808 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic evidence based on Trypanosoma cruzi nuclear gene sequences and information entropy suggest that inter-strain intragenic recombination is a basic mechanism underlying the allele diversity of hybrid strains

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    The diversity of Trypanosoma cruzi is categorized into six discrete typing units (DTUs) T. cruzi I to VI. Several studies indicate that T. cruzi I and II are ancestors of T. cruzi which are considered products of independent hybridization events. the individual haplotypes or alleles of these hybrids cluster in three groups, either closer to T. cruzi I or T. cruzi II or forming a midpoint clade between T. cruzi I and II in network phylogenies. To understand the origins of these different sets of haplotypes and test the hypothesis of a direct correlation between high entropy and positive selection, we analyzed four nuclear protein coding genes. We show that hybrid strains contain haplotypes that are mosaics probably originated by intragenic recombination. Accordingly, in phylogenies, the hybrid haplotypes are closer to one or both parentals (T. cruzi I and II) depending on the proportion of parental sequences composing the mosaics. in addition, Shannon entropy, used to measure sequence diversity, is highly correlated with positive selection in the four genes here analyzed. Our data on recombination patterns also support the hypothesis of two hybridization events in the hybrid structures of T. cruzi Data presented and discussed here are consistent with a scenario where TcI and TcII are phylogenetically divergent forming a hybrid zone in between (T. cruzi III-VI). We predict that because of the quasi-random nature of T. cruzi I and II hybridization more DTUs, with different haplotype combinations, will be discovered in the hybrid zone. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Howard Hughes Medical InstituteUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, BR-04023062 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, Disciplina Infectol, BR-04023900 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Lab Genom Evolut & Biocomplexidade, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, BR-04023062 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, Disciplina Infectol, BR-04023900 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Lab Genom Evolut & Biocomplexidade, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Proposta de método para análise da fragilidade ambiental na bacia hidrográfica do rio Jordão-MG com uso de redes neurais artificiais

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    This research appears with the intention of intending a method more effective, fast and economical, for the environmental studies. Studies as the one of environmental fragility deserve cares and a wide knowledge, of several areas of the knowledge, since it should take into account a series of natural and anthropics variables. The landscape of great areas, as a hydrographic basin, consists of a complex environmental system and, therefore, worthy of methodologies that get to analyze her entirely, in order to identify your current situation and to propose solutions in critical cases, that threaten the environmental quality (human + nature). One of the justifications of that study is the lack of information about BHRJ, that possesses several and significant enterprises, as the hydroelectric plants, features scenic-landscape, diversity of use and occupation of soil and preservation areas. The present study had as objective identifies and to classify the environmental fragility in the basin of the river Jordao/MG (BHRJ) starting from the application of Artificial Neural Networks. They were made analyses of the result of RNA starting from each variable considered in the determination of the landscape sensitivity of the BHRJ, involving precipitation and superficial temperature, as climatological variables; hypsometry, slope, curvature and hillshade, as geomorphological variables; geological lithotipes and units, and distance of fractures, as geological variables; types of soils, as pedological variable; distances of urban areas, as urban variable and use and occupation of the soil as anthropic variable. To leave of those results the method it was validated proposed as viable for analysis of complex systems, since it got to generate a result here being taken in consideration all the chosen variables for use, in smaller time and with smaller cost. In the general, the result obtained with use of RNA it indicated fragile areas for BHRJ which also correspond to fragile areas in reality, considering the predominance or of an unstable geology, or of the absence of covering and protection of the soil, among other characteristics and features that can actually make the environment more or less fragile, especially in terms of sliding and/or erosion.FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas GeraisDissertação (Mestrado)Esta pesquisa surge com o intuito de se propor um método mais eficaz, rápido e econômico, para os estudos ambientais. Estudos como os de fragilidade ambiental merecem cuidados e um conhecimento amplo, de diversas áreas do conhecimento, já que deve levar em conta uma série de variáveis naturais e antrópicas. A paisagem de grandes áreas, como uma bacia hidrográfica, consiste em um sistema ambiental complexo e, portanto, merecedor de metodologias que conseguem analisá-la por completo, a fim de identificar sua situação atual e propor soluções em casos críticos, que ameacem a qualidade ambiental (ser humano + natureza). Uma das justificativas desse estudo é a carência de informações sobre a BHRJ, que possui vários e significativos empreendimentos, como as usinas hidrelétricas, feições cênico- paisagísticas, uso e ocupação do solo diversificado e áreas de preservação. O presente estudo teve então como objetivo identificar e classificar a fragilidade ambiental na bacia hidrográfica do rio Jordão/MG (BHRJ) a partir da aplicação de Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA). Foram feitas análises do resultado da RNA com cada variável considerada na determinação da fragilidade ambiental na BHRJ, envolvendo precipitação e temperatura superficial, como variáveis climatológicas; hipsometria, declividade, curvatura e sombreamento, como variáveis geomorfológicas; litotipos/unidades geológicas e distância de fraturas, como variáveis geológicas; tipos de solos, como variável pedológica; distâncias de áreas urbanas, como variável urbana e uso e ocupação do solo como variável antrópica. A partir desses resultados validou-se o método proposto como viável para análise de sistemas complexos, já que conseguiu gerar um resultado levando-se em consideração todas as variáveis escolhidas para uso aqui, em menor tempo e com menor custo. No geral, o resultado obtido com uso da RNA indicou áreas frágeis para a BHRJ as quais correspondem a áreas frágeis também na realidade, considerando a predominância ou de uma geologia instável, ou da ausência de cobertura e proteção do solo, entre outras características e feições que realmente podem tornar o local mais ou menos fragilizado, especialmente em termos de deslizamentos e/ou erosão

    Fatores ambientais e reprodução dos peixes

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    Reproductive physiology of fish is a vast scientific field, which addresses a set of physiological processes essential for reproduction, from egg fertilization to sexual behavior and spawning. These processes are directly modulated by environmental factors which may directly or indirectly determine the reproductive success of a species.A fisiologia da reprodução de peixes é um vasto campo científico que aborda um conjunto de processos fisiológicos essenciais para a reprodução, da fertilização do ovo ao comportamento sexual e de desova. Estes processos são modulados diretamente por fatores ambientais que podem direta ou indiretamente determinar o sucesso reprodutivo de uma espécie

    Reduced spacing for Sorghum bicolor in the irrigated and rainfed systems

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    A restrição hídrica no Norte de Minas Gerais possibilitou que o sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L.) surgisse como boa opção para a região. Essa cultura tolera melhor as altas temperaturas e deficiências hídricas quando comparado à maioria dos outros cereais. Devido à importância do cultivo do sorgo na referida região, objetivou-se com a realização deste trabalho determinar o melhor arranjo de plantas do sorgo granífero em regime irrigado e sequeiro. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos em áreas contíguas, sendo um irrigado e outro sequeiro. Em cada experimento utilizaram-se as densidades de 100, 150, 200 e 250 mil plantas ha-1, e os espaçamentos entre linhas de 25, 50 e 75 cm. Cada experimento foi conduzido sob o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 4 x 3, com quatro repetições, sendo quatro densidades e três espaçamentos. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos, inicialmente, a uma análise de variância individual. Posteriormente, foi realizada uma análise da variância conjunta envolvendo os dois experimentos. A redução dos espaçamentos entre fileiras promove incrementos na produtividade de grãos, independente da população de plantas adotada. Sorgo granífero cultivado com irrigação tem acréscimo da produtividade com a redução no espaçamento; contudo, o aumento da população de plantas em cultivos irrigados proporciona acréscimos na produtividade até um ponto de máximo, decrescendo a partir deste.The water stress in the North of Minas Gerais enabled sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) to arise as a good option for the region. This culture tolerates better the high temperatures and water deficit when compared to most of the other cereals. Due to the importance of the sorghum crop in that region, the aim of this work was to determine the best arrangement of plants in the sorghum under irrigated and rainfed system. Two experiments were conducted in adjacent areas with an irrigated and rainfed system. In each experiment, it was used the densities of 100, 150, 200 and 250 thousand plants ha-1, and the spacing of 25, 50 and 75 cm. Each experiment was conducted under a randomized block design, in a 4 x 3 factorial design with four replications, with four densities and three spacing. The data were initially submitted to an analysis of variance. This was followed by an analysis of variance involving the two experiments. The reduction of spacing between rows promotes increases in grain yield, regardless of plant population adopted. Sorghum grown under irrigation has increased productivity by reducing the spacing, however, the increase in population of plants in irrigated provides increases in productivity to a point of maximum, and decreased under.La restricción hídrica en el norte de Minas Gerais ha posibilitado que el sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L.) se presente como una buena opción para la región. Esta cultura tolera mejor las altas temperaturas y déficit de água en comparación con la mayoría de los demás cereales. Debido a la importancia del cultivo de sorgo en la región, el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el mejor arreglo espacial de las plantas de sorgo en régimen de regadío y de secano. Se realizaron dos experimentos en áreas adyacentes, siendo uno de riego y otro secano. En cada experimento se utilizaron las densidades de 100, 150, 200 y 250 000 plantas ha-1, y el espacio entre las líneas 25, 50 y 75 cm. Los experimentos se realizaron en el diseño experimental de bloques al azar en esquema factorial 4 x 3 con cuatro repeticiones, siendo cuatro densidades y tres espaciamientos de plantas. Los datos se sometieron inicialmente a un análisis individual de la varianza. Posteriormente, se realizó la análisis de la varianza conjunta con la participación de los dos experimentos. La reducción del espaciamiento entre hileras promueve el aumento de rendimiento de grano, independientemente de la población de plantas elegida. El sorgo granadero cultivado bajo riego se ha incrementado la productividad al reducir el espaciamiento, sin embargo, el aumento de la población de plantas en cultivos de regadío ofrece aumentos en la productividad hasta un punto máximo, disminuyendo de este punto

    Intraspecific comparative genomics of Candida albicans mitochondria reveals non-coding regions under neutral evolution

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    The opportunistic fungal pathogen Candida albicans causes serious hematogenic hospital acquired candidiasis with worldwide impact on public health. Because of its importance as a nosocomial etiologic agent, C albicans genome has been largely studied to identify intraspecific variation and several typing methods have been developed to distinguish closely related strains. Mitochondrial DNA can be useful for this purpose because, as compared to nuclear DNA, its higher mutational load and evolutionary rate readily reveals microvariants. Accordingly, we sequenced and assembled, with 8-fold coverage, the mitochondria( genomes of two C albicans clinical isolates (L296 and L757) and compared these sequences with the genome sequence of reference strain SC5314. the genome alignment of 33,928 positions revealed 372 polymorphic sites being 230 in coding and 142 in non-coding regions. Three intergenic regions located between genes tRNAGly/COX1, NAD3/COB and ssurRNA/NAD4L, named IG1, IG2 and IG3, respectively, which showed high number of neutral substitutions, were amplified and sequenced from 18 clinical isolates from different locations in Latin America and 2 ATCC standard C albicans strains. High variability of sequence and size were observed, ranging up to 56 bp size difference and phylogenies based on IG1, IG2 and IG3 revealed three groups. Insertions of up to 49 bp were observed exclusively in Argentinean strains relative to the other sequences which could suggest clustering by geographical polymorphism. Because of neutral evolution, high variability, easy isolation by PCR and full length sequencing these mitochondrial intergenic regions can contribute with a novel perspective in molecular studies of C albicans isolates, complementing well established multilocus sequence typing methods. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)International Program of the Howard Hughes Medical InstituteUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Lab Genom Evolut & Biocomplexidade, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, Disciplina Microbiol, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Disciplina Infectol, Lab Especial Micol, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Lab Genom Evolut & Biocomplexidade, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, Disciplina Microbiol, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Disciplina Infectol, Lab Especial Micol, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Stress and coping strategies in workers of nursing of a family health unit

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    Objective: Identify in the vision of nursing workers, factors that generate stress in units of family health and discuss the strategies adopted by the nursing workers to minimize the stress. Methods: A descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Interviews with nurses and nursing technicians in Family Health Unity were held. Results: Among the factors that cause stress at work are: overhead activities; poor working conditions; short periods to perform activities; adversarial relationship. Coping strategies used are social support, family life, and leisure activities. Conclusion: Respondents identify the factors or situations that can trigger stress and also reported using coping mechanism to minimize stress at work

    Chronic Use Of Diazepam In Primary Healthcare Centers: User Profile And Usage Pattern.

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    Chronic use of benzodiazepines is frequent in general practice. The aim of this study was to describe the usage pattern and profile of chronic users of diazepam who had been consuming this drug for a minimum of thirty-six months continuously. This was a descriptive study (survey and clinical assessment) at five primary healthcare centers in Campinas, Brazil. Psychotropic drug control books revealed 48 eligible patients. Among these, 41 were assessed by means of the Schedule for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HAD) and a questionnaire on usage pattern. Most patients were women (85.4%). The patients' mean age was 57.6 years, and they were from the social strata C (39%), D (54%) and E (7%). The mean length of diazepam consumption was 10 years. The patients presented a lack of prescription compliance and had made frustrated attempts to stop using the drug. 55.5% said their doctor had never given any guidance on the effects of the drug. According to SCAN, 25 patients (61%) suffered from depressive disorders; only 12 cases of benzodiazepine dependence were detected by this instrument. There is a need to improve the detection and treatment of mental disorders, as well as to prevent inappropriate prescription and use of benzodiazepines. Diazepam dependence has distinctive characteristics that make it undetected by SCAN.125270-

    Insights into SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus underlying COVID-19: recent genomic data and the development of reverse genetics systems

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    The emergence and rapid worldwide spread of a novel pandemic of acute respiratory disease – eventually named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) by the World Health Organization (WHO) – across the human population has raised great concerns. It prompted a mobilization around the globe to study the underlying pathogen, a close relative of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Numerous genome sequences of SARS-CoV-2 are now available and in-depth analyses are advancing. These will allow detailed characterization of sequence and protein functions, including comparative studies. Care should be taken when inferring function from sequence information alone, and reverse genetics systems can be used to unequivocally identify key features. For example, the molecular markers of virulence, host range and transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 can be compared to those of related viruses in order to shed light on the biology of this emerging pathogen. Here, we summarize some recent insights from genomic studies and strategies for reverse genetics systems to generate recombinant viruses, which will be useful to investigate viral genome properties and evolution


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    O presente artigo objetiva apresentar os resultados da tese defendida em 2014 no PPGE da UNESP – Presidente Prudente. O problema central da pesquisa consistiu em mostrar como um trabalho sistematizado sobre o ensino das estratégias de leitura contribuiu para o avanço na compreensão do texto literário. A metodologia utilizada constou de pesquisa teórica e pesquisa-ação, aplicada em uma turma de 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública municipal da cidade de Marília/SP em 2011, na qual atuei como professora da turma. Os resultados revelam que a incorporação adequada das estratégias de compreensão contribuiu para a formação do leitor estratégico. Dentre as sete estratégias ensinadas destacam-se as apropriadas pelas crianças: conhecimento prévio, conexões, inferências e questões ao texto. A pesquisa colaborou também com a ampliação do acervo literário das crianças e com o desenvolvimento do gosto pela leitura de literatura infantil.