19 research outputs found


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    A valorização de um grupo específico é um grande problema no mundo em todas as épocas, o resultado na atualidade é o preconceito contra minorias e basicamente vemos isso se repetindo com os animais, tirando o valor de suas vidas para virarem comida. Platão o pai da filosofia, acreditava que para o nosso sustento foi criado as plantas, e que a carne adoecia o corpo. Uma forma de diminuir essas desigualdades é a informação e é isso que o nosso projeto busca: informar as pessoas sobre os direitos dos animais e sua relação com o movimento vegano. Para isso, será criado um site informativo, com passagens históricas, jurídicas e ideológicas, contando com uma interface amigável que permitirá responder às dúvidas mais frequentes que as pessoas possuem sobre o tema

    Experimentação farmacológica in vitro: explorando novas fronteiras no desenvolvimento de fármacos

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    Os testes in vitro atualmente em ascensão se apresentam como uma importante ferramenta para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas farmacológicas que visam o desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos. Isto porque, a utilização de animais em pesquisas farmacológicas tem sido questionada desde longa data. Inclusive, há um compromisso da comunidade científica mundial em seguir o princípio dos 3Rs. O primeiro “R” refere-se a Reduction (redução), o segundo “R” a Replacement (substituição) e o terceiro “R” a Refinement (refinamento). Assim, de acordo com o princípio dos 3Rs é necessário refletir sobre a necessidade de se reduzir o número de animais nos procedimentos experimentais e sempre que possível substituir o seu uso por métodos in vitro. Considerando que os anti-inflamatórios se apresentam como uma das classes mais comercializadas de medicamentos no mundo, e tendo como propósito contribuir para a redução do número de animais nas análises experimentais, este estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão bibliográfica a respeito das metodologias realizadas in vitro que foram empregadas em ensaios de avaliação da atividade anti-inflamatória, e que já tiveram seu uso validado por meio da literatura

    Fatores associados ao acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico em crianças e adolescentes com tetralogia de Fallot

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    Objective: to verify the factors associated with ischemic stroke in children and adolescents with tetralogy of Fallot. Method: a cross-sectional study, carried out with analysis of electronic medical records of children and adolescents with tetralogy of Fallot followed up in an outpatient clinic specialized in pediatric cardiology in northeastern Brazil. The data was processed in SPSS 21.0. Chi-square and/or Fisher's exact test were used for association measures (p≤0.05). Results: of the 104 electronic medical records analyzed, ischemic stroke in the bivariate analysis was associated with hypothyroidism, thrombophilia, polycythemia, endocarditis, cardiac arrest, acute renal failure and heart failure. In the final multivariate analysis model, thrombophilia (p=0.011), polycythemia (p<0.001) and cardiac arrest (p=0.005) were predictors of ischemic stroke. Conclusion: thrombophilia, polycythemia, and cardiac arrest were associated with ischemic stroke in children and adolescents with tetralogy of Fallot.Objetivo: verificar os fatores associados ao acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico em crianças e adolescentes com tetralogia de Fallot. Método: estudo transversal, realizado com análise dos prontuários eletrônicos de crianças e adolescentes com tetralogia de Fallot acompanhados em um ambulatório especializado em cardiologia pediátrica no nordeste brasileiro. Os dados foram processados no SPSS 21.0. Aplicou-se Teste Qui-quadrado e/ou Exato de Fisher para medidas de associação (p≤0,05). Resultados: dos 104 prontuários eletrônicos analisados, o acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico na análise bivariada foi associado com hipotireoidismo, trombofilia, policitemia, endocardite, parada cardiorrespiratória, insuficiência renal aguda e insuficiência cardíaca. No modelo final da análise multivariada, foram preditores de acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico a trombofilia (p=0,011), policitemia (p<0,001) e parada cardiorrespiratória (p=0,005). Conclusão: trombofilia, policitemia e a parada cardiorrespiratória foram associados ao acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico em crianças e adolescentes com tetralogia de Fallot

    Hábitos não saudáveis entre agentes comunitários de saúde de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais: estudo transversal, 2018

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    Objective: To analyze the health-related habits of community health agents (CHA). Methods: Cross-sectional study in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2018. Anthropometric, sociodemographic, labor and lifestyle characteristics were evaluated. Poisson regression was applied to calculate the prevalence ratio (PR) (and 95% confidence interval [95%CI]) of unhealthy habits by independent variables. Results: 675 CHA participated. In the health profile, 60.8% were overweight, 83.0% and 58.1% low consumption of fruits and vegetables, respectively. Physical inactivity was reported by 26.2%. 7.1% smokers were declared and 37.6% were drinking alcoholic beverages. The inadequate health habit was higher among males (PR=1.24 – 95%CI 1.05;1.45), younger (PR=1.19 – 95%CI 1.01;1.40) and without religion (PR=1.23 – 95%CI 1.04;1.45). Conclusion: There was a relevant prevalence of inadequate health habits among professionals, associated with sociodemographic factors.Objetivo: Analisar os hábitos relacionados à saúde dos agentes comunitários de saúde (ACS). Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado em Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brasil, em 2018. Avaliou-se as características antropométricas, sociodemográficas, laborais e de estilo de vida. Regressão de Poisson foi aplicada para calcular a razão de prevalência (RP) (e intervalo de confiança de 95% [IC95%]) dos hábitos não saudáveis pelas variáveis independentes. Resultados: Participaram 675 ACS. No perfil de saúde, 60,8% estavam com excesso de peso, 83,0% referiram baixo consumo de frutas e 58,1% declararam baixo consumo de verduras e legumes. A inatividade física foi relatada por 26,2%. Declaram-se fumantes 7,1% e 37,6% ingeriam bebidas alcóolicas. O hábito inadequado de saúde foi maior no sexo masculino (RP=1,24 – IC95% 1,05;1,45), nos mais jovens (RP=1,19 – IC95% 1,01;1,40) e naqueles sem religião (RP=1,23 – IC95% 1,04;1,45). Conclusão: Houve prevalência relevante de hábitos inadequados de saúde entre os profissionais, associado aos fatores sociodemográficos


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    This article aims to present a monitoring experience, carried out in the discipline of Introduction to Scientific Methodology belonging to the curricular matrix of the Pedagogy degree course at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, more specifically at the Ponta Porã Campus, which is located on the border of the Brazil with Paraguay. To guide the research methodologically, bibliographic research (PIZZANI et al., 2012), documentary research (SILVA et al., 2009), Cellard (2014) and action research (TRIPP, 2005) were used to answer the following questions: Monitoring is an activity that contributes to initial teacher education? How does this happen on the Brazilian border with Paraguay? Does the discontinuity of public policies affect teacher training / promotion? To answer the questions, two sections were organized, except for the introduction, in the first section the methodological outline of the research was established and the theoretical basis for the development of the research is projected. The second section deals with the results obtained and the discussion about the experience of monitoring in an undergraduate course located in the border region. And, in the final considerations, the answers to the initial questions are explicitly presented and the positive and negative aspects of monitoring for teacher training are highlighted.Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar una experiencia de seguimiento, realizada en la disciplina de Introducción a la Metodología Científica perteneciente a la matriz curricular de la carrera de Pedagogía de la Universidad Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, más específicamente en el Campus Ponta Porã, que se ubica en el límite de la Brasil con Paraguay. Para orientar metodológicamente la investigación, se utilizó la investigación bibliográfica (PIZZANI et al., 2012), la investigación documental (SILVA et al., 2009), Cellard (2014) y la investigación acción (TRIPP, 2005) para responder a las siguientes preguntas: El monitoreo es una actividad que contribuye a la formación inicial del profesorado? ¿Cómo sucede esto en la frontera brasileña con Paraguay? ¿Afecta la discontinuidad de las políticas públicas a la formación / promoción docente? Para dar respuesta a las preguntas se organizaron dos apartados, salvo la introducción, en el primer apartado se estableció el esquema metodológico de la investigación y se proyectan las bases teóricas para el desarrollo de la investigación. La segunda sección trata sobre los resultados obtenidos y la discusión sobre la experiencia de seguimiento en un curso de pregrado ubicado en la región fronteriza. Y, en las consideraciones finales, se presentan explícitamente las respuestas a las preguntas iniciales y se destacan los aspectos positivos y negativos del seguimiento de la formación docente.O presente artigo visa apresentar uma experiência de monitoria, realizada na disciplina de Introdução à Metodologia Científica pertencente a matriz curricular do curso de licenciatura em Pedagogia da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul mais especificamente no Campus de Ponta Porã, que se localiza na fronteira do Brasil com o Paraguai. Para nortear metodologicamente a pesquisa utilizou-se da pesquisa bibliográfica (PIZZANI et al., 2012), documental (SILVA et al.,2009), Cellard (2014) e da pesquisa-ação (TRIPP, 2005) visando responder as seguintes questões: A monitoria é uma atividade que contribui para a formação inicial de professores? Como isso ocorre na fronteira do Brasil com o Paraguai? A descontinuidade das políticas públicas afeta a formação/promoção docente? Para responder aos questionamentos organizou-se duas seções, salvo a introdução, na primeira seção estabeleceu-se o delineamento metodológico da pesquisa e se projeta a fundamentação teórica para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa. A segunda seção trata dos resultados obtidos e a discussão sobre a experiência da monitoria em um curso de graduação localizado em região fronteiriça. E, nas considerações finais apresenta-se de forma explícita as respostas aos questionamentos iniciais e salienta-se os aspectos positivos e negativos da monitoria para formação docente

    Health outcomes in children and adolescents with overweight/obesity exposed to physical activity interventions: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses

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    This project purpose was to describe and classify in domains the outcomes reported in systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis summarizing the efficacy or effectiveness of interventions consisting of any physical activity component on health outcomes in children and/or adolescents with overweight/obesity. This initial explanation will serve for the future creation of a core outcome set (COS) for clinical trials of physical activity in children and adolescents with overweight/obesity

    Antitumor and cytotoxic activity of Kielmeyera coriacea mart. Zucc. and Pyrostegia venusta (ker-gawl.) Miers extracts

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    This study aimed to investigate the antitumor and cytotoxicity activities of Kielmeyera coriacea and Pyrostegia venusta extracts. Therefore, the hydroalcoholic extracts of P. venusta flowers and K. coriacea leaves were prepared. The extracts were evaporated and the dry extracts were diluted at concentrations of 1.0, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 mg/ml for carrying out the bioassays. Artemia salina eggs were incubated in saline solution at 28°C for 24 h. The larvae were treated with different extracts concentrations and the mortality was evaluated after 24 and 48 h. Five discs of potato were placed in Petri dishes and 50 μl of inoculum of Agrobacterium tumefaciens were added to it at 28°C for 24 h incubation. So, 50 μl of the extracts in different concentrations were added. Positive and negative controls were made. The P. venusta and K. coriacea extracts did not show statistically significant acute toxicity. K. coriacea extract showed (mean% of tumor ± standard deviation) 15.30 ± 3.24, 6.34 ± 3.82, 7.57 ± 2.92 and 5.77 ± 2.85 and P. venusta showed 25.82 ± 5.15, 38.40 ± 8.28, 15.75 ± 4.44 and 13.38 ± 7.92, with their concentrations for the antitumor bioassay, and the positive control showed 25.80 ± 6.14. According to the obtained results it was established that the K. coriacea and P. venusta extracts showed antitumor activity but did not show significant cytotoxic activity in A. salina test

    Core outcomes in children and adolescents with overweight/obesity exposed to physical activity interventions: protocol for the development of a core outcome set

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    This is the protocol for development of a COS related to clinical trials with physical activity interventions for overweight or obese children and adolescents, as well as categorize them into specific domains

    The “home-based exercise for breast and prostate cancer patients during treatment—a feasibility trial” (BENEFIT CA trial): rationale and methodological protocol

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    Abstract Background Physical activity has been shown to benefit patients undergoing adjuvant cancer therapy. Although exercise interventions may be applied in several settings, most trials have focused on specialized facilities for their interventions. While these approaches benefit the access for individuals living near exercise centers, it hampers the assessment of real-world effectiveness. Therefore, evaluating the feasibility and implementation of home-based models of exercise training, especially in low-to-middle-income settings, may inform future physical activity trials and programs. In this article, we present the protocol for the BENEFIT CA trial, which aims to assess the implementation of a remote exercise intervention for patients with breast cancer or prostate cancer, primarily quantifying adherence to an exercise program. Methods This is a 12-week study, utilizing a non-randomized, single-arm design to assess the feasibility of a home-based exercise training. The intervention is remotely guided, and participants also receive an educational component about cancer and exercise. The study aims to recruit 40 patients diagnosed with breast cancer and 40 patients diagnosed with prostate cancer, all of whom undergoing active hormonal treatment. The primary outcome is the level of adherence, indicated as the proportion of performed exercise episodes. Secondary outcomes include recruitment rates, fatigue, quality of life, and functional capacity. Adverse events will be monitored throughout the study. Because this is a feasibility trial, the statistical analysis plan is based on descriptive statistics, which encompasses an intention-to-treat analysis and a plan for handling missing data. Discussion This is a low-cost feasibility study to orient the design of a wide-range, pragmatic phase 3 trial based on remote exercise intervention. With this study, we aim to better understand the adherence and implementation strategies regarding home-based exercise for the proposed population and, in the near future, move forward to a randomized clinical trial. In addition, this trial may contribute to engage patients with cancer in exercise programs throughout their treatment and beyond. Trial registration This trial has been approved by the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre Ethics Committee/IRB (48,869,621.9.0000.5327), and it is registered at Clinicaltrials.gov (NCT05258526), registered on February 25, 2022, prior to the beginning of the study

    Efficient uptake of mannosylated proteins by a human Schwann cell line

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    Complex carbohydrate structures are essential molecules of infectious microbes and host cells, and are involved in cell signaling associated with inflammatory and immune responses. The uptake of mannose-tailed glycans is usually carried out by macrophages, dendritic cells (DCs), and other professional phagocytes to trigger MHC class I- and MHC class II-restricted antigen presentation, and to promote T cell effector responses. Since Schwann cells (SCs) have been proposed as immunocompetent cells, we investigated whether a human cell line (ST88-14 cells) could bind mannosylated ligands in a specific manner. The saturation of uptake of mannosylated molecules by ST88-14 cells and the internalization and distribution pathway of these ligands were tested by cytometry and confocal plus electron microscopy, respectively. This uptake showed a dose-dependent increase, the saturation point being reached at high concentrations of mannosyl residues/240mM mannose. Merging of man/BSA-FITC and S100 labeling showed their partial, but, significant colocalization. Ultrastructural analysis of ST88-14 cells after incubation with HRP-colloidal gold, without or with subsequent chasing at 37°C, showed an initial location on the cell surface and temperature- and time-dependent internalization of the probe. Our findings suggest an efficient mannosylated ligand uptake system through putative lectin(s) that may be operational in inflammatory and immune responses