674 research outputs found

    The effects of prenatal malnutrition on the brain of adult rats: a study of anatomical, functional and molecular changes

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    Studies using a rat model of prenatal protein malnutrition (PPM) followed by nutritional rehabilitation show that PPM produces changes in the brain and behavior that endure throughout adulthood. Early studies investigated the vulnerability of the hippocampus, a structure involved in learning and memory, and reported permanent anatomical, physiological, and functional alterations. However, PPM also produces deficits in attentional processes, suggesting vulnerability across a broader cortical network including the parahippocampal region (PHR) and the prefrontal cortex (PFC). This thesis investigates the anatomical, functional, and molecular alterations in these regions resulting from PPM. This was accomplished through 4 studies: 1) A quantitative assessment of the number of neurons in the PHR and in the PFC using design-based stereology; 2) An evaluation of the impact of the PPM on metabolic activity in the PFC using the metabolic marker 2-[14C]deoxyglucose (2DG); 3) The identification of specific neuronal subtypes differentially activated during restraint stress in the PPM network using double-labelling immunohistochemistry; 4) The quantification of mRNA and protein expression of KCNJ3 (GIRK1), a potassium channel involved in regulating neural excitability, using quantitative polymerase chain reaction and Western blot analysis. Results showed that: 1) Neuron number in the PFC is unchanged by PPM, but two subfields of the PHR, the presubiculum and medial entorhinal cortex, exhibit significantly lower numbers in PPM rats; 2) Metabolic activity in specific PFC regions associated with attention including the prelimbic, infralimbic, anterior cingulate, and orbitofrontal cortices was reduced relative to controls while other regions, such as the hippocampus, were unaffected; 3) Exposure to stress evokes a significant increase in the number of inhibitory interneurons that are activated in the PFC of PPM rats which could likely contribute to the observed overall reduction in PFC activity; 4) For the KCNJ3 channel, PPM induces lower levels of mRNA and protein expression in the PFC while levels in the hippocampus and brain stem/basal ganglia are unchanged. Together, these data show that PPM creates permanent anatomical, functional, and molecular alterations selective to specific subfields, cell types, and molecules leading to an imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory processes in the PHR-PFC network of adult rats

    Cytotoxicity and antibacterial studies of iridoids and phenolic compounds isolated from the latex of Himatanthus sucuuba

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    The latex of Himatanthus sucuuba (Spruce) Woodson, used popularly in the Amazon for the treatment of tumors, gastritis, inflammations and infections, was evaluated for cytotoxicity and antibacterial activities. The iridoid lactones, plumericin and isoplumericin were isolated from latex by bioassay fractionation and were found to be associated with DNA damage. Gallic acid exhibited the highest antimicrobial activity among the phenolic compounds isolated from the aqueous fraction. The compounds associated to cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activities could be responsible to the effects of this species used in traditional medicine.Key words: Himatanthus sucuuba, iridoids, phenolics, cytotoxicity, antibacterial


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    Consiste em reflexões sobre o imperativo enquadramento universal das condutas estatais quando, não obstante a soberania, compõem uma ordem internacional esteada na integral tutela humana. Mais especificamente, atém-se às intervenções dos organismos internacionais, sobretudo no Sistema Interamericano, e ao crescente fenômeno do refúgio. Objetiva examinar a remediação das consequências internacionais da violação de direitos humanos. Utilizando o método dedutivo, com pesquisa bibliográfica, tem-se a conclusão de que, apesar da ampla gama de instrumentos formais, ainda há intensas afrontas aos direitos humanos, o que fomenta a necessidade pelo desenvolvimento de mecanismos hábeis à formação de uma sociedade global mais efetivamente humanizada


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    Este artigo possui o objetivo de analisar o desenho curricular dos cursos de Graduação em Espanhol ofertados pelas Universidades Federais Brasileiras, verificando se existem nos currículos desses cursos disciplinas relacionadas à inclusão de pessoas com deficiência. Para tanto, adotou-se a técnica de pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa com método de análise documental, sendo eles: os desenhos curriculares e ementas das disciplinas de inclusão escolar, disponibilizados nos sítios eletrônicos das Universidades Federais Brasileiras. Os dados encontrados revelam a presença de três disciplinas que abrangem a inclusão escolar de alunos com deficiência, sendo elas: LIBRAS, Educação Especial e Educação Inclusiva. Dessa forma, o currículo de um profissional da educação precisa ser democrático, abrangente e inclusivo, para dar atendimento às singularidades do aluno - não apenas os que possuem alguma necessidade educativa especial, mas às necessidades individuais de todos que fazem parte do espaço escolar. Diante das informações, conclui-se que as instituições de nível superior, todavia necessitam assumir, de forma cada vez mais efetiva, o seu papel de formadores de profissionais para atuar frente a diferente classe heterogênea que se constituem nos níveis de ensino

    Education as a human right for reciprocal development

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    Considerado o panorama constitucional brasileiro, enquadrado na conjuntura social-democrática, desponta o direito social à educação como pilar à construção social. Porém, a inobservância da referida diretriz elaborada pelo constituinte conduz o quadro social à involução, no sentido de que não evoluem as pessoas, e tampouco o cenário sociopolítico. Hodiernamente, embora compreensível o comando pela implementação de políticas educacionais eficazes, não se pode afirmar pela efetividade desse ideário, haja vista a conjuntura fática que explicita as carências de um sistema educacional falho. Assim sendo, afigura-se necessário o vislumbre do direito à educação enquanto parâmetro humano básico, ou direito humano, com o objetivo de serem planejadas as bases educacionais mediante sólidos sistemas que, pragmaticamente, estruturem um quadro coletivo que impulsione, até mesmo, a formação do Estado democrático. Por meio do método dedutivo, analisam-se pensamentos doutrinários sobre o tema, culminando a discussão na compreensão de que, percebido enquanto direito humano, o direito à educação reclama efetivação pragmática e, além disso, não permite incursões restritivas por meio da atuação estatal, que em meio à discricionariedade, restringe, por vezes, de modo desarrazoado, a capacitação do ser humano. Entendeu-se, outrossim, que a educação otimiza tanto a esfera individual, quanto a própria estrutura estatal democrática.Considerando el panorama constitucional brasileño, enmarcado en la coyuntura socialdemócrata, el derecho social a la educación emerge como un pilar para la construcción social. Sin embargo, el incumplimiento de esta directriz elaborada por el constituyente lleva al marco social a la involución, en el sentido de que las personas no evolucionan, ni el escenario sociopolítico. Hoy, aunque el mandato para la implementación de políticas educativas efectivas es comprensible, no puede ser afirmado por la efectividad de esta idea, dada la coyuntura fáctica que explica las deficiencias de un sistema educativo fallido. Por lo tanto, es necesario vislumbrar el derecho a la educación como un parámetro humano básico, o derecho humano, para planificar las bases educativas a través de sistemas sólidos que, pragmáticamente, estructuran un marco colectivo que incluso impulsa la formación. del estado democrático. A través del método deductivo, se analizan los pensamientos doctrinales sobre el tema, culminando la discusión en el entendimiento de que, percibido como un derecho humano, el derecho a la educación exige una realización pragmática y, además, no permite incursiones restrictivas a través de la acción estatal, que, en medio de la discreción, a veces restringe irrazonablemente el empoderamiento del ser humano. Además, se entendió que la educación optimiza tanto la esfera individual como la propia estructura democrática del estado.Considering the Brazilian constitutional panorama, framed in the social-democratic conjuncture, the social right to education emerges as a pillar for social construction. However, the failure to comply with this guideline elaborated by the constituent leads the social framework to involution, in the sense that people do not evolve, nor does the sociopolitical scenario. Today, although the command for the implementation of effective educational policies is understandable, it cannot be affirmed by the effectiveness of this idea, given the factual conjuncture that explains the shortcomings of a failed educational system. Therefore, it is necessary to have a glimpse of the right to education as a basic human parameter, or human right, in order to plan the educational bases through solid systems that, pragmatically, structure a collective framework that even impels the formation of the democratic state. Through the deductive method, doctrinal thoughts on the subject are analyzed, culminating the discussion in the understanding that, perceived as a human right, the right to education demands pragmatic realization and, furthermore, does not allow restrictive incursions through state action, which, in the midst of discretion, sometimes unreasonably restricts the empowerment of the human being. Moreover, it was understood that education optimizes both the individual sphere and the democratic state structure itself

    Evaluation of Antiplasmodial activity of extracts and constituents from Ampelozizyphus amazonicus

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    PMID: 26664012 WOS: 000362879000003BACKGROUND: Ampelozizyphus amazonicus Ducke, a plant that is widely used by the population of the Amazonian region to prevent and treat malaria, was investigated in this work, which describes, for the first time, the antiplasmodial activity of its extracts and associates this activity with its isolated constituents. METHODS: Different extracts with solvents of increasing polarity (hexane, chloroform, ethanol, and water) were obtained of the root bark. This procedure resulted in extracts that were characterized for their constituents. The cytotoxicity and activity of the extracts against Plasmodium berghei (schizontocidal activity, liver stage) and Plasmodium falciparum (3D7 and Dd2 strains, erythrocyte stage) were assessed in vitro. RESULTS: Of the four extracts assayed against P. berghei, the chloroform extract showed the greatest activity, with an inhibitory concentration 50% (IC50) value of 30.1 µg/mL, followed by the aqueous extract (IC50 = 39.9 µg/mL). The chloroform extract exhibited the highest antiplasmodial activity in the erythrocyte stage of P. falciparum, with an IC50 value lower than 15 µg/mL. Fractionation of this more active extract led to the isolation and elucidation of pentacyclic triterpenes, lupeol, betulin and betulinic acid, which showed antiplasmodial activities with IC50 values ranging from 5.6 to 80.30 µM. The most active of these, betulinic acid, was further quantified in the extracts by high-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array detector analyzes. The higher amount was found in the chloroform extract, which was the most active one against P. falciparum. CONCLUSION: The results obtained in this work may partly explain the popular intake of A. amazonicusas an antimalarial remedy in the Amazon region.publishersversionpublishe

    Pre-competitive state anxiety in infant juvenile volleyball athletes

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    Compreender a relação entre ansiedade-estado pré-competitiva e desempenho esportivo se constitui em importante meio para ajudar os esportistas a diagnosticar e controlar emoções. O presente estudo pretendeu: a) comparar o nível de ansiedade pré-competitiva entre atletas homens e mulheres, das equipes finalistas da Taça Paraná de Voleibol 2011; b) comparar os níveis de ansiedade pré-competitiva entre as equipes campeã e vice-campeã masculina, bem como entre as equipes campeã e vice-campeã feminina; c) comparar os níveis de ansiedade pré-competitiva dos atletas titulares e reservas, para as equipes de ambos os sexos; d) verificar a relação entre os níveis de ansiedade pré-competitiva e o tempo de prática dos atletas das equipes masculinas, bem como das equipes femininas. Participaram do estudo quatro equipes infanto-juvenis, finalistas da Taça Paraná 2011, totalizando 24 atletas do sexo feminino e 23 do sexo masculino (idade 16,16 ± 0,34 anos) e tempo de prática (4,97 ± 1,99 anos). Para avaliar a ansiedade pré-competitiva, utilizou-se o instrumento CSAI-2. As coletas ocorreram 30 minutos antes do início dos jogos finais. De forma geral, as equipes finalistas apresentaram níveis de ansiedade geral pré-competitiva similares, embora tenham sido encontradas diferenças significativas entre atletas mulheres titulares e reservas em relação à autoconfiança, sendo que as titulares apresentaram médias mais elevadas neste aspecto.Understanding the relationship between pre-competitive state anxiety and sports performance are an important means to help sportsmen to diagnose and manage emotions. The present study aimed to: a) compare the level of pre-competitive anxiety among athletes men and women, the finalist teams of Paraná Cup Volleyball 2011; b) to compare the levels of pre-competitive anxiety among male champion teams and runners-up, as well as between female champion teams and runners-up; c) compare the levels of pre-competitive anxiety and reserves holders athletes for teams of both sexes; d) verify the relationship between the levels of pre-competitive anxiety and practice time for athletes of men’s teams and the women’s teams. Study participants were four youth teams, Paraná Cup finalists in 2011, totaling 24 female athletes and 23 male athletes (age 16.16 ± overall 0.34 years) and practice time 4.97 ± 1.99 years . To evaluate the pre-competitive anxiety, used the instrument CSAI-2. Sample occurred 30 minutes before the start of finals games. In general, the finalist teams had higher levels of general pre-competitive anxiety similar, although statistically significant differences between women athletes holders and reserves have been found in relation to the self-confidence, and the holders had higher average in this aspect


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    Species of the genus Alpinia are widely used by the population and have many described biological activities, including activity against insects. In this paper, we describe the bioactivity of the essential oil of two species of Alpinia genus, A. zerumbet and A. vittata, against Rhodnius nasutus, a vector of Chagas disease. The essential oils of these two species were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-MS. The main constituent of A. zerumbet essential oil (OLALPZER) was terpinen-4-ol, which represented 19.7% of the total components identified. In the essential oil of A. vittata (OLALPVIT) the monoterpene β-pinene (35.3%) was the main constituent. The essential oils and their main constituents were topically applied on R. nasutus fifth-instar nymphs. In the first 10 min of application, OLALPVIT and OLALPZER at 125 μg/mL provoked 73.3% and 83.3% of mortality, respectively. Terpinen-4-ol at 25 μg/mL and β-pinene at 44 μg/mL provoked 100% of mortality. The monitoring of resistant insects showed that both essential oils exhibited antifeedant activity. These results suggest the potential use of A. zerumbet and A. vittata essential oils and their major constituents to control R. nasutus population