89 research outputs found

    Guiné-Bissau: a causa do nacionalismo e a fundação do PAIGC

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    No pós-guerra, uma linha reformista liderada pelo Governador Sarmento Rodrigues ten­tou fazer da Guiné uma «colónia-modelo», assente na autonomia administrativa, no desenvol­vimento económico-social e na aliança com os indígenas muçulmanos. Foi um período de con­solidação do aparelho colonial e de coesão social. No início dos anos cinquenta o Governo por­tuguês começou a prevenir-se contra a descolonização, revogando o Acto Colonial, instalando a polícia política e investigando os movimentos associativos. Na Guiné, revelaram-se as pri­meiras perspectivas de independência política, mas a subversão não veio do exterior nem foi desencadeada por associações influenciadas pelo Islão; começou em Bissau, liderada por uma elite política urbana e crioula, enquanto, na Europa, se tentava um movimento unitário de libertação das colónias portuguesas. Em 1959, dois acontecimentos históricos vão levar à pas­sagem da agitação nacionalista para uma luta de libertação nacional. Por um lado, o «massa­cre do Pindjiguiti», de que se faz aqui uma investigação sistemática, assente em documentos e depoimentos inéditos ou pouco divulgados; por outro, a reunião alargada de 19 de Setembro, «a mais decisiva» (Amílcar Cabral) da história do PAIGC. Considerando a formação do movi­mento de libertação nacional como um processo, vê-se, por fim, como só em 1960, após a II Conferência Pan-Africana, de Tunes, e a «Conferência de Quadros das Organizações Nacionalistas», de Dacar, se pode considerar concluída a fundação do PAIGC.In the aftermath of the Second World War, some reformist elements of the Portuguese regime, led by Governor Sarmento Rodrigues, tried to convert Guinea-Bissau in a «model-col­ony», based on administrative autonomy, social and economic development and an alliance with the native Muslims. It was a period marked by the consolidation of the colonial appara­tus and a reasonable degree of social cohesion. In the early 50's, the Portuguese government began to take steps to prevent being harassed by the anti-colonial movement, such as the rev­ocation of the Colonial Act, the opening of branches of the Political Police (PIDE) in the colo­nies, and more thorough inquiries into the activities of the civic associations. Guinea was one of the first overseas territories where the independentist aspirations emerged, but the seditious acts were not inspired by exterior movements or by Islamic groups or individuais. They were led by a urban and «creole» political elite with strong connections to other disaffected nation­alists from the Portuguese overseas territories. In 1959, two dramatic events contributed to the escalation of this political unrest. One was the «Pindjiguiti massacre», which is the object of a systematic research in this article based on new materiais; the other is the «decisive» (in the words of Amilcar Cabral) PAIGC meeting of 19 September 1959. If we adopt the perspective that the formation of the PAIGC resulted not from a single event, but from a process, then we will have to consider that only after the Tunes Pan-African Conference of 1960 and the Dacar Conference of Cadres from the Nationalist Organisations was the PAIGC foundation complet­ed

    Sarmento Rodrigues, a Guiné e o luso-tropicalismo

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    No pós-guerra, Marcello Caetano, Ministro das Colónias, e Sarmento Rodrigues, Governador da Guiné, ensaiaram uma nova política colonial que visava a expansão da administração colonial, a associação dos “assimilados” à governação e o desenvolvimento económico social. Ter--se-á, então, formado uma nova escola da política colonial. A viragem jurídico-política concretizou-se na revogação do Acto Colonial, com a revisão constitucional de 1951. No plano ideológico, Sarmento Rodrigues, então Ministro do Ultramar, privilegiou o luso-tropicalismo, mas a viagem de Gilberto Freyre pela Guiné Portuguesa não favoreceu a «procura das constantes portuguesas de carácter e acção». No fim dos anos cinquenta, a crítica do luso-tropicalismo foi um momento da autonomização cultural e afirmação internacional dos movimentos de libertação das colónias portuguesas. No início dos anos sessenta, a perda de influência do luso-tropicalismo foi uma das consequências do fracasso da tentativa de revisão ensaiada aquando do último plenário do Conselho Ultramarino. Porém, a questão da forma política de relacionamento entre Portugal e as colónias manteve-se, como questão do regime, até ao reconhecimento do direito à autodeterminação e independência realizado pela Lei n.º 7/74, de 27 de Julho.In the post-2nd World War period, Marcello Caetano, Minister for the Colonies, and Sarmento Rodrigues, Governor of Guinea, initiated a new colonial policy, aiming to expand the colonial administration, to associate the “assimilados” to government, as well as a greater social and economic development. A new school of colonial politics had begun. The political and legal change was accomplished by the revocation of the Acto Colonial (Colonial Act) in the constitutional revision of 1951. In terms of ideology, Sarmento Rodrigues – then, the Minister for the Colonies – privileged the luso-tropicalism, but the visit of Gilberto Freyre to Guinea did not favour the “search for the Portuguese lines of character and action”. In the late fifties, the criticism about luso-tropicalism constituted a moment of cultural autonomy and of international standing for the liberation movements in the Portuguese colonies. In the early sixties, the loss of influence of luso-tropicalism was one of the consequences of the failure of the attempted revision at the time of the last Conselho Ultramarino plenary. However, the question of the forms of relationship between Portugal and the colonies remained, as a question of the regime, until the recognition of the right to self-determination and independence, by Law nr. 7/74, of the 27 of July

    Visão estratégica para o plano de recuperação económica de Portugal

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    Conferência proferida a convite do Prof. Doutor António Duarte Santo

    Exact and heuristic approaches for lot splitting and scheduling on identical parallel machines

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    In this paper, we address a lot splitting and scheduling problem existent in a textile factory. The factory we study produces a set of products that are made of, or assembled from, a list of components. During production, each component can be split into one or several lots of different sizes and each lot will be produced independently on one of a group of identical parallel machines. We formulate the problem into a mixed integer programming model and develop a heuristic method to solve the model. The heuristic method is based on a network flow model with the objective to minimise the weighted sum of the total tardiness of products and the deviations occurred during production of each product. The deviation of a product is measured by the deviation of product completion time (the last component lot completion time) and completion time of the rest of components lots for the same product. We present computational results and performance measures of the network flow heuristic for a set of randomly generated instances based on real world data.(undefined

    Body composition and grip strength constraints in elite male rink-hockey players of contrasting ethnicity

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    Rink hockey is a highly specialized and physiological demanding sport with sparse research regarding the game and athletes’ characteristics. A cross-sectional study was developed to characterize the body composition and grip strength of elite male rink hockey players and to establish the relationship between ethnicity on body composition and grip strength. A sample of 100 elite rink-hockey athletes aged 26.59 ± 6.02 participated in the study, comprised of 69 Caucasian male adults aged 27.58 ± 6.44 years and 31 Black African male adults aged 24.39 ± 4.27. Body composition was assessed by anthropometric measurements. Static grip strength was assessed with an adjustable dynamometer. Multiple regression analysis was applied to understand which variables constraints body fat percentage (BF) and grip strength. Body mass showed an average of 76.36 ± 9.18 kg for 175.80 ± 5.87 cm of height and BF% of 10.82 ± 5.07%. Maximal right grip strength was 50.91 ± 6.26 kg and 50.27 ± 6.23 kg for left grip strength. Four predictors accounted for 70.01% of the variance of BF%: abdominal circumference (p < 0.001), right thigh circumference (p < 0.001), right calf circumference (p = 0.001) and ethnicity (p = 0.016). Three predictors accounted for 13.1% of the variance of right grip strength: ethnicity (p = 0.013), chronological age (p = 0.024) and right distal thigh circumference (p = 0.014). Results suggest that elite rink hockey athletes have a specific anthropometric identity, which at the elite level may lead to reduced body fat and greater handgrip strength. Ethnicity seems to predict body fat and grip strength in elite rink hockey athletes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O "futuro" é o "presente" sem "tempo"

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    Body composition and grip strength constraints in elite male rink-hockey players of contrasting ethnicity

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    Rink hockey is a highly specialized and physiological demanding sport with sparse research regarding the game and athletes’ characteristics. A cross-sectional study was developed to characterize the body composition and grip strength of elite male rink hockey players and to establish the relationship between ethnicity on body composition and grip strength. A sample of 100 elite rink-hockey athletes aged 26.59 ± 6.02 participated in the study, comprised of 69 Caucasian male adults aged 27.58 ± 6.44 years and 31 Black African male adults aged 24.39 ± 4.27. Body composition was assessed by anthropometric measurements. Static grip strength was assessed with an adjustable dynamometer. Multiple regression analysis was applied to understand which variables constraints body fat percentage (BF) and grip strength. Body mass showed an average of 76.36 ± 9.18 kg for 175.80 ± 5.87 cm of height and BF% of 10.82 ± 5.07%. Maximal right grip strength was 50.91 ± 6.26 kg and 50.27 ± 6.23 kg for left grip strength. Four predictors accounted for 70.01% of the variance of BF%: abdominal circumference (p < 0.001), right thigh circumference (p < 0.001), right calf circumference (p = 0.001) and ethnicity (p = 0.016). Three predictors accounted for 13.1% of the variance of right grip strength: ethnicity (p = 0.013), chronological age (p = 0.024) and right distal thigh circumference (p = 0.014). Results suggest that elite rink hockey athletes have a specific anthropometric identity, which at the elite level may lead to reduced body fat and greater handgrip strength. Ethnicity seems to predict body fat and grip strength in elite rink hockey athletes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Euromelanoma in Portugal 2010-2016

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    Introduction: The incidence of skin cancer has been increasing in recent years around the world. Key targets in the fight against skin cancer include alerting populations to primary prevention by promoting knowledge about risk factors and encouraging better sun protection behaviors as well as secondary prevention promoting skin self-examination and screenings. The Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venereology and the Portuguese Skin Cancer Association, have collaborated with Euromelanoma, a pan-European information and screening initiative for skin cancer since the year 2000.Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study consisted in the evaluation of data from the completed Euromelanoma questionnaires during the Euromelanoma screening day in Continental Portugal and Islands, in public and private institutions from 2010 to 2016.Results: A total of 9862 individuals were included, 63% female and 37% male, with a mean age of 48 years. The number of clinically suspected malignant or pre malignant lesions was relatively low but consistent with other published Euromelanoma studies: 3% basal cell carcinoma, 0.4% squamous cell carcinoma, 1% melanoma, and 6% of actinic keratoses.Conclusion: The Euromelanoma initiative has raised at national and international level a greater awareness of the population on the theme of skin cancer, with promotion of the messages by the media, assuming itself as an important subject of public health, recognized by the political and sanitary authorities.Introdução: A incidência dos cancros da pele tem vindo a aumentar nos últimos anos em todo o mundo. O alerta das populações para a prevenção primária, promovendo o conhecimento sobre factores de risco e incentivando melhores comportamentos de proteção solar, bem como a prevenção secundária fomentando o auto-exame de pele e rastreios, são estratégias fundamentais da luta contra o cancro da pele. A Sociedade Portuguesa de Dermatologia e Venereologia e a Associação Portuguesa de Cancro Cutâneo, têm colaborado com o Euromelanoma, uma iniciativa pan-Europeia de informação e rastreio de cancro da pele, desde o ano 2000.Material e Métodos: Este estudo transversal consistiu na avaliação dos dados do formulário do Euromelanoma preenchido aquando do rastreio no dia do Euromelanoma, em Portugal Continental e Ilhas, nas instituições públicas e privadas, de 2010 a 2016.Resultados: Foram incluídos 9862 indivíduos, 63% mulheres e 37% homens, com uma média de idades de 48 anos. O número de lesões clinicamente suspeitas de malignidade, ou de risco de malignidade, foi relativamente baixo mas consistente com outros estudos publicados do Euromelanoma: 3% carcinoma basocelular, 0,4% carcinoma espinocelular, 1% melanoma e 6% de queratoses actínicas.Conclusão: A iniciativa do Euromelanoma suscitou a nível nacional e internacional uma maior sensibilização das populações para a temática do cancro da pele, com amplificação das mensagens pela comunicação social, assumindo-se como um importante tema de saúde pública, reconhecido pelas autoridades políticas e sanitárias

    Longitudinal study of repeated sprint performance in youth soccer players of contrasting skeletal maturity status

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the developmental changes in performance in a repeated-sprint ability (RSA) test in young soccer players of contrasting maturity status. A total of 83 regional level Portuguese youth soccer players, aged 11-13 years at baseline was assessed annually. Stature, body mass, 7x34.2-m sprint protocol (25-s active recovery), 20-m multi-stage continuous shuttle endurance run and counter-movement jump (CMJ) without the use of the arms were measured. Fat-free mass (FFM) was determined by age and gender-specific formulas. Developmental changes in total sprint time across ages were predicted using multilevel modeling. Corresponding measurements were performed on an independent cross-sectional sub-sample of 52 youth soccer players 11-17 years to evaluate the predictive model. CA, CA(2), maturational status (SA-CA), body size (mass and stature), FFM, aerobic endurance, lower limb explosive strength and annual volume training significantly improved the statistical fit of the RSA multilevel model. In 'late' maturing athletes, the best model for predicting change in RSA was expressed by the following equation: 86.54 - 2.87 x CA + 0.05 x CA(2) - 0.25 x FFM + 0.15 x body mass + 0.05 x stature - 0.05 x aerobic endurance - 0.09 x lower limb explosive strength - 0.01 x annual volume training. The best fitting models for players who were 'on time' and 'early' maturing were identical to the best model for late maturing players, less 0.64 seconds and 1.74 seconds, respectively. Multilevel modeling provided performance curves that permitted the prediction of individual RSA performance across adolescent years in regional level soccer players

    Adaptações no Serviço de Cirurgia Vascular do CHULN durante a pandemia de COVID-19 e impacto na atividade global

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    © SPACVWith the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in early 2020, health services and personnel adapted their resources to mitigate and control the outbreak. These needs inevitably led to adaptations in most medical and surgical departments, including in our Vascular Surgery department. As we are facing a second outbreak of this pandemic, with unpredictable outcomes and repercussions in health services, it is crucial to learn from previous experiences and share strategies to perform the best care to our patients, despite the restrictions that have been imposed. Through this paper, we review the adaptations in Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte and particularly in our department to overcome the pandemic. We also assess the impact of these changes in our activity and compare with the experience of other fellow surgeons. With an upcoming second outbreak, it is crucial to learn from this and other departments’ experiences to overcome a potential health crisis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio