273 research outputs found

    The use of reclaimed wastewater for irrigation purposes: influence on soil capacity for natural attenuation of emerging organic contaminants

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    Reclaimed wastewater for agricultural fields and public green spaces irrigation is gaining increasing importance. The discussion around this subject is linked with the fact that actions like these may help save large volumes of potable water which, due to climate change aspects, is becoming scarce. However, the use of reclaimed wastewater leads to questions regarding the presence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) on the effluents, as these products are not completely eliminated during conventional wastewater treatment stages. By irrigating agricultural fields with reclaimed wastewater, we might be enabling a large micro contaminants input on soil and, consequently, these contaminants might be absorbed through plants´ radicular system. Given the importance of this subject it is necessary to know whether a soil is able to naturally attenuate PPCPs present on the reclaimed wastewater. Another issue raised is how a systematic irrigation with effluent alters the capacity of the soil to respond to the presence of these organic contaminants. With this in mind, the main purpose of this dissertation was to evaluate de degradation capacity of three types of soil: one systematically irrigated with effluent (SE), a second soil irrigated with effluent and fertilized with biosolids (SL) and, a third soil irrigated with surface water and used to grow biologic tomatoes (ST). In all cases, these soils were irrigated in the laboratory with deionized water or tertiary effluent spiked with a mixture of 10 PPCPs: Caffeine (CAF); sulfamethoxazole (SMX), carbamazepine (CBZ), diclofenac (DCF), oxibenzone (OXY), triclosan (TCS), bisphenol A (BPA), 17β-estradiol (E2), 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2) and ibuprofen (IBU)]. A control was also performed in which irrigation was performed with non-spiked samples. The experiments lasted for 14 days, being monitored on the 0, 3rd, and 7th day. An additional condition has been studied in which the soil was preserved at 4 ºC for 14 days. The results showed that soils SE and ST presented a higher capacity for decreasing contaminants levels (degradation). With the SE soil, the best degradation rates were obtained for the samples watered with spiked deionized water, whereas ST soil responded better when the irrigation was performed with spiked tertiary effluent. Regarding the contaminants the decreasing degradation order was IBU ≈ E2 > BPA ≈ DCF ≈ SMX ≥ EE2 > OXY ≥ TCS > CBZ. IBU and E2 achieved 100% degradations and CBZ did not degraded (on the worst case) or has been poorly degraded, < 35%. Caffeine was excluded from the quantitative analysis, but it was still detected in the soil samples after 14 days, indicating that it is not completely removed. The preliminary evaluation on the formation of possible degradation products showed that mineralization was not complete, and this deserves a deeper analysis

    Criptomoedas como um ativo: Avaliação da evolução de tendências

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    Tendo em conta a crescente popularidade de uma nova classe de ativos financeiros, os criptoativos, esta dissertação visa dar a conhecer mais sobre este tipo de produto a potenciais investidores. Nesse sentido, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta de fácil utilização que permite a análise de diversos produtos em simultâneo, com um nível de sofisticação mais próximo das ferramentas existentes para as demais classes de ativos. Este trabalho dividiu-se, portanto, em duas partes. A primeira foi conhecer os criptoativos, estudar no que consistem e conhecer alguns exemplos das criptomoedas existentes para investimento. A segunda parte desta dissertação consistiu em construir uma estrutura em Excel que permitisse a comparação de várias criptomoedas através de uma análise estatística simples. Deste modo um potencial investidor, com pouco conhecimento sobre criptomoedas, pode utilizar a “Ferramenta de análise de Criptomoedas” para avaliar as tendências relativamente à evolução dos preços praticados em determinados períodos de tempo, escolhidos pelo utilizador. Não sendo esta ferramenta um meio de aconselhamento financeiro, permite que o utilizador visualize várias criptomoedas de uma só vez para que possa tirar as suas próprias conclusões relativamente aos melhores investimentos a fazer. Desde a origem dos dados, em 2017, até outubro de 2022 existiram grandes alterações ao nível dos valores de cada criptomoeda. No entanto, ao analisar as variações para intervalos de tempo mais curtos verifica-se que as variações são tendencialmente mais reduzidas quando o valor associado à criptomoeda também o é sugerindo que o investimento em criptomoedas de menor valor é mais seguro, apesar de existir um menor lucro potencial.Taking into consideration the increasing popularity of a new class of assets, the cryptoassets, this dissertation aims to explore this type of product, giving some new insights to new investors. In that sense, an easy-to-use tool that allows the comparison between multiple products, with a sophistication level closer to the one from other cryptoassets analysis tools, was developed. The present dissertation was, therefore, divided into two parts. The first one was to know more about cryptoassets, understand what these are and acquire some knowledge regarding possible cryptocurrencies to invest. The second part of the dissertation consisted in building an Excel structure that allowed the comparison between several cryptocurrencies through a simple statistical analysis. That way, a potential investor with little or no knowledge about cryptocurrencies can use the tool called “Ferramenta de análise de Criptomoedas” to do an evaluation on prices evolution tendencies for certain time periods, chosen by the user. Despite not being a mean to give financial advices, the tool allows its user to visualize several cryptocurrencies tendencies at once to then take conclusions on the best investments to perform. Since the data origin, in 2007, until October 2022 it is visible that the has been severe changes in the cryptocurrencies value. However, when analyzing for shorter time periods it is visible that the prices fluctuations have a tendency to be narrower when the value of the cryptocurrency is lower, suggesting that the investment in less valuable cryptocurrencies is safer, despite being less profitable

    Hunting pressure and the population genetic patterns and sex-mediated dispersal in the Guinea Baboon in Guinea-Bissau

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    In Guinea-Bissau (GB) the Guinea baboon (Papio hamadryas papio) is threatened by hunting pressure. Along with local extinctions, these practices may be inducing long-term genetic changes and disrupting underlying social structure. In this study, the bushmeat trade in GB was evaluated for the first time and the effect of hunting practices on the genetic diversity and population structure was investigated. By following the bushmeat trade at urban markets, we found baboons to be the third most traded primate species. Male baboon carcasses were sold at a price 60% higher than any other primate due to their larger body mass. Semi-structured interviews conducted with hunters revealed a preference towards male baboons and recent difficulty in finding this primates species. Non-invasive DNA sampling in southern GB and two different genetic markers (fourteen microsatellite loci and a fragment of the mitochondrial control region) suggested substantial levels of genetic diversity and recent genetic contact between different populations. However, geographic distances had a weak effect on population structure and the genetic discontinuities found were not related with landscape features. A contact zone was identified. Here, gene flow seems to be unidirectional and admixed individuals were in higher proportion. Hunting pressure may have induced recent contact between genetically differentiated individuals, which now co-exist in the same social unit. Additionally, the sex-specific patterns of gene flow and the composition of social units were compared with a non-hunted Guinea baboon population, using a molecular sex determination protocol and thirteen microsatellite loci. GB displayed a lower ratio of males within social units, which are formed in some cases by unrelated individuals. The clear female-biased dispersal pattern displayed in Senegal was less intense in GB, where gene flow seems to be mediated through both sexes. The aforementioned contact zone resulted from male immigration. Male baboon dispersal in GB could be the result of flight behaviour or a consequence of an altered sex ratio induced by hunting practices. The GB baboons displayed signs of a disrupted population and its future conservation requires specific actions to reduce or eliminate this activity

    Geografia e desenvolvimento económico regional na Europa comunitária

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    Instituto Superior de Economia e GestãoDurante muito tempo, a ciência económica e a ciência geográfica percorreram caminhos separados e não exploraram as suas potenciais inter-relações. Se, por um lado, a Economia privilegiava os seus aspectos aespaciais, por outro, a Geografia analisava o espaço geográfico sem valorizar a sua estrutura económica. Porém, nos últimos anos, assistimos ao reforço das complexas relações entre ambas as disciplinas, ao mesmo tempo que se verifica um interesse pelos aspectos geográficos do processo de desenvolvimento económico. Este reforço é bem visível na denominada Nova Geografia Económica, disciplina que paulatinamente se tem afirmado no seio da comunidade científica e tem atraído cada vez mais a atenção de geógrafos e economistas. Tendo como pano de fundo o papel estratégico dos territórios regionais na era pós-fordista, procuramos sistematizar a geografia, do desenvolvimento económico regional na Europa Comunitária desde a década de 70. Enfatizamos assim a crucialidade da dimensão geográfica do desenvolvimento, na medida em que consideramos que o processo de desenvolvimento não é um fenómeno aespacial. Para a realização do objectivo proposto, desenvolvemos um conjunto de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas (análise de componentes principais e análise de clusters) que permitem a divisão do território comunitário em grupos de regiões mais ou menos homogéneas em termos de desenvolvimento económico.For long, economics and geography did not pursue potential inter-connections. On one hand, economics has developed largely in a spaceless worid. On other hand, geography has traditionaUy viewed space without its economic structure. However, in recent years, a complex relationship between economics and geography emerges out and there has been a new interest in the geographical aspects of economic development. In consequence, New Economic Geography is becoming more and more relevant within scientific community, due to a strong reliance on economics by many geographers both for conceptual approaches and methodologies. Starting with an outline of the factors that explain the growing importance of regions and their new role as the post-fordism territorial unit par excellence, our aim is to determine the geography of regional economic development within European Union since the 1970s. We underline the new importance of the geographical dimension of development. In fact, we believe that development is not a spaceless phenomenon because it occurs over a geographic space. In order to achieve our main purpose, a principal component analysis and a clusters analysis are presented. We try to create homogeneous groups of European Regions. The use of multivariate analysis techniques allows us to define significant associations of European Regions having similar economic development conditions.N/

    Shiftwork schedules: from effect’s evaluation to intervention possibilities

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    Ancorado numa investigação mais alargada sobre os efeitos do trabalho por turnos, o presente trabalho propõe-se contribuir para a discussão de possibilidades de intervenção nesta problemática, considerando especialmente o papel do contexto organizacional. Tal discussão é feita a partir da referência a três estudos realizados em empresas industriais, nos quais, foram avaliados alguns dos efeitos tipicamente associados ao trabalho por turnos na saúde, vida familiar e social e avaliação da satisfação com o próprio turno de trabalho. No conjunto das três empresas estiveram envolvidos 859 trabalhadores/as por turnos. Os dados foram recolhidos através de questionário, integrando este escalas publicadas na literatura ou desenvolvidas pela equipa de investigação. As análises de correlações efetuadas indicaram uma associação estatisticamente significativa e no sentido esperado entre a perceção do suporte do contexto organizacional e os efeitos avaliados. Especificamente, tal associação oscilou entre -.19 com os “problemas de sono” e .47 com a interface com a “vida fora da empresa”. Além da relevância das práticas de gestão que podem ser usadas pelas organizações, são apresentadas/discutidas outras possibilidades de intervenção. Em ambos os casos, o enfoque permanece no suporte que pode ser proporcionado pelo contexto organizacional na promoção da adaptação a esta modalidade horária de trabalho.Anchored on a wider research on the shiftwork effects, this study aims to contribute to the discussion of intervention possibilities in this issue considering, in particular, the role of the organizational context. This discussion is made with reference to three studies conducted in industrial companies which assessed some of the effects that are typically associated with shiftwork: effects on health, family and social life and satisfaction with the work shift. In the three companies 859 shift workers were involved. Data were gathered from a survey (the scales used in the survey included scales published in the literature and other developed by the research team). The correlation analysis indicated a statistically significant association between the perception of organizational support and the assessed effects. This association varied between -.19 with “sleep problems” and .47 with the interface with “life outside the company”. Beyond the relevance of management practices that can be used by organizations, other possibilities of intervention are presented/discussed. In both cases, the focus remains on the support that may be provided by the organizational context by promoting the adaptation to this work schedule

    News for nature: Communicating biodiversity importance and conservation challenges in Guinea‐Bissau, West Africa, through local media and online platforms

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    Guinea‐Bissau, an important regional biodiversity hotspot in West Africa, faces the challenge of raising awareness among the general public about the significance of natural resources for rural communities' survival and the need for biodiversity conservation. This knowledge gap hinders conservation efforts as initiatives are deemed irrelevant or unnecessary. A climate of political vulnerability, financial uncertainty and threats to media freedom are further obstacles to conservation biology. Researchers lack established communication platforms for academic dissemination. In this paper, we introduce the initiative News for Nature/PRIMACTION (2020–2022), which aimed to establish a communication channel between researchers and media agents. The project had two primary objectives: firstly, to raise awareness among the Guinea‐Bissau society about the importance of national biodiversity and conservation challenges; and secondly, to enhance the capacity of specific communicators and opinion makers. The project had several important outputs, including: i) a bi‐monthly newspaper section focused on “biodiversity conservation in Guinea‐Bissau”, ii) three radio‐theatre episodes performed by a well‐known group and broadcasted nationally, iii) one song composed and sung by famous musicians, with an introduction by Jane Goodall, and iv) a website providing technical resources for journalists covering biodiversity and conservation news. Collaborators mentioned the lack of logistical conditions for traveling in the country as a major impediment in reporting conservation‐related news. We emphasize the significance of establishing direct contact and articulation between researchers and local media to promote conservation research in West African countries. In countries where science communication and environmental education outreach are not well‐established, it is crucial to bridge the challenges faced by the communities in different regions of the same country. This is especially urgent in cases where such challenges are significant

    Quem é Quem na Museologia Portuguesa

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    UID/PAM/00417/2013 UID/PAM/00417/2019O Dicionário Quem é Quem na Museologia Portuguesa é um projeto em curso da linha de investigação Estudos de Museus do IHA/NOVA FCSH. Como objetivo fundamental, propõe-se facultar uma visão abrangente, um conhecimento preciso e uma valorização atualizada das personalidades ligadas à museologia portuguesa, atuantes em diferentes tipologias científicas. Visa contribuir, também, para uma mais ampla compreensão da história dos museus e da museologia. Inscrita na tipologia de iha-seed-projects (micro-projetos), uma das linhas estruturais estratégicas do IHA/NOVA FCSH, aposta nas virtualidades da publicação online em acesso aberto, potenciadora de uma proveitosa interação entre utilizadores e recursos, em permanente atualização. O primeiro volume do Dicionário é dedicado a personalidades da museologia portuguesa que desenvolveram a sua atividade entre o século XVIII e os anos 1960. A seleção dos autores foi arbitrada por uma comissão científica criada para o efeito que procedeu depois à revisão das 93 entradas agora disponibilizadas. Estas proporcionam um acréscimo significativo de conhecimentos, associados a personalidades transversais à pluralidade das áreas científicas dos museus, algumas delas desconhecidas ou desvalorizadas até agora.publishersversionpublishe

    Delirium management in critically ill patients: an integrative review

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    Introduction: The critically ill patient is at high risk of developing delirium, which is an independent predictor of mortality, morbidity, increased length of stay, health costs and safety incidents. The incidence of this disturbance can reach 80% in this population, with severe impact on short and long-term outcomes of patients and family. Objectives: To analyse and summarise evidence regarding nursing interventions that are effective on delirium management in critically ill patients. Methodology: For this integrative review, literature research was conducted in electronic databases MEDLINE, CINAHL and Cochrane Database of Systematic, as well as other sources, from January 2013 to September 2021. Results and Discussion: The search retrieved 140 documents, 135 obtained from electronic databases and five from other sources. After assessing eligibility, 22 final documents were obtained for data extraction and analysis. The results show that the implementation of multicomponent interventions have greater benefits in reducing delirium incidence and duration. Non-pharmacological interventions, like early mobilization and family participation, also stand out. Nurses play a significant role in delirium management, and this review can help nurses to choose interventions based on clinical evidence, improving the outcomes of the critically ill patient. Conclusion: The implementation of multicomponent interventions demonstrates greater benefits in reducing delirium incidence and duration, with impact on other person-centred outcomes. Further multicentric studies are needed to prove unequivocal benefits of engaging the family of critically ill adults with delirium, and its benefits in their outcomes

    Gamification applied to autism spectrum disorder

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    Gamification is a recent technique in software development that allows the application of game principles to non-game contexts and environments. In an increasingly technological world, gamification has now higher popularity, and it is currently used in several technologies. One of the health conditions where gamification can bring great benefits is in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which is a persistent neurodevelopmental disorder that can be characterized briefly by deficits in verbal and non-verbal communication, difficulties in interaction, and manifestation of stereotyped movements or interests. In the case of ASD, the programs, software, or the mobile applications should focus on the development of intrapersonal (such as motivation) and interpersonal (social skills) skills. Therefore, gamification can be useful in cases of ASD, but it is necessary to increase the analysis of the potentialities and needs for improvement of technologies and applications available on the market.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio