77 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of basic mathematical competencies in years 8 and 9

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a newly developed test with easy tasks which assesses basic mathematical competencies that are essential for vocational training. This test is used in years 8 and 9 in Germany. From both a content-oriented and a process-oriented perspective, preliminary test results reveal a substantial lack of these competencies in all academic tracks, and differential effects can be found with respect to year and class that need to be examined beyond curricular analyses


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    Bericht von der Herbsttagung vom 05.-06.11.2021 in Darmstad

    Analyzing the impact of collaborative learning approach on grade six students’ mathematics achievement and attitude towards mathematics

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    This study investigated the impact of collaborative learning on mathematics achievement and attitudes in sixth-grade students, comparing it to traditional didactic teaching. A quasi-experimental research design was utilized in which sixth-grade students were randomly assigned to either control or experimental groups. Pre- and post-tests assessed mathematics achievement using curriculum-aligned tests. In addition, attitudes toward mathematics were measured using the ‘attitude towards mathematics’ inventory developed by Tapai and Marsh in 2004. Both groups exhibited similar pre-test levels. The experimental group received collaborative learning, while the control group received traditional teaching. Post-tests after a 12-week intervention showed significant improvements in the experimental group’s mathematics achievement, regardless of initial achievement levels. Positive changes in attitudes toward mathematics were also observed in the experimental group, with some progress in the control group. Collaborative learning appears promising for enhancing mathematics achievement and nurturing positive attitudes in elementary students

    25 Jahre ISTRON – 25 Jahre Arbeit fĂŒr einen realitĂ€tsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht

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    RealitĂ€tsbezug und Mathematikunterricht – was heute so selbstverstĂ€ndlich klingt, war in den 1980er Jahren noch eher ein Randaspekt. Auf Kreta, im Istron Bay Hotel, wurde vor 25 Jahren, genauer im Mai 1990, die internationale ISTRON-Gruppe – eine Gruppe aus sieben Personen, darunter Werner Blum und als GrĂŒndungsvater Solomon Garfunkel – gegrĂŒndet. Ziel dieser Gruppe war, lange vor TIMMS oder PISA, eine Verbesserung des Mathematikunterrichts durch RealitĂ€tsbezĂŒge. So wie heute war auch damals die Netzwerk-Idee, die auch im Logo der ISTRON-Gruppe ausgedrĂŒckt wird, konstitutiv. Die AktivitĂ€ten der Gruppe sollten auf lokaler, regionaler, nationaler und internationaler Ebene sichtbar werden
