461 research outputs found

    Apuntes sobre clasificación y evolución de la loa : una propuesta

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    Entre los últimos veinte años del siglo XVI y la primera mitad del siglo XVII la loa, pieza preliminar que desempeña un papel fundamental en el desarrollo del espectáculo global, metamorfosea su función, y por consiguiente su forma y tema, resintiéndose de las transformaciones que experimenta la misma representación teatral. La intención de este trabajo es proponer una clasificación, si no definitiva (lo que parece casi imposible de conseguir, dada la variedad y la difícultad de datación que caracterizan el género), sí útil a una sistematización de conjunto del “fenómeno” de la loa. Mi propuesta se basa en un criterio cronológico-temático que tiene en cuenta también el tipo de espectáculo que la loa encabeza, el público que asiste a la representación y el lugar donde se actúa, factores que influyen en los temas y funciones de nuestra pieza breve.________________________________Between the end of the 16th and the first half of the 17th century, the “loa”, preliminary piece that represents a focal point in the development of the performance in its globality, changes its function and consequently its form and theme, accusing in a way the same transformation that undergoes the theatrical representation. The intent of this work is to propose a clasification. if not final (which is almost impossible in view of the variety and the difficulty of dating which characterizes the genre) , but useful to systematize the loa “phenomena” it its globality. This proposal is based on a chronological-functional criteria that take into consideration also the type of plays that Loa prefaces, the audience and the place where the performance is held, factors which influence subjects and functions of the pieza breve in question

    Synthetic versus biological mesh-related erosion after laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy. A systematic review

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    Purpose: This review reports the incidence of mesh-related erosion after ventral mesh rectopexy to determine whether any difference exists in the erosion rate between synthetic and biological mesh. Methods: A systematic search of the MEDLINE and the Ovid databases was conducted to identify suitable articles published between 2004 and 2015. The search strategy capture terms were laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy, laparoscopic anterior rectopexy, robotic ventral rectopexy, and robotic anterior rectopexy. Results: Eight studies (3,956 patients) were included in this review. Of those patients, 3,517 patients underwent laparoscopic ventral rectopexy (LVR) using synthetic mesh and 439 using biological mesh. Sixty-six erosions were observed with synthetic mesh (26 rectal, 32 vaginal, 8 recto-vaginal fistulae) and one (perineal erosion) with biological mesh. The synthetic and the biological mesh-related erosion rates were 1.87% and 0.22%, respectively. The time between rectopexy and diagnosis of mesh erosion ranged from 1.7 to 124 months. No mesh-related mortalities were reported. Conclusion: The incidence of mesh-related erosion after LVR is low and is more common after the placement of synthetic mesh. The use of biological mesh for LVR seems to be a safer option; however, large, multicenter, randomized, control trials with long follow-ups are required if a definitive answer is to be obtained

    Transanal minimally invasive surgery for rectal lesions

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    Background and Objectives: Transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS) has emerged as an alternative to transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM). The authors report their experience with TAMIS for the treatment of mid and high rectal tumors. Methods: From November 2011 through May 2016, 31 patients (21 females, 68%), with a median age of 65 years who underwent single-port TAMIS were prospectively enrolled. Mean distance from the anal verge of the rectal tumors was 9.5 cm. Seventeen patients presented with T1 cancer, 10 with large adenoma, 2 with gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) and 2 with carcinoid tumor. Data concerning demographics, operative procedure and pathologic results were analyzed. Results: TAMIS was successfully completed in all cases. In 4 (13%) TAMIS was converted to standard Park’s transanal technique. Median postoperative stay was 3 days. The overall complication rate was 9.6%, including 1 urinary tract infection, 1 subcutaneous emphysema, and 1 hemorrhoidal thrombosis. TAMIS allowed an R0 resection in 96.8% of cases (30/31 cases) and a single case of local recurrence after a large adenoma resection was encountered. Conclusion: TAMIS is a safe technique, with a short learning curve for laparoscopic surgeons already proficient in single-port procedures, and provides effective oncological outcomes compared to other techniques

    Laparoscopic Treatment of Bouveret's Syndrome Presenting as Acute Pancreatitis

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    Gastric outlet obstruction as a result of gallstone (Bouveret's syndrome) is a rare but serious complication of cholelithiasis. Although patients present with persistent vomiting, colicky epigastric pain and dehydration, the clinical features of the Bouveret's syndrome are not pathognomonic. Due to its rarity, the diagnosis and treatment represent a challenge for the surgeon. In most of the reported cases, the diagnosis was made at the time of laparotomy. We report an unusual clinical presentation of Bouveret's syndrome with mild acute pancreatitis that was treated laparoscopically. To our knowledge, this is the first described case. Cause, clinical presentation, methods of diagnosis, and options for management of Bouveret's syndrome are also discussed

    Le "novelas cortas" di Alonso de Castillo Solorzano tra narrativa e teatro

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    La narrativa breve di Alonso de Castillo Solorzano, il più prolifico narratore spagnolo del s. XVII, presenta una notevole contiguità con la "Comedia" aurisecolare; la classificazione tassonomica delle sue novelle ha reso possibile l'individuazione di alcuni motivi, espedienti e nuclei narrativi che riconducono inequivocabilmente ai diversi sottogeneri teatrali coevi

    Iatrogenic Rectal Perforation During Operative Colonoscopy: Closure With Endoluminal Clips

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    The risk of perforation during diagnostic or operative colonoscopy can be as high as 2%. Despite conservative treatment being acceptable, the closure of the perforation is usually mandatory, and surgery (either open or laparoscopic) is commonly advocated as rescue therapy. Currently, with the availability of the Endoclip, endoscopists are able to manage iatrogenic perforations avoiding surgery. Clip placement, if necessary, will not delay surgery and might help the surgeon find the site of perforation. However, data in the literature are scant, especially for the closure of large colonic defects. Endoscopic repair using Endoclip devices for a large high rectal perforation following polypectomy is described herein