2,256 research outputs found


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    The rainfall variability has a key relevance on human activities. The frequency of extreme events, such as droughts and intense rains, results in severe impacts on crops, urban activities, water resources, health and the environment on a local or regional scale. The estimation of the frequency, impacts and severity of these events is essential for planning human activities. The purpose of this work was to analyze the rainfall variability and the water balance in the Northern Paraná state Mesoregion (PNPM) in the annual, seasonal and monthly time scales. For this, we used the annual, seasonal, monthly and daily time scales with the time from 1976 to 2018. For the better understanding, we used analysis using thematic maps with regionalization through interpolations and isohyets, box plot and dendogram. A large regional discrepancy in precipitation was identified in the analyzed mesoregion. In all the time scales analyzed in the region, there were alarming variations, which can bring perspectives for regional planning. We verified the Northwestern portion of the region, near to the municipality of Leópolis, had the lowest rainfall and the worst scenarios evaluated in the water balance, while the upper portion, in the Southwest, near Sapopema, presented more rain and less risk of drought. The average climatological water balance in the region showed a low deficit in the month of August, however when testing scenarios of dry years, the entire region showed water deficiency throughout the year


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    Extreme precipitation events cause severe damage in both urban and rural areas. The objective of this work was to analyze rainfall variability, understand the dynamics of extreme precipitation events and to find out the occurrence of floods, runoff and inundation in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba (MRC). Data from 39 rainfall stations distributed in the MRC area were used, as well as data by municipality of occurrence of flooding, runoff or inundation, from 1976 to 2018. Extreme precipitation events were identified in all months, most frequently in the summer. Totaling 48 decrees of emergency or public calamity and 397,516 people affected by one of the three socioenvironmental disasters.Extreme precipitation events cause severe damage in both urban and rural areas. The objective of this work was to analyze rainfall variability, understand the dynamics of extreme precipitation events and to find out the occurrence of floods, runoff and inundation in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba (MRC). Data from 39 rainfall stations distributed in the MRC area were used, as well as data by municipality of occurrence of flooding, runoff or inundation, from 1976 to 2018. Extreme precipitation events were identified in all months, most frequently in the summer. Totaling 48 decrees of emergency or public calamity and 397,516 people affected by one of the three socioenvironmental disasters

    Índice de Sustentabilidade do Município de Barra do Choça-BA

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    This study aimed to determine the sustainability index for the Barra do Choça municipal district, Bahia. To achieve this goal it was decided to use the Radar-Graph method in which, by calculating the area of the triangles formed by the vertices of each variable, was possible to find an index by the sum of these vertices. At the same time, the method enables comparison of the areas obtained, because the higher the triangle area formed greater sustainability of the indicator, allowing the relationship between all the variables investigated. The database consisted of indicators of research already established in the literature, the economic, social and environmental dimensions. So we opted for the selection of three indicators for each dimension, having as its measurement standard in 2010. This methodology provided greater clarity in the presentation of the results, because through different indicators could measure the sustainability, beyond that was applied easily. The dimensions indices demonstrated that the social performance obtained was better than the economic and environmental, in which their indicators showed similar results. It was concluded that the municipal district had good Sustainability Index. It is hoped that the study serves to support decision-making aimed at improving municipal sustainability.Este estudo objetivou determinar o índice de sustentabilidade do Município de Barra do Choça, Bahia. Para atingir essa meta, optou-se pela utilização do método do Gráfico Radar, no qual, por meio do cálculo da área dos triângulos formados pelos vértices de cada variável, foi possível encontrar um índice pela soma destes vértices. Ao mesmo tempo, o método possibilita a comparação das áreas obtidas, pois, quanto maior a área do triângulo formado, maior a sustentabilidade do indicador, permitindo a relação entre todas as variáveis pesquisadas. A base de dados foi composta por pesquisas de indicadores já consolidados na literatura, ou seja, a dimensão econômica, social e ambiental. Assim, optou-se pela seleção de três indicadores para cada dimensão, tendo como padrão a sua mensuração no ano de 2010. Essa metodologia proporcionou maior clareza na representação dos resultados, pois, por meio de diferentes indicadores, foi possível mensurar a sustentabilidade, além disso, foi de fácil aplicabilidade. Os índices das dimensões revelaram que a social obteve melhor desempenho do que a econômica e ambiental, nas quais seus indicadores apontam resultados semelhantes. Concluiu-se que o município apresentou bom Índice de Sustentabilidade. Espera-se que o estudo sirva para embasar as tomadas de decisões visando à melhoria da sustentabilidade municipal


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    Extreme precipitation events cause severe damage in both urban and rural areas. The purpose of this work was to analyze rainfall variability and detect the extremes of precipitation and droughts occurrences and relate them to ENSO phenomena in the Central North Mesoregion of Paraná (MRNCP). We used data from 44 weather stations distributed in the area of the study, from 1976 to 2018. Based on the results, it was identified the precipitation has regional discrepancies, concentrating the highest rainfall in the southern portion. The highest annual precipitation was highly correlated with the periods identified as El Niño, and then in neutrality. There were large occurrences of drought by decent, with emphasis on the winter months, especially in August. High rainfall heights recorded within 24 hours in all regions analyzed, especially in the summer and spring months.Extreme precipitation events cause severe damage in both urban and rural areas. The purpose of this work was to analyze rainfall variability and detect the extremes of precipitation and droughts occurrences and relate them to ENSO phenomena in the Central North Mesoregion of Paraná (MRNCP). We used data from 44 weather stations distributed in the area of the study, from 1976 to 2018. Based on the results, it was identified the precipitation has regional discrepancies, concentrating the highest rainfall in the southern portion. The highest annual precipitation was highly correlated with the periods identified as El Niño, and then in neutrality. There were large occurrences of drought by decent, with emphasis on the winter months, especially in August. High rainfall heights recorded within 24 hours in all regions analyzed, especially in the summer and spring months

    Risk Management: The Differences Between North American and European Markets / Gerenciamento de riscos: as diferenças entre os mercados norte-americano e europeu

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    As a result of numerous events of frauds, crisis and lack of governance through history, there were a consistent advance on risk regulation. The intention of this paper was to evaluate the North-American and European risk markets as the regulators, manly represented by COSO, OECD and LSE. The methodology used was the case study in order to investigate successful episodes of risk management on the Intercontinental Hotels Group and British Petroleum oil company. Could be concluded by both, that Enterprise Risk Framework (ERM) was fundamental to achieve the objectives and to help the senior leaders to disseminate a risk control culture all way of the institution. Likewise, a directing leadership constantly communicating and controlling the different levels of ris


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    Fruticulture constitutes an important sector of the Brazilian agricultural industry. Despite technological and scientific advances, climate is still the most important variable defining crop productivity. Because of this, agroclimatic zoning should be one of the first factors to consider when starting to plant a particular crop. The objective of this work was to conduct climate risk zoning for guava (Psidium guajava L.) in Paraná river basin 3, Paraná, Brazil, using meteorological data from 43 stations collected between 1976 and 2018. The climate risk analysis was based on the climatic factors that impact the species, such as rainfall, annual water deficit, average annual temperature, coldest month temperature, and risk of frost. The findings of this study suggest that the basin has areas with a low climate risk for guava cultivation. Precipitation and water balance were sufficient under all tested scenarios. The most limiting factor for production was frost, but with risk only present during the first years of cultivation. Despite this, planting restrictions were only predicted to occur in the far west portion of the basin. Agricultural techniques that reduce the risk of frost and avoiding areas with greater frost incidences are the two most important aspects to consider to ensure greater success for guava in the region


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    Fruticulture is a prominent segment of Brazilian agriculture. It presents a continuous evolution of production, attending to the growing internal and external demand, besides being one of the main activities of family agriculture. Despite of recent technological and scientific advances, climate is still the most important variable in agricultural productivity. Studies that show the climatic variability and the impact on the physiological development of plant species are fundamental for the planning and agricultural calendar, aiming the conservation of resources and a sustainable management of the production. In this context, one of the first information to be considered when starting a crop is agro-climatic zoning, since it provides climate-related risk information and helps in decision-making and agricultural planning. Thus, the objective of this work was to carry out agroclimatic risk zoning for the Pineapple (Ananas comosus) in the Paraná River basin 3, Paraná state, Brazil. For this, meteorological data of 43 stations with series from 1976 to 2018 we used. The climatic risk analysis was based on the requirements of the species of precipitation, average annual temperature and in the coldest month, risk of frost and insolation. Statistical and geoprocessing techniques were applied to ensure full regional coverage of information and to contribute to decision-making. Favorable climatic conditions were identified for all climatic variables in the western portion of the river basin, while in the eastern portion the risk of frost restricted the aptitude


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    As condições de tempo e clima são essenciais para a agricultura e o desenvolvimento da sociedade, entretanto, sua dinamicidade pouco compreendida pode comprometer algumas atividades humanas. Estudos a respeito da variabilidade da precipitação são fundamentais para o planejamento e tomada de decisão para atividades agrícolas e atividades urbanas. A Região Metropolitana de Curitiba (RMC) possui um grande contingente populacional com grande vulnerabilidade a eventos climáticos extremos, além disso, o médio e baixo Iguaçu são importantes áreas agrícolas do estado, sendo necessários estudos que auxiliem para o planejamento na região. Dessa forma, objetivou-se analisar a variabilidade pluviométrica mensal, sazonal e anual e a distribuição das ocorrências de alagamentos, enxurradas e inundações na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Iguaçu. O recorte temporal utilizado para a análise climática foi de 1977 a 2017. Utilizou-se dados de 78 estações meteorológicas ou pluviométricas distribuídas na área da bacia, além de dados por município de ocorrência de alagamentos, enxurradas ou inundações. Para a análise da precipitação utilizou-se mapa de isoietas e a estatística do box plot e para espacialização das ocorrências dos desastres foram criados mapas temáticos. Identificou-se grande variabilidade regional, anual, sazonal e mensal da precipitação na bacia. Ocorreram 861 casos de alagamentos, enxurradas ou inundações com 872 mil pessoas afetadas em 18 anos de análise

    Legibilidade de artigos científicos da área de “ciências ambientais”Readability of scientific articles in the field of “environmental science”

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    A legibilidade de um texto passa pelo contexto culturalmente mediado pelas das palavras do ambiente não linguístico. O estudo objetivou analisar a legibilidade dos artigos técnicos científicos, vinculados em periódicos científicos nacionais, Qualis B1 da área de Ciências Ambientais entre 2009 a 2013. Selecionaram-se, para determinação dos índices FK e FLF para textos em português, 77 artigos científicos que foram processados no Word e no TextMeter e estatisticamente tratados pelo Sisvar. Verificou-se que, quanto maior o nível de escolaridade, mais baixa a legibilidade dos textos. Os resultados apontam um grau de legibilidade intermediário entre médio (pouco difícil) a baixo (muito difícil), delimitando a compreensão das discussões teóricas entre as áreas acadêmicas e o caminho para a interdisciplinaridade.Abstract Text readability involves a context culturally mediated by words from a nonlinguistic environment. This study aimed to analyze the readability of technical and scientific articles linked to national scientific journals, Qualis B1 from the field of Environmental Science between 2009 and 2013. Seventy-seven scientific articles were chosen to determine the metric indexes FK (Flesch-Kincaid) and FRE (Flesch Reading Ease) for texts in Portuguese. Those articles were processed by Microsoft® Word and Text Meter and statistically treated by Sisvar. It was verified that the higher the education attainment, the lower the text readability. The results indicate an intermediate degree of legibility level between average (somewhat difficult) and low (quite difficult), limiting the understanding of theoretical discussions between academic fields and the way to interdisciplinarity