9 research outputs found

    Uma análise sobre a influência da liderança organizacional na gestão da inovação utilizando o método Fuzzy-AHP

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    Purpose – The changes that occurred in the market, resulting from technological advancement, made companies pay attention to innovation in their processes, products or services, as a way to stand out. To enhance innovation in companies, focusing on leadership is an effective way. In this sense, the present study aimed to develop a model in order to list the priorities related to leadership and its interface with innovation, under the top management perspective of a telecommunications company.Design/methodology/approach – For the development of the model, the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy-AHP) method was used to identify such factors and the best alternatives so that the investigated company can make consistent decisions. Thus, the criteria chosen by the Manager and Director were discovered, as well as the alternatives that they cherish, contributing to the development of innovation within the company.Findings – The results showed that the perception of the two interviewees was similar, however, it is emphasized that they should better choose how to apply innovation within the company.Originality/value – This study opens the way to highlight the importance of the theme of leadership and its interface with innovation for professionals in the management area, favoring decision making, in addition to contributing to the literature, deepening the debate on the theme of leadership and innovation, which is still incipient and needs development.Objetivo – As mudanças ocorridas no mercado, decorrentes do avanço tecnológico, fizeram com que as empresas se preocupassem com a inovação em seus processos, produtos ou serviços, como forma de se destacar. Para potencializar a inovação nas empresas, o foco na liderança é uma forma eficaz. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver um modelo para elencar as prioridades relacionadas à liderança e sua interface com a inovação, sob a perspectiva da alta gestão de uma empresa de telecomunicações.Design/metodologia/abordagem – Para o desenvolvimento do modelo, foi utilizado o método Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy-AHP) para identificar tais fatores e as melhores alternativas para que a empresa investigada possa tomar decisões consistentes. Assim, foram descobertos os critérios escolhidos pelo Gerente e Diretor, bem como as alternativas que eles prezam, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da inovação dentro da empresa.Achados – Os resultados mostraram que a percepção dos dois entrevistados foi semelhante, porém, destaca-se que eles deveriam escolher melhor a forma de aplicar a inovação dentro da empresa.Originalidade/valor – Esse estudo abre caminho para evidenciar a importância da temática da liderança e sua interface com a inovação para os profissionais da área de gestão, favorecendo a tomada de decisão, além de contribuir com a literatura, aprofundando o debate sobre o tema liderança e inovação, que ainda é incipiente e necessita de desenvolvimento

    Utilização da escala SERVQUAL para mensuração da qualidade: estudo de caso em uma empresa de transporte público

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    Various services provided throughout the country in recent years, generated skilled jobs, increased internal and external competitiveness and accelerate innovation. It has expanded customer choice, preferring companies that offer differentiated services that meet their needs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish a measurement of services using SERVQUAL, and five dimensions of quality. It is evident in the public transport company, factors that must improve more efficiently and effectively what customers need and expect of the services received. The methodology was characterized as descriptive as it described the quality and measurement of SERVQUAL guidelines, when dealing with a case study because it involves a single company. In the analysis of results, it was used descriptive statistics and SERVQUAL scale with five dimensions of quality, taking into account the importance of each issue. The issue that stood out was the guarantee, reaching the ideal quality, both in expectancy and experience. It is suggested for future studies, management for an implementation project of the SERVQUAL methodology for continuous measurement of quality enterprise.Os diversos serviços prestados em todo país, geraram empregos qualificados, aumentou a competividade interna e externa, além de acelerar a inovação. Assim, ampliou-se a escolha pelo cliente, preferindo aquelas empresas que oferecerem serviços diferenciados e que satisfaçam as suas necessidades. Por isso, o objetivo do estudo foi estabelecer uma mensuração dos serviços prestados utilizando a escala SERVQUAL, e as cinco dimensões da qualidade. Evidencia-se na empresa de transporte público, os fatores que esta deve melhorar para satisfazer com mais eficiência e eficácia aquilo que os clientes necessitam e esperam dos serviços recebidos. A metodologia se caracterizou como descritiva, pois busca descrever a qualidade e mensuração da mesma sob as diretrizes da escala SERVQUAL, se tratando de um estudo de caso por envolver uma única empresa. Na análise dos resultados utilizou-se a estatística descritiva e Escala SERVQUAL com as cinco dimensões da qualidade, levando em consideração a importância de cada questão. A questão que mais se destacou foi a garantia, alcançando a qualidade ideal, tanto na expectativa, quanto na experiência.  Sugere-se para estudos futuros, gerenciamento para um projeto de implementação da metodologia SERVQUAL, para mensuração constante da qualidade dos serviços da empresa. 

    Teacher Actions: The Influence on Entrepreneurial Behavioral Characteristics of Students

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    Aims. This study aimed to identify the activities teachers from a Brazilian public higher education institution developed to analyze how these activities influenced undergraduate students’ entrepreneurial behavioral characteristics (EBCs). Method. The study applied a mixed method; the quantitative approach used the EBCs measurement instrument (Mansfield et al., 1987), analyzed with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), prioritizing the most important EBCs in the perception of 792 students. The qualitative approach implemented a semi-structured interview script and content analysis. This approach identified the activities teachers developed and characterized as distinct according to students’ perception and their relationship with the EBCs. Discussion. Thus, it was possible to identify that practical activities and those aimed at student autonomy, directed towards reality, with correlations between disciplines, and with interactive participation, dialogue, favorable environment and learning through experience, converge to developing the entrepreneurial characteristics of the students and are being carried out in the classroom. It was also found that commitment was the most evident characteristic. Conclusions. It can be concluded that the institution presents a promising scenario to develop entrepreneurial education. However, the activities currently carried out in the establishment are not efficient or sufficient since, at the same time, as the existence of entrepreneurial activities was proved, the students presented some unsatisfactory EBCs. Therefore, a longitudinal cut is suggested to analyze the EBCs and better understand the students’ evolution with the insertion of these practices in the classroom

    The consequences of job crafting and engagement in the relationship between passion for work and individual performance of Portuguese workers

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    IntroductionThis study sought to relate the two types of work passion, harmonious passion and obsessive passion, to the organizational consequences of engagement, job crafting, and perceived individual job performance. This study was based on the Employee Work Passion Appraisal model and conducted to evaluate possible statistical associations of the dualistic approach of passion used as an antecedent of positive and negative organizational outcomes (engagement, job crafting, and perceived individual job performance).MethodsThe data collection and analysis for this study were accomplished by a transversal and quantitative study design. A non-probabilistic method was used to select a convenience sample composed of 305 Portuguese workers and was collected online from March to October 2020. The proposed hypotheses were evaluated using partial structural equation models.ResultsOverall, the results supported the proposed hypotheses and showed that harmonious passion positively affected organizational outcomes, while obsessive passion negatively affected these outcomes; notably, our findings also revealed high individual performance, high obsessive passion, and consequently, a significant increase in structural labor resources, a significant decrease in harmful labor demands, and high absorption.DiscussionThe findings highlight the importance of distinguishing between harmonious passion and obsessive passion in understanding their consequences for organizational outcomes. Promoting harmonious passion while managing the potential negative effects of obsessive passion is crucial for enhancing positive job-related behaviors and performance. Future research should explore interventions and strategies to foster harmonious passion, mitigate the negative impacts of obsessive passion, and ultimately improve overall work engagement and performance

    Cooperativas e o modelo de gestão sob o prisma acadêmico: um estudo bibliométrico da última década

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    This article deals with the scientific production related to cooperatives in the context of its management system. The area was chosen because of the importance of the theme, since this model of organization has collaborated for the economic and social development of the country. In this perspective, the use of a good management system guarantees the permanence of the cooperative organizations in the evolutionary process of the economy. Thus, this article aims to present the scenario of research in the international scientific production on the topic Cooperatives and the Management System. The methodology adopted was a bibliometric study. The search carried out by topic and it resulted in 3,034 works found in the period of 10 years (2008-2018). The total number of publications was identified with evidence in the data per year, thematic areas, document types, year of publication, authors, funding agencies and institutions, nationality, languages, index h and index m. Finally, the Vosviewer software was used for the creation of textual maps and co-citation clusters. Among the results obtained, Brazil appears as the tenth country in the ranking in quantity of publications, and it was also possible  to perceive a relevant increase of the theme worldwide.O presente artigo trata da produção científica relacionada às cooperativas mediante o contexto do seu sistema de gestão. A área foi escolhida em razão da importância da temática, uma vez que esse modelo de organização tem colaborado para o desenvolvimento econômico e social do País. Nesta perspectiva, a utilização de um bom sistema de gestão  garante a permanência das organizações cooperativas no processo evolutivo da economia. Dessa forma, o presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o cenário das pesquisas na produção científica internacional no tema Cooperativas e o Sistema de Gestão. Para isso, a metodologia adotada foi um estudo bibliométrico, sendo a busca realizada por tópico, onde resultou em 3.034 trabalhos encontrados no período de 10 anos (2008-2018). O número total de publicações foi identificado com evidência nos dados por ano, áreas temáticas, tipos de documentos, ano de publicação, autores, agências de financiamento e instituições, nacionalidade, idiomas, o índice h e o índice m. Por fim, o software Vosviewer foi utilizado para a criação de mapas textuais e clusters de cocitação. Dentre os resultados obtidos, o Brasil aparece como o décimo País no ranking em quantidade de publicações, sendo possível perceber o aumento relevante da temática em todo o mundo

    Aplicação do método Servqual em uma cooperativa de saúde: uma análise da qualidade em serviços

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    The services sector has a significant role in the Brazilian economy, being responsible for a relevant part of the country's GDP. In this context, the quality of services has been widespread, as it is essential that service providers provide their customers with ideal quality, meeting their needs. Based on this premise, this study aimed to analyze the perception of managers of companies contracting health plans regarding the quality of services of a health cooperative located in the extreme south of Brazil using the SERVQUAL method proposed by Parasuraman et al. (1988). For that, a quantitative and exploratory research was carried out, with the application of a questionnaire. As for data analysis, the SERVQUAL scale was used to measure the quality of services. Thus, the results obtained with SERVQUAL demonstrated that all dimensions of quality were outside the ideal, being necessary to generate improvements on the part of the cooperative.O setor de serviços possui papel significativo na economia brasileira, sendo responsável por cerca de 73% do PIB nacional (IBGE, 2017). Nesse contexto, a qualidade dos serviços tem sido difundida, em virtude de ser imprescindível que as empresas prestadoras de serviços proporcionem a seus clientes qualidade ideal, suprindo suas necessidades. Partindo dessa premissa, este estudo objetivou analisar a qualidade dos serviços em uma cooperativa de saúde localizada no extremo Sul do Brasil. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa quantitativa e exploratória, com a aplicação de um questionário. Quanto à análise dos dados utilizou-se a escala SERVQUAL, para mensurar a qualidade dos serviços. Sendo assim, os resultados obtidos com o SERVQUAL demonstraram que todas as dimensões da qualidade estavam fora do ideal, sendo necessário gerar melhorias por parte da cooperativa

    Significado do dinheiro e a propensão ao endividamento: reflexos da pandemia de COVID-19

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    The context of the covid-19 pandemic has simultaneously generated social and economic restrictions,directly influencing the behavior and financial situations of individuals. Therefore, the aim of this research was to analyze the relationship between the meaning of money and the propensity for indebtedness among individuals in the educational environment in different regions of Brazil during the covid-19 pandemic. In order to understand this relationship, quantitative research was conducted with primary data (n = 521), collected from June to July 2020. Descriptive statistics, multiple regression, cluster analysis, and correspondence analysis were used to analyze the data. The results indicate that the studied population attributes different meanings to money, emphasizing culture and stability. Furthermore, it was observed that the value assigned to money and the propensity for indebtedness were influenced by behavioral and pandemic factors, and that gender and marital status influenced the variables studied. In summary, the results provide an empirical insight into how the propensity for indebtedness behaved during the pandemic period.El contexto de la pandemia de covid-19 ha generado, al mismo tiempo, restricciones sociales y económicas, influyendo directamente en el comportamiento y la situación financiera de las personas. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la relación entre el significado del dinero y la propensión al endeudamiento de individuos en el entorno educativo en diferentes regiones de Brasil durante la pandemia de covid-19. Con el fin de comprender esta relación, se realizó una investigación cuantitativa con datos primarios (n = 521), recopilados de junio a julio de 2020. Para analizar los datos, se utilizaron estadísticas descriptivas, regresión múltiple, análisis de grupos y análisis de correspondencia. Los resultados indican que la población estudiada atribuye diferentes significados al dinero, destacando la cultura y la estabilidad. Además, se observó que el valor asignado al dinero y la propensión al endeudamiento fueron influenciados por factores comportamentales y pandémicos, y que el género y el estado civil influyeron en las variables estudiadas. En resumen, los resultados proporcionan una visión empírica de cómo la propensión al endeudamiento se comportó frente al período pandémico.O contexto da pandemia de covid-19 alavancou, ao mesmo tempo, restrições sociais e econômicas, influenciando diretamente no comportamento e na situação financeira dos indivíduos. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a relação do significado do dinheiro e a propensão para o endividamento de indivíduos do ambiente educacional em diferentes regiões do Brasil durante a pandemia de covid-19. Visando compreender essa relação, foi realizada uma pesquisa de cunho quantitativo com dados primários (n = 521), coletados de junho a julho de 2020. Para analisar os dados, foram utilizadas a estatística descritiva, a regressão múltipla, a análise de clusters e a análise de correspondência. Desse modo, os resultados indicam que a população pesquisada atribui diferentes significados ao dinheiro, com destaque para cultura e estabilidade. Ainda, observou-se que o valor atribuído ao dinheiro e a propensão ao endividamento sofreram influência de fatores comportamentais e pandêmicos, sendo que gênero e estado civil influenciaram as variáveis estudadas. Desse modo, os resultados obtidos fornecem uma visão empírica de como a propensão ao endividamento se comportou diante do período pandêmico


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    Local Productive Arrangements (LPAs) have provided significant opportunities to various Brazilian regions of development. In the Region of Missions, in the south of Brazil, a greater potential of development was identified when structuring a LPA of the familiar agribusiness. Due to the characteristics of this locality, with predominance in the development of "colonial" products. We chose an exploratory and qualitative research, defined as a case study, which had as objective, based on the PMBOK, to elaborate a proposal of quality management, risks and human resources to structure a plan and, thus, Contribute to the development of the LPA


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    Electric energy is used for the most diverse purposes, in situations where its supply is interrupted, the importance of systems capable of automating the energy restoration process is evident. For electricity generation and transmission, the country has a main system (a set of plants, transmission lines and distribution assets): the National Interconnected System (SIN). This immense “electric highway” covers most of the Brazilian territory and consists of connections made over time, from installations initially restricted to exclusively serving the regions of origin. Therefore, this article aims to investigate the studies proposed on Smart Grid in the last ten years on the Web of Science. For this, it adopted a bibliometric analysis seeking to identify the articles published in the period by source, research area, countries, authors and the most cited works in addition to the h-b index, the hot topics related to the theme. The results reveal that publications in the area have gradually increased over time and that most research has been published in countries with relevance in international trade, as well as countries with a high use of advanced information technologies