1,482 research outputs found

    A função, a formação e a avaliação do professor bibliotecário

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    RBE enable the organazation of school libraries, wiche ensure the free acess to the learning resources and the development of users's literacies. For that, the PB, a qualified teacher is the basis of this structure. Their functions and the legal regulations require constasnt updating, that is, specialized and continuos training. In this context, this paper aims to reflect on PB' function, training and assessment. To do that, the research follows a qualitative analytical methodology, using a content analysis to the legislation. The cross-referencing categories in legislation semms to indicate that the determinations of one legal paper is not reflected in the other legal paper. Therefore, it is concluded that there are inconsistencies and a gap in the assessment of the PB, consequently, another evaluative model is needed

    A função, a formação e a avaliação do professor bibliotecário

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    RBE enable the organazation of school libraries, wiche ensure the free acess to the learning resources and the development of users's literacies. For that, the PB, a qualified teacher is the basis of this structure. Their functions and the legal regulations require constasnt updating, that is, specialized and continuos training. In this context, this paper aims to reflect on PB' function, training and assessment. To do that, the research follows a qualitative analytical methodology, using a content analysis to the legislation. The cross-referencing categories in legislation semms to indicate that the determinations of one legal paper is not reflected in the other legal paper. Therefore, it is concluded that there are inconsistencies and a gap in the assessment of the PB, consequently, another evaluative model is needed

    O existir da enfermagem cuidando na terminalidade da vida: um estudo fenomenológico

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    By taking care of cancer patients in their process of end of life, nursing experience situations of suffering before the anguish of others. This study aimed to understand the meaning and significance attributed by the nurses from the palliative care cancer hospital. This is a phenomenological research, grounded in Heidegger’s thinking, performed with 13 nurses, who work at Oncology hospitalward, through semi-structured interviews, which were analyzed according to the steps recommended by Josgrilberg. From understanding the statementsof the subjects, two ontological themesemerged: Feeling satisfaction and love in the care offered and Feeling anger and inabilitytowards terminally ill patients.We inferred that working in Oncology Ward is something rewarding for these professionals, but it entails physical and mental suffering, from feeling helpless before the death-dying process. Thus, we showedthat nursing professionals need to be recognized as human beings and as such, also deserving of care.Ao cuidar do paciente oncológico em seu processo de terminalidade de vida, a enfermagem experiencia as situações de sofrimento ante a angústia do outro. Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender o sentido e o significado atribuídos, pelos profissionais de enfermagem, ao cuidado paliativo oncológico hospitalar. Trata-se de uma pesquisa fenomenológica, embasada no pensar heideggeriano, realizada com 13 profissionais de enfermagem, atuantes em Ala Oncológica hospitalar, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, que foram analisadas, segundo os passos preconizados por Josgrilberg. Da compreensão da linguagem dos sujeitos, emergiram duas temáticas ontológicas: Sentindo satisfação e amor no cuidado ofertado e Sentindo revolta e impotência frente à terminalidade. Depreendemos que trabalhar em Ala Oncológica é algo gratificante para esses profissionais, mas acarreta sofrimento físico e mental, proveniente de sentir-se impotente ante ao processo morte-morrer. Assim, evidenciamos que os profissionais da enfermagem necessitam ser reconhecidos como seres humanos e, como tais, também merecedores de cuidados.Durante el transcurso del cuidado de un paciente oncológico en el proceso de término de su vida, el profesional de enfermería experimenta situaciones de sufrimiento ante la angustia del otro. Este estudio buscó comprender el sentido y el significado atribuido, por los profesionales de enfermería, al cuidado paliativo oncológico hospitalario. Se trata de una investigación fenomenológica basada en el pensar heideggeriano, realizada con 13 profesionales de enfermería de un servicio hospitalario oncológico por medio de entrevistas semi-estructuradas, posteriormente analizadas según los pasos preconizados por Josgrilberg. De la comprensión del lenguaje de los participantes, surgieron dos temáticas ontológicas: Sintiendo satisfacción y amor en el cuidado ofrecido y Sintiendo indignación e impotencia frente al término de la vida. Se infiere que trabajar en un servicio oncológico es gratificante para estos profesionales, pero trae sufrimiento físico y mental por sentirse impotente ante el proceso muerte-morir. Así, se demuestra que los profesionales de enfermería deben ser reconocidos como seres humanos y como tales, también merecedores de cuidado

    Attitudes toward money and control strategies of financial behavior: a comparison between overindebted and non-overindebted consumers

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    This paper addresses whether overindebted and non-overindebted consumers differ in their attitude toward money (specifically, the degree to which consumers care about money and feel difficulties keeping track of their money) and how this attitude impacts three different financial behavior categories: record keeping (e.g., recording spending in writing), adjusting balance (e.g., trying to find ways to decrease one’s expenses to match income), and monitoring balance (e.g., monitoring one’s spending to see if it is in line with what is expected). Overindebted consumers were recruited via an NGO for consumer defense and were categorized (whenever possible) into two subgroups: consumers who became overindebted due to internal causes (e.g., bad financial management) and consumers who became overindebted due to external causes (e.g., unemployment). Non-overindebted consumers were a convenience sample. Non-overindebted consumers showed more positive attitudes toward money than both groups of overindebted consumers and overindebted due to external causes showed more positive attitudes than overindebted consumers due to internal causes. All groups share similar financial management behaviors except for monitoring balance, which was more frequent among non-overindebted consumers. Furthermore, a regression analysis indicates that money attitudes helped explain financial behavior differences between consumers above and beyond their indebtedness status. Consumers’ attitude predicted financial behaviors, even when controlling for relevant socioeconomic variables (education, income, age, and gender). Further analyses comparing money attitudes and financial behavior for the three subgroups (non-overindebted, overindebted due to internal causes, and overindebted due to external causes) showed no differences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fatores da sexualidade que influenciam a satisfação conjugal: uma scoping review

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    Background: sexuality is a central characteristic of the individual and essential for the couple\u27s intimate relationship, functioning as an attribute of marital satisfaction, an area of attention of family health nursing. The perception of marital satisfaction by the members of the couple seems to be influenced by satisfaction with the pattern of sexuality. Objective: to identify the sexuality factors that influence the marital satisfaction of couples without sexual dysfunctions and whose members are healthy. Methodology: Scoping review, following the mnemonic P (participants), C (concept) and C (context) recommended by the Joanna Briggs Institute. It was considering the temporal space between 2017 and 2021 and the Portuguese, English and Spanish languages. Results:  fourteen articles were analyzed and the following factors were identified: sexual self-disclosure, sexual communication, attachment, cohabitation, dating time, watching explicit content of sexual activity, sexual desire discrepancy, intrinsic and extrinsic sexual motivation, motivation to meet needs of the partner and sensitivity to sexual aversion. Conclusion: The identification of factors related to sexuality that influence marital satisfaction allowed cataloging essential domains that promote marital satisfaction. New reviews for each domain of factors will make it possible to deepen the theme, aiming to contribute to the development of family health nursing.Marco contextual: a sexualidad es una característica central del individuo y esencial para la relación íntima de la pareja, funcionando como un atributo de la satisfacción conyugal, área de atención de la enfermería en salud de la familia. La percepción de satisfacción conyugal por parte de los miembros de la pareja parece estar influenciada por la satisfacción con el patrón de sexualidad. Objetivo: identificar los factores de la sexualidad que influyen en la satisfacción conyugal de parejas sin disfunciones sexuales y cuyos miembros son sanos. Metodología: Scoping review, siguiendo los nemotécnicos P (participantes), C (concepto) y C (contexto) recomendados por el Instituto Joanna Briggs. Se consideró el espacio temporal entre 2017 y 2021 y los idiomas portugués, inglés y español. Resultados: se analizaron catorce artículos y se identificaron los siguientes factores: autorrevelación sexual, comunicación sexual, apego, convivencia, tiempo de noviazgo, ver contenido explícito de actividad sexual, discrepancia de deseo sexual, motivación sexual intrínseca y extrínseca, motivación para satisfacer necesidades de la pareja y la sensibilidad a la aversión sexual. Conclusión: La identificación de factores relacionados con la sexualidad que influyen en la satisfacción conyugal permitió catalogar dominios esenciales que promueven la satisfacción conyugal. Nuevas revisiones para cada dominio de los factores permitirán profundizar el tema, con el objetivo de contribuir al desarrollo de la enfermería en salud de la familia.Enquadramento: a sexualidade é uma característica central do indivíduo e essencial para a relação íntima do casal, funcionando como um atributo da satisfação conjugal, uma área de atenção da enfermagem de saúde familiar. A perceção da satisfação conjugal pelos membros do casal parece ser influenciada pela satisfação com o padrão de sexualidade. Objetivo: identificar os fatores da sexualidade que influenciam a satisfação conjugal dos casais sem disfunções sexuais e cujos membros sejam saudáveis. Metodologia: Scoping review, seguindo a mnemónica P (participantes), C (conceito) e C (contexto) recomendada pelo Joanna Briggs Institute. Foi considerando o espaço temporal entre 2017 e 2021 e os idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. Resultados: foram analisados catorze artigos e identificados os seguintes fatores: auto revelação sexual, apego, assistir a conteúdo explícito de atividade sexual, discrepância de desejo sexual, motivação sexual intrínseca e extrínseca, motivação para atender as necessidades do parceiro e sensibilidade à aversão sexual. Conclusão: a identificação de fatores relacionados com a sexualidade que influenciam a satisfação conjugal permitiu catalogar domínios essenciais promotores da satisfação conjugal. Novas revisões por cada domínio de fatores irão possibilitar o aprofundamento da temática, visando contribuir para o desenvolvimento da enfermagem de saúde familiar

    Diagnostic and clinical procedures of a patient with oral-facial-digital type II syndrome: a case report

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    The oral-facial-digital syndromes (OFD) are part of a great number of genetic disorders. They are classified in categories based on characteristic abnormalities, including OFD type I (Papillon-Leage and Psaume syndrome) and OFD type II (Mohr syndrome). The aim of this article is to describe a clinical case of a patient with oral- facial-digital type II syndrome or Mohr syndrome, who underwent surgery for supernumerary teeth removal under endovenous sedation. Moreover, it is intended to discuss the importance of diagnostic and clinical procedures, with proper and concise indications about the limitations of patients with special needs treatment. Due to their clinical and physiological limitations, they must be treated by qualified professionals who are capable of performing various dental treatment procedures, including surgical removal of supernumerary teet

    A importância da escolha estratégica entre bulking e cutting na preparação do atleta de fisiculturismo

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    A presente dissertação científica se dedica a compreender de modo amplo as principais carcteristicas inerentes ao processo de dieta preparatório na qual os atletas dedicados ao fisiculturismo competitivo aderem, em prol do aperfeiçoamento de sua musculatura. Destaca-se que essa dieta preparatória se desenvolve em duas etapas distintas nomeadas como Bulking e Cutting que respectivamente são marcadas por um período de forte ingestão calórica imediatamente seguido por uma fase de intensa restrição alimentar, tornando necessário o acompanhamento nutricional  especializado a fim de evitar complicações médicas indesejadas. Para a elaboração desse estudo foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico na qual reuniu-se um escopo documental proveniente de diversas fontes de pesquisa na qual se inclui-se textos elaborados por especialistas da área da nutrição bem como a consideração de profissionais dedicados à educação física. Em vista do estudo empreendido neste artigo foi possível expor os melhores caminhos para uma adequada maturação muscular bem como determinar os riscos inerentes de se empreender esse processo sem o devido cuidado.&nbsp

    Perceived causes and attitudes regarding overindebtedness and their effects on public agreement with government financial aid

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    In order to better understand how the problem of overindebtedness is perceived from a laypeople standpoint, Study 1 inquired both overindebted and non-overindebted consumers on the perceived causes of and attitudes toward the overindebted. Situational and dispositional factors were perceived to have similar impact as causes of overindebtedness, but non-overindebted consumers showed stronger agreement with those causes than overindebted consumers. Regarding attitudes, non-overindebted consumers tended to blame overindebted people for their situation rather than perceiving them as victims, whereas overindebted consumers showed the opposite pattern. Study 2 used a sample of (non-overindebted) consumers to assess the impact of perceived causes of overindebtedness, attitudes toward the overindebted, and political orientation on public support of government policies for aiding overindebted people. We discuss the contributions of the present findings to design public policies aimed at aiding overindebted households that are more aligned with the beliefs and attitudes of the general public.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

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    Yeasts are versatile microorganisms which show heterogeneity in their abilities of aromatic molecules formation. The metabolic conversions may improve the production of a particular compound already formed by the microorganism or promote the production of a completely new biochemicals. These conversions depend on the environment. The microbiome of terroir is unique. If the term terroir is a set of physical properties of a vineyard that contribute to the specific characteristics of its wine, the microorganisms will undoubtedly form an integral part of this concept. There are yeasts, filamentous fungi and bacteria that can affect the quality of the wine. The aim of the present study was to identify the autochthonous yeast populations of grape berries collected from regions with Geographic Indications or under construction. The identification was carried out by an approach, combining Maldi-Tof-MS, PCR-RFLP of the internal transcribed spacer with 5.8S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) and sequences of the D1/D2 domain of the 26S rRNA gene. Some species are common to different GIs and in some of them other species are completely absent, besides some places are contiguous areas. In some areas, Hanseniaspora opuntiae, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia myanmarensis and Hanseniaspora uvarum were the predominant species