7,344 research outputs found

    Solving Single-Track Railway Scheduling Problem Using Constraint Programming

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    The Single Track Railway Scheduling Problem can be modelled as a special case of the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem. This can be achieved by considering the train trips as jobs, which will be scheduled on tracks regarded as resources. A train trip may have many tasks that consist of traversing from one point to another on a track. Each of these distinct points can be a station or a signal placed along the track. Conflicts may occur when the desired timetable would result in two trains occupying the same section of the track at the same time. The mapping of the problem we have proposed in this thesis is a more realistic approach when modelling the physical representation of a track railway. This is because we take into account the actual signals placed along the track delimiting each track segment, avoiding thus the possibility of trains running into each other. Previous authors adopted an approximation to what is found in practice by adding minimum headway constraints between trains into their model. Two strategies for resolving the conflicts in a desired timetable are presented. The two strategies have their applicability in practice. For instance, resolving a conflict in the first strategy stems from the observed practice of train operators: in the first strategy a conflict is resolved by re-timing one of the trips at its departure time up to the point the conflict is resolved. Train operating companies do not typically want to plan for passenger trains being delayed after their departure. On the other hand, the second strategy resolves a conflict by delaying only the conflicting piece of one of the two trips (and subsequent pieces of that trip). In this way, the section of the trip before the conflicting point does not need to be re-timed. This procedure yields solutions with lower total delay. Moreover, with this second strategy, we can also handle the usual practice with passenger trains of not delaying them after their departure, as well as situations in which a train may be delayed along a trip in order to reslove a conflict. Furthermore, we present a group of practical constraints, incorporated into our software to solve the problem, that arise in real-life problems to which little attention has been paid. Using the algorithms developed in this thesis, we are able to solve 21 real-life single-track railway scheduling instances of problems, 19 of them to optimality

    O papel dos Sistemas Técnicos e Normativo na reconfiguração do território: o caso do município de Ipojuca/PE - Brasil

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    Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós- Graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino- Americanos da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Mestre em Estudos Latino-Americanos. Orientador: Rubens de Toledo JuniorEste trabalho busca entender as transformações territoriais pelas quais passa o município do Ipojuca localizado no Estado de Pernambuco-Brasil, relacionadas ao advento do período técnico-científico-informacional. Procurou-se compreender como as técnicas e as normas impostas verticalmente pelos agentes hegemônicos foram se articulado para adequar o território as necessidades do mercado. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir de levantamento bibliográfico e de visitas a este município para o entendimento dos papéis desenvolvidos pelos diversos elementos que fazem parte desse processo, possibilitando a compreensão de sua dinâmica socioterritorial. O estudo mostra que as profundas transformações que reconfiguram o território do Ipojuca começam a partir de 1975 com a implantação do Complexo Industrial Portuário do Suape (CIPS) que gerou conflitos relativos ao uso e ocupação do solo. Observou-se que a comunhão entre Capital e Estado criou as condições necessárias para a instalação de um novo sistema técnico representado pelo CIPS, e normas que garantiram a adequação deste território ao imperativo do mercado, tendo como consequência um processo excludente de divisão do território. Uma das consequências das ações deste megaempreendimento foi a expulsão das comunidades locais que ali residiam a mais de 200 anos e que foram obrigadas a ocupar parte deste território com a construção de favelas e palafitas. Por outro lado os agentes econômicos imobiliários, através de financiamentos públicos, modernizam parcelas deste território com a construção de projetos urbanísticos denominados ‘Bairros Planejados’. Esta dinâmica opondo, de um lado, a população que mora em ocupações irregulares e, do outro, aquelas com melhores poderes aquisitivo está ampliando a segregação socioterritorial. A relação entre os agentes hegemônicos do capital nacional e internacional utilizando-se intensivamente da técnica, da ciência e da informação e os diversos entes do Estado vai impondo uma lógica corporativa onde o espaço é visto apenas pelo seu valor de troca negligenciando seu valor de uso. Desta maneira, tanto o sistema técnico, quanto o normativo, constituiram-se como fatores de ampliação das desigualdades e das vulnerabilidades sociais e territoriais observadas no município do Ipojuca.This study aims to understand the territorial transformations that is related to the advent of scientific-technical-information period, through which Ipojuca town has been undergone. Ipojuca is located in Pernambuco State, in Brazil. We have tried to understand how the techniques and standards imposed by hegemonic agents have been vertically articulated to suit the territory to the market needs. As a methodological design, this research has been developed from bibliographic survey and visits to Ipojuca in order to understand the roles played by several elements that are part of this process, thus, enabling the comprehension of its social and territorial dynamics. The study also shows that the profound transformations that refigure the territory of Ipojuca started in 1975 with the implementation of the Industrial Port Complex of Suape (IPSC) which generated conflicts, concerning the use and occupation of the soil. It has been observed that the connection between the Capital and the State created the conditions necessary for the installation of a new technical system represented by the IPSC, as well as standards that ensured the adequacy of this territory to the imperative of the market. Thus, it has resulted in an exclusive process of the division of territory. One of the consequences of the actions of this mega-enterprise was the expulsion of the local communities who had lived there more than 200 years and were forced to occupy part of this territory with the construction of slums and stilts. On the other hand, the economic agents, through public funding, modernized portions of this territory with the construction of urban projects, such as, “Planned Neighborhoods”. This dynamic made oppositions when it comes to the fact that, on one side, the population is living in irregular land occupations and, on the other hand, those with better economical power is expanding the social and territorial segregation. The relationship between the hegemonic agents of the national/international capital have been using the technique, science and information intensively, as well as the various State entities in their favor to impose the logic business where space is only seen by its exchange value, neglecting its value in use. Thus, it has been noted that both the technical and the legal system have been seen as factors that increase the of social and territorial inequalities and vulnerabilities which have been observed in Ipojuca town

    Mining and characterization of the candidate genes for distorted segregation in chromosome 4 of tomato

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Biologia Molecular, Biotecnologia e Bioempreendedorismo em PlantasSolanum lycopersicum L. genetic variability was drastically diminished by successive genetic bottlenecks induced by the domestication process. The wild species of tomato, S. pimpinellifolium, is a small red-fruited plant native to Peru and is assumed as an ancestor species of the domesticated S. lycopersicum. One of the strategies to induce genetic variability to cultivated tomato is the development of introgression lines (ILs) containing a single segment of a donor wild genome in the genetic background of an elite tomato cultivar. In 2014, a genomic library of ILs that incorporates variability from the S. pimpinellifolium accession TO-937 in the genetic background of S. lycopersicum cultivar “Moneymaker” was developed. During the development of the IL collection, a region on the distal portion of chromosome 4 showed a segregation distortion (SD) favouring TO-937 alleles in detriment of “Moneymaker” alleles. Recently, the SD region was mapped to a 39Kb region of chromosome 4 containing seven gene annotations. The preliminary studies to assert gametic, post gametic and/or zygotic indicated that the SD was most probably caused by post-gametic or zygotic selection and it was a sex-independent phenomenon. The present study aims to characterize the genes included in the SD region and to propose a possible mechanism for the SD. Expression profile analysis by qRT-PCR and sequencing of genomic and transcriptomic sequences indicated a strong expression in the reproductive tissues of the two Heat-Shock Protein (HSP) genes contained in the SD region. Haplotyping of reciprocal and self-pollinating crosses between the SD haplotypes and “Moneymaker” gave new insights about the gametic and zygotic character of the SD. The analysis of natural sequence variations of the SD region revealed this region diverged in wild tomato accessions. Additionally, a reverse genetic approach was initated to assess if the HSPs are the cause of the SD using the GoldenBraid 3.0 standard assembly to create Agrobacterium-mediated transformation vectors, two CRISPR/Cas9 expression cassettes for the silencing of the HSP genes, and 3 expression cassettes.A variabilidade genética de Solanum lycopersicum L. foi drasticamente diminuída por sucessivos efeitos de gargalo genéticos induzidos pelo processo de domesticação. A espécie de tomate selvagem, S. pimpinellifolium, é uma pequena planta de frutos vermelhos nativas do Peru e é assumida como um ancestral do S. lycopersicum domesticado. Uma das estratégias para induzir variabilidade genética ao tomate cultivado é o desenvolvimento de linhas de introgressão (ILs - introgression lines) que contêm um único segmento do genoma selvagem no genoma de um cultivar de elite. Em 2014, foi desenvolvida uma biblioteca genómica de ILs que incorpora variabilidade da acessão TO-937 de S. pimpinellifolium no genoma do cultivar "Moneymaker" de S. lycopersicum. Durante o desenvolvimento da IL, uma região na porção distal do cromossoma 4 revelou uma segregação distorcida (SD) favorecendo os alelos TO-937 em detrimento dos alelos "Moneymaker". Recentemente, a região SD foi mapeada para uma região de 39Kb do cromossoma 4 contendo sete genes. Os estudos preliminares para afirmar o caracter gamético, pós-gamético e/ou zigótico indicaram que a SD provavelmente é causada pela seleção pósgamética ou zigótica e é um fenómeno independente do sexo. O presente estudo tem como objetivo a caracterização dos genes incluídos na região SD e um possível mecanismo de SD. A análise de perfil de expressão por qRT-PCR e sequenciação do genoma e transcriptoma indicou uma elevada expressão em tecidos reprodutores de dois genes contidos na região genómica da SD que codificam Heat-Shock Proteins (HSP). Haplotipagem de cruzamentos recíprocos e autocruzamentos entre os haplótipos de SD e "Moneymaker" revelou novas pistas acerca do caráter gamético e zigótico da SD. A análise da variação natural da região SD revelou uma significativa diversidade em acessões de tomate selvagem. Além disso, usando o sistema de clonagem GoldenBraid 3.0 para criar vetores de transformação mediada por Agrobacterium, duas cassetes de expressão CRISPR / Cas9 para o silenciamento dos genes HSP e 3 cassetes de expressão para foram desenvolvidas para futura aplicação

    Os mundos comunicativos dos jovens escolares

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    Este artigo tem por base a experiencia académica e profissional da autora, tendo como quadro referencial alguns momentos interdisciplinares que considera significativos para a prática de arte pública. Estes exemplos correspondem a experiencias artisitcas orientadas para o cidadão e para a comunidade. Consciente de que este espirito é por vezes pouco incentivado em algumas unidades dos 1ºs e 2ºs ciclos de estudos do ensino superior de design e artes, onde lecciona, a autora partilha duas experiencias educativas, envolvendo projectos site‐specific, que têm como processo central o desenho, entendido como linguagem interdisciplinar. Nas suas diversas vertentes operacionais do trabalho de projecto, o desenho é utilizado como ferramenta do pensamento, instrumento previligiado da comunicação, de expressão individual e colectiva, direcionado para a resolução de problemas e melhoria da qualidade dos espaços urbanos estudados.Through reflexive practice, this paper deals with public art, interdisciplinary and education issues, based in the academic and professional background of the author. Some key historical moments are highlighted as examples of artistic experiences citizen‐oriented and addressed to the community. Aware that this matter is often less covered in some courses of the 1st and 2nd cycle of studies in higher education, the author shares two educational experiences involving site‐specific projects, in which drawing plays an important role as an interdisciplinary language within the project work. In the various operational aspects of the project work, drawing is used as a privileged communication tool for thought and problem solving, as well as for the individual and collective artistic expression, in order to contribute to the improvement of the quality of the urban spaces.Este artículo se basa en la experiencia académica y profesional del autor, teniendo como marco interdisciplinario algunos momentos que considera significativos para la práctica del arte público. Estos ejemplos representan experiencias artísticas orientadas al ciudadano y a la comunidad. Consciente de que este espíritu es a veces poco alentado en algunas unidades del primero y segundo ciclos de estudios superiores de diseño y artes, donde enseña, el autor comparte dos experiencias educativas que involucran proyectos site-specific, cuyo centro de proceso de la diseño, entendido como un lenguaje interdisciplinario. En sus diversos aspectos operativos del trabajo del proyecto, el dibujo como herramienta de pensamiento, privileijado instrumento de comunicación, de expresión individual y colectiva, dirigida a resolver problemas y mejorar la calidad de los espacios urbanos estudiados

    The Influence of European Racial Theories on the Formation of the Brazilian Historiographic Matrix and History Teaching

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    This article is part of the PhD research developed in the Post-Graduate Program in History (Federal University of Goiás) entitled "Intercultural historical learning from the knowledge conveyed in indigenous and non-indigenous educational contexts". Its aim is to present a critique of the Brazilian historiographic matrix, highlighting the influences of European racial theories during its formation process and to analyze the incidences of this matrix on the historical conceptions of the students from Dona Gercina Borges School, located in the Brazilian city of Formoso do Araguaia, in the state of Tocantins, which borders several indigenous villages of Javaé people. The theoretical methodological framework is linked, above all, to the studies and discussions developed by the modernity/coloniality/decoloniality movement, the historical perspectives of two great indigenous leaders, Gersem Baniwa and Daniel Munduruku, and the positioning of the students themselves heard in the research

    Doença de addison de etiologia auto-imune

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    Autoimmune Addison's disease is a rare and potentially, fatal endocrinopathy, that can occur either isolated or as part of the types I and II polyglandular autoimmune syndromes (PAS). Adrenocortical autoantibodies are considered sensitive immunological markers of the destructive autoimmune process, and can identify individuals in the pre-clinical stage of the disease. The steroidogenic enzyme 21-hydroxylase (P450c21) represents the major adrenal autoantigen, although other P450 cytochromes (17a-hydroxylase and side chain cleavage) can also trigger an autoimmune response, mainly in the PAS type I and in Addison's disease with associated premature ovarian failure. The role of P45021 autoantibodies in the pathogenesis of the adrenal failure is not yet well established, and the same happens with the anti-ACTH receptor antibodies.A doença de Addison de etiologia auto-imune é uma endocrinopatia rara e potencialmente fatal, que pode ocorrer de forma isolada ou como parte das síndromes poliglandulares auto-imunes (SPA) dos tipo I e II. Auto-anticorpos anti-cortex adrenal são considerados marcadores imunológicos sensíveis do processo auto-imune destrutivo, podendo identificar indivíduos na fase pré-clínica da doença. A enzima 21-hidroxilase (citocromo P450c21) representa o principal antígeno adrenocortical, embora outros citocromos P450 (17a-hidroxílase e colesterol desmolase) possam, também, desencadear a resposta auto-imune, principalmente na SPA do tipo I e na doença de Addison associada à falência ovariana precoce. O papel dos auto-anticorpos anti-P450c21 na patogênse da falência adrenal ainda não está bem estabelecido, assim como aquele dos anticorpos anti-receptor do ACTH.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de MedicinaSciEL