109 research outputs found

    „W domu Ojca Mego mieszkań jest wiele” (J 14,2). Perspektywa chrześcijańskiej nadziei

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    Origin, development and meaning of the problem of eschatology belong to the most controversial issues, both in the perspective of the Old and the New Testament. It refers to longer passages as well as to isolated phrases included in the Bible. The issue acquires a special significance with reference to the Gospel of St. John. In this Book, it is the act of faith that for Christ’s disciple constitutes a fully eschatological fact deciding about having eternal life right now, although St. John does not eliminates the ‘future’ eschatology indicating judgment and a full participation in the glory of the worshipped Jesus. One of the sentences which arouses continued interest is Jesus’ statement included in Jn 14:2: ‘in my Father’s house there are many dwelling places’. The article tries to explain the phrase first of all on the ground of the analysis of the next context (Jn 14:1–3), but certainly it does not exclude references to other texts of the Fourth Gospel. The hermeneutic key for the interpretation of the title words of the article are Jesus’ words being one of four synonymous elements describing eschatological reality in Jn 14:2–3: ‘and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.’ (Jn 14:3). The remaining three elements: ‘Father’s house’, ‘many dwelling places’ and ‘a place’ are to be interpreted through the words talking about the essence of this new reality, i.e. the disciples’ union with Jesus. Since they all concern a solid communion stressing some of their characteristic shades. And although the title words do not extend our knowledge as to ‘what is heaven like’, they strongly emphasize the truth about real life that is possible only when we permanently live with the ones we love.Geneza, rozwój i znaczenie zagadnienia eschatologii należą do kwestii najbardziej spornych zarówno w perspektywie Starego, jak i Nowego Testamentu. Odnosi się ono zarówno do większych partii wypowiedzi, jak i do pojedynczych zdań zawartych w Biblii. Szczególnego znaczenia kwestia ta nabiera, gdy weźmie się pod uwagę Ewangelię według św. Jana. W Księdze tej faktem w pełni eschatologicznym dla ucznia Chrystusa jest akt wiary, decydujący o posiadaniu życia wiecznego już teraz, choć św. Jan nie przekreśla także eschatologii przyszłej, zapowiadającej sąd i pełny udział w chwale Jezusa uwielbionego. Jednym ze zdań budzących niesłabnące zainteresowanie jest wypowiedź Jezusa zawarta w J 14,2: „W domu Ojca mego jest mieszkań wiele”. Próba wyjaśnienia tych słów zostaje podjęta w niniejszym artykule przede wszystkim na postawie analizy najbliższego kontekstu (J 14,1–3), nie wykluczając oczywiście także odwołania się do innych tekstów Czwartej Ewangelii. Kluczem hermeneutycznym służącym do interpretacji tytułowych słów artykułu są słowa Jezusa stanowiące jeden z czterech elementów opisujących rzeczywistość eschatologiczną w J 14,2–3: „A gdy odejdę i przygotuję wam miejsce, przyjdę powtórnie i zabiorę was do siebie, abyście i wy byli tam, gdzie Ja jestem” (J 14,3). Przez pryzmat słów wskazujących na istotę tej nowej rzeczywistości, a mianowicie na fakt zjednoczenia uczniów z Jezusem, interpretowane będą pozostałe trzy elementy: „dom Ojca”, „mieszkań wiele” i „miejsce”. Wszystkie one bowiem odnoszą się do rzeczywistości trwałej wspólnoty, z podkreśleniem pewnych właściwych jej odcieni. I choć tytułowe słowa nie poszerzają naszej wiedzy na temat „jak jest w niebie”, to podkreślają z całą mocą prawdę o prawdziwym życiu, które jest możliwe tylko wówczas, gdy żyjemy na stałe z tymi, których kochamy

    Była światłość prawdziwa (J 1,9a) Jezus jako światłość w Prologu czwartej Ewangelii

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    This article aims to „The true light (Jn 1.9a). Jesus as the light in the Prologue of the Fourth Gospel”, was to explain the meaning of the symbol of the light connected with the person of Jesus Christ - the Logos in the Prologue of the Gospel of St John. The analysis of the text helped to establish that the author wanted to show the person o f Logos as a necessary condition of all life, and above all, the supernatural life (Jn 1,4). By revealing the divine life through the Incarnation, whose symbol is a light, he met with extreme hostility, which, however, is unable to destroy him (Jn 1,5). He is the light in an absolute sense (Jn 1,9). No one besides Him can not bestow the light, which in its fullest sense is identified with salvation. Father (John 5,31-32.37-38; 8,16-19), the Holy Spirit (Jn 15,26), the work of Jesus (Jn 5,36,10,25) and John the Baptist (Jn 1,7-8; 19nn) bear witness of His light, that people believed in him and thus have eternal life (Jn 20,31)

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    Herschel PACS and SPIRE observations of blazar PKS 1510-089: a case for two blazar zones

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    We present the results of observations of blazar PKS 1510-089 with the Herschel Space Observatory PACS and SPIRE instruments, together with multiwavelength data from Fermi/LAT, Swift, SMARTS and SMA. The source was found in a quiet state, and its far-infrared spectrum is consistent with a power-law with a spectral index of alpha ~ 0.7. Our Herschel observations were preceded by two 'orphan' gamma-ray flares. The near-infrared data reveal the high-energy cut-off in the main synchrotron component, which cannot be associated with the main gamma-ray component in a one-zone leptonic model. This is because in such a model the luminosity ratio of the External-Compton and synchrotron components is tightly related to the frequency ratio of these components, and in this particular case an unrealistically high energy density of the external radiation would be implied. Therefore, we consider a well-constrained two-zone blazar model to interpret the entire dataset. In this framework, the observed infrared emission is associated with the synchrotron component produced in the hot-dust region at the supra-pc scale, while the gamma-ray emission is associated with the External-Compton component produced in the broad-line region at the sub-pc scale. In addition, the optical/UV emission is associated with the accretion disk thermal emission, with the accretion disk corona likely contributing to the X-ray emission.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 7 tables; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Targeting an Essential GTPase Obg for the Development of Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics

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    A promising new drug target for the development of novel broad-spectrum antibiotics is the highly conserved small GTPase Obg (YhbZ, CgtA), a protein essential for the survival of all bacteria including Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC). GC is the agent of gonorrhea, a prevalent sexually transmitted disease resulting in serious consequences on reproductive and neonatal health. A preventive anti-gonorrhea vaccine does not exist, and options for effective antibiotic treatments are increasingly limited. To address the dire need for alternative antimicrobial strategies, we have designed and optimized a 384-well GTPase assay to identify inhibitors of Obg using as a model Obg protein from GC, ObgGC. The assay was validated with a pilot screen of 40,000 compounds and achieved an average Z’ value of 0.58 ± 0.02, which suggests a robust assay amenable to high-throughput screening. We developed secondary assessments for identified lead compounds that utilize the interaction between ObgGC and fluorescent guanine nucleotide analogs, mant-GTP and mant-GDP, and an ObgGC variant with multiple alterations in the G-domains that prevent nucleotide binding. To evaluate the broad-spectrum potential of ObgGC inhibitors, Obg proteins of Klebsiella pneumoniae and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus were assessed using the colorimetric and fluorescence-based activity assays. These approaches can be useful in identifying broad-spectrum Obg inhibitors and advancing the therapeutic battle against multidrug resistant bacteria

    Functional and Structural Studies on the \u3cem\u3eNeisseria gonorrhoeae\u3c/em\u3e GmhA, the First Enzyme in the \u3cem\u3eglycero-manno\u3c/em\u3e-heptose Biosynthesis Pathways, Demonstrate a Critical Role in Lipooligosaccharide Synthesis and Gonococcal Viability

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    Sedoheptulose-7-phosphate isomerase, GmhA, is the first enzyme in the biosynthesis of nucleotide-activated-glycero-manno-heptoses and an attractive, yet underexploited, target for development of broad-spectrum antibiotics. We demonstrated that GmhA homologs in Neisseria gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis (hereafter called GmhAGC and GmhANM, respectively) were interchangeable proteins essential for lipooligosaccharide (LOS) synthesis, and their depletion had adverse effects on neisserial viability. In contrast, the Escherichia coli ortholog failed to complement GmhAGC depletion. Furthermore, we showed that GmhAGC is a cytoplasmic enzyme with induced expression at mid-logarithmic phase, upon iron deprivation and anaerobiosis, and conserved in contemporary gonococcal clinical isolates including the 2016 WHO reference strains. The untagged GmhAGCcrystallized as a tetramer in the closed conformation with four zinc ions in the active site, supporting that this is most likely the catalytically active conformation of the enzyme. Finally, site-directed mutagenesis studies showed that the active site residues E65 and H183 were important for LOS synthesis but not for GmhAGC function in bacterial viability. Our studies bring insights into the importance and mechanism of action of GmhA and may ultimately facilitate targeting the enzyme with small molecule inhibitors

    Weld Joints Inspection Using Multisource Data and Image Fusion

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    The problem of inspecting weld joints is very complex, especially in critical parts of machines and vehicles. The welded joint is typically inspected visually, chemically or using radiography imaging. The flaw detection is a task for specialized personnel who analyze all the data on each stage of the inspection process separately. The inspection is prone to human error, and is labor intensive. In the stages of weld joint visual control geometrical measurements are performed, joint alignment, straightness, deformation, as well as the weld\u27s uniformity. Coloration my show the heat impact zone, and melted parts of the base material. Also during this stage the unwanted cracks, pores and other surface defects can be spotted. On the other side during the X-ray inspection other flaws can be discovered. Pores, cracks, lack of penetration and slag inclusions can be observed. The author’s goal was to develop a multisource data system of easier flaw detection, and possibly inspection process automation. The methods consisted of three image sources: X-ray, laser profilometer, and imaging camera. The proposed approach consists combining spatial information in the acquired data from all sources. A novel approach of data mixing is proposed to benefit from all the information. The signal form the profilometer enables geometrical information extraction. Deformation and alignment error assessment. The radiogram provides information about the hidden flaws. The color image gives information about texture and color of the surface as well as helps in combining multiple sources

    Poradnik dla dyrektora szkoły podstawowej - Ramowe plany nauczania

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    Poradnik dla dyrektora szkoły podstawowej dot. realizacji podstawowych ram nauczania. Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu „Wdrożenie podstawy programowej kształcenia ogólnego w poszczególnych typach szkół, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem II i IV etapu edukacyjnego

    PubMLST for Antigen Allele Mining to Inform Development of Gonorrhea Protein-Based Vaccines

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    Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Ng) is a human-specific pathogen and the etiological agent of gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted infection with a significant global health burden. While often asymptomatic, untreated gonorrhea can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, and increased transmission/acquisition of HIV. A protective gonorrhea vaccine may be the only way to control disease transmission in the future due to the inexorable development of antibiotic resistance. Subunit antigens are proven candidates for vaccine development due to their safety, cost-effectiveness, and rapid preparation. To inform protein-based gonorrhea vaccine design by including different antigen variants, herein we present bioinformatics mining of alleles and single nucleotide/amino acid polymorphisms using DNA/protein sequences of all Ng isolates deposited into the PubMLST database and MtrE and BamA as model antigens. We also present phylogenetic analyses that can be performed using sequence data to gain insights into the evolutionary relationships between the polymorphisms found among the population of isolates using a convenient tool: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software. Finally, we perform antigen polymorphism mapping onto the MtrE and BamA structures. This methodology can be applied for rational vaccine design to increase vaccine coverage and cross-protection by heteroligand presentation achieved via inclusion of diverse antigen variants and is relevant to over 100 different species and genera deposited into the PubMLST family of databases

    Structural and Functional Insights Into the Role of BamD and BamE Within the \u3cem\u3eβ\u3c/em\u3e-Barrel Assembly Machinery in \u3cem\u3eNeisseria gonorrhoeae\u3c/em\u3e

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    The β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) is a conserved multicomponent protein complex responsible for the biogenesis of β-barrel outer membrane proteins (OMPs) in Gram-negative bacteria. Given its role in the production of OMPs for survival and pathogenesis, BAM represents an attractive target for the development of therapeutic interventions, including drugs and vaccines against multidrug-resistant bacteria such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The first structure of BamA, the central component of BAM, was from N. gonorrhoeae, the etiological agent of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea. To aid in pharmaceutical targeting of BAM, we expanded our studies to BamD and BamE within BAM of this clinically relevant human pathogen. We found that the presence of BamD, but not BamE, is essential for gonococcal viability. However, BamE, but not BamD, was cell-surface–displayed under native conditions; however, in the absence of BamE, BamD indeed becomes surface-exposed. Loss of BamE altered cell envelope composition, leading to slower growth and an increase in both antibiotic susceptibility and formation of membrane vesicles containing greater amounts of vaccine antigens. Both BamD and BamE are expressed in diverse gonococcal isolates, under host-relevant conditions, and throughout different phases of growth. The solved structures of Neisseria BamD and BamE share overall folds with Escherichia coli proteins but contain differences that may be important for function. Together, these studies highlight that, although BAM is conserved across Gram-negative bacteria, structural and functional differences do exist across species, which may be leveraged in the development of species-specific therapeutics in the effort to combat multidrug resistance