    Clinical perspectives on the menstrual pictogram for the assessment of heavy menstrual bleeding

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    Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) has an estimated prevalence of 18-32% but is known to be under-reported due to poor recognition and estimation of menstrual blood loss (MBL). HMB can negatively impact quality of life, affecting social interactions, work productivity and sexual life. Abnormal menstrual bleeding may have an underlying structural or systemic cause, such as endometrial and myometrial disorders; however, for some, there is no identified pathological cause. Several methods are available for assessing MBL, including the alkaline hematin (AH) method and the menstrual pictogram (MP). The AH method is considered to be the most accurate way to monitor MBL; however, it is associated with inconvenience and expense, therefore limiting its value outside of research. The MP requires the user to select an icon from a chart that reflects the appearance of a used sanitary product; the icon is associated with a blood volume that can be used to determine MBL. Validation studies have demonstrated that the results of the MP and AH method are well correlated, showing that the MP can measure MBL with sufficient accuracy. Additionally, the MP is more convenient for users, less expensive than the AH method, may be used in regions where the AH method is unavailable and may also be used as part of a digital application. Overall, the MP offers a convenient approach to monitor MBL both in research and clinical practice settings

    Análise dos recursos para reabilitação da musculatura do assoalho pélvico em mulheres com prolapso e incontinência urinária

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    This review aimed to assess the capabilities and effectiveness of pelvic floor rehabilitation in the treatment of genital prolapse and urinary incontinence. The research was conducted in MEDLINE/PubMed, LILACS/SciELO and Cochrane Library. There were found 886 articles, of which were used 34 relevant clinical trials that answered the questions constructed by the authors. The studies analyzed showed that pelvic floor training can be used in prolapse treatment, but further randomized studies are necessary to support this evidence. For urinary incontinence pelvic floor, rehabilitation is effective and should be the treatment of first choice.Esta revisão teve como objetivo analisar os recursos e sua eficácia na reabilitação do assoalho pélvico no tratamento dos prolapsos genitais e incontinência urinária. As buscas foram realizadas nas bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed, LILACS/SciELO e Biblioteca Cochrane. Foram encontrados 886 artigos, dos quais foram utilizados 34 estudos clínicos relevantes que respondiam às perguntas construídas pelos autores. Os estudos analisados mostraram que o treinamento do assoalho pélvico pode ser usado no tratamento dos prolapsos, porém são necessários mais estudos randomizados para sustentar essa evidência. Para a incontinência urinária a reabilitação do assoalho pélvico é eficiente e deve ser o tratamento de primeira escolha.Esta revisión tiene como objetivo analizar los recursos y su eficacia en la rehabilitación del suelo pélvico en el tratamiento de los prolapsos genitales y la incontinencia urinaria. Las búsquedas fueron realizadas en las bases de datos Medline/Pubmed, LILACS/SciELO y Cochrane. Fueron encontrados 886 artículos, de los cuales fueron utilizados 34 estudios clínicos relevantes y que respondían las preguntas construidas por los autores. Los estudios analizados mostraron que el entrenamiento del suelo pélvico puede ser usado en el tratamiento de los prolapsos, sin embargo, son necesarios más estudios randomizados para sustentar esta evidencia. Para la incontinencia urinaria la rehabilitación del suelo pélvico es eficiente y debe ser el tratamiento de primera opción

    Interesse e práticas relacionadas à oncologia ginecológica entre os membros da federação brasileira de associações de ginecologia e obstetrícia

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    Objective The present study aims to obtain basic demographic information, the level of interest and of training in gynecology oncology among Brazilian obstetricians and gynecologists (OB-GYNs) to create a professional profile. Methods An online questionnaire was sent to 16,008 gynecologists affiliated to the Brazilian Federation of Associations of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FEBRASGO, in the Portuguese acronym). We considered gynecologists dedicated to gynecologic oncology (OB-GYNs ONCO) those who self-reported that > 50% of their daily practice consists in working with women's cancer care. Results A total of 1,608 (10%) of 16,008 FEBRASGO members responded. The OB-GYNs are concentrated in the southern and southeastern states of Brazil. Gynecologic oncology was considered the 8th greatest area of interest in gynecology among the OB-GYNs. A total of 95 (5.9%) of the OB-GYNs were considered OB-GYNs ONCO. Obstetricians and gynecologists are actively engaged in cancer care: > 60% of them dedicate up to 25% of their daily practice to oncology. The role of the physicians in screening and prevention, diagnosis, in the treatment of precancerous lesions, and in low complexity surgical procedures is notably high. Gynecologists dedicated to gynecologic oncology in Brazil have a heterogeneous, nonstandardized and short training period in gynecologic oncology. These professionals had a more significantly role in performing medium- and high-complexity operations compared with OB-GYNs (65.2% versus 34%, and 47.3% versus 8.4%, respectively). Conclusion The role of OB-GYNs and of OB-GYNs ONCO appears to be complementary. Obstetricians and gynecologists act more often in screening and prevention and in low-complexity surgical procedures, whereas OB-GYNs ONCO are more involved in highly complex cases. Strategies to raise standards in cancer training and to encourage the recognition of gynecologic oncology as a subspecialty should be adopted in Brazil416394399Objetivo O presente estudo tem como objetivo obter informações demográficas básicas, o nível de interesse e de treinamento em ginecologia oncológica entre obstetras e ginecologistas (OB-GYNs) brasileiros para criar um perfil destes profissionais. Métodos Um questionário online foi enviado a 16.008 ginecologistas filiados à Federação Brasileira de Associações de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (FEBRASGO). Nós consideramos ginecologistas dedicados à oncologia ginecológica (OB-GYNs ONCO) aqueles que referiram atuar em > 50% de sua prática diária com o tratamento do câncer feminino. Resultados Um total de 1.608 (10%) dos 16.008 membros da FEBRASGO responderam ao questionário. Os OB-GYNs estão concentrados nos estados do sul e sudeste do Brasil. A oncologia ginecológica foi considerada a 8ª área de maior interesse em ginecologia entre os OB-GYNs. Um total de 95 (5,9%) dos OB-GYNs foram considerados ginecologistas dedicados à oncologia ginecológica (OB-GYNs ONCO). Obstetras e ginecologistas estão ativamente envolvidos no tratamento do câncer: > 60% deles dedicam até 25% de sua prática diária à oncologia. O papel dos médicos na triagem e na prevenção, no diagnóstico, no tratamento de lesões pré-cancerosas e em procedimentos cirúrgicos de baixa complexidade é notavelmente alto. Ginecologistas dedicados à oncologia ginecológica no Brasil têm um período de treinamento em oncologia ginecológica heterogêneo, não padronizado e curto. Estes profissionais tiveram um papel mais significativo na realização de operações de média e alta complexidade em comparação com OB-GYNs (65,2% versus 34%, e 47,3% versus 8,4%, respectivamente). Conclusão Os papéis dos OB-GYN e dos OB-GYNs ONCO parecem ser complementares. Os OB-GYNs frequentemente atuam em triagem e prevenção e em procedimentos cirúrgicos de baixa complexidade, enquanto os OB-GYNs ONCO estão mais envolvidos em casos de mais alta complexidade. Estratégias para elevar os padrões de treinamento em oncoginecologia e incentivar o reconhecimento da oncologia ginecológica como uma subespecialidade devem ser adotadas no Brasil

    Patient positioning in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery: strategies to prevent injuries and improve outcomes

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    Abstract Effective patient positioning is a critical factor influencing surgical outcomes, mainly in minimally invasive gynecologic surgery (MIGS) where precise positioning facilitates optimal access to the surgical field. This paper provides a comprehensive exploration of the significance of strategic patient placement in MIGS, emphasizing its role in preventing intraoperative injuries and enhancing overall surgical success. The manuscript addresses potential complications arising from suboptimal positioning and highlights the essential key points for appropriate patient positioning during MIGS, encompassing what the surgical team should or shouldn't do. In this perspective, the risk factors associated with nerve injuries, sliding, compartment syndrome, and pressure ulcers are outlined to guide clinical practice. Overall, this paper underscores the critical role of precise patient positioning in achieving successful MIGS procedures and highlights key principles for the gynecological team to ensure optimal patient outcomes

    Fatores limitadores à reabilitação da musculatura do assoalho pélvico em pacientes com incontinência urinária de esforço

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    A reabilitação da musculatura do assoalho pélvico tem sido preconizada por diversos autores como uma terapia de primeira linha para o tratamento da incontinência urinária de esforço. Apresenta vantagens por ser não invasiva, de baixo custo e sem efeitos colaterais. Porém, fatores como aderência, motivação, compreensão da terapia e deficiência esfincteriana podem interferir nos resultados dessa abordagem terapêutica. A fim de se conhecer o impacto dos fatores citados acima e se investigar o efeito de cada um destes na intervenção fisioterápica foi feita uma revisão da literatura.The rehabilitation of the pelvic floor muscles has been postulated by many authors as a firstline therapy for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. It has advantages, such as being a noninvasive, lowcost therapy without side effects. However, factors such as adherence, motivation, therapy understanding and intrinsic sphincter deficiency can interfere with the results of this therapeutic approach. A literature review was carried out to understand the impact of aforementioned factors and investigate the effect of each one of them on the physical therapy intervention

    Fertility preservation in female cancer patients in Brazil: perceptions and attitudes of infertility specialists

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    Objective: Fertility preservation is a priority in oncology for female cancer patients. However, there is a lack of communication between infertility specialists and oncologists. This study aimed to evaluate infertility specialists’ perceptions and experiences regarding fertility preservation. Methods: Conduct an online survey to profile infertility specialists. Participants were infertility affiliated with the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Associations (FEBRASGO). The specialists received an online survey, which response rate were 30.9%, most of whom were in southern and southeastern. The survey consisted on 14 questions about the infertility specialists’ location, techniques in clinical practice, treatment successful rate, patients idea, etc. Results: The average experience in human reproduction were 15.5 ± 10.2 years (mean ± standard deviation, range 1-40). Among reproductive-aged female cancer patients recommended for fertility preservation, 60.3 ± 28.8% (range 10-100%) underwent preservation procedures. Main barriers were cost (41%), oncologists’ knowledge or acceptance (35%) and accessibility (9%). Most infertility specialists (58%) considered 40 years the limit for fertility preservation. Leukemia, lymphoma, breast and ovarian cancers were prioritized for fertility preservation, while lung, thyroid, gastric, and brain cancers were less relevant. Conclusion: This is the first Brazilian study about infertility specialists’ perceptions on oncology patients access to fertility preservation. These patients primarily receive treatment in the public health system, while infertility specialists mainly work in the private healthcare. This healthcare mode is currently fragmented, but integrating these experts is enhancing patient access to fertility preservation. Studies on this topic are still warranted

    Contaminação microbiológica de nebulizadores usados por pacientes com fibrose cística : um problema subestimado

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    Objective: Home nebulizers are routinely used in the treatment of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). This study aims to evaluate the contamination of nebulizers used for CF patients, that are chronically colonized by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the association of nebulizer contamination with cleaning, decontamination and drying practices. Methods: A cross-sectional, observational, multicenter study was conducted in seven CF reference centers in Brazil to obtain data from medical records, structured interviews with patients/caregivers were performed, and nebulizer’s parts (interface and cup) were collected for microbiological culture. Results: overall, 77 CF patients were included. The frequency of nebulizer contamination was 71.6%. Candida spp. (52.9%), Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (11.9%), non-mucoid P. aeruginosa (4.8%), Staphylococcus aureus (4.8%) and Burkholderia cepacia complex (2.4%) were the most common isolated pathogens. The frequency of nebulizers’ hygiene was 97.4%, and 70.3% of patients reported cleaning, disinfection and drying the nebulizers. The use of tap water in cleaning method and outdoor drying of the parts significantly increased (9.10 times) the chance of nebulizers’ contamination. Conclusion: Despite the high frequency hygiene of the nebulizers reported, the cleaning and disinfection methods used were often inadequate. A significant proportion of nebulizers was contaminated with potentially pathogenic microorganisms for CF patients. These findings support the need to include patients/caregivers in educational programs and / or new strategies for delivering inhaled antibiotics.Objetivo: Nebulizadores caseiros são usados rotineiramente no tratamento de pacientes com fibrose cística (FC). Este estudo objetiva avaliar a contaminação de nebulizadores utilizados por pacientes de FC que estão cronicamente colonizados por Pseudomonas aeruginosa e a associação da contaminação do nebulizador com a higienização, esterilização e método de secagem. Métodos: Um estudo transversal, observacional, multicêntrico foi conduzido em sete centros de referência de FC no Brasil para obter dados de registros médicos; foram feitas entrevistas estruturadas com os pacientes/ cuidadores e partes de nebulizadores (máscara e copo) foram coletados para cultura microbiológica. Resultados: No geral, 77 pacientes com FC foram incluídos. A frequência da contaminação do nebulizador foi de 71,6%. Candida spp. (52,9%), Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (11,9%), P. aeruginosa não mucoide (4,8%), Staphylococcus aureus (4,8%) e complexo Burkholderia cepacia (2.4%) foram os patógenos isolados mais comuns. A frequência de higienização dos nebulizadores foi de 97,4%, e 70,3% dos pacientes relata higienização, esterilização e secagem dos aparelhos. A lavagem com água da torneira e secagem das partes no tempo, em espaço aberto, aumentou significativamente (9 a 10 vezes) a chance de contaminação dos nebulizadores. Conclusões: Apesar dos relatos de frequente higienização dos nebulizadores, os métodos de limpeza e esterilização usados eram inadequados. Uma proporção significativa de nebulizadores foi contaminada com microrganismos potencialmente patogênicos para pacientes com FC. Estes resultados apoiam a necessidade de inclusão dos pacientes/cuidadores em programas educacionais e/ou novas estratégias para fornecimento de antibióticos inalatórios

    Cirurgia ginecológica e COVID-19 : qual impacto e como devo conduzir?

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    * This text was prepared by members of the National Specialized Commission on Endometriosis, Gynecological Endoscopy and Urogynecology and Vaginal Surgery.Estima-se que cerca de 28 milhões de cirurgias sejam postergadas ou canceladas nomundo em decorrência desta pandemia, causando atraso no diagnóstico e tratamento de mais de 2 milhões de casos oncológicos. No Brasil, tanto a ANS (Agencia Nacional de Saúde) comoa ANVISA (Agencia Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) orientaram o adiamento das cirurgias eletivas e não essenciais, tendo um impacto considerável no número de procedimentos cirúrgicos comdiminuição de 33,4% neste período no Brasil.No entanto, algumasmulheres necessitam de tratamento para várias doenças ginecológicas, algumas das quais não podem ser adiadas. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar recomendações sobre o tratamento cirúrgico durante a pandemia de COVID-19.It is estimated that around 28 million surgeries will be postponed or canceled worldwide as a result of this pandemic, causing a delay in the diagnosis and treatment of more than 2 million cancer cases. In Brazil, both the National Health Agency (ANS) and National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) advised the postponement of elective and non-essential surgeries, causing a considerable impact on the number of surgical procedures that decreased by 33.4% in this period. However, some women need treatment for various gynecological diseases that cannot be postponed. The purpose of this article is to present recommendations on surgical treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic