273 research outputs found

    Evapotranspiração, índice de área foliar e desenvolvimento radicular do feijão irrigado

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    The evapotranspiration process (ETP), the leaf area index (LAI) as well as the radicular development of cv. IPA 74-19 beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) on a mean textured Red Yellow Podzolic soil of São Desidério Project were studied. The mean ETP was 3.9 mm/day, and the maximum, 5.3 mm/day, happened between late in the blooming and the pod shaping up. There was a positive linear correlation between ETP and class "A" tank evaporation (EV), with and everage coefficient of 0.65. During the culture cycle LA! Varied from 0.41 up to 3.73, and 83% in weight of root was concentrated in the 40 superficial centimeters of the soil.Estudou-se, num Podrólico Vermelho-Amarelo de textura média do Projeto de Irrigação de São Desidério, a evapotranspiração (ET), o índice de área foliar (IAF) e o desenvolvimento radicular do feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. IPA 74-19. A ET média foi de 3,9 mm/dia e o máximo de 5,3 mm/dia, ocorrida entre o final da floração e a formação das vagens. Houve correlação linear positiva entre a ET e a evaporação do tanque classe A (EV), com um coeficiente médio de 0,65. Durante o ciclo da cultura o IAF variou de 0,41 a 3,73 m2/m2 e 83% em peso das raízes se concentraram nos 40cm superficiais do sol


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    The presence of Hancornia speciosa Gomes (mangabeira) in tropical climate areas is linked to the edaphoclimatic conditions demanded by this specie that is found in Brazil, spread from the state of Amapá to Espírito Santo. The general objective of this study was to discuss the colonization of Hancornia speciosa Gomes in restinga environments in tropical climate areas. It is an research is applied type research, with a qualitative-quantitative approach, emphasising procedures as bibliographical and documentary research, besides 49 technical visits in the spatial between the years of 2013 and 2019, that it was included Master's and Doctoral studies, funded by CAPES and CNPq. The adoption of a geographic concept of restinga allowed a better visualization and analysis of this environment, which presents the ideal soil and climate conditions for mangrove development, eventhough it has been threatened to the detriment, mainly, of urban sprawl. It is worth mentioning the proposal of classification of the restinga environments, once it allows a better biogeographic analysis of these transition environments in the Dunas - Restinga - Mata Atlântica trinomial. These three formation are considered as the ecological niche of mangabeira. Nowdays, restingas, despite the intense environmental vulnerability process that has transformed the natural environment into an anthropic and fragmented landscape, climatic and soil conditions still produce significant environmental conditions for the development of this specie. It is concluded that the colonization of populations of Hancornia speciosa Gomes in restingas is possible due to the abiotic, biotic factors and the evolutionary capacity of the species, represented by the dispersion


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    The bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is one of the major pathogens of cattle with a major impact on the economy, it is a single stranded RNA of the family Flaviviridae of the genus Pestivirus, are small envelopes. This virus can infect several animals for being of the genus genus Pestivirus and can affect swine, sheep, other ruminants such as buffalo, where the bovine is more sensitive and is the focus of the present study. This is one of the most studied animals with this pathology. From an epidemiological point of view, animals carrying the virus should be discarded, and about 80% of these animals could be positive for the virus, which would cause a major economic impact if all were discarded. BVDV causes significant changes in animal reproduction and thus has a relevant impact on the economy. Hence, this review paper aims to discuss the main impacts that the BVDV causes on bovine reproduction. The bovine viral diarrhea virus is a major problem on farms, with very high reproductive impact given the possible embryonic losses and births of persistently infected calves, as well as causing significant damage to the dairy economy.O vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV) e um dos principais patógenos de bovinos com um grande impacto sobre a economia, é um RNA fita simples da família Flaviviridae do gênero Pestivirus, são pequenos envelopados. Este vírus pode infectar diversos animais por serem do gênero Pestivirus e podem acometer suínos, ovinos, outros ruminantes como bubalinos, onde o bovino é mais sensível e é o foco do presente estudo, e este é um dos animais mais estudados com esta patologia. Do ponto de vista epidemiológico os animais portadores do vírus devem ser descartados, sendo que cerca de 80% destes animais podem ser positivos para o vírus, onde se teria um grande impacto da economia se todos fossem descartados. O BVDV causa alterações significativas sobre a reprodução animal e assim como consequência relevante impacto na economia. Desta forma, este trabalho de revisão se propõe a discutir sobre os principais impactos que o vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV) causa sobre a reprodução bovina. O vírus da diarreia viral bovina é um grande problema nas fazendas, com impacto reprodutivo bastante elevado, tendo em vista as possíveis perdas embrionárias e nascimentos de bezerros persistentemente infectados, assim como também causa prejuízos significativos na economia leiteira

    Influence of precipitation and plant age on the production and chemical composition of the bufell grass

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    O experimento, conduzido na microrregião dos Cariris Velhos, do Estado da Paraíba, teve como objetivo observar a influência da precipitação e idade da planta ao primeiro corte, na produção de matéria seca e composição química do capim-buffel. Esta precipitação foi simulada pela aplicação de água pelo sistema de irrigação por aspersão tipo canhão. O delineamento experimental usado foi em blocos ao acaso, com seis repetições, e os tratamentos constaram da combinação de cinco lâminas totais de água e seis idades ao primeiro corte. A aplicação de água aumentou o rendimento de matéria seca em todas as idades ao primeiro corte, e o máximo rendimento estimado (5.191 kg ha-1) ocorreu com a aplicação de uma lâmina de água de 334 mm e corte aos 80 dias após a germinação. A quantidade de água aplicada não influenciou o teor de proteína bruta; entretanto, este decresceu linearmente com a idade da planta. O teor de fibra bruta aumentou com a quantidade de água aplicada. A idade da planta ao primeiro corte não exerceu influência na porcentagem de fibra bruta.The experiment was conducted at the micro region of Cariris Velhos, Paraíba State, Brazil, and its objective was to observe the influence of precipitation and age of the plant at the first cut on the production of dry matter and chemical composition of the buffel grass. This precipitation was simulated by water application through a gun sprinkler system irrigation. The experimental design used was a randomized block with six replications, and the treatments consisted of combining five water depths and six ages at the first cut. The water application increased the dry matter production in all plant ages at the first cut; the estimated maximum yield of 5,191 kg ha-1 occurred with a water depth of 334 mm, and the cut was done 80 days after germination. The amount of applied water did not influence the crude protein content; however, it decreased linearly with the age of the plant. The crude fiber content increased with the amount of water applied. The age of the plant at the first cut did not influence the percentage of crude fiber

    Aplicação do gerenciamento de processos de negócios – BPM – ganhos e versatilidade na indústria de manufatura e serviços / Application of bussiness process management – BPM – gains and versatility in manufacturing industry and services

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    Business Process Management (BPM) é um conceito que tem sido amplamente discutido nas organizações e sistemas de gerenciamento de informação. Assim, o objetivo principal deste artigo é apresentar, por meio de uma revisão da literatura, o tema buscando ilustrar sua versatilidade de aplicação bem como ganhos em indicadores de produtividade e gestão em organizações de manufatura industrial e serviços. Deste modo, constatou-se a relevância dos processos como elemento essencial para o desempenho organizacional e que estes têm crescido devido à forte competição em relação ao custo, tempo, qualidade, aumento da complexidade do produto e requisitos dos clientes. Concluiu-se, por fim, que entender os processos de negócios em uma organização e direcionar ações estratégicas na busca pela potencialização dos benefícios, que contribuam para percepção de valores de produtos e serviços, entregues aos clientes é um desafio da gestão moderna

    Quality of Life of Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Using Insulin Analog Glargine Compared with NPH Insulin: A Systematic Review and Policy Implications

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    INTRODUCTION: Insulin analogue glargine (GLA) has been available as one of the therapeutic options for patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus to enhance glycemic control. Studies have shown that a decrease in the frequency of hypoglycemia episodes improves the Quality of Life (QoL) of diabetic patients. However, there are appreciable acquisition cost differences between different insulins. Consequently, a need to assess their impact on QoL to provide future guidance to health authorities. METHOD: A Systematic review (SR) of multiple databases including Medline, LILACS, Cochrane and EMBASE databases with several combinations of agreed terms involving randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and cohorts, as well as manual searches and gray literature was undertaken. The primary outcome measure was a change in QoL. The quality of the studies and the risk of bias was also assessed. RESULTS: Eight studies were eventually included in the systematic review out of 634 publications. Eight different QoL instruments were used (2 generic, 2 mixed and 4 specific), in which the Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (DTSQs) was the most used. The systematic review did not consistently show any significant difference overall in QoL scores whether as part of subsets or combined into a single score with the use of GLA versus NPH insulin. Only in patients’ satisfaction measured by DTSQ was a better result consistently seen with GLA versus NPH insulin but not using the WED scale. However, none of the cohort studies scored a maximum on the Newcastle-Ottawa scale for quality and they generally were of moderate quality with bias in the studies. CONCLUSION: There was no consistent difference in QoL or patient reported outcomes when the findings from the eight studies were collated. In view of this, we believe the current price differential between GLA and NPH insulin in Brazil cannot be justified by these findings