3,315 research outputs found

    A Technical Study of the Mural Paintings of the Interior Dome of the Capilla de la Virgen del Rosario, Iglesia San José, San Juan, Puerto Rico

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    This is a technical study of the extant murals of the 17th Capilla de la Virgen del Rosario located within Iglesia San José, San Juan, Puerto Rico. The primary objectives of this investigation were to: document existing mural campaigns, establish a chronology of mural painting through analysis of materials and techniques, evaluate the conditions of the paintings and to determine possible deterioration mechanisms, and propose recommendations for their conservation and interpretation. In-situ documentation including color digital photography, extensive field notes, and mapping of visible painting campaigns were conducted. This was followed by a materials analysis of select campaigns’ substrate, binders, and pigments. Test methods included gravimetric analysis and XRD of substrate plasters, examination of cross-sections and pigment dispersions, EDS analysis of pigments, and FTIR analysis of binders. The results of this study found six distinct mural campaigns and established a chronology which attributed painting phases to the Dominican, Jesuit, and Vincention orders of the Catholic Church. Notable iconography include the 17th century mer creatures (la serena), and the mid-19th century depiction of the Battle of Lepanto. Substrate analysis revealed a lean plaster mix in the enfoscado as an intrinsic cause of failure, further aggravated by continued water infiltration. Water ingress has created an environment supporting threatening deterioration mechanisms including abundant chloride salts, and biological growth contributing to failing paint layers and plasters. The Rosario Chapel murals are highly significant and warrant a comprehensive strategy for their conservation and interpretation through a collaborative process involving all stakeholders

    Adaptation to Cesarean Birth: Implementation of an International Multisite Study

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    The purpose of this column is to describe the implementation of an international multisite Roy adaptation model-based study of women’s perceptions of and responses to cesarean birth. The need for the study arose from the concern that women’s childbearing needs may not be met to their full satisfaction, especially if the infant is born by cesarean. Serendipity and networking played a part in the selection of four study sites in the United States (Boston, Milwaukee, Norfolk, Oklahoma City) and two in other countries (Finland, Australia). Data were collected by nursing students and staff nurses. Post-hoc consideration of the diversity of study sites revealed opportunities for examination of the influence of the contextual stimuli of culture and geographic region on the women’s adaptation to cesarean birth. Strategies used to foster integration of teaching, practice, and research are discussed

    CMMI Adoption and Retention Factors: A Systematic Literature Review

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    CMMI has increased the productivity and reduced the cost of software development in the software industry. However, there are factors that influence the adoption and retention of CMMI in software organizations, and that need to be studied over time. This article aims to identify factors that influence the adoption and retention of CMMI in the software development organizations. A systematic literature review (SLR) was performed for this study. In the first stage, 2507 articles were obtained from 6 relevant databases and after the SLR process, 40 studies on factors and their possible influence were selected. These factor studies were classified according to a taxonomy based on: organization, people, processes and product. The most studied factors are related to people and organizations, in the CMMI adoption and retention processes, which is consistent with the fact that it is the "people" of the software development "organizations" who manage to carry out the software projects. Studies related to retention factors are still scarce, representing only 10% of the total identified. In addition, the use of alternate terms of factors and the use of "critical success factors" and "success factors" are observed without a clear distinction

    A relação entre dor crônica e depressão: causa ou conseqüência?

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    O presente trabalho consiste de um estudo teórico e empírico a respeito da correlação existente entre dor crônica e depressão, no qual é feita uma revisão bibliográfica, trazendo à superfície novas formas de abordagem do humano em seu processo de adoecimento e, em seguida, uma investigação qualitativa, através de um estudo de caso, com o objetivo de verificar empiricamente a existência de uma possível relação de causa e efeito entre dor crônica e depressão. Os dados foram coletados através de uma entrevista semi-estruturada e da aplicação de um instrumento de complementação de frases, cujo conteúdo foi analisado conforme o modelo proposto por Bardin (1979). Com base nos resultados obtidos por essa análise, discutidos e relacionados com a teoria revisada em seus aspectos pertinentes ao tema, a autora desse trabalho chegou à conclusão que a depressão é um sintoma presente em 50% dos casos de dor crônica, embora não haja consenso entre os autores consultados quanto à maneira como a relação entre as duas condições clínicas se dá. Tal conclusão aponta para a crescente necessidade de se abordar o paciente crônico, seja qual for a sua patologia, contemplando o seu histórico de vida, as relações estabelecidas desde a mais tenra idade e, sobretudo, valorizando a forma como cada um vê e percebe o mundo à sua volta

    Profesionales de salud y violencia intrafamiliar contra el niño y el adolescente

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    OBJECTIVES: To understand how heath care professionals approach family violence against children and teenagers. METHODS: This was a qualitative case study with 30 health care professionals. RESULTS: Health care professionals were concerned with the lack of successful family problems resolution. Measures used by health care professionals emphasized punitive actions instead of caring behaviors. The characteristics of the job did not allow of the health care professionals to express their feelings and reactions and to know how to successfully address family violence. Health care professionals' approaches to address violence with families who already experienced violence may also become violent acts against those families. CONCLUSION: Approaches used to address family violence against children and teenagers reflect a lack of integration among the several categories of health care professionals and health care services.OBJETIVO: Comprender el modo cómo los profesionales de salud abordan las situaciones relacionadas a la violencia intrafamiliar contra el niño y el adolescente. MÉTODOS: Se trata de una investigación de naturaleza cualitativa, de tipo estudio de caso, realizado con 30 profesionales de salud. RESULTADOS: Los profesionales se mostraron preocupados con la falta de resolución de los problemas. Revelaron que las medidas emprendidas priorizan la punición en lugar de la atención y que la estructura de trabajo no les permitía exponer sus sentimientos y reacciones y lidiar con ellos. El modo de abordar a las familias que ya vivenciaron violencia puede configurar un acto violento para con éstas. CONCLUSIÓN: La manera cómo se realiza la mayoría de las abordajes en casos de violencia contra el niño y el adolescente refleja la falta de integración entre los profesionales y los diversos sectores.OBJETIVO: Compreender o modo como os profissionais de saúde abordam as situações envolvidas na violência intrafamiliar contra a criança e o adolescente. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa de natureza qualitativo, na modalidade de estudo de caso, realizado com 30 profissionais de saúde. RESULTADOS: Os profissionais mostraram-se preocupados com a falta de resolução dos problemas. Revelaram que as medidas empreendidas priorizam a punição em lugar do atendimento e que a estrutura de trabalho não lhes permitia expor seus sentimentos e reações e com eles lidar. O modo de abordar as famílias que já vivenciaram violência pode configurar um ato violento para com estas. CONCLUSÃO: A maneira como é realizada a maioria das abordagens em casos de violência contra a criança e o adolescente reflete a falta de integração entre os profissionais e os diversos setores.Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do SulUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Bath Salt-Induced Psychosis: Nursing Assessment, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Outcomes

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    Purpose: To review what is known about the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes of patients with bath salt-induced psychosis. Design and Methods: Comprehensive review and synthesis of research, case reports, and state-level data. Findings: Of the 42 case reports found, only 18 confirmed the presence of bath salts through laboratory testing. Twelve of the confirmed cases died. In most of the case reports, law enforcement was involved prior to hospitalization due to bizarre behaviors, delusions, and hallucinations. Practice Implications: Due to the severity of both physical and psychological symptoms in patients in bath salt-induced psychosis, nurses, other healthcare providers, police, and hospital security personnel must work collaboratively to provide safe care

    Conceptions held by health professionals on violence against children and adolescents within the family

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    Este estudo buscou compreender as concepções que os profissionais de saúde têm sobre a violência intrafamiliar contra a criança e o adolescente. Foram utilizadas metodologia qualitativa na modalidade estudo de caso e técnicas de observação participante, entrevista e consulta em documentos. Os participantes eram membros de uma Unidade de Saúde da Família. Evidenciou-se que os profissionais de saúde associam a violência à conjuntura econômica, social e política e a aspectos culturais; para alguns, os atos violentos fazem parte do ciclo intergeracional e da dinâmica familiar. A punição física, considerada violência por uns, é defendida como medida educativa por outros. Definem violência com base em construção prévia dos sujeitos como vítimas ou agressores, perdendo-se, com isso, a dimensão relacional do fenômeno. Constata-se que os profissionais de saúde têm dificuldade para compreender a violência no contexto em que tem significado e para reconhecê-la como conseqüência de dinâmica relacional complexa.Este estudio buscó comprender las concepciones que los profesionales de la salud manifiestan sobre la violencia intrafamiliar contra niños y adolescentes. Fue utilizada la metodología cualitativa a través del estudio de caso y técnicas de observación participante, entrevista y consulta a documentos. Los participantes trabajaban en una Unidad de Salud de la Familia en Brasil. Se observó que estos profesionales asocian la violencia a la coyuntura económica, social, política y a aspectos culturales; para algunos de ellos, los actos violentos son parte del ciclo intergeneracional y de la dinámica familiar. La punición física, considerada violencia por algunos, es defendida por otros como una medida educativa. Definen violencia basándose en una construcción previa que tienen los sujetos como víctimas o agresores, perdiendo así la dimensión relacional del fenómeno. Se observa que los profesionales de la salud tienen dificultad para comprender la violencia dentro del contexto en que tiene significado, así como para reconocerla como una consecuencia de dinámica relacional compleja.The present study sought to understand the conceptions held by health professionals with regards to violence within the family against children and adolescents. Qualitative case-study methodology and techniques of participant observation, interviewing, and search in documents were used. Participants were staffed in a government-run Family Health Basic Unit in Brazil. Health professionals were found to associate violence with the economic, social, and political juncture and with cultural aspects; for some, violent acts are part of the intergenerational cycle and family dynamics. Physical punishment, considered as violence by some, is advocated as an educational measure by others. Participants also base their definition of violence on an a priori construction of subjects as either victims or aggressors, thus missing the relational dimension of the phenomenon. Health professionals were found to have difficulty in understanding violence in the context that gives it a meaning and to recognize it as consequence of a complex relational dynamics

    Conocimiento de los padres sobre salud bucal y su relación con la caries dental en preescolares. Hospital San Javier de Bellavista - Jaén, 2018

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo Determinar el nivel de conocimiento de los padres sobre salud bucal y su relación con la caries dental en preescolares que acuden al Hospital San Javier de Bellavista – Jaén, 2018. Metodología: investigación no experimental de tipo descriptivo correlacional y de diseño transversal. La población estuvo constituida por 138 participantes. La muestra, conformada por 59 padres de familia y 59 preescolares. Para medir la variable nivel de conocimiento sobre salud bucal, se utilizó el instrumento guía de entrevista tomado de los autores Cupe A y García M, cuya confiabilidad es de 0.89 según alfa de Crombach y para la variable de caries dental en los preescolares se utilizó la interpretación del índice ceo-d; que indica la experiencia de caries dental en los preescolares: Resultados: el nivel de conocimiento de los padres es: regular (46%) y bueno (41%). La caries dental en los participantes preescolares se halló: severidad de caries (44%), baja severidad de caries (41%) y ausencia de caries (15%). Conclusión: Según la prueba de chi cuadrado (x2), no existe relación significativa entre el nivel de conocimiento de los padres sobre salud bucal y la alta severidad de caries dental en preescolares que acuden al Hospital San Javier de Bellavista (p>0.05

    Aplicación web para el proceso de venta de prendas personalizadas en una empresa textil

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    La presente investigación está basada en el problema que existe al gestionar el proceso de venta de prendas personalizadas en la empresa Corsé, el cual tiene como consecuencia pérdidas de registro de venta ya que los registros son realizados de forma manual; además, cuando el cliente se comunica con la empresa para saber el estado de venta de la prenda en confección, se indica el estado a criterio de lo realizado generando inquietud de la realización de prenda al cliente y obteniendo pérdida de fiabilidad con la empresa.The present investigation is based on the problem that exists when managing the process of selling personalized garments in the company Corsé, which has the same characteristics of sales registration and the records are made manually. In addition, when the client communicates with the company to know the status of the sale of the garment in the confection, the state is indicated based on the criterion of what has been done, generating concern about the realization of the pledge to the client and the loss of the reliability with the company
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