51 research outputs found

    The cytoplasmic cell-fate regulator MEX-5 is required for the establishment of cortical polarity in the C. elegans one-cell embryo

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    Nematoda Embryonen im Einzellstadium der Klasse Caenorhabditis elegans ent-wickeln wĂ€hrend des Zellzyklus PolaritĂ€t. Diese PolaritĂ€t ist verantwortlich fĂŒr die asymmetrische Zellteilung des einzelligen Embryos und der Bildung verschieden großer Blastomeren mit unterschiedlicher Determination. Zentrosomen, welche vom Spermium zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt werden, erzeugen ein Symmetrie bre-chendes Ereignis das die Bildung einer polarisierten Achse im Embryo hervorruft. Das polarisierende Signal wird fĂŒr die Erstellung einer anterior und posterior cor-ticalen DomĂ€ne und der nachfolgenden Rekrutierung von PAR Proteinen an diese DomĂ€nen benötigt. Darauf folgende Signale bestimmen die Ebene der Zellteilung und die Segregation von Determinanten. MEX-5 beeinflusst die Distribution von cytoplasmatisch lokalisierten Determinanten in C. elegans. Bislang wurde MEX-5 als Übermittler der PAR PolaritĂ€t und als verantwortlich fĂŒr die Restriktion von Keimbahn Proteinen zur Keimbahn (P) Zelllinie beschrieben. Allerdings weisen ak-tuelle Berichte (Cuenca, Schetter et al. 2003) auf eine frĂŒhere Rolle von MEX-5 in der Entwicklung der ZellpolaritĂ€t hin. Mit Hilfe von quantitativer Zeitraffer-Mikroskopie habe ich die Auswirkung der MEX-5 Inaktivierung wĂ€hrend der Entwicklung der ZellpolaritĂ€t analysiert. Der Abbau von MEX-5 fĂŒhrt zu einem Defekt in der Festlegung der PolaritĂ€t am Beginn des Zellzyklus. Die Actin-Myosin KontraktilitĂ€t und die Zentrosom Assemblierung werden nicht durch den Verlust von MEX-5 beeinflusst, jedoch weist eine abweichende Zentrosom-Cortex-NĂ€he darauf hin, dass MEX-5 fĂŒr die frĂŒhe Festlegung der PolaritĂ€t notwendig ist.Polarization of the Caenorhabditis elegans one-cell embryo dictates asymmetric cell division into a larger and smaller blastomere, each with different fate. The sperm-supplied centrosomes provide the symmetry-breaking cue to establish an axis of polarity in the embryo. The polarizing signal is transduced into the estab-lishment of anterior and posterior cortical domains, defining PAR protein localiza-tion. Subsequent signaling determines the plane of cell division and the segrega-tion of cell fate determinants. MEX-5 is a cytoplasmic regulator of cell fate in C. elegans. MEX-5 is thought to act downstream of PAR polarity to restrict mater-nally supplied germline proteins to the germline (P) lineage. However recent re-ports (Cuenca, Schetter et al. 2003) suggest that MEX-5 may have an earlier role in polarity establishment. To investigate the role of MEX-5 in polarity estab-lishment, I was using quantitative time-lapse microscopy to analyze MEX-5 de-pleted one-cell embryos. Depletion of MEX-5 results in a failure to establish PAR polarity at the onset of the first cell cycle. Loss of MEX-5 does not affect overall acto-myosin contractility or centrosome maturation. However, MEX-5 affects the centrosome-cortex proximity, indicating MEX-5’s role in the early event of polarity establishment

    Erlebniswelt Nepal

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    Vorliegende Diplomarbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Konstruktion touristischer RĂ€ume und der Rolle einzelner Akteure, die diese der Gestaltung einnehmen. Im besonderen Fokus stehen dabei hauptsĂ€chlich die Sichtweisen und Erwartungen von Touristen, sowie ihre Erfahrungen im touristischen Raum. Die empirischen Daten wurden im Zuge eines zweimonatigen Praktikums im Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) in Ghandruk, Nepal, erhoben. Die Auswertung der Daten erfolgte mithilfe der Qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring. Im theoretischen Teil der Arbeit erfolgt zunĂ€chst eine Darstellung tourismusanthropologischer Perspektiven zum Thema Tourismus, um dann verschiedene Modelle, die bei der Konstruktion touristischer RĂ€ume zum Tragen kommen, zu skizzieren. Daran anschließend, beschĂ€ftige ich mich mit unterschiedlichen Performances und Inszenierungen im Tourismus. Ferner wird auf die Bedeutung von Natur und Landschaft eingegangen. Im empirischen Teil wird das Forschungsfeld Annapurna Conservation Area genauer vorgestellt. DarĂŒber hinaus werden im Tourismus involvierten Akteure beleuchtet. Weiter erfolgt eine Auseinandersetzung mit den ökologischen, ökonomischen und sozio-kulturellen Auswirkungen des Trekkingtourismus. Abgerundet wird dieser Abschnitt mit der PrĂ€sentation der, im Feld, erhobenen Daten. In der Conclusio wird das erhobene empirische Datenmaterial nochmals mit der Theorie in Verbindung gebracht, um damit einen GesamtĂŒberblick der zentralsten Punkte, vorliegender Arbeit skizzieren zu können.This thesis deals with the construction of tourist space. As well as it will give a closer look on the different roles different actors play in designing this tourist spaces. The focus will be on views and expectations of tourists, as well as on their experiences in the tourist area. The empirical data were collected in the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) in Ghandruk, Nepal, during a two-month internship. The data was analyzed by using the qualitative content analysis of Mayring. In the theoretical part of the work I first give an overview of anthropological perspectives on tourism, further I sketch out different models which are used in the construction of tourist spaces. The next capter is dealing with different performances and productions in tourism. In addition to this, the importance of nature and landscape is also been discussed. Later on, in the empirical part, the research area Annapurna Conservation Area, is presented in more detail. The actors involved in tourism are also highlighted. Continuing with the discussion of the impact of trekking tourism on environment, economic and culture. This section is well-rounded by presenting the collected field data. In the conclusion the empirical data is once more associated with the theories of this thesis, thus an overview of the central points of the thesis can be given

    Cataract in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Insights from the German/Austrian DPV registry

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    Objective To study diabetic cataract in type 1 diabetes in a large pediatric cohort. Methods The 92,633 patients aged 0.5-21 years from German/Austrian multicenter diabetes registry (DPV) were analyzed. The 235 patients (0.25%) with diabetic cataract were found, 200 could be categorized: 67 with early cataract (3 months before diabetes onset - 12 months afterwards), 133 with late cataract (>12 months after diabetes onset). Regression models adjusted for age and gender were used to compare clinical parameters at diabetes onset. Regression models for patients with late cataract were implemented for the total documentation period and additionally adjusted for diabetes duration. Results Rate of cataract development shows a peak at diabetes onset and declines with longer diabetes duration. Patients with cataract showed strong female preponderance. Patients developing early cataract were older at diabetes onset (12.8 years [11.8/13.9] vs. 8.9 [8.9/9.0]; p < 0.001) and showed higher HbA1c than patients without cataract (9.0% [8.55/9.38] vs. 7.6% [7.60/7.61]; p < 0.001). They had lower height-SDS, (-0.22 [-0.48/0.04] vs. 0.25 [0.24/0.26]; p < 0.001), lower weight-SDS (-0.31 [-0.55/-0.08] vs. 0.21 [0.20/0.21]; p < 0.001) and lower BMI-SDS (-0.25 [-0.49/-0.02] vs. 0.12 [0.12/0.13); p = 0.002). Patients with late cataract showed higher HbA1c at diabetes onset (8.35% [8.08/8.62] vs. 8.04% [8.03/8.05]; p = 0.023) and higher mean HbA1c during total documentation period (8.00% [7.62/8.34] vs. 7.62% [7.61/7.63]; p = 0.048). Conclusions Our data confirm known demographic and clinical characteristics of patients developing early cataract. Hyperglycemia-induced osmotic damage to lens fibers at diabetes onset might be the main pathomechanism. Long term glycemic control is associated with cataract development

    Amphibian skin-associated Pigmentiphaga: Genome sequence and occurrence across geography and hosts

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    The bacterial communities colonizing amphibian skin have been intensively studied due to their interactions with pathogenic chytrid fungi that are causing drastic amphibian population declines. Bacteria of the family Alcaligenaceae, and more specifically of the genus Pigmentiphaga, have been found to be associated specifically to arboreal frogs. Here we analyze their occurrence in a previously assembled global skin microbiome dataset from 205 amphibian species. Pigmentiphaga made up about 5% of the total number of reads in this global dataset. They were mostly found in unrelated arboreal frogs from Madagascar (Mantellidae and Hyperoliidae), but also occurred at low abundances on Neotropical frogs. Based on their 16S sequences, most of the sequences belong to a clade within Pigmentiphaga not assignable to any type strains of the five described species of the genus. One isolate from Madagascar clustered with Pigmentiphaga aceris (>99% sequence similarity on 16S rRNA gene level). Here, we report the full genome sequence of this bacterium which, based on 16S sequences of >97% similarity, has previously been found on human skin, floral nectar, tree sap, stream sediment and soil. Its genome consists of a single circular chromosome with 6,165,255 bp, 5,300 predicted coding sequences, 57 tRNA genes, and three rRNA operons. In comparison with other known Pigmentiphaga genomes it encodes a higher number of genes associated with environmental information processing and cellular processes. Furthermore, it has a biosynthetic gene cluster for a nonribosomal peptide syntethase, and bacteriocin biosynthetic genes can be found, but clusters for ÎČ-lactones present in other comparative Pigmentiphaga genomes are lacking

    Management of patients with advanced prostate cancer—metastatic and/or castration-resistant prostate cancer: report of the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC) 2022

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    Background: Innovations in imaging and molecular characterisation together with novel treatment options have improved outcomes in advanced prostate cancer. However, we still lack high-level evidence in many areas relevant to making management decisions in daily clinical practise. The 2022 Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC 2022) addressed some questions in these areas to supplement guidelines that mostly are based on level 1 evidence. Objective: To present the voting results of the APCCC 2022. Design, setting, and participants: The experts voted on controversial questions where high- level evidence is mostly lacking: locally advanced prostate cancer; biochemical recurrence after local treatment; metastatic hormone-sensitive, non-metastatic, and metastatic castration- resistant prostate cancer; oligometastatic prostate cancer; and managing side effects of hormonal therapy. A panel of 105 international prostate cancer experts voted on the consensus questions. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: The panel voted on 198 pre-defined questions, which were developed by 117 voting and non-voting panel members prior to the conference following a modified Delphi process. A total of 116 questions on metastatic and/or castration- resistant prostate cancer are discussed in this manuscript. In 2022, the voting was done by a web-based survey because of COVID-19 restrictions. Results and limitations: The voting reflects the expert opinion of these panellists and did not incorporate a standard literature review or formal meta-analysis. The answer options for the consensus questions received varying degrees of support from panellists, as reflected in this article and the detailed voting results are reported in the supplementary material. We report here on topics in metastatic, hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC), non-metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC), metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC), and oligometastatic and oligoprogressive prostate cancer. Conclusions: These voting results in four specific areas from a panel of experts in advanced prostate cancer can help clinicians and patients navigate controversial areas of management for which high-level evidence is scant or conflicting and can help research funders and policy makers identify information gaps and consider what areas to explore further. However, diagnostic and treatment decisions always have to be individualised based on patient characteristics, including the extent and location of disease, prior treatment(s), co-morbidities, patient preferences, and treatment recommendations and should also incorporate current and emerging clinical evidence and logistic and economic factors. Enrolment in clinical trials is strongly encouraged. Importantly, APCCC 2022 once again identified important gaps where there is non-consensus and that merit evaluation in specifically designed trials. Patient summary: The Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC) provides a forum to discuss and debate current diagnostic and treatment options for patients with advanced prostate cancer. The conference aims to share the knowledge of international experts in prostate cancer with healthcare providers worldwide. At each APCCC, an expert panel votes on pre-defined questions that target the most clinically relevant areas of advanced prostate cancer treatment for which there are gaps in knowledge. The results of the voting provide a practical guide to help clinicians discuss therapeutic options with patients and their relatives as part of shared and multidisciplinary decision-making. This report focuses on the advanced setting, covering metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer and both non-metastatic and metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. Twitter summary: Report of the results of APCCC 2022 for the following topics: mHSPC, nmCRPC, mCRPC, and oligometastatic prostate cancer. Take-home message: At APCCC 2022, clinically important questions in the management of advanced prostate cancer management were identified and discussed, and experts voted on pre-defined consensus questions. The report of the results for metastatic and/or castration- resistant prostate cancer is summarised here

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∌99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∌1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Management of Patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer. Part I : Intermediate-/High-risk and Locally Advanced Disease, Biochemical Relapse, and Side Effects of Hormonal Treatment: Report of the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference 2022

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    Background: Innovations in imaging and molecular characterisation and the evolution of new therapies have improved outcomes in advanced prostate cancer. Nonetheless, we continue to lack high-level evidence on a variety of clinical topics that greatly impact daily practice. To supplement evidence-based guidelines, the 2022 Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC 2022) surveyed experts about key dilemmas in clinical management. Objective: To present consensus voting results for select questions from APCCC 2022. Design, setting, and participants: Before the conference, a panel of 117 international prostate cancer experts used a modified Delphi process to develop 198 multiple-choice consensus questions on (1) intermediate- and high-risk and locally advanced prostate cancer, (2) biochemical recurrence after local treatment, (3) side effects from hormonal therapies, (4) metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer, (5) nonmetastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, (6) metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, and (7) oligometastatic and oligoprogressive prostate cancer. Before the conference, these questions were administered via a web-based survey to the 105 physician panel members (“panellists”) who directly engage in prostate cancer treatment decision-making. Herein, we present results for the 82 questions on topics 1–3. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: Consensus was defined as ≄75% agreement, with strong consensus defined as ≄90% agreement. Results and limitations: The voting results reveal varying degrees of consensus, as is discussed in this article and shown in the detailed results in the Supplementary material. The findings reflect the opinions of an international panel of experts and did not incorporate a formal literature review and meta-analysis. Conclusions: These voting results by a panel of international experts in advanced prostate cancer can help physicians and patients navigate controversial areas of clinical management for which high-level evidence is scant or conflicting. The findings can also help funders and policymakers prioritise areas for future research. Diagnostic and treatment decisions should always be individualised based on patient and cancer characteristics (disease extent and location, treatment history, comorbidities, and patient preferences) and should incorporate current and emerging clinical evidence, therapeutic guidelines, and logistic and economic factors. Enrolment in clinical trials is always strongly encouraged. Importantly, APCCC 2022 once again identified important gaps (areas of nonconsensus) that merit evaluation in specifically designed trials. Patient summary: The Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC) provides a forum to discuss and debate current diagnostic and treatment options for patients with advanced prostate cancer. The conference aims to share the knowledge of international experts in prostate cancer with health care providers and patients worldwide. At each APCCC, a panel of physician experts vote in response to multiple-choice questions about their clinical opinions and approaches to managing advanced prostate cancer. This report presents voting results for the subset of questions pertaining to intermediate- and high-risk and locally advanced prostate cancer, biochemical relapse after definitive treatment, advanced (next-generation) imaging, and management of side effects caused by hormonal therapies. The results provide a practical guide to help clinicians and patients discuss treatment options as part of shared multidisciplinary decision-making. The findings may be especially useful when there is little or no high-level evidence to guide treatment decisions.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Management of patients with advanced prostate cancer. Part I: Intermediate-/high-risk and locally advanced disease, biochemical relapse, and side effects of hormonal treatment: Report of the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference 2022

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    © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier on behalf of European Association of Urology. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eururo.2022.11.002Background: Innovations in imaging and molecular characterisation and the evolution of new therapies have improved outcomes in advanced prostate cancer. Nonetheless, we continue to lack high-level evidence on a variety of clinical topics that greatly impact daily practice. To supplement evidence-based guidelines, the 2022 Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC 2022) surveyed experts about key dilemmas in clinical management. Objective: To present consensus voting results for select questions from APCCC 2022. Design, setting, and participants: Before the conference, a panel of 117 international prostate cancer experts used a modified Delphi process to develop 198 multiple-choice consensus questions on (1) intermediate- and high-risk and locally advanced prostate cancer, (2) biochemical recurrence after local treatment, (3) side effects from hormonal therapies, (4) metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer, (5) nonmetastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, (6) metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, and (7) oligometastatic and oligoprogressive prostate cancer. Before the conference, these questions were administered via a web-based survey to the 105 physician panel members (“panellists”) who directly engage in prostate cancer treatment decision-making. Herein, we present results for the 82 questions on topics 1–3. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: Consensus was defined as ≄75% agreement, with strong consensus defined as ≄90% agreement. Results and limitations: The voting results reveal varying degrees of consensus, as is discussed in this article and shown in the detailed results in the Supplementary material. The findings reflect the opinions of an international panel of experts and did not incorporate a formal literature review and meta-analysis. Conclusions: These voting results by a panel of international experts in advanced prostate cancer can help physicians and patients navigate controversial areas of clinical management for which high-level evidence is scant or conflicting. The findings can also help funders and policymakers prioritise areas for future research. Diagnostic and treatment decisions should always be individualised based on patient and cancer characteristics (disease extent and location, treatment history, comorbidities, and patient preferences) and should incorporate current and emerging clinical evidence, therapeutic guidelines, and logistic and economic factors. Enrolment in clinical trials is always strongly encouraged. Importantly, APCCC 2022 once again identified important gaps (areas of nonconsensus) that merit evaluation in specifically designed trials. Patient summary: The Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC) provides a forum to discuss and debate current diagnostic and treatment options for patients with advanced prostate cancer. The conference aims to share the knowledge of international experts in prostate cancer with health care providers and patients worldwide. At each APCCC, a panel of physician experts vote in response to multiple-choice questions about their clinical opinions and approaches to managing advanced prostate cancer. This report presents voting results for the subset of questions pertaining to intermediate- and high-risk and locally advanced prostate cancer, biochemical relapse after definitive treatment, advanced (next-generation) imaging, and management of side effects caused by hormonal therapies. The results provide a practical guide to help clinicians and patients discuss treatment options as part of shared multidisciplinary decision-making. The findings may be especially useful when there is little or no high-level evidence to guide treatment decisions.We gratefully acknowledge the following organisations for providing financial support for the APCCC 2022: The City of Lugano and Movember Foundation. Ros Eeles is supported by a National Institute of Health Research grant to the Biomedical Research Centre at The Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. We also acknowledge sponsorship from several for-profit organisations for APCCC 2022, including Advanced Accelerator Applications, Amgen, Astellas, AstraZeneca, Bayer Health Care, Debiopharm, MSD, Janssen Oncology, Myovant Sciences, Orion Pharma, Pfizer Oncology, Roche, Telix Innovations SA, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Lantheus, and Tolmar. These for-profit organisations supported the conference financially but had no input on the scientific content or the final publication.Accepted versio

    Management of patients with advanced prostate cancer. Part I: intermediate-/high-risk and locally advanced disease, biochemical relapse, and side effects of hormonal treatment: report of the advanced prostate cancer consensus conference 2022

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    Background: Innovations in imaging and molecular characterisation and the evolution of new therapies have improved outcomes in advanced prostate cancer. Nonetheless, we continue to lack high-level evidence on a variety of clinical topics that greatly impact daily practice. To supplement evidence-based guidelines, the 2022 Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC 2022) surveyed experts about key dilemmas in clinical management. Objective: To present consensus voting results for select questions from APCCC 2022. Design, setting, and participants: Before the conference, a panel of 117 international prostate cancer experts used a modified Delphi process to develop 198 multiple-choice consensus questions on (1) intermediate- and high-risk and locally advanced prostate cancer, (2) biochemical recurrence after local treatment, (3) side effects from hormonal therapies, (4) metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer, (5) nonmetastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, (6) metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, and (7) oligometastatic and oligoprogressive prostate cancer. Before the conference, these questions were administered via a web-based survey to the 105 physician panel members (“panellists”) who directly engage in prostate cancer treatment decision-making. Herein, we present results for the 82 questions on topics 1–3. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: Consensus was defined as ≄75% agreement, with strong consensus defined as ≄90% agreement. Results and limitations: The voting results reveal varying degrees of consensus, as is discussed in this article and shown in the detailed results in the Supplementary material. The findings reflect the opinions of an international panel of experts and did not incorporate a formal literature review and meta-analysis. Conclusions: These voting results by a panel of international experts in advanced prostate cancer can help physicians and patients navigate controversial areas of clinical management for which high-level evidence is scant or conflicting. The findings can also help funders and policymakers prioritise areas for future research. Diagnostic and treatment decisions should always be individualised based on patient and cancer characteristics (disease extent and location, treatment history, comorbidities, and patient preferences) and should incorporate current and emerging clinical evidence, therapeutic guidelines, and logistic and economic factors. Enrolment in clinical trials is always strongly encouraged. Importantly, APCCC 2022 once again identified important gaps (areas of nonconsensus) that merit evaluation in specifically designed trials. Patient summary: The Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC) provides a forum to discuss and debate current diagnostic and treatment options for patients with advanced prostate cancer. The conference aims to share the knowledge of international experts in prostate cancer with health care providers and patients worldwide. At each APCCC, a panel of physician experts vote in response to multiple-choice questions about their clinical opinions and approaches to managing advanced prostate cancer. This report presents voting results for the subset of questions pertaining to intermediate- and high-risk and locally advanced prostate cancer, biochemical relapse after definitive treatment, advanced (next-generation) imaging, and management of side effects caused by hormonal therapies. The results provide a practical guide to help clinicians and patients discuss treatment options as part of shared multidisciplinary decision-making. The findings may be especially useful when there is little or no high-level evidence to guide treatment decisions
