2,305 research outputs found

    Bioassay-Guided Isolation of Fungistatic Compounds from Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Leaves

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    A bioassay-guided phytochemical study of a Mimosa caesalpiniifolia leaf extract with antifungal activity permitted the identification of 28 compounds, including the new 6-(β-boivinopyranosyl)apigenin (1), 8-(β-oliopyranosyl)-apigenin (2), (E)-6-(2-carboxyethenyl)apigenin (3), (E)-8-(2-carboxyethenyl)apigenin (4), and 7,5″-anhydro-6-(α-2,6-dideoxy-5-hydroxyarabinohexopyranosyl)apigenin (5). The structures of the new compounds were determined by comprehensive spectroscopic analysis, including 1D and 2D NMR techniques, and by mass spectrometry. Compound 3 showed promising activity and selectivity against Candida krusei (IC50 44 nM), which exhibits resistance to azoles. The association of the major components 3-β-D-glucopyranosyloxysitosterol (8) and ethyl gallate (10) was synergistic against C. krusei, especially the IC values of compound 10, which were reduced by more than 100-fold


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    Objective: The present study aimed to characterize and quantify the total phenolics, flavonoids and tannins in a hydroethanolic crude extract (70% (v/v) (EB)) of the leaves of E. florida DC, as well as to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the extract against different species of micro-organisms.Methods: EB was characterized using a mass spectrometer equipped with a direct insertion device for in-stream injection (FIA). Quantitative analyses of major compounds were carried out by spectrophotometry. In addition, we evaluated the sensitivity profiles of different strains of yeast and bacteria against different concentrations of EB.Results: The classes found were in agreement with those described in the literature: flavonoids, tannins, phenolic acids and saponins. EB showed levels of phenolic compounds, flavonoids and tannins equal to 25.82 mg gallic acid equivalents per gram of extract (EAG/g), 8.42 mg quercetin equivalents per gram of extract (EQ/g) and 7.30 mg tannic acid equivalents per gram of extract (AT/g), respectively. In the analysis of antimicrobial activity, EB was more active against yeasts but was not effective against the bacteria used in the test.Conclusion: We can conclude that E. florida DC has antimicrobial potential, due to the presence of bioactive secondary metabolites.Keywords: Phenolics, Micro-organisms, Mass spectrometer, Yeasts, Bacteria, PotentialÂ

    Global conservation prioritization areas in three dimensions of crocodilian diversity

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    Lourenço-De-Moraes, R., Campos, F. S., Cabral, P., Silva-Soares, T., Nobrega, Y. C., Covre, A. C., & França, F. G. R. (2023). Global conservation prioritization areas in three dimensions of crocodilian diversity. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 1-13. [2568 ]. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-28413-6. --- Funding: This work was supported by the 715 Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the project - 716 UIDB/04152/2020 - Information Management Research Center (MagIC/NOVA IMS), 717 and the European Union-Next Generation EU. This study was financed in part by the 718 CAPES - Finance Code 001.Crocodilians are a taxonomic group of large predators with important ecological and evolutionary benefits for ecosystem functioning in the face of global change. Anthropogenic actions affect negatively crocodilians' survival and more than half of the species are threatened with extinction worldwide. Here, we map and explore three dimensions of crocodilian diversity on a global scale. To highlight the ecological importance of crocodilians, we correlate the spatial distribution of species with the ecosystem services of nutrient retention in the world. We calculate the effectiveness of global protected networks in safeguarding crocodilian species and provide three prioritization models for conservation planning. Our results show the main hotspots of ecological and evolutionary values are in southern North, Central and South America, west-central Africa, northeastern India, and southeastern Asia. African species have the highest correlation to nutrient retention patterns. Twenty-five percent of the world's crocodilian species are not significantly represented in the existing protected area networks. The most alarming cases are reported in northeastern India, eastern China, and west-central Africa which include endangered species with low or non-significant representation in the protected area networks. Our highest conservation prioritization model targets southern North America, east-central Central America, northern South America, west-central Africa, northeastern India, eastern China, southern Laos, Cambodia, and some points in southeastern Asia. Our research provides a global prioritization scheme to protect multiple dimensions of crocodilian diversity for achieving effective conservation outcomes.publishersversionpublishe

    Global conservation prioritization areas in three dimensions of crocodilian diversity

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    Crocodilians are a taxonomic group of large predators with important ecological and evolutionary benefits for ecosystem functioning in the face of global change. Anthropogenic actions affect negatively crocodilians' survival and more than half of the species are threatened with extinction worldwide. Here, we map and explore three dimensions of crocodilian diversity on a global scale. To highlight the ecological importance of crocodilians, we correlate the spatial distribution of species with the ecosystem services of nutrient retention in the world. We calculate the effectiveness of global protected networks in safeguarding crocodilian species and provide three prioritization models for conservation planning. Our results show the main hotspots of ecological and evolutionary values are in southern North, Central and South America, west-central Africa, northeastern India, and southeastern Asia. African species have the highest correlation to nutrient retention patterns. Twenty-five percent of the world's crocodilian species are not significantly represented in the existing protected area networks. The most alarming cases are reported in northeastern India, eastern China, and west-central Africa, which include threatened species with low or non-significant representation in the protected area networks. Our highest conservation prioritization model targets southern North America, east-central Central America, northern South America, west-central Africa, northeastern India, eastern China, southern Laos, Cambodia, and some points in southeastern Asia. Our research provides a global prioritization scheme to protect multiple dimensions of crocodilian diversity for achieving effective conservation outcomes

    A presença de Michel Foucault na produção científica nacional da Biblioteconomia e Ciência da informação

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    Michel Foucault is one of the most important authors of Social and Human Sciences (CSH), responsible for a diversity of publications. Library and Information Science are included in the list of CSH, appropriating the currents of thought produced by the sciences, consolidating the dialogue. Thus, from a bibliometric study, the objective of this research is to map the presence of Michel Foucault in the national scientific production of Library and Information Science. To this end, the database of brazilian publications in Information Science (BRAPCI) was selected, which indexes articles from national printed and electronic journals in the area. Data collection was undertaken in January 2020, so that the research coverage was from 1972 to 2019, being carried out by consulting the terms “Foucault” and “Michel Foucault”. It was observed from the systematization of the 128 selected articles: year of publication, authorship, periodical, keywords, themes of articles and analysis of citations. 362 works by Michel Foucault were cited, including books, book chapters and articles. We realize that Foucault is a theoretical-methodological framework for Library and Information Science, having been present since the 1990s on the national scene, especially with the “Archeology of knowledge”. The results also pointed to a concentration of citations in articles associated with the “Historical and Epistemological Studies of Information Science”, “Information, Education and Work” and "Knowledge Organization and Representation”Michel Foucault é um dos mais importantes autores das Ciências Sociais e Humanas (CSH), responsável por uma diversidade de publicações. A Biblioteconomia e a Ciência da Informação inserem-se no rol das CSH, apropriando-se das correntes de pensamento produzidos pelas ciências, consolidando o diálogo. Deste modo, a partir de um estudo bibliométrico o objetivo desta pesquisa é mapear a presença de Michel Foucault na produção científica nacional da Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação. Para tanto, foi selecionada a Base de Dados de Periódicos em Ciência da Informação (BRAPCI), que indexa os artigos de periódicos nacionais impressos e eletrônicos da área. A coleta de dados foi empreendida em janeiro de 2020, de modo que a cobertura da pesquisa fosse de 1972 a 2019, sendo realizada a partir da consulta dos termos “Foucault” e “Michel Foucault”. Foi observado a partir da sistematização dos 128 artigos selecionados: ano de publicação, autoria, periódico, palavras-chaves, temáticas dos artigos e análise das citações. Foram citadas 362 obras de Michel Foucault, entre livros, capítulos de livros e artigos. Percebemos que Foucault é um referencial teórico-metodológico para a Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, estando presente desde a década de 1990 no cenário nacional, sobretudo com a “Arqueologia do saber”. Os resultados apontaram também uma concentração das citações em artigos associados aos “Estudos Históricos e Epistemológicos da Ciência da Informação”, “Informação, Educação e Trabalho” e “Organização e Representação do conhecimento

    ETosis: A Microbicidal Mechanism beyond Cell Death

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    Netosis is a recently described type of neutrophil death occurring with the release to the extracellular milieu of a lattice composed of DNA associated with histones and granular and cytoplasmic proteins. These webs, initially named neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), ensnare and kill microorganisms. Similarly, other cell types, such as eosinophils, mast cells, and macrophages, can also dye by this mechanism; thus, it was renamed as ETosis, meaning death with release of extracellular traps (ETs). Here, we review the mechanism of NETosis/etosis, emphasizing its role in diseases caused by protozoan parasites, fungi, and viruses

    Histochemical Evaluation of Human Prostatic Tissues with Cratylia mollis Seed Lectin

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    Lectins, proteins which selectively recognize carbohydrates, have been used in histochemistry for the evaluation of changes in glycosylation in processes of cellular differentiation and/or dedifferentiation. Cratylia mollis seed lectins (Cramoll 1,4 and Cramoll 3), conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, were used as histochemical probes in human prostate tissues: normal (NP), hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate carcinoma (PCa). The staining pattern of Con-A and Cramoll 1,4 in BPH was more intense than in NP. These lectins also showed staining differences between BPH and PCa; the latter showing decreased staining intensity with an increased degree of malignancy. PNA and Cramoll 3 stained epithelial cells similarly in all diagnoses although they did present intense staining of PCa glands lumen. Corpora amylacea were not differentially recognized by any of the lectins. Cramoll 1,4 and Cramoll 3 seed lectins present themselves as candidates for histochemical probes for prostate pathologies when compared to commercial lectins such as Con-A and PNA

    Soil quality indices as affected by long-term burning, irrigation, tillage, and fertility management

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    Understanding the impacts of long-term agricultural practices on soil quality (SQ) is key for sustaining agroecosystem productivity. This study investigated conventional and no-tillage (NT), residue burning and no burning, residue level (high and low), and irrigation (irrigated and dryland) effects on soil properties, SQ, and crop yields following 16 yr of a wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)–soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] double-crop system via the Soil Management Assessment Framework (SMAF). A field experiment was conducted in the Lower Mississippi River Delta region on a silt-loam soil. Bulk density, soil organic C (SOC), total N (TN), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and soil P and K from the 0- to 10-cm soil depth were used as SQ indicators investigated individually and as an overall soil quality index (SQI). Following 16 yr, residue burning reduced SOC (1.1%) compared with no burning (1.24%). Irrigation resulted in greater soil TN than dryland management systems (p \u3c 0.05). Reduced soil pH and extractable soil P and K occurred under NT, high residue, and irrigated treatments. Irrigation increased soybean yields, regardless of the tillage system. Burned, NT–high residue management increased wheat yields (3.45 Mg ha−1). Irrigation reduced SQ because of low EC and K scores. High residue reduced SQ compared with the low residue treatment within NT systems, owing to low pH scores. The SMAF indices identified the impacts of irrigation, NT, and optimal N fertilization on SQ. Monitoring of soil pH, P, and K may be needed to maintain SQ in long-term wheat–soybean systems

    Limites do poder diretivo disciplinar do empregador nas organizações de tendência: a inexistência de colisão de direitos na análise Hermenêutica das relações empregatícias: The employer’s disciplinary directive power limitations in inclined organizations: the right’s collision inexistence in the Hermeneutic analysis of the labor relations

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    O sistema capitalista de democracia-liberal revela um problema ocorrido com a manifestação da ideologia patronal sobre a personalidade jurídica empresarial e as relações empregatícias. Ocorre, assim, um conflito entre o direito de liberdade do empregado e o direito de livre organização econômica do empregador. O presente artigo analisará o desenvolvimento dessa organização ideológica nas relações laborais, a fim de evidenciar sua estrutura, limites e adequações. O método será de estudo da teoria, averiguação dos dispositivos legais e revisão bibliográfica. Objetiva-se uma análise hermenêutica-jurídica da relação empregatícia de tendência, a fim de delimitar eventual colisão de direitos fundamentais. Desse modo, o texto aponta que os direitos específicos do poder do empregador só se manifestará sobre os empregados de tendência, com os melhores limites a serem definidos em contrato de trabalho, sem que seja possível encontrar regra geral de definição do abuso, sem que seja necessária a preponderância de um princípio sobre outro