77 research outputs found

    Anti-bacterial activity of Annona muricata Linnaeus extracts: a systematic review

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    Current analysis systematically reviews data available in the literature on the anti-bacterial activity of Annona muricata extracts (AME) against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Search was undertaken at four electronic databases and studies’ quality were assessed. Results were summarized and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of AME (versus antimicrobial control) against S. aureus and E. coli was the main datum analyzed. The initial database search yielded 2,433 results. We selected 14 studies and four were used for meta-analysis. The MIC ranged between 156 μg/mL and 1,024 μg/mL against S. aureus and between 256 μg/mL and 1,024 μg/mL against E. coli. The different strains of E. coli studied were more sensitive to AME than those of S. aureus. The differences mean concentrations and standard deviations between AME and antimicrobials were 101.91 and 946.05 for E. coli, and 388.90 and 970.61 for S. aureus respectively. The heterogeneity of data is highlighted. Different methodologies were used, several studies didn’t include antibiotics as control, antibiotics were different and various concentrations of extracts were tested. Studies showed possibilities of the plant under analysis as a source of new phytochemical compounds against microorganisms.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Institutionalized elderly rehabilitation Improving balance ability with a platform technology

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    Ageing is associated with a decrease in the functionality of all organic systems. One factor that affects the quality of life in the elderly is the decrease of balance that sometimes leads to falls and consequently the fear of falling. In this sense, it is essential to try to mitigate this progressive degeneration. Platform technology can be used to improve balance in elderly and thus enable them a better quality of life and well-being. To investigate whether an exercise program, using platform games, improve balance in a group of institutionalized elderly. A quasi-experimental study was design in which it was used a sociodemographic questionnaire, nine of the ten tests of Fullerton Balance Advanced Scale to assess balance and the Falls Efficacy Scale (FES) to assess fear of falling. The exercises program where performed on the platform, and applied in 10 minutes session three times a week for two months. 20 elderly were included, 70% women, with an average age of 82.20 ± 4.92 years, 55% are widowed, 35% single and 10% are married. Results of the Fullerton Balance Advanced Scale evaluation showed that 17 elderly improved balance and 3 elderly decreased. Fear of falling results showed a statistically significant increase (Z = -2.875; p = .004) from the first to the second assessment moment (67.20 ± 12.07 vs 70.25 ± 12.94). The exercise program set up with the technology platform has improved balance and decreased fear of falling in the elderly who participated in this study. Platform games can be used in rehabilitation of elderly to improve balance and reduce fear of falling

    Análise de interferon humano recombinante presente em formulações farmacêuticas

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    Introduction: Due to the interest in the treatment of hepatitis, the industrial production process of INF-α has been developed and perfected over the last few years. Objective: The present work aimed to develop a protocol to characterize the molecular structure of INF-α2b in pharmaceutical formulations by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Method: Initially, a reversed-phase liquid chromatography method was developed to promote the separation of active and minor constituent INF-α2b and human serum albumin, also present in the pharmaceutical formulations, to obtain samples with protein homogeneity revealed by electrophoresis. Samples were hydrolyzed with trypsin and submitted to MALDI-TOF. In order to analyze the molecular structure, a procedure based on immunoaffinity and gel filtration chromatography was developed. Results: Prepared samples by these methods showed protein homogeneity by SDS-PAGE, and were analyzed by circular dichroism and fluorescence, which showed three – dimensional structure degradation. Conclusions: This work provides important data that support the establishment of a protocol for the analysis of INF-α2b in final product, which could replace the traditional peptide mapping by liquid chromatography, with the advantage of resulting in a larger amount of information about the structure of the biopharmaceutical.Introdução: Em virtude do interesse para o tratamento da hepatite, o processo de produção industrial do INF-α foi desenvolvido e aperfeiçoado ao longo dos últimos anos. Objetivo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver um protocolo para caracterizar a estrutura molecular do INF-α2b em formulações farmacêuticas por espectrometria de massa do tipo MALDI-TOF. Método: Inicialmente foi desenvolvido um método de cromatografia líquida baseado em fase reversa para promover a separação entre o INF-α2b constituinte ativo e minoritário e a soro albumina humana, também componente presente nas formulações farmacêuticas, obtendo-se amostras com homogeneidade proteica, revelada por eletroforese. As amostras em solução foram submetidas à digestão com tripsina, levadas ao espectrômetro de massa MALDI-TOF. Para que fosse analisada a estrutura molecular, foi desenvolvido um procedimento baseado em imunoafinidade e cromatografia de gel filtração. Resultados: As amostras preparadas por estes métodos apresentaram homogeneidade proteica por eletroforese, sendo analisadas por dicroísmo circular e fluorescência, o que demonstrou ter degradação da estrutura tridimensional. Conclusões: Esse trabalho fornece dados importantes que subsidiam o estabelecimento de um protocolo para a análise de INF-α2b em produto final, que poderia substituir o mapa de peptídeos tradicional por cromatografia líquida, com a vantagem de resultar em um maior número de informações sobre a estrutura molecular do biofármaco

    Aos Mestres em Administração

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    A O&S abriu espaço para os professores e para o ensino de Administração. Mas, de quem, para quem e de quem falamos? Quem são os professores de Administração no Brasil? O que é o ensino considerado como campo de conhecimento e de práticas? Coletivo de grande diversidade, é o maior no ensino de graduação, oferecido por quase 2000 instituições e, aproximadamente, 3000 cursos, distribuídos entre cursos generalistas e perto de 300 habilitações, remanescentes da explosão da oferta dos anos 90

    The tourist experience: Exploring the relationship between tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty

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    Previous studies show that the quality of the tourist experience is affected by a large set of factors, many of which not directly related to the acquisition of specific products or services. Research also shows that tourist satisfaction is a determinant of destination loyalty. This study explores this topic by empirically analysing how the relationship between the satisfaction with the tourist experience and destination loyalty is affected by personal factors, such as socio-demographic characteristics and travelling motivations. This study is based on a small region representing an important destination in Algarve, Portugal, and uses data from a survey conducted on tourists of different nationalities during peak season. We identify the reasons leading to dissatisfaction with the tourism experience and, based on structural equation modelling, ascertain the relationship between satisfaction levels with the tourism experience and tourist destination loyalty. Then, a multiple group analysis provides a detailed overview of this relationship by establishing in which groups of tourists the relatedness between satisfaction and destination loyalty is stronger or weaker. In this sense, this study provides an important backdrop for destination managers looking to offer more effective and targeted marketing strategies

    (Re)inventar a ação em creches: o contributo da formação de educadores de infância

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    Publicado em "Pedagogia para a autonomia – imaginar e fazer a mudança em tempos difíceis : 6º Encontro do Grupo de Trabalho-Pedagogia para a Autonomia (GT-PA) : atas". ISBN 978-989-8525-28-4Os desafios da atualidade impõem uma pedagogia emancipatória, crítica, tolerante na incerteza e assente numa articulação com a sociedade que se afigura heterogénea e composta de singularidades. O texto que apresentamos pretende analisar as potencialidades e constrangimentos sentidos pelas educadoras de infância numa experiência de educação e formação, que decorreu no âmbito de um estudo mais alargado, em desenvolvimento desde 2012, em creches da cidade de Braga. Dezoito educadoras de infância de sete creches participaram nas sessões de formação, desenvolvidas e dinamizadas por um grupo de investigadores/formadores da Escola Superior de Enfermagem, onde se abordaram conteúdos relacionados com o desenvolvimento infantil, diversificação alimentar e segurança e higiene alimentar. Privilegiámos processos reflexivos sobre e a partir da experiência dos participantes, com vista à sua (re)construção. Explorámos as representações das educadoras de infância, negociámos os conteúdos e as práticas de ensino e avaliação, num movimento de centralização no pensamento e ação das mesmas. No seu conjunto foi possível uma interrogação sobre as práticas vigentes nas creches e a criação de espaços de diálogo para a (re)construção do conhecimento e da ação. As educadoras, inspiradas pela formação, realizaram tarefas de experimentação da (in)formação partilhada, junto das crianças (e pais) nas creches, num processo cíclico de formação/ação. Procedemos a alguns reajustes ao plano inicialmente traçado, em função das necessidades e interesses das participantes. As educadoras revelaram entusiasmo e tiveram uma assiduidade total à formação

    Do memorable restaurant experiences affect eWOM? The moderating effect of consumers' behavioural engagement on social networking sites

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    Many restaurants offer high-quality service to their customers, hoping to provide memorable experiences that influence their loyalty and electronic word of mouth (eWOM). However, consumers' memorable experiences do not always imply positive eWOM. This study aims to (1) verify the direct impacts of the perceived quality by consumers of casual dining restaurants on positive emotions, negative emotions and memorable experiences; (2) investigate the impacts of memorable experiences on the propensity to loyalty and eWOM; (3) test the moderating effect of consumer behavioural engagement on social networking sites (CBE-SNS) on the relationship between memorable experiences and eWOM.Design/methodology/approachThis survey included 475 university students in Brazil. Participants answered an electronic form about their experiences in casual dining restaurants. Structural equation modelling tested the hypothetical model based on the stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) theory (Mehrabian and Russell, 1974).FindingsThe quality perceived by restaurant consumers (stimulus) positively impacts their memorable experiences and positive emotions and negatively affects their negative emotions (organism). Memorable experiences positively impact the propensity to loyalty (response). The CBE-SNS moderates the intensity of the relationship between memorable experiences (organism) and eWOM (response).Originality/valueThis study is the first that demonstrates the relationships between perceived quality, positive and negative emotions, memorable experiences, the propensity to loyalty and CBE-SNS and e-WOM in restaurants. Casual dining restaurants must offer their customers services with high perceived quality, positively impacting their emotions and their memorable experiences. Finally, restaurants must create strategies and actions to increase the CBE-SNS to encourage them to share their memorable experiences through eWOM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Objetivo: identificar a liderança percecionada pelos enfermeiros perioperatórios e determinar os papéis de liderança preditores da segurança do doente no bloco operatório. Método: estudo descritivo e explicativo numa amostra de 1.001 enfermeiros, com recurso ao questionário de segurança do doente no bloco operatório e ao instrumento de liderança de Quinn adaptado à saúde. No tratamento de dados utilizou-se a aplicação IBM SPSS Statistics, versão 25.0. Resultado: todas as dimensões de liderança obtiveram valor superior ao ponto médio da escala (M>4). Observado um valor mínimo no papel de Inovador (M=4,63) e máximo no Produtor (M=5,04). Os modelos de regressão permitiram salientar que os papéis de liderança são preditores da segurança do doente no bloco operatório, destacando-se os papéis Monitor, Produtor e Facilitador. Conclusão: os enfermeiros perioperatórios têm perceção moderadamente positiva do exercício da liderança, indiciando a necessidade de se promover o desenvolvimento dos diferentes papéis de liderança exercidos pelos enfermeiros gestores perioperatórios.Descritores: Liderança. Segurança do Paciente. Salas Cirúrgicas. Enfermagem Perioperatória. Cuidados Perioperatórios

    Análise da satisfação dos residentes com o turismo: o caso de uma área-destino no Algarve, Portugal

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse local residents' satisfaction and attitude towards tourism in a tourism destination area located in Algarve, the most important tourism destination of the country. Using a list of 30 attributes of tourism destinations, identified in an extensive literature review on the subject, this study evaluates the attitudes of residents by taking two aspects into consideration: how residents rate the importance of each attribute for their region, and how satisfied they are with each attribute given their status of residence. All the attributes were evaluated using a measurement scale of five items. Finally, we present suggestions that should be considered by organisations involved in destination management, whether at the regional or local level.O objectivo deste artigo é analisar a satisfação e as atitudes dos residentes em relação ao turismo numa área destino localizada no Algarve, o mais importante destino turístico português. Este estudo teve dois objectivos centrais: determinar a importância e a satisfação dos residentes em relação a um conjunto de 30 atributos caracterizadores do destino turístico, identificados a partir da revisão de literatura, e conhecer as suas atitudes face à actividade turística no respectivo local de residência. A recolha de informação fez-se através de um inquérito por questionário e todos os atributos foram avaliados através de uma escala de Likert de cinco níveis. Finalmente, apresentam-se sugestões a ter em consideração por parte das organizações responsáveis pela gestão do destino

    Cinnamomum zeylanicum Essential Oil Reduces Infestation by Alphitobius diaperinus in Poultry Litter

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    Background: Even though insecticides are managed and the period of sanitary emptiness in poultry is respected, the elimination of Alphitobius diaperinus may not be successful. The use of essential oils of plant origin presents as a good alternative in the substitution of insecticides with synthetic molecules, since they are easy to obtain, with rapid degradationand without risk of residues for non-target organisms. The main objective of the present study was to examine whether Cinnamomum zeylanicum oil reduces Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) infestations under experimental conditions, without causing toxicity to broilers chicks exposed to treated litter.Materials, Methods & Results: The experimental design was completely randomized, with four replications per treatment. The treatments were as follows: solvent control using the diluent Dimethyl Sulfoxide 5% (oil diluent); chemical control using 5 g/m² cypermethrin; one spray of C. zeylanicum 5% oil; and two sprays of C. zeylanicum 5% oil. Each experimental unit was infested with 150 lesser mealworm adults. At 15 days of the broiler chick’s life, blood was collected for biochemical analysis (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, albumin, globulin, triglycerides and uric acid), and liver fragments were isolated for histopathological analysis. Using TupeTrap devices, we counted lesser mealworm 40 days after treatment. The treatments did not alter biochemical variables, and did not causehistopathological lesions in liver. The treatments with C. zeylanicum 5% oil with one and two sprays efficiently reduced lesser mealworm infestation compared with solvent control. Cypermethrin treatment had no effect.Discussion: Many of the commercial products present low effectiveness in the control of A. diaperinus, since the target organisms develop resistance to the product. In the present study, we used a higher cypermethrin dose than that recommended by the manufacturer, in order to increase efficacy in the face of possible resistance. Even so, cypermethrin did not efficiently control the organism. The effectiveness of the essential oil of C. zeylanicum tested can be attributed to the compounds found in greater quantity in the oil composition, such as cinnamaldehyde (41.27%), linalool (13.05%) and methyl eugenol (10.87%), characterized as responsible for the action of oil repellency. Monoterpenoid compounds found in essential oils extracted from plants have insecticidal action acting on the central nervous system of insects, which impairs their development, being characterized as neurotoxic compounds. The results found with the essential oil of C. zeylanicum are of great importance, since the control of A. diaperinus is not efficient because this organism has behavior that favors reinfestation in the poultry houses, such as shelter in cracks, in the draperies, below the feeders and in the soil. The biochemical analyzes of the blood can as important tools to assist in the monitoring of broilers health, in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and therefore the results presented are of great importance since they assist in the search for alternative methods for the control of A. diaperinus, where we can affirm that the essential oil of C. zeylanicum does not cause toxicity to broilers. Based on these results we can affirm that essential oil of Cinnamomum zeylanicum, 5%, is an effective substitute for existing commercially-available insecticides.Keywords: alternative control, cinnamon oil, insecticide, lesser mealworm