14 research outputs found


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    Pretende-se, com este trabalho, apresentar, sob uma perspectiva interacionista, as contribuições que o brincar lúdico pode oferecer para o desenvolvimento das habilidades sociais em crianças de três anos e meio de idade. Tendo como base uma pesquisa bibliográfica na qual autores como Wallon, Vygotsky e Piaget e outros autores que apresentam estudos consolidados relacionados à essa temática terão maior enfoque. Abordam-se as principais características da maneira de brincar deste período com ênfase para a importância da brincadeira do jogo simbólico ou “faz de conta”, e de como estas atividades influenciam no processo de socialização infantil. Finalmente foi-se possível concluir que as vantagens atribuídas às funções da brincadeira são inúmeras e que estas favorecem o desenvolvimento das habilidades sociais de forma plena bem como auxiliam no desenvolvimento humano em suas várias modalidades

    Hydroponic forage of corn and millet grown on different organic substrates

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the production and nutritive value of the hydroponic forage of corn and pearl millet grown in different organic substrates. It was carried out in a completely randomized design in 2 x 3 factorial scheme with four replications. The grasses used were corn and pearl millet and sugarcane bagasse, chopped elephant grass and chopped Brachiaria grass as substrates. The harvest was carried out 15 days after sowing, with seed density of 2 kg/m², irrigated with water and commercial nutrient solution. The productive parameters and chemical composition of the hydroponic forage were evaluated. The use of sugarcane bagasse substrate resulted in a greater production of total dry mass for corn among the other treatments, which reflected in better efficiency in the production parameters. As for substrates composed of chopped grass, lower values ​​of neutral detergent fiber were identified in both corn and pearl millet. The substrates and grass species affect the evaluated parameters, in which the use of sugarcane bagasse resulted in greater total production of dry mass using corn. The substrates based on chopped grass reflected in biomass with reduced fiber content, high levels of digestible nutrients, in addition to high protein content

    Evaluation of the genetic polymorphism of Plasmodium falciparum P126 protein (SERA or SERP) and its influence on naturally acquired specific antibody responses in malaria-infected individuals living in the Brazilian Amazon

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>P126 protein is an asexual blood-stage malaria vaccine candidate antigen. Antibodies against P126 are able to inhibit parasite growth <it>in vitro</it>, and a major parasite-inhibitory epitope has been recently mapped to its 47 kDa N-terminal extremity (octamer repeat domain – OR domain). The OR domain basically consists of six octamer units, but variation in the sequence and number of repeat units may appear in different alleles. The aim of the present study was to investigate the polymorphism of P126 N-terminal region OR domain in <it>P. falciparum </it>isolates from two Brazilian malaria endemic areas and its impact on anti-OR naturally acquired antibodies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was carried out in two villages, Candeias do Jamari (Rondonia state) and Peixoto de Azevedo (Mato Grosso state), both located in the south-western part of the Amazon region. The repetitive region of the gene encoding the P126 antigen was PCR amplified and sequenced with the di-deoxy chain termination procedure. The antibody response was evaluated by ELISA with the Nt47 synthetic peptide corresponding to the P126 OR-II domain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only two types of OR fragments were identified in the studied areas, one of 175 bp (OR-I) and other of 199 bp (OR-II). A predominance of the OR-II fragment was observed in Candeias do Jamari whereas in Peixoto de Azevedo both fragments OR-I and OR-II were frequent as well as mixed infection (both fragments simultaneously) reported here for the first time. Comparing the DNA sequencing of OR-I and OR-II fragments, there was a high conservation among predicted amino acid sequences of the P126 N-terminal extremity. Data of immune response demonstrated that the OR domain is highly immunogenic in natural conditions of exposure and that the polymorphism of the OR domain does not apparently influence the specific immune response.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings confirm a limited genetic polymorphism of the P126 OR domain in <it>P. falciparum </it>isolates and that this limited genetic polymorphism does not seem to influence the development of a specific humoral immune response to P126 and its immunogenicity in the studied population.</p

    Incidência da síndrome pré-menstrual na prática de esportes: aspectos atuais: Incidence of pre-menstrual syndrome in sports: current aspects

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    A síndrome pré-menstrual (SPM) é uma constelação complexa de alterações de humor, comportamentais e físicas que se limitam à fase pré-menstrual. Esses sintomas se recuperam dentro de alguns dias após o início da menstruação.&nbsp; Assim, o objetivo desse estudo é demonstrar a incidência da síndrome pré-menstrual na prática de esportes a partir de uma revisão integrativa sobre o tema. Para isso, foi realizado uma revisão integrativa sobre o tema, onde foi considerado textos publicados desde 2010, em inglês e português e que estejam disponíveis para leitura, no PUBMED, LILACs e Scielo. Esta revisão sistemática fornece algum suporte adicional para diretrizes clínicas que recomendam o exercício como um tratamento eficaz para a TPM. As análises secundárias realizadas também fornecem novas evidências de que o exercício pode ser útil no alívio de sintomas psicológicos, físicos e comportamentais específicos associados à TPM, além de auxiliar no gerenciamento do perfil global de sintomas


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    Esse relato de experiência é fruto da monitoria da disciplina de Técnicas Psicométricas do curso de Psicologia do Centro Universitário Católica de Quixadá. O mesmo, apresenta a inserção da produção textual na disciplina com o objetivo de auxiliar os estudantes do quinto semestre na fixação do conteúdo ministrado, bem como no desenvolvimento da habilidade de construir textos coerentes e concisos com base psicológica. Ao longo do semestre os alunos produziram oito textos cada e estes foram corrigidos e apontamentos realizados por parte da monitora. Alguns dos textos construídos sofreram mudanças na estrutura e organização, enquanto que outros permaneceram reducionistas e distorcidos em relação ao conteúdo. Deste modo, percebeu-se uma mudança positiva e significativa na escrita dos discentes, e os autores referenciados ainda apontam que os discentes devem permanecer em constante aprimoramento e estimulação, pois desta forma conseguiram desenvolver uma escrita mais compacta e coerente

    Scientific evidence of the effectiveness of ozone therapy use in the face of Brazilian sanitary legislation

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    Objective: verify if the existing scientific evidence has any real relevance and sufficiency for ozone to be used as therapy in some pathologies, and to observe the progress of Brazilian legislation on the subject. Method: a literary review was performed, in databases, with scientific evidence from the last ten years that address ozone therapy and the advancement of Brazilian legislation. Results: Several scientific evidences demonstrated the ozone therapy efficacy, its relevance and its sufficiency in various pathologies. Conclusion: Therefore, it is evident that the ozone therapy release by the Brazilian health authorities before the Brazilian Health Professional Councils is delayed and comes up against issues unrelated to the real effectiveness of this therapy.</p

    O paradoxo da realidade brasileira: a proteção do consumidor idoso superendividado colocada em xeque pela Lei 14.431/2022 e pelo Decreto 11.170/2022 = The paradox of the Brazilian reality: the protection of the over-indebted elderly consumer put in check by Law 14,431/2022 and Decree 11,170/2022

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    Artigo originalmente publicado na Revista de Direito do Consumidor, v. 32, n. 145, de jan./fev. 2023, com omissão parcial das informações formais. Publicado o artigo na íntegra, com as devidas correções na Revista de Direito do Consumidor, v. 32, n. 146, de mar./abr. 2023

    Distractions and interruptions in a surgical room: perception of nursing staff

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    Abstract Objective: To understand the perception of nursing staff about intraoperative distractions and interruptions. Methods: An exploratory qualitative study was performed with 16 nursing professionals of a surgical center in Minas Gerais. The data were collected through a semi-structured interview and thematic content analysis was performed. Results: When reflecting on the occurrence of distractions and interruptions of intraoperative activities, nursing professionals define, identify and value events in a heterogeneous way, but believe that distractions and interruptions negatively affect both the quality of the work environment and the safety of care provided to the surgical patient. Factors contributing to the occurrence of distractions and interruptions are related to aspects inside the operating room such as equipment failure and use of cell phones and to external factors such as verbal messages given at the operating room door. Incidents have been reported due to distractions, but there are no established actions to minimize these events. Conclusion: This study indicates the importance of implementing strategies that minimize the occurrence of distractions and interruptions of intraoperative activities in order to plan surgical care better, and prevent and mitigate harm to patients