65 research outputs found

    Sobre a História da Matemática no Brasil

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    Comparação entre balanços hídricos climatológicos e de campo para uma cultura de café

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    The use of climatological water balances in substitution to complete water balances directly measured in the field allows a more practical crop management, since the climatological water balances are based on data monitored as a routine. This study makes a comparison between these methods in terms of estimatives of evapotranspiration, soil water storage, soil available water, runoff losses, and drainage below root zone, during a two year period, taking as an example a coffee crop of the variety Catuaí, three to five years old. Climatological water balances based on the estimation of the evapotranspiration through the methods of Thornthwaite and Penman-Monteith, can reasonably substitute field measured balances, however underestimating the above mentioned variables.A utilização de balanços hídricos climatológicos em substituição aos balanços hídricos completos e medidos diretamente no campo permite um manejo da cultura de forma mais prática, pois os balanços hídricos climatológicos se baseiam em dados coletados rotineiramente. Foi feita comparação entre estes balanços em termos de estimativas de evapotranspiração, armazenamento de água no solo, capacidade de água disponível, perdas por escoamento superficial e drenagem profunda, por um período de dois anos, tomando como exemplo a cultura de café, variedade Catuaí, de três a cinco anos de idade. Os balanços hídricos climatológicos baseados na estimativa da evapotranspiração pelos métodos de Thornthwaite e Penman-Monteith substituem razoavelmente as medidas de campo, porém subestimando as variáveis mencionadas.215220Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the the influence of feeding rate and different artificial substrates on both the water quality and growth performance of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp. The experimental design was randomized blocks with five treatments and four replicates, with a density of 30 shrimp m-2 and mean weight of 2.8 g. The experiment lasted 49 days, and during this period, artificial substrates did not influence the water quality. The increase in the feeding rate influenced the dissolved oxygen of treatments. The final average weight, average final length, final biomass, productivity, and feed conversion rate showed significant differences (p > 0.05). The best food conversion factor was provided by the treatment with a feeding rate of 2%. The treatment with a feeding rate of 4% of biomass showed the best growth performance, except for the feed conversion rate. Results showed that for the percentage of 25% of the area of artificial substrates, there is an optimum feeding rate of between 5.13% and 5.54% of shrimp biomass, resulting in maximum production.Keywords: Biofilm, natural food, diets, shrimp farming

    Banana genotypes in three cycles at Zona da Mata Mineira region

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, durante três ciclos, as principais características vegetativas dos genótipos Prata Anã, Grande Naine, Caipira, Nam, Pioneira, FHIA-01, FHIA-18, PV03-44 e SH3640, com a finalidade de incorporar novos genótipos aos sistemas de produção comercial. Conduziu-se um experimento na Zona da Mata Mineira durante três ciclos da cultura, em um delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com nove tratamentos (genótipos) e três repetições (ciclos). Avaliaram-se porte, precocidade, número de folhas, resistência à sigatoka-amarela (Mycosphaerela musicola) e perfilhamento da planta. A variedade Grande Naine apresentou o menor porte, enquanto Prata Anã, FHIA-01 e SH3640, o maior diâmetro. Os genótipos que apresentaram maior precocidade foram Pioneira e FHIA-18. 'Nam' e 'Caipira' apresentaram os maiores números e maior precocidade de perfilhos. Foram identificados como superiores os genótipos FHIA-01, FHIA-18 e SH3640.The objective of this work was to evaluate during three cycles the main vegetative characteristics of the genotypes Prata Anã, Grande Naine, Caipira, Nam, Pioneira, FHIA-01, FHIA-18, PV03-44 and SH3640, aiming to incorporate new genotypes to commercial production systems. An experiment was carried out at Zona da Mata Mineira region during three crop cycles, in randomized block design, with nine treatments (genotypes) and three replications (cycles). Height, precocity, number of leaves, resistance to Yellow Sigatoka and plant suckers were evaluated. The variety Grande Naine had the lower height, while Prata Anã, FHIA-01 and SH3640, the larger diameter. The genotypes that presented higher precocity were Pioneira and FHIA-18. The varieties Nam and Caipira presented the highest numbers and precocity of suckers. The genotypes FHIA-01, FHIA-18 and SH3640 were superiors in relation to the characteristics evaluated

    Levels of metabolizable energy and crude protein on laying rate and egg quality of laying quails

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    ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the zootechnical performance of 192 laying quails, receiving diets with different levels of crude protein (18 and 19%) and metabolizable energy (2,500, 2,600, 2,700 and 2,800 kcal/kg), in a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement. The experiment consists of four experimental periods of 28 days each, where feed intake (g/bird), feed conversion (by dozens of eggs and egg mass), laying rate, weight and mass of eggs and indices of egg quality (yolk, shell and albumen content, shell thickness, Haugh unit). Results indicated that reducing feed energy levels to 2,500 and 2,600 kcal/kg increased feed intake (P 0.05) feed intake. No differences (P > 0.05) were observed in laying rate, feed conversion per dozen eggs and egg mass, and egg quality indices, in relation to energy or protein levels. There were no interactions between dietary energy and protein levels. In conclusion, the reduction of metabolizable energy levels to 2,500 kcal/kg and crude protein to 18% in diets for laying quails, from 52 to 68 weeks of age, is a viable alternative to reduce production costs, without harming performance and egg quality

    ‘Mutirão Agroflorestal’: herramienta de red de agroforestería del Vale do Paraíba, Brasil

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    Difundir los sistemas agroforestales (SAFs) en la cuenca del río Paraíba do Sul, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, es el propósito de esfuerzo conjunto en Polo Regional/APTA, en Pindamonhangaba. Los SAFs se basan en consorcios de cultivos agrícolas, arbustos y árboles, aprovechando los mismos recursos (agua, luz y nutrientes). Entre los años 2010-2013, unas 330 personas de diversos orígenes participaron en esfuerzos conjuntos agroforestales. La metodología participativa incluye la planificación para la preparación y manejo de los SAFs, después de conciencia a través de conferencias y excursión. El método "mutirão agroforestal” promueve el intercambio de conocimiento, el rescate de los saberes populares y los recursos genéticos. El enfoque de SAFs en la restauración de las áreas ribereñas con producción diversificada amplificando la biodiversidad de la selva atlántica. La producción se basa en especies comestibles, entre ellos: Maranta arundinaceae, Colocasia esculenta, Pereskia sp., Talinum paniculatum, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, Manihot esculenta, plátano resistente - Musa sp.; de árboles nativo para madera (Calophyllum brasiliense e Centrolobium tomentosum), frutas (Euterpe edulis, Rolinia mucosa) y plantas fertilizantes (Cajanus cajan, Flemingia macrophylla, Tithonia diversifolia, Gliricidia sepium, Sesbania sp., Inga sp.). Se evalúan indicadores de sostenibilidad para balisar la gestión: resistencia a la penetración de una barra de hierro, tasa de cobertura del suelo por la proyección de la plantas de dosel, cantidad y calidad de vegetación espontánea, la presencia de organismos vivos en la capa superior del suelo, contenido de materia orgánica por la reacción del suelo con peróxido de hidrógeno, calidad de especies de anclaje y la cantidad de hojarasca del suelo. Como resultado, un grupo multidisciplinario ha sido articular la formación de Red de Agroforestería del Vale do Paraíba, de difundir los SAFs en la cuenca y los recursos genéticos de estas unidades pasan a los productores

    Relationship between self-reported pain, pain threshold, pain catastrophization and quality of life in patients with TMD

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    The aim of this study was to verify if there is a relationship between self-reported pain, PPT (pressure pain threshold) of the masseter, temporal and sternocleidomastoid muscles, pain catastrophizing and quality of life in patients with TMD (temporomand