51 research outputs found

    Human hemorrhagic pulmonary leptospirosis: pathological findings and pathophysiological correlations.

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    Abstract\ud Background: Leptospirosis is a re-emerging zoonosis with protean clinical manifestations. Recently, the importance of\ud pulmonary hemorrhage as a lethal complication of this disease has been recognized. In the present study, five human\ud necropsies of leptospirosis (Weil‘s syndrome) with extensive pulmonary manifestations were analysed, and the antibodies\ud expressed in blood vessels and cells involved in ion and water transport were used, seeking to better understand the\ud pathophysiology of the lung injury associated with this disease.\ud Principal Findings: Prominent vascular damage was present in the lung microcirculation, with decreased CD34 and\ud preserved aquaporin 1 expression. At the periphery and even inside the extensive areas of edema and intraalveolar\ud hemorrhage, enlarged, apparently hypertrophic type I pneumocytes (PI) were detected and interpreted as a non-specific\ud attempt of clearence of the intraalveolar fluid, in which ionic transport, particularly of sodium, plays a predominant role, as\ud suggested by the apparently increased ENaC and aquaporin 5 expression. Connexin 43 was present in most pneumocytes,\ud and in the cytoplasm of the more preserved endothelial cells. The number of type II pneumocytes (PII) was slightly\ud decreased when compared to normal lungs and those of patients with septicemia from other causes, a fact that may\ud contribute to the progressively low PI count, resulting in deficient restoration after damage to the alveolar epithelial\ud integrity and, consequently, a poor outcome of the pulmonary edema and hemorrhage.\ud Conclusions: Pathogenesis of lung injury in human leptospirosis was discussed, and the possibility of primary noninflammatory\ud vascular damage was considered, so far of undefinite etiopathogenesis, as the initial pathological\ud manifestation of the disease

    Influencia de la emulsión inhibida TCG en la reactividad de terrenos sulfurosos en la operación de voladura, Minera Yanacocha 2018

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    RESUMEN La presente tesis tiene como objetivo ayudar en el uso seguro de los explosivos en situaciones en las que puede existir un peligro específico adicional debido a la posible reacción no deseada entre un explosivo y la roca que se desea fragmentar. Bajo ciertas situaciones las reacciones no deseadas puedan dar lugar a detonaciones prematuras con resultados fatales, estas reacciones pueden ser por la química de la roca, la temperatura o combinación de ambos. Asimismo, describir sus características de la tecnología Inhibida y determinar que las voladuras realizadas con emulsión inhibida nos den resultados satisfactorios, una buena velocidad de detonación, buena fragmentación y la eliminación de gases nitrosos. La investigación desarrollada es experimental aplicada de tipo correlacional con diseño transversal. En nuestra hipótesis nuestra variable independiente es Influencia de la Emulsión Inhibida y la dependiente es Reactividad en Terrenos Sulfurosos, aplicando la Emulsión Inhibida en una malla mayor a los 150 taladros se presentaron gases nitrosos en 1% de color anaranjado. Con la Emulsión Inhibida realizamos una mezcla explosiva 80/20 es decir 80% de emulsión y 20% de nitrato de amonio la longitud de carga es de 6m obteniendo un factor de potencia de 1332 y su factor de carga es de 0.236 esto es en una malla con un burden de 8m por un espaciamiento de 9m con una altura de banco de 10m, con una densidad de roca de 1.85. PALABRAS CLAVE: Terrenos sulfurosos, temperatura, mezcla, emulsión inhibida.ABSTRACT The objetive of this thesis has as porpuse help in the safe use of explosives In situations where they may exist an additional specific danger due to possible un wanted Reaction bet ween an explosive and the rock that you want to fragment under certain situations the un wanted reactions can lead to premature detonations with fatal result these reactions can be by the chemistry of the rock, the temperature or combinations of both like wise describ its characteristics of inhibited technology and determinations that the voladure made with inhibited emulsion gives us results satisfactory a good detonation speed good fragmentation and elimination of nitrous gases the research the veloped is experimental aplicac correlation type with transversal design in out this thesis our independent variable is influence of the inhibited emulsion and the dependent is reactive in land Sulphur‟s by applying the inhibited emulsion in a larger mesh a hundred and fifty drills‟ nitrous gases were present in one percent orange . With the inhibited emulsion we perform an explosive mixture eighty twenty is the eighty percent emulsion and twenty percent of ammonium nitrate the loading length is six meters obtaining a power factor zero point to hundred thirty-six this is in a mesh with a burden of eight meters by a spacing of mine meters with a height bank of then meters with bank of then meters with a density of rock one point eighty-five. KEYWORDS: Sulfurous lands, temperature, mixture, emulsion inhibited

    AMA GERIATRIA UNINCOR : Instrumento de Avaliação Médica Ampliada para aplicação em consultas médicas a pacientes idosos na atenção básica

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    Atualmente no Brasil, as formas usuais dos registros de evolução médica de pacientes idosos na rede pública de atenção básica a saúde (Unidades Básicas de Saúde – UBS´s), dependem em muito de fatores que envolvem a própria evolução da consulta médica, podendo tornar-se oneroso para o poder público, tanto quanto desgastante para o idoso e/ou para o profissional da saúde. O AMA GERIATRIA UNINCOR, vem corroborar com o desejo do Ministério da Saúde em desenvolver novas técnicas para aprimoramento do atendimento multidisciplinar da pessoa idosa, de forma ampla e padronizada (Politica Nacional de Saúde do Idoso, 2006). Constituindo assim, uma importante ferramenta operacional para otimização e padronização dos registros médicos de evolução da saúde da pessoa idosa. Trata-se de formulário estruturado, dirigido, simplificado e auto-explicativo, baseado em  técnicas já consagradas, como Katz, Lawton, Yasevage e Sociedade Brasileira de Geriatria. PALAVRAS CHAVE:  Avaliação. Idoso. Geriatria. Demência. Incapacidade.

    Production and quality of ornamental peppers cultivated under colored shade nets

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    The cultivation of ornamental peppers in places with high temperature and incidence of solar radiation limits the production and quality of plants and fruits. The colored shade nets were introduced and adopted, because they reduce the temperature and intensity of solar radiation, as well as, low cost and simple to handle. The aimed was to evaluate the production and quality of C. chinense and C. frutescens cultivated under colored shade nets. The experiment was developed in the Floriculture Sector of the Agronomy Department of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil from February to August 2021 in entirely randomized design.  C. chinense and C. frutescens were cultivated under red, pearl and aluminet nets with 35% shading and without net. At 150 days, production variables were quantified. The red net reduced the maximum temperature by at 4.1ºC and the pearl and aluminet nets reduced the minimum temperature by 3ºC. The maximum and minimum relative humidity was increased by 2.6 and 8.5%, respectively, by the red net. The pearl net obtained the lowest percentage of solar radiation incidence. Plant height was greater in the red and pearl nets, and C. frutescens. The diameter and stem fresh matter did not differ statistically between treatments. Root length was greater in the red and aluminet nets. The longitudinal and transverse canopy ratio was higher in C. chinense cultivated under the aluminet net. The number of leaves and leaves fresh matter was higher in pearl and aluminet net, and in C. frutescens, but leaves dry matter was higher in C. chinense. The number of flower buds and flowers, and flower buds dry matter was higher in C. chinense. The root fresh matter and dry matter was greater in C. chinese. The use of colored shade nets during the cultivation period effectively reduced temperature and light intensity. The aluminet net in association with C. chinense are recommended considering the compactness of height, pot coverage, greater number, shape and arrangement of fruits.The cultivation of ornamental peppers in places with high temperature and incidence of solar radiation limits the production and quality of plants and fruits. The colored shade nets were introduced and adopted, because they reduce the temperature and intensity of solar radiation, as well as, low cost and simple to handle. The aimed was to evaluate the production and quality of C. chinense and C. frutescens cultivated under colored shade nets. The experiment was developed in the Floriculture Sector of the Agronomy Department of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil from February to August 2021 in entirely randomized design.  C. chinense and C. frutescens were cultivated under red, pearl and aluminet nets with 35% shading and without net. At 150 days, production variables were quantified. The red net reduced the maximum temperature by at 4.1ºC and the pearl and aluminet nets reduced the minimum temperature by 3ºC. The maximum and minimum relative humidity was increased by 2.6 and 8.5%, respectively, by the red net. The pearl net obtained the lowest percentage of solar radiation incidence. Plant height was greater in the red and pearl nets, and C. frutescens. The diameter and stem fresh matter did not differ statistically between treatments. Root length was greater in the red and aluminet nets. The longitudinal and transverse canopy ratio was higher in C. chinense cultivated under the aluminet net. The number of leaves and leaves fresh matter was higher in pearl and aluminet net, and in C. frutescens, but leaves dry matter was higher in C. chinense. The number of flower buds and flowers, and flower buds dry matter was higher in C. chinense. The root fresh matter and dry matter was greater in C. chinese. The use of colored shade nets during the cultivation period effectively reduced temperature and light intensity. The aluminet net in association with C. chinense are recommended considering the compactness of height, pot coverage, greater number, shape and arrangement of fruits

    Interações medicamentosas potenciais em prescrições de pacientes da unidade de infectologia de um hospital universitário / Potential drug interactions in patients’ prescriptions in the infectious disease unit of a university hospital

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    Introdução: Os pacientes internados constituem o grupo mais suscetível a sofrerem interações medicamentosas (IM) devido à adição de novos medicamentos, prescrição de regimes terapêuticos complexos e presença de comorbidades. As IM são um problema de saúde pública por necessitarem em sua maioria de cuidados médicos, podendo causar risco de vida aos pacientes, o que eleva os custos hospitalares por conta do aumento do tempo de internação. Objetivo: Avaliar as IM potenciais em prescrições de pacientes admitidos na unidade de infectologia de um hospital universitário de Sergipe. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo observacional exploratório, com delineamento longitudinal prospectivo, em pacientes admitidos no serviço de infectologia do hospital. Foram incluídos os pacientes com 18 anos ou mais, com 2 ou mais medicamentos prescritos e que permaneceram internados por, no mínimo, 7 dias. As reinternações foram excluídas. As IM foram identificadas pelo Drugdex System – Thomson Micromedex® – Interactions. Resultados: Dos 131 pacientes internados na enfermaria de infectologia, 78% apresentaram IM. Destas, 43,7% foram consideradas de gravidade moderada e 50,8% com documentação boa. Os pacientes foram analisados em três momentos, no 1º dia (D1), no 7º dia (D7) e no 15º dia (D15), e percebeu-se uma tendência temporal de aumento da utilização de medicamentos na amostra total de pacientes (D1: 6,3; D7: 8,1 e D15: 8,7), bem como do aumento proporcional das IM (D1: 2,1; D7: 3,2 e D15: 3,9). Conclusão: O conhecimento do perfil da unidade de infectologia vai permitir aos provedores de saúde a escolha de esquemas terapêuticos, vias de administrações e cuidados com os pacientes mais seguros, proporcionado um atendimento de qualidade com prevenção de danos

    Produção de mudas de Senegalia polyphylla com sementes criopreservadas sob diferentes intensidades luminosas / Production of Senegalia polyphylla seedlings with cryopreserved seeds under different light intensities

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     A espécie Senegalia polyphylla é indicada para recuperação de áreas degradadas, contudo, ainda não há pesquisa sobre o efeito da criopreservação no armazenamento de sementes e da intensidade de sombreamento na produção de mudas desta espécie. Diante disso, o objetivo foi avaliar o efeito da criopreservação na emergência, o crescimento inicial e qualidade de mudas produzidas em ambientes com diferentes intensidades luminosas. O experimento foi dividido em duas etapas, na primeira adotou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 2 tratamentos (sementes criopreservadas e não criopreservadas) com 10 repetições. Avaliou-se o índice velocidade de emergência e a porcentagem de emergência. Na segunda etapa, o delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 x 2, sendo 4 ambientes (tela sombrite preta com 30%, 50%, 80% de sombreamento e pleno sol) e 2 métodos de conservação (sementes criopreservadas e não criopreservadas). Foram feitas avaliações aos 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias após a repicagem (DAR) de altura, diâmetro do colo e número de folhas.  A massa fresca e seca da parte aérea e da raiz foram avaliados aos 120 DAR para cálculo do índice de qualidade de Dickson (IQD). A criopreservação afetou apenas o diâmetro do colo aos 60 DAR e o número de folhas aos 30 DAR. Houve maior massa seca de raiz e IQD no tratamento com 50% de sombreamento. As mudas de melhor qualidade foram produzidas em ambientes com 50% de sombreamento, independente dos métodos de conservação

    Educomunicação, Transformação Social e Desenvolvimento Sustentável

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    Esta publicação apresenta os principais trabalhos dos GTs do II Congresso Internacional de Comunicação e Educação nos temas Transformação social, com os artigos que abordam principalmente Educomunicação e/ou Mídia-Educação, no contexto de políticas de diversidade, inclusão e equidade; e, em Desenvolvimento Sustentável os artigos que abordam os avanços da relação comunicação/educação no contexto da educação ambiental e desenvolvimento sustentável

    The complete genome sequence of Chromobacterium violaceum reveals remarkable and exploitable bacterial adaptability

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    Chromobacterium violaceum is one of millions of species of free-living microorganisms that populate the soil and water in the extant areas of tropical biodiversity around the world. Its complete genome sequence reveals (i) extensive alternative pathways for energy generation, (ii) ≈500 ORFs for transport-related proteins, (iii) complex and extensive systems for stress adaptation and motility, and (iv) wide-spread utilization of quorum sensing for control of inducible systems, all of which underpin the versatility and adaptability of the organism. The genome also contains extensive but incomplete arrays of ORFs coding for proteins associated with mammalian pathogenicity, possibly involved in the occasional but often fatal cases of human C. violaceum infection. There is, in addition, a series of previously unknown but important enzymes and secondary metabolites including paraquat-inducible proteins, drug and heavy-metal-resistance proteins, multiple chitinases, and proteins for the detoxification of xenobiotics that may have biotechnological applications