4,911 research outputs found

    The dynamics of social networks among female Asian elephants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Patterns in the association of individuals can shed light on the underlying conditions and processes that shape societies. Here we characterize patterns of association in a population of wild Asian Elephants at Uda Walawe National Park in Sri Lanka. We observed 286 individually-identified adult female elephants over 20 months and examined their social dynamics at three levels of organization: pairs of individuals (dyads), small sets of direct companions (ego-networks), and the population level (complete networks).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Corroborating previous studies of this and other Asian elephant populations, we find that the sizes of elephant groups observed in the field on any particular day are typically small and that rates of association are low. In contrast to earlier studies, our longitudinal observations reveal that individuals form larger social units that can be remarkably stable across years while associations among such units change across seasons. Association rates tend to peak in dry seasons as opposed to wet seasons, with some cyclicity at the level of dyads. In addition, we find that individuals vary substantially in their fidelity to companions. At the ego-network level, we find that despite these fluctuations, individuals associate with a pool of long-term companions. At the population level, social networks do not exhibit any clear seasonal structure or hierarchical stratification.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This detailed longitudinal study reveals different social dynamics at different levels of organization. Taken together, these results demonstrate that low association rates, seemingly small group sizes, and fission-fusion grouping behavior mask hidden stability in the extensive and fluid social affiliations in this population of Asian elephants.</p

    General multimode polarization splitter design in uniaxial media

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    Quasiconformal transformation optics is used to design two-dimensional polarization beam splitters. The resulting media present inhomogeneous uniaxial permittivity and nonmagnetic response. The compact devices are theoretically designed and investigated for symmetrical and asymmetrical geometries, with footprint of 64 and 110 mu m(2), respectively. The polarization splitter performance is evaluated for the fundamental mode and third mode, exhibiting an insertion loss closer to 0 dB and extinction ratio above 40 dB over a broad wavelength range573CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS - FAPEMIGnão temnão temnão te

    Simonsenia aveniformis sp nov (Bacillariophyceae), molecular phylogeny and systematics of the genus, and a new type of canal raphe system

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    The genus Simonsenia is reviewed and S. aveniformis described as new for science by light and electron microscopy. The new species originated from estuarine environments in southern Iberia (Atlantic coast) and was isolated into culture. In LM, Simonsenia resembles Nitzschia, with bridges (fibulae) beneath the raphe, which is marginal. It is only electron microscope (EM) examination that reveals the true structure of the raphe system, which consists of a raphe canal raised on a keel (wing), supported by rib like braces (fenestral bars) and tube-like portulae; between the portulae the keel is perforated by open windows (fenestrae). Based on the presence of portulae and a fenestrated keel, Simonsenia has been proposed to be intermediate between Bacillariaceae and Surirellaceae. However, an rbcL phylogeny revealed that Simonsenia belongs firmly in the Bacillariaceae, with which it shares a similar chloroplast arrangement, rather than in the Surirellaceae. Lack of homology between the surirelloid and simonsenioid keels is reflected in subtle differences in the morphology and ontogeny of the portulae and fenestrae. The diversity of Simonsenia has probably been underestimated, particularly in the marine environment.Polish National Science Centre in Cracow within the Maestro program [N 2012/04/A/ST10/00544]; Sciences and Technologies Foundation-FCT (Portugal) [SFRH/BD/62405/2009]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Masalah Sekuriti Makanan Sebelum dan Semasa Pandemik Covid-19: Kajian kes di New Zealand

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri dinamika masalah sekuriti makanan yang berlaku di kalangan rakyat sebelum dan semasa pandemik Covid-19. Berlandaskan kepada kajian kes ke atas negara New Zealand, kajian ini akan merungkaikan isu sekuriti makanan yang dialami oleh rakyat New Zealand dalam tempoh dua dekad kebelakangan ini dan impak pandemik Covid-19 ke atas masalah sekuriti makanan di kalangan rakyat. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa dalam tempoh 20 tahun ini, sebilangan penduduk New Zealand sudah berhadapan dengan isu akses kepada makanan terutamanya golongan etnik Maori dan Pasifik, gelandangan, kanak-kanak, ibu/bapa tunggal, dan orang kurang upaya. Mereka berhadapan dengan isu tidak cukup makanan yang antaranya menjejaskan nutrisi, kestabilan mental dan hubungan kekeluargaan. Masalah sekuriti makanan yang dihadapi oleh rakyat New Zealand diperburukkan lagi apabila berlakunya pandemik Covid-19 pada akhir tahun 2019. Pandemik ini bukan sahaja telah mencetuskan krisis kesihatan tetapi ia juga telah menyebabkan krisis ekonomi yang bersama-samanya menimbulkan ancaman terhadap sekuriti makanan di kalangan ramai lagi rakyat New Zealand. Antaranya, pandemik Covid-19 telah menjejaskan akses kepada makanan dari segi ketiadaan sumber pendapatan mencukupi untuk membeli makanan kerana lockdown atau dibuang kerja; gangguan kepada sistem rantaian bekalan bila berlakunya kekurangan produk penting disebabkan oleh pembelian panik dan masalah pembungkusan; kenaikan harga barangan terutamanya sayuran dan buah-buahan segar yang menjejaskan pengambilan nutrisi; dan penutupan bank makanan serta perniagaan kecil semasa tempoh lockdown kerana tidak dikategorikan sebagai essential. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis sejarah berdasarkan penggunaan sumber primer (khususnya dokumen, laporan, akhbar) dan sumber sekunder

    Longer and less overlapping food webs in anthropogenically disturbed marine ecosystems: confirmations from the past

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.The human exploitation of marine resources is characterised by the preferential removal of the largest species. Although this is expected to modify the structure of food webs, we have a relatively poor understanding of the potential consequences of such alteration. Here, we take advantage of a collection of ancient consumer tissues, using stable isotope analysis and SIBER to assess changes in the structure of coastal marine food webs in the South-western Atlantic through the second half of the Holocene as a result of the sequential exploitation of marine resources by hunter-gatherers, western sealers and modern fishermen. Samples were collected from shell middens and museums. Shells of both modern and archaeological intertidal herbivorous molluscs were used to reconstruct changes in the stable isotopic baseline, while modern and archaeological bones of the South American sea lion Otaria flavescens, South American fur seal Arctocephalus australis and Magellanic penguin Spheniscus magellanicus were used to analyse changes in the structure of the community of top predators. We found that ancient food webs were shorter, more redundant and more overlapping than current ones, both in northern-central Patagonia and southern Patagonia. These surprising results may be best explained by the huge impact of western sealing on pinnipeds during the fur trade period, rather than the impact of fishing on fish populations. As a consequence, the populations of pinnipeds at the end of the sealing period were likely well below the ecosystem's carrying capacity, which resulted in a release of intraspecific competition and a shift towards larger and higher trophic level prey. This in turn led to longer and less overlapping food webs.Fundacio´n BBVA funded this research as part of the project ‘‘Efectos de la explotacio´n humana sobre depredadores apicales y la estructura de la red tro´fica del Mar Argentino durante los u´timos 6000 an˜os’’ (BIOCON08-194/09 2009-2011). Agencia Nacional de Promocio´n Cientı´fica y Tecnolo´gica (Argentina) provided additional funding through the project ‘‘Ana´lisis del uso de los recursos tro´ficos y su relacio´n con cambios en la abundancia en tres predadores tope del Mar Argentino’’. FS has been supported by an FPU Fellowship granted by the Spanish Ministerio de Educacio´n, Cultura y Deporte (AP 2009- 4573). Half of the cost of the publication of this article has been funded by the University of Barcelona. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Resection of sentinel lymph nodes by an extraperitoneal minilaparoscopic approach using indocyanine green for uterine malignancies: a preclinical comparative study

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    Background. The sentinel lymph node (SLN) concept might minimize surgical aggressiveness in cervical and endometrial malignancies. The aim of the study was to test the feasibility and reliability of minilaparoscopic extraperitoneal SLN excision after indocyanine green (ICG) cervical injection using a high-definition near infrared (NIR) imaging system in an in vivo porcine model. The same procedure was performed using conventional laparoscopic instruments and both outcomes were compared. Methods. Twenty-four animals were equally and randomly divided into a minilaparoscopic group (group A) and a 5-mm conventional laparoscopic group (group B). A high-definition NIR imaging system and a 30 degrees ICG endoscope were used. First, ICG (0.5 mL) was injected in the paracervical region. The SLN coloring time was recorded. An extraperitoneal approach to the SLN was executed with the same CO2 retropneumoperitoneum pressures (10 mm Hg). In both groups, the times for SLN localization and excision, as well as complications, were registered. Finally, a laparotomy was then done to evaluate whether any stained SLN still remained. The same surgical team performed all experiments. Results. SLNs were identified and extraperitoneally excised in all animals without major complications. The SLN localization varied between animals from external iliac to preaortic regions. The surgical times were shorter with minilaparoscopy (39.3 +/- 13 minutes) than with conventional 5-mm instruments (51.3 +/- 14.17 minutes; P = .042). In group B, one stained SLN remained and was only detected by laparotomy. Conclusions. We confirmed the feasibility and reliability of extraperitoneal minilaparoscopic approach for identification, dissection, and excision of SLN using an NIR imaging system and ICG.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study was supported by the Science & Technology Foundation (FCT), Portugal—PTDC/SAU-OSM/105578/2008.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Field Theory for a Deuteron Quantum Liquid

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    Based on general symmetry principles we study an effective Lagrangian for a neutral system of condensed spin-1 deuteron nuclei and electrons, at greater-than-atomic but less-than-nuclear densities. We expect such matter to be present in thin layers within certain low-mass brown dwarfs. It may also be produced in future shock-wave-compression experiments as an effective fuel for laser induced nuclear fusion. We find a background solution of the effective theory describing a net spin zero condensate of deuterons with their spins aligned and anti-aligned in a certain spontaneously emerged preferred direction. The spectrum of low energy collective excitations contains two spin waves with linear dispersions -- like in antiferromagnets -- as well as gapped longitudinal and transverse modes related to the Meissner effect -- like in superconductors. We show that counting of the Nambu-Goldstone modes of spontaneously broken internal and space-time symmetries obeys, in a nontrivial way, the rules of the Goldstone theorem for Lorentz non-invariant systems. We discuss thermodynamic properties of the condensate, and its potential manifestation in the low-mass brown dwarfs.Comment: 19 LaTeX pages; v2: 2 refs added, JHEP versio

    Implementation of a Toffoli Gate with Superconducting Circuits

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    The quantum Toffoli gate allows universal reversible classical computation. It is also an important primitive in many quantum circuits and quantum error correction schemes. Here we demonstrate the realization of a Toffoli gate with three superconducting transmon qubits coupled to a microwave resonator. By exploiting the third energy level of the transmon qubit, the number of elementary gates needed for the implementation of the Toffoli gate, as well as the total gate time can be reduced significantly in comparison to theoretical proposals using two-level systems only. We characterize the performance of the gate by full process tomography and Monte Carlo process certification. The gate fidelity is found to be 68.5±0.568.5\pm0.5%.Comment: 4 pages, 5figure