18,690 research outputs found

    Cooperation in Innovation Practices among Portuguese Firms: Do Universities Interface Innovative Advances?

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    This paper aims to identify the nature of the relationships that are established amongst agents who co-operate in terms of innovation practices. It analyses whether the entrepreneurial innovation capability of firms is stimulated through the relationships developed with external partners. The data of 2nd Community Innovation Survey of EUROSTAT is used in a logistic model. In the estimation process of the Logit function, the entrepreneurial innovation capability is considered as the answer variable. The scientific agents who cooperate in terms of innovation activities impact, positively, on the propensity to engage in innovative advances revealed by the firms, at the level of product innovation. The paper presents policy implications, which may be used in the design of public policies for fostering open innovation networks between scientific agents and firms.Innovation; Networks; Entrepreneurial Innovation Capability

    CSR and Social Marketing: What is the desired role for Universities in fostering Public Policies?

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    The paper aims to identify the role of Universities in fostering public policies, through the promotion of social responsibility, and the implementation of social marketing initiatives. This innovative approach is particularly interesting since the literature does not cover, until now, the importance of adopting a social responsibility strategy within Universities, in order to foster public policies for development. First, Corporate Social Responsibility should be developed at Universities. For this purpose, an integrative approach that embraces marketing, economic, ecological, and social aspects is proposed, through the design of a strategic action plan, which includes three operational levels: analysis, implementation and assessment. Second, in order to foster the impact of public policies for development, social marketing initiatives should be implemented among institutional and social networks where Universities assume an increasing strategic role.Corporate Social Responsibility; Government Policy; Social Marketing

    What Determines the Entrepreneurial Innovative Capability of Portuguese Industrial Firms?

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    In the context of globalisation, innovation is considered as a key factor for enhancing the competitiveness of firms. Nowadays, it is widely accepted that Portuguese firms face an increasing competitive environment, which is characterised by internationalization and globalization. In this sense, it becomes important to analyse the determinant factors of innovation capability of firms. This paper aims to identify and analyse the degree of importance of the determinant factors of innovation capability of Portuguese industrial firms. The data obtained through the 2rd Community Innovation Survey (CIS II) conducted by EUROSTAT, is used in a linear regression model. The entrepreneurial innovative capability, measured as product innovation, is considered as the variable answer, in the estimation process of a Logit function. The paper presents an innovative contribution since it uses a set of five determinant factors of innovation capability of industrial firms, at a product innovation level. Technological capacity, dimension of the firm, activity sector, market orientation and location of the firm, are considered as determinants factors of innovation capability of the firms. The results of the joint analysis provide the identification of stimulating factors and restraining factors of the entrepreneurial innovative capability of a selected sample of Portuguese industrial firms. Under a Schumpeterian approach, the paper ratifies that large enterprises are more prone to innovate than small enterprises. The dimension plays a role, in terms of the strategic conduct implemented by small firms, which are not so prone to innovate, due to its small dimension. Benchmarking the Portuguese case is particularly important, because small industrial enterprises face restraining conditions imposed by outsourcing contracts that are established between small producers and leading international buyers. This restrains, broadly, the entrepreneurial innovative capability of small industrial enterprises.Innovation; Entrepreneurial Innovative Capability

    Energy efficiency of social housing existing buildings – a portuguese case study

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    The European energy performance building regulations, Directive 2002/91/EC - Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) of the European Parliament and Council, require that new buildings present minimum standards of energy efficiency. Accordingly the Portuguese regulations require that new buildings comply with minimum requirements on the energy performance and must have an energy performance certification through witch an energy efficiency label is attributed to the housing. It also require that existing buildings must have an efficiency energy label when submitted to a commercial transaction or to a deep rehabilitation. To achieve this goal the study of energy performance of existing buildings must be done. As many essentials elements to determine the U-factor and other thermal parameters are unknown, Portugal developed a simplified methodology to achieve the thermal performance of existing buildings. The aim of this paper is to present the study of the energy performance of a set of social dwellings that were constructed during the decade of 80, constructed before the former building thermal comfort specifications came into force. During the study the referred methodology was applied and conclusions of the energy efficiency label obtained were put out as the encountered difficulties. The study also compares the results obtained by the simplified methodology and by the detailed methodology that is required by Portuguese building thermal comfort specifications

    From Aquina’s Civitas Perfecta to Quidort’s Perfecta Multitudo. A ‘slight’ shift in meaning

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    According to Arendt and Habermas, the reinterpretation of Aristotle made by Thomas Aquinas, identifying 'politicus' and 'socialis', has weakened the nature of classical Aristotelian politics by introducing in the polis (now 'regnum' / monarchy) relations and private interests that the Greeks had reserved for domestic space ('oikos'). Moreover, being the concept of 'societas' in this context naturally Christian, the purpose of the society is no longer self-sufficiency and acquisition of natural virtue, which allow us to live together in order to the good life, but requires supernatural virtue given by God in order to achieve the true supreme good. Therefore, the possibility of happiness (eudaimonia) now refers to eschatology ('communio sanctorum'), reason because kings are to be subject to priests, especially the pope, Christ’s representative, whose role is to take care of the highest aim of our existence ('visio et fruitio Dei'). However, the application of a pyramidal and hierarchical scheme of spiritual power over the temporal realm is subverted by Juan Quidort of Paris, introducing a «small» shift: the kingdom understood as perfecta 'multitudo'. In this perfect multitude, an upward causality is a basis for distinction and non-subordination of the temporal power by the spiritual; at the same time freedom of individuals to choose their leaders is essential. This view undermines the dynastic transmission’s model of power in a kingdom (from father to son) as well as, at the ecclesial level, points to the superiority of the General Council in relation to the pope.Según Arendt y Habermas, la reinterpretación de Aristóteles hecha por Tomás de Aquino, al identificar politicus y socialis, ha debilitado la naturaleza de la política aristotélica clásica mediante la introducción, en lo que era la pólis (ahora regnum / monarquía), de relaciones y intereses privados que los griegos habían reservado para el espacio doméstico del oikos. Por otra parte, como su concepción de societas era naturalmente cristiana, el fin de esta sociedad ya no consistía tan sólo en la autosuficiencia y en la adquisición de la virtud natural, que nos permitiría vivir juntos en orden a la vida buena, pero requería una virtud sobrenatural dada por Dios con el fin de lograr el auténtico bien supremo. Por lo tanto, la posibilidad de la felicidad (eudaimonía) se remite ahora para la escatología (communio sanctorum), razón por la cual los reyes han de estar sujetos a los sacerdotes, especialmente al papa, representante de Cristo, cuya función es cuidar del último y superior fin de la existencia (visio et fruitio Dei). Todavía, Juan Quidort de París viene a alterar esta aplicación del diseño piramidal y jerárquico del poder espiritual al ámbito temporal a través de una «pequeña» inflexión en la idea de reino como perfecta multitudo. En esta es esencial la causalidad ascendente como fundamento para la distinción y no subordinación de lo poder temporal frente a lo espiritual, y la libertad de los sujetos para elegir a sus gobernantes. Esto pone en causa no sólo el creciente modelo dinástico de transmisión del poder temporal en un reino (de padre a hijo), como, a nivel eclesial, señalará la superioridad del Concilio General en relación con el papa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    If, as St. Augustine suggests, the poematic conception of time as distentio animi that we find in the famous passage from book XI of Confessions (I will sing a song that I have learned by heart... / dicturus sum canticum, quod novi) can be amplified and applied to the entire history of the sons of men, as Augustine himself immediately suggests to us — “[... ] And what happens in the canticle in its entirety, happens in each of its parts and in each of its syllables; it also happens in a longer action, of which, perhaps, that canticle is a small part; it also happens in the life of man, in its entirety, of which all his actions are parts; this very thing happens in all the generations of mankind, of which all the lives of men are a part.” — such a change and widening of scale has serious consequences as far as the constitution of a Theology of History is concerned. Se, como Santo Agostinho sugere, a concepção poemática de tempo como distentio  animi que encontramos na célebre passagem do livro XI de Confissões (“Vou cantar um  cântico que aprendi de cor... / dicturus sum canticum, quod novi”) puder ser amplificada e  aplicada a toda a história dos filhos dos homens, como o próprio Agostinho nos sugere de  imediato — “[... ] E o que sucede no cântico na sua totalidade, sucede em cada uma das  suas partes e em cada uma das suas sílabas; sucede igualmente numa acção mais longa, da  qual, talvez, aquele cântico seja uma pequena parte; sucede ainda na vida do homem, na  sua totalidade, da qual são partes todas as suas acções; isto mesmo sucede em todas as gerações da humanidade, de que são parte todas as vidas dos homens.” (Confessiones XI, 28, 38) — tal mudança e  alargamento de escala tem sérias consequências no que tange à constituição de uma Teologia da História.&nbsp

    Metabolic Diseases: a differential diagnosis of primary progressive multiple sclerosis

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    Objectives: The overall aim of our research project is to develop a Next Generation Sequencing strategy to identify metabolic disorders in 104 patients with a presumptive diagnosis of primary progressive MS.We would like to thank to MERCK, SA and NORTE2020 (NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000014) for funding this Project.N/

    Polymer Measure: Varadhan's Renormalization Revisited

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    Through chaos decomposition we improve the Varadhan estimate for the rate of convergence of the centered approximate self-intersection local time of planar Brownian motion.Comment: 5 page

    A common assessment framework como instrumento de inovação nos serviços públicos

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    disponível apenas o resumoSeveral authors have been working on the concept of innovation in services as a tool that aims to bring the efficiency and effectiveness of those services. The application of management tools within the private government advocates the introduction of a new public management, given the quality, the self-assessment and therefore the promotion of innovation in services. In this context, the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) emmerges as a tool for self-assessment, based on the model of excellence of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), which the public sector can use to promote continuous improvement and therefore innovation in their services. Based on the theoretical framework developed in the literature review, this study assumes an analysis of surrounding the CAF, and if that in itself will have an influence to advocate for innovation in services, thus assuming a tool for scholars and public institutions to help themselves to improve their knowledge and organizational performance