3,264 research outputs found
A method to correct the flow distortion of offshore wind data using CFD simulation and experimental wind tunnel tests
The assessment of wind energy resource for the development of deep offshore wind plants requires the use of every possible source of data and, in many cases, includes data gathered at meteorological stations installed at islands, islets or even oil platforms—all structures that interfere with, and change, the flow characteristics. This work aims to contribute to the evaluation of such changes in the flow by developing a correction methodology and applying it to the case of Berlenga island, Portugal. The study is performed using computational fluid dynamic simulations (CFD) validated by wind tunnel tests. In order to simulate the incoming offshore flow with CFD models a wind profile, unknown a priori, was established using observations from two coastal wind stations and a power law wind profile was fitted to the existing data (a=0.165). The results show that the resulting horizontal wind speed at 80 m above sea level is 16% lower than the wind speed at 80 m above the island for the dominant wind direction sector
From Liberal Acceptance to Intolerance: Discourses on Sexual Diversity in Schools by Portuguese Young People
Purpose: This article explores different strands of educational discourse about sexual diversity in Portuguese schools, from the students’ perspectives.Method: The methodological approach consisted in conducting focus groups discussions: 36 with 232 young students (H = 106, M = 126) in 12 public secondary schools.Findings: Students reveal a polyphony of discourses that gravitate between liberal acceptance, conditional acceptance and intolerance.Research implications: Attention is drawn not only to discriminatory processes that question school as a democratic place for LGBT youth, but also to the gap between what is legally decreed and a lack of know-how in the approach to sexual diversity in school
Plantas indicadoras de res?duos atmosf?ricos do clomazone
O clomazone ? um herbicida inibidor da s?ntese de carotenoides. Esse herbicida ? facilmente solubilizado e volatilizado e por consequ?ncia, pode causar danos ao ambiente. Em vista do problema, objetivou-se com esta pesquisa: avaliar a sensibilidade de esp?cies forrageiras e daninhas a res?duos atmosf?ricos do clomazone e determinar a campo o efeito do res?duo atmosf?rico do clomazone sobre a fisiologia de plantas forrageiras e daninhas. Foram realizados dois experimentos. O primeiro foi conduzido em c?maras experimentais de 500 dm? em ambiente monitorado, delineado inteiramente casualizado com 5 repeti??es. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em esquema fatorial 6x5, sendo, seis esp?cies vegetais: triticale, milho, sorgo, braquiar?o, beldroega e campim braquiaria e o segundo cinco doses de clomazone 0, 90, 180, 270 e 360 g ha-1 (equivalentes ?s concentra??es atmosf?ricas de 0,0; 0,05; 0,10; 0,15 e 0,20 mg L-1, considerado o volume). As esp?cies ficaram expostas ao herbicida no interior das c?maras por per?odo de 96 horas em atmosfera controlada. Ap?s esse intervalo, as c?maras foram abertas, procedendo-se ? primeira avalia??o, repetida aos 7 e 14 dias ap?s a abertura. Avaliou-se a intoxica??o e o teor de clorofila. Com exce??o do milho, todas as esp?cies testadas mostraram-se sens?veis ?s concentra??es residuais de clomazone na atmosfera, podendo ser utilizadas no monitoramento da qualidade do ar. O segundo experimento foi conduzido a campo. Delineado em blocos causalizados com quatro repeti??es, em esquema fatorial 6x4, sendo seis esp?cies vegetais [quatro plantas forrageiras: lab lab, sorgo, braqui?r?o e java, e duas plantas daninhas: beldroega e sida] e quatro solu??es de aplica??o do clomazone (0, 360, 720 e 1.080 g ha-1, equivalentes a 0; 0,05; 0,10 e 0,20 mg L-1, considerado o volume). As plantas forrageiras e daninhas ficaram expostas ao clomazone, em tuneis cobertos por filme de polietileno de baixa densidade (150 ?m) de volume de 12m?, por per?odo de 72 horas. Ap?s esse tempo, os t?neis foram abertos, procedendo-se ?s seguintes avalia??es: intoxica??o das plantas, fluoresc?ncia inicial, fluoresc?ncia m?xima, a raz?o entre a fluoresc?ncia vari?vel e fluoresc?ncia m?xima, quenching fotoqu?mico e quenching n?o-fotoqu?mico, taxa de transporte de el?trons e do teor de clorofila. Mesmo em concentra??es que n?o promovem efeito visual, o clomazone ? capaz de causar danos significativos na atividade fotossint?tica das esp?cies. As vari?veis fisiol?gicas, clorofila total, rendimento qu?ntico m?ximo do PSII e fluoresc?ncia inicial da clorofila podem ser utilizadas de forma eficiente no monitoramento de res?duos do clomazone na atmosfera.Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento do Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Produ??o Vegetal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016.The herbicide Clomazone is an inhibitor of carotenoids synthesis. This herbicide is easily solubilized and volatilized, and by consequence, can cause damage to environment. Due to this problem, the objective of this study was evalue the sensibility of forage and weeds species to atmospheric wastes of Clomazone and to determinate in field the effect of atmosferic waste of Clomazone in phisiology of forage and weeds plants. Two experiments were performed. The first was conducted in 500dm? experimental chambers in a monitored environment, completely randomized design design with five repetitions. The treatments was arranged in 6x5factorial scheme, being six vegetable species: triticale, corn, sorghum, braquiar?o, beldroega e capim braquiara and the second five doses of Clomazone 0, 90, 180, 270 e 360 g ha-1 (equivalent to atmospheric concentrations of 0,0; 0,05; 0,10; 0,15 e 0,20 mg L-1, volume considered). The species were exposed to the herbicide inside the chambers for 96 hours in controled atmosphere. After this interval, the chambers were open, proceeding the first evaluation, repeated at 7 and 14 days after the opening. Was rated the intoxication and the chlorophyll contente. Excepting the corn, all tested species proved to be sensitive to Clomazone residual concentration in atmosphere, and can be used in ais quality monitoring. The second experiment was conducted in field. An experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with four repetitions, in 6x4 factorial scheme, being six vegetable species [ four forage plants :lab lab, sorghum, braquiar?o and java, and two weed plants: beldroega and sida] and four Clomazone application solutions (0, 360, 720 e 1.080 g ha-1, equivalentes a 0; 0,05; 0,10 e 0,20 mg L-1, volume considered). The forage and weeds plants were exposed to Clomazone, in tunnels covered by polyethylene film of low density (150 ?m), volume of 12m?, for 72 hours. After this time, the tunnels were open, proceeding this following evaluations: plants intoxication, initial fluorescence, maximum fluorescence, ratio of the variable fluorescence and maximum fluorescence, photochemical quenching and non-photochemical quenching, el?ctron transport rate and chlorophyll contente. Even in concentrations that don?t promote visual effect, the Clomazone is able to cause significative damage in photosynthetic activity of species. The phisiologic variables, total chlorophyll, PSII maximum quantum yield and chlorophill initial fluorescence can be used efficiently in monitoring of Clomazone wastes in atmosphere
Delineation of management zones using mobile measurements of soil apparent electrical conductivity and multivariate geostatistical techniques
Site-specific management promotes the identification and management of areas within the field, which represent subfield regions with homogeneous characteristics (management zones). However,
determination of subfield areas is difficult because of the complex combination of factors which could affect crop yield. One possibility to capture yield variability is the use of soil physical properties to define
the management zones as they are related to plant available water.
With the aim of characterizing the spatial variability of the main soil physical variables and using this information to determine potential management zones, soil samples were taken from 70 locations in a
33-ha field in Badajoz, southwestern Spain. Firstly, accurate spatial distribution maps of the soil attributes were generated by using regression kriging as the most suitable algorithm in which exhaustive secondary information on soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) was incorporated. ECa
measurements were carried out with a Veris 3100 operating in both shallow (0–30 cm), ECs, and deep (0–90 cm), ECd,mode. Clay, coarse sand and fine sand were the soil physical properties which exhibited
higher correlation with ECa (positively correlated with the finer texture component, clay, and negatively correlated with the coarser ones, coarse and fine sands), particularly with ECs. Thus, this was the
secondary variable used to obtain the kriged maps. Later, principal component analysis and fuzzy cluster
classification were performed to delineate management zones, resulting in two subfields to be managed separately. This number of subfields was determined using the fuzzy performance index and normalized
classification entropy as the way to optimize the classification algorithm
Use of CPAP to Reduce Arterial Stiffness in Moderate-to-Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, Without Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (STIFFSLEEP): an Observational Cohort Study Protocol
INTRODUCTION: Sleepiness is a cardinal symptom in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) but most patients have unspecific symptoms. Arterial stiffness, evaluated by pulse wave velocity (PWV), is related to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular (CV) risk. Arterial stiffness was reported to be higher in patients with OSA, improving after treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). This study aims to assess whether the same effect occurs in patients with OSA and without sleepiness.
This observational study assesses the CV effect of CPAP therapy on a cohort of patients with moderate-to-severe OSA; the effect on the subcohorts of sleepy and non-sleepy patients will be compared. A systematic and consecutive sample of patients advised CPAP therapy will be recruited from a single outpatient sleep clinic (Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central-CHLC, Portugal). Eligible patients are male, younger than 65 years, with confirmed moderate-to-severe OSA and apnoea-hypopnea index (AHI) above 15/hour. Other sleep disorders, diabetes or any CV disease other than hypertension are exclusion criteria. Clinical evaluation at baseline includes Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), and sleepiness is defined as ESS above 10. OSA will be confirmed by polygraphic study (cardiorespiratory, level 3). Participants are advised to undertake an assessment of carotid-femoral PWV (cf-PWV) and 24 hours evaluation of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), at baseline and after 4 months of CPAP therapy. Compliance and effectiveness of CPAP will be assessed. The main outcome is the variation of cf-PWV over time
Removal of Hydrophobic Organic Pollutants and Copper by Alginate-Based and Polycaprolactone Materials
Funding Information: This research was funded by the FUNDAÇÃO PARA A CIÊNCIA e TECNOLOGIA (FCT—Portugal), grant number PTDC/BIA-MIB/31864/2017 and by LA/P/0045/2020 (ALiCE), UIDB/50020/2020 and UIDP/50020/2020 (LSRE-LCM), funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) and by FEDER funding CENTRO-01-0246-FEDER-000044. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Organic pollutants (OPs) and heavy metals are environmental toxicants associated with great concerns. Decontamination processes are urgent for both, and the possibility to achieve their simultaneous removal from polluted waters is highly interesting. Additionally, in many cases, the effect of organic matter in the removal process is overlooked and must be considered. This work aimed to study the potential of alginate-based and polycaprolactone (PCL) materials to remove OPs and copper ions in the absence and presence of organic matter. The OPs investigated were the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons anthracene and benzo[a]pyrene, and the pesticide chlorpyrifos, both hydrophobic compounds. Copper (II) ions were used as a model of heavy metals. Alginate-based spheres were prepared by gelation, and PCL microparticles were obtained by oil/water emulsion solvent evaporation. The materials with the highest efficiencies for OP removal from aqueous solutions were those with activated carbon and PCL. Furthermore, the spheres with activated carbon could remove anthracene and copper simultaneously, even in the presence of humic acid. This work points to activated carbon–alginate spheres as a multifunctional adsorbent able to remove different pollutants and to PCL for potential applications in OP decontamination processes.publishersversionpublishe
La question de la traduction dans les pensées herméneutiques de Gadamer et de Ricœur
Les pensées herméneutiques de Gadamer et de Ricœur reconnaissent toutes deux une importance centrale, mais trop peu remarquée, au phénomène de la traduction. Elles lui attribuent même une valeur de modèle philosophique, mais l’abordent dans des perspectives différentes. Notre mémoire tâchera de présenter ces deux conceptions de la traduction et d’insister autant sur leurs similitudes que sur leurs divergences. Nous verrons que si pour Gadamer, la traduction sert surtout à mettre en évidence l’universalité de l’élément langagier, Ricœur s’intéresse, pour sa part, davantage à ses implications éthiques, qui restent seulement implicites dans la pensée gadamérienne.The hermeneutic thoughts of Gadamer and Ricœur both recognize a great importance, albeit somewhat discretely, to the issue of translation. They view it as a philosophical model of value, but treat it from rather different perspectives. Our study will present these two views of translation, insisting on both their similarities and differences. We will see that if for Gadamer, translation is used mostly to emphasise the universality of the linguistic element, Ricœur is mostly interested in its ethical implications, which remain only implicit in Gadamer’s thought
Above‐Ground Biomass Estimation with High Spatial Resolution Satellite Images
Assessment and monitoring of forest biomass are frequently done with allometric functions per species for inventory plots. The estimation per area unit is carried out with an extrapolation method. In this chapter, a review of the recent methods to estimate forest above‐ground biomass (AGB) using remote sensing data is presented. A case study is given with an innovative methodology to estimate above‐ground biomass based on crown horizontal projection obtained with high spatial resolution satellite images for two evergreen oak species. The linear functions fitted for pure, mixed and both compositions showed a good performance. Also, the functions with dummy variables to distinguish species and compositions adjusted had the best performance. An error threshold of 5% corresponds to stand areas of 8.7 and 5.5 ha for the functions of all species and compositions without and with dummy variables. This method enables the overall area evaluation, and it is easily implemented in a geographic information system environment
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