1,021 research outputs found

    Institutional Approach and Enterprise Creation: Support Systems in the Case of Small City in Rural and Peripheral Areas of Portugal

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    The research aims to identify and analyse the formal institutional factors in the environment that constrain the creation of industrial enterprises in small city in rural and peripheral areas of Portugal, namely Covilhã County. It has as reference sources several approaches about enterprise creation and institutional economic theory due to their adequacy to the study of the factors that influence enterprise creation by encompassing institutions, services, programs and support measures. With this analysis we try to evaluate the extent to which entrepreneurs know about and employ the available institutional programs/services. Investigation hypotheses are formulated and subject them to empiric tests. The results, from the offer point of view of the services/programs, show that, duplication of resources and efforts on the part of institutions in the region often occurs making coordination more difficult and alienating the demand (entrepreneurs). From the view point of the demand, we noticed that entrepreneurs may have a broad awareness of the institutions, but this does not imply that they use their programs and services. Therefore recommendations are made having in view a better coordination among the different institutions involved so that the programs they offer can be more effective in the future.entrepreneurship, enterprise creation, institutions, institutional economic theory

    The JIL-1 kinase affects telomere expression in the different telomere domains of Drosophila

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    In Drosophila, the non-LTR retrotransposons HeT-A, TART and TAHRE build a head-to-tail array of repetitions that constitute the telomere domain by targeted transposition at the end of the chromosome whenever needed. As a consequence, Drosophila telomeres have the peculiarity to harbor the genes in charge of telomere elongation. Understanding telomere expression is important in Drosophila since telomere homeostasis depends in part on the expression of this genomic compartment. We have recently shown that the essential kinase JIL-1 is the first positive regulator of the telomere retrotransposons. JIL-1 mediates chromatin changes at the promoter of the HeT-A retrotransposon that are necessary to obtain wild type levels of expression of these telomere transposons. With the present study, we show how JIL-1 is also needed for the expression of a reporter gene embedded in the telomere domain. Our analysis, using different reporter lines from the telomere and subtelomere domains of different chromosomes, indicates that JIL-1 likely acts protecting the telomere domain from the spreading of repressive chromatin from the adjacent subtelomere domain. Moreover, the analysis of the 4R telomere suggests a slightly different chromatin structure at this telomere. In summary, our results strongly suggest that the action of JIL-1 depends on which telomere domain, which chromosome and which promoter is embedded in the telomere chromatin. © 2013 Silva-Sousa, Casacuberta.Peer Reviewe

    Relationships between the perceived quality of life and the personality styles measured with the The Millon Index of Personality Styles Revised (MIPS-R)

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    This exploratory study aims to determine whether the personality styles measured with the Portuguese adaptation of Millon Index of Personality Styles Revised, MIPS-R affect the perceived quality of life. The MIPS-R is a theory-based inventory that measures 24 personality styles in normally functioning adults. Life satisfaction was measured with the Portuguese version of the Quality of Life Inventory, QOLI (Fagulha, Duarte & Miranda, 2000). It refers to a person’s subjective evaluation of the degree to which his/her most important needs, goals and wishes have been fulfilled. This study was carried out with a sample of 43 college students, 36 females (age mean = 19,7; SD = 3,1) and 7 males (age mean = 27,4; SD = 11,4). Based on the participants’ overall life satisfaction score three groups were defined: (1) Low/Very Low quality of life, (2) Average quality of life, (3) High quality of life. Discriminant Factor Analysis (DFA) and the Kruskal-Wallis Test were used to identify the styles that most differentiate these groups and to compare each style in the groups. The Other-Nurturing style is the one that best differentiates the groups. DFA results will be further exploited. Considering the Kruskal-Wallis Test, differences are observed in the Pleasure-Enhancing (p=.006), the Actively Modifying (p=.002), the Gregarious/Outgoing (p=.012), the Passively Accommodating (p=.027), the Asocial/Withdrawing (p=.036), the Unconventional/Dissenting (p=.041) and in the Dissatisfied/Complaining (p=.019) styles. Multiple comparisons were used to compare these styles in the groups. The authors believe that the discussion of these results will provide a better understanding of the MIPS-R.Instituto de Psicologia das Relações Humana

    Willingness to pay for a refillable packaging system : investigating the effect of the consumers’ perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and pro-environmental attitude

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    In a society where environmental concerns and demand for environmentally friendly products are increasing, businesses are adapting to meet their consumers’ expectations. Consumers believe that an efficient way to reduce companies’ environmental impact is by managing plastic waste. This dissertation focuses on a refillable packaging system in which the Refill on the Go solution is included. The study intends to identify what determines the Willingness to Pay for a Refill on the Go solution and how the consumers’ environmental attitude impacts this relationship. Additionally, this research takes the Technology Acceptance Model as the initial point and examines how Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness predict the Willingness to Pay. An online survey was conducted where some respondents were exposed to a traditional Single use shampoo package from an established brand within the industry and the other respondents to a Refill on the Go solution plus a refillable package from also an established brand within the industry. The results show that with a higher consumers' Pro-Environmental Attitude, the Willingness to Pay for a Refill on the Go solution is also higher and with a lower Pro-Environmental Attitude, the Willingness to Pay for a Refill on the Go solution is also lower. Although, it was not possible to prove that Willingness to Pay can be explained by neither Perceived Ease of Use nor Perceived Usefulness. Nevertheless, it was possible to find that Willingness to Pay is explained by how useful consumers between 18 and 24 years old believe the packaging system is.Numa sociedade onde as preocupações ambientais e a procura por produtos amigos do ambiente estão a aumentar, as empresas adaptam-se para atender às expectativas dos seus consumidores. Os consumidores acreditam que uma forma eficiente de reduzir o impacto ambiental das empresas está na gestão de plásticos. Esta dissertação foca-se num sistema de embalagem reutilizável em que a solução “Refill on the Go” se insere. O estudo pretende identificar o que determina a Disposição de Pagar por uma solução “Refill on the Go” e como a Atitude Pró-Ambiental do consumidor impacta essa relação. Além disso, esta pesquisa toma o Technology Acceptance Model como ponto inicial e analisa como a Facilidade de Utilização Percebida e a Utilidade Percebida prevêem a Disposição para Pagar. Foi realizado um questionário on-line em que alguns inquiridos foram expostos a um embalagem tradicional de champô de uma marca estabelecida no mercado e outros a uma solução “Refill on the Go” incluindo a embalagem reutilizável da mesma marca. Os resultados mostram que uma maior Atitude Pró-Ambiental dos consumidores leva a uma maior Disposição para Pagar por uma solução “Refill on the Go” e que uma menor Atitude Pró-Ambiental leva a uma menor Disposição a Pagar pela mesma solução. No entanto, não foi possível provar que a Disposição para Pagar pode ser explicada nem pela Facilidade de Utilização Percebida nem pela Utilidade Percebida. Contudo, foi possível constatar que a Disposição para Pagar é explicada pela utilidade que os consumidores entre 18 e 24 anos acreditam que a embalagem tem

    Integrative approach to productive urban landscapes: the case of Porto city

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    We start by acknowledging the potential of two specific urban blocks in Porto, the 12 casas block (between Rua da Alegria e Rua de Santa Catarina) and the Fontinha block (between Rua de Santa Catarina and Rua do Bonjardim). These are two of the biggest blocks of the city. Consequently, they have the largest open inner-soil. These private plots are remnants of the 19th century city structure were each inner plot of land was used to cultivate food for the houses’ inhabitants. Today, they are mostly abandoned and are defined in Porto’s master plan as places for “urban development”. This implies that they are available land to build buildings and roads. Under the argument of opening the inner-blocks to increase public space, these great free land will became fragmented in small gardens or parks. In this process their fertility value for cultivation is replaced by the market value for building. This paper questions this embedded urban planning idea “that unbuilt soil is soil available to be built”. We defend that this is an anachronic idea, supported by the continuous process of expanding the urban over rural land, and the densification of the city, by building in almost every “available site”. Secondly, we look to the past of Porto’s city to demonstrate the historical evidence of an existing productive landscape in which there is a close connection between the buildings and inner-plots for familiar agriculture. Thirdly, we explain how the two blocks presented in the first section have already in themselves the seeds of potential for an integrative approach to an urban productive landscape, that connects the inner-space of the buildings with the open-space of the plots, generating a process of transformation that may be expanded at the scale of the city. Two experiences are already being practiced in these blocks: one is Quinta das Musas, a collective association that has been progressively cultivating the inner land of the blocks gathering several plots belonging to various landowners; and the other, a pilot project “FARM” that aims to integrate pioneering research trades with the cultivation of the land and the potential for public use. Since ancient times, soil´s value was dependent on its fertility. When urban planning policies and master plans label a plot as an “urban space with x capacity to be build”, the price of land is abruptly inflated. City is a collective space and the distortion that the classification of urban soil has in its value, must be faced critically. This mindset needs to be reframed, in an era were climate change and the quality of life in cities, including the environmental one needs to be faced seriously. An integrative approach to productive urban landscapes that connect the local with the local, (“zero” distance between consumption and food production, for instance) and the local with the global is a challenge second to none

    A Família nas Redes Sociais Pessoais de Idosos

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    Objetivos: Analisar as caraterísticas sociodemográficas e das redes sociais pessoais dos idosos de acordo com a composição das redes centrada na família. Metodologia: Para caraterizar as redes sociais pessoais utilizámos o Instrumento de Análise da Rede Social e Pessoal – Idosos (IARSP-idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe e Vicente, 2012) e um questionário para descrever sociodemograficamente a amostra. Participantes: A amostra é constituída por 567 idosos (M = 75,53 anos), com predominância do sexo feminino (64,1%). A maioria é casada (53,8%) e detém a 4ª classe (51,3%). Os participantes, na sua maioria, têm filhos (87,8%) e não vivem sós (79,4%). Resultados: As redes são compostas em média por 8 elementos, dominadas por laços familiares (M = 76,90%). São redes coesas, com relações interpessoais duradouras, com pouca dispersão geográfica e elevada frequência de contactos. O apoio percebido nas redes é sobretudo emocional e informativo. Quanto à sua composição, 43,7% dos idosos têm uma rede exclusivamente familiar, 53,4% redes com família e outros campos relacionais e apenas 2,8% apresentam redes sem família. Os idosos com 76-85 anos, casados e com agregado familiar numeroso têm maior probabilidade de pertencer a redes exclusivamente familiares. Os idosos mais jovens e divorciados tendem a pertencer a redes mais diversificadas, enquanto as mulheres e os indivíduos solteiros e sem filhos têm maior probabilidade de não ter laços familiares nas suas redes, compensando a sua ausência com relações de amizade e de vizinhança. As redes exclusivamente familiares estão associadas a maior perceção de apoio emocional, material e instrumental, companhia social e reciprocidade de apoio. As redes com família e outras composições caraterizam-se por ter mais elementos e uma maior dispersão geográfica. As redes sem família são as mais reduzidas e são normalmente homogéneas para o género feminino e a nível etário, no grupo idoso. Conclusões: Fica patente o papel central das famílias nas redes e no apoio informal. Contudo, será essencial potenciar a diversificação e manutenção dos vínculos promovendo o acesso a novos contactos ao longo de todo o ciclo vital, de forma a garantir uma rede social pessoal diversificada e efetiva, em vínculos e recursos, que complemente as necessidades e favoreça o bem-estar da pessoa idosa. / Objectives: To analyze the sociodemographical and personal social networks characteristics of the elderly according to the composition of the networks centered on the families. Methodology: For characterizing the personal social networks we used the Instrumento de Análise da Rede Social Pessoal (IARSP-Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe e Vicente, 2012) and for sociodemographic characteristics we used a questionnaire. Participants: The sample consisted of 567 elderly (M = 75.53 years), mainly female (64.1%). The majority are married (53.8%) and have the 4th grade (51,3%). Overall the participants have offspring (87.8%) and do not live alone (79.4%). Results: On average, the networks have 8 elements, mostly relatives (M = 76.90%). The networks are cohesive, long-lasting, have a low geographical spread and we observed a high frequency of contacts. The networks provide mostly emotional (M = 2.64) and informative support (M = 2.37). Regarding its composition, 43.7% of the elderly have an exclusively family network, 53.4% have networks with family members and other relational fields and only 2.8% have no relatives in their networks. The elderly whose age is between 76-85 years, married and with a large household are more likely to belong to exclusively family networks. Younger and divorced elderly tend to belong to more diverse networks, as women and individuals unmarried and without offspring are more likely to do not have family bounds in their networks, with a higher proportion of friends and neighbors. Exclusively family networks are associated with greater perception of emotional, material and instrumental support, social company and reciprocal support. Networks with family and other fields are characterized by having more elements and a greater geographical spread. The social networks without family are smaller and are usually homogeneous for female gender and age, in the elderly group. Conclusions: The role of families in providing informational support is clear. However, it will be essential to enhance the diversification and maintain ties that promote access to new contacts throughout our entire life, to ensure a diversified social network that will be effective in bonds and resources that complement the needs and encourages the well-being of the elderly

    Challenges to knowledge representation in multilingual contexts

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    To meet the increasing demands of the complex inter-organizational processes and the demand for continuous innovation and internationalization, it is evident that new forms of organisation are being adopted, fostering more intensive collaboration processes and sharing of resources, in what can be called collaborative networks (Camarinha-Matos, 2006:03). Information and knowledge are crucial resources in collaborative networks, being their management fundamental processes to optimize. Knowledge organisation and collaboration systems are thus important instruments for the success of collaborative networks of organisations having been researched in the last decade in the areas of computer science, information science, management sciences, terminology and linguistics. Nevertheless, research in this area didn’t give much attention to multilingual contexts of collaboration, which pose specific and challenging problems. It is then clear that access to and representation of knowledge will happen more and more on a multilingual setting which implies the overcoming of difficulties inherent to the presence of multiple languages, through the use of processes like localization of ontologies. Although localization, like other processes that involve multilingualism, is a rather well-developed practice and its methodologies and tools fruitfully employed by the language industry in the development and adaptation of multilingual content, it has not yet been sufficiently explored as an element of support to the development of knowledge representations - in particular ontologies - expressed in more than one language. Multilingual knowledge representation is then an open research area calling for cross-contributions from knowledge engineering, terminology, ontology engineering, cognitive sciences, computational linguistics, natural language processing, and management sciences. This workshop joined researchers interested in multilingual knowledge representation, in a multidisciplinary environment to debate the possibilities of cross-fertilization between knowledge engineering, terminology, ontology engineering, cognitive sciences, computational linguistics, natural language processing, and management sciences applied to contexts where multilingualism continuously creates new and demanding challenges to current knowledge representation methods and techniques. In this workshop six papers dealing with different approaches to multilingual knowledge representation are presented, most of them describing tools, approaches and results obtained in the development of ongoing projects. In the first case, Andrés Domínguez Burgos, Koen Kerremansa and Rita Temmerman present a software module that is part of a workbench for terminological and ontological mining, Termontospider, a wiki crawler that aims at optimally traverse Wikipedia in search of domainspecific texts for extracting terminological and ontological information. The crawler is part of a tool suite for automatically developing multilingual termontological databases, i.e. ontologicallyunderpinned multilingual terminological databases. In this paper the authors describe the basic principles behind the crawler and summarized the research setting in which the tool is currently tested. In the second paper, Fumiko Kano presents a work comparing four feature-based similarity measures derived from cognitive sciences. The purpose of the comparative analysis presented by the author is to verify the potentially most effective model that can be applied for mapping independent ontologies in a culturally influenced domain. For that, datasets based on standardized pre-defined feature dimensions and values, which are obtainable from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) have been used for the comparative analysis of the similarity measures. The purpose of the comparison is to verify the similarity measures based on the objectively developed datasets. According to the author the results demonstrate that the Bayesian Model of Generalization provides for the most effective cognitive model for identifying the most similar corresponding concepts existing for a targeted socio-cultural community. In another presentation, Thierry Declerck, Hans-Ulrich Krieger and Dagmar Gromann present an ongoing work and propose an approach to automatic extraction of information from multilingual financial Web resources, to provide candidate terms for building ontology elements or instances of ontology concepts. The authors present a complementary approach to the direct localization/translation of ontology labels, by acquiring terminologies through the access and harvesting of multilingual Web presences of structured information providers in the field of finance, leading to both the detection of candidate terms in various multilingual sources in the financial domain that can be used not only as labels of ontology classes and properties but also for the possible generation of (multilingual) domain ontologies themselves. In the next paper, Manuel Silva, António Lucas Soares and Rute Costa claim that despite the availability of tools, resources and techniques aimed at the construction of ontological artifacts, developing a shared conceptualization of a given reality still raises questions about the principles and methods that support the initial phases of conceptualization. These questions become, according to the authors, more complex when the conceptualization occurs in a multilingual setting. To tackle these issues the authors present a collaborative platform – conceptME - where terminological and knowledge representation processes support domain experts throughout a conceptualization framework, allowing the inclusion of multilingual data as a way to promote knowledge sharing and enhance conceptualization and support a multilingual ontology specification. In another presentation Frieda Steurs and Hendrik J. Kockaert present us TermWise, a large project dealing with legal terminology and phraseology for the Belgian public services, i.e. the translation office of the ministry of justice, a project which aims at developing an advanced tool including expert knowledge in the algorithms that extract specialized language from textual data (legal documents) and whose outcome is a knowledge database including Dutch/French equivalents for legal concepts, enriched with the phraseology related to the terms under discussion. Finally, Deborah Grbac, Luca Losito, Andrea Sada and Paolo Sirito report on the preliminary results of a pilot project currently ongoing at UCSC Central Library, where they propose to adapt to subject librarians, employed in large and multilingual Academic Institutions, the model used by translators working within European Union Institutions. The authors are using User Experience (UX) Analysis in order to provide subject librarians with a visual support, by means of “ontology tables” depicting conceptual linking and connections of words with concepts presented according to their semantic and linguistic meaning. The organizers hope that the selection of papers presented here will be of interest to a broad audience, and will be a starting point for further discussion and cooperation

    Adequação dos exames de radiologia solicitados por um departamento de emergência: um estudo retrospetivo

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    Imaging tests are essential for diagnosis in the emergency context and convey clinical information that is essential to assess the appropriateness of the tests and improve their interpretation. Therefore, we aimed to analyze the imaging tests requested by the Emergency Department in a district hospital.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio