69 research outputs found

    Cephem Potentiation by Inactivation of Nonessential Genes Involved in Cell Wall Biogenesis of ß-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli

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    Reversal of antimicrobial resistance is an appealing and largely unexplored strategy in drug discovery. The objective of this study was to identify potential targets for “helper” drugs reversing cephem resistance in Escherichia coli strains producing β-lactamases. A CMY-2-encoding plasmid was transferred by conjugation to seven isogenic deletion mutants exhibiting cephem hypersusceptibility. The effect of each mutation was evaluated by comparing the MICs in the wild type and the mutant harboring the same plasmid. Mutation of two genes encoding proteins involved in cell wall biosynthesis, dapF and mrcB, restored susceptibility to cefoxitin (FOX) and reduced the MICs of cefotaxime and ceftazidime, respectively, from the resistant to the intermediate category according to clinical breakpoints. The same mutants harboring a CTX-M-1-encoding plasmid fell into the intermediate or susceptible category for all three drugs. Individual deletion of dapF and mrcB in a clinical isolate of CTX-M-15-producing E. coli sequence type 131 (ST131) resulted in partial reversal of ceftazidime and cefepime resistance but did not reduce MICs below susceptibility breakpoints. Growth curve analysis indicated no fitness cost in a ΔmrcB mutant, whereas a ΔdapF mutant had a 3-fold longer lag phase than the wild type, suggesting that drugs targeting DapF may display antimicrobial activity, in addition to synergizing with selected cephems. DapF appeared to be a potential FOX helper drug target candidate, since dapF inactivation resulted in synergistic potentiation of FOX in the genetic backgrounds tested. The study showed that individual inactivation of two nonessential genes involved in cell wall biogenesis potentiates cephem activity according to drug- and strain-specific patterns

    Older Women’s Experiences in the Icelandic Workforce – Positive or Negative?

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    The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of older women’s experiences in the labour market, how they value their job opportunities and perceived attitudes towards them. Qualitative interviews were conducted with seven women aged 57–74 years who all have at least 10 years working experience after they turned 40. Experiencing discrimination in the workforce was often mentioned by the women. Their experience is that men are less discriminated against on grounds of age than women. Older women pride themselves for participating in the workforce for being reliable, unselfish and undemanding rather than being experienced, skillful and good at their jobs. The results indicate that it is important to research further the well-being of older women in the labour market and try to change the negative attitudes and discrimination that appear prevalent. Ageism against older women can affect their well-being and health and must be prevented

    Knowledge expectations, received knowledge and health related quality of life among patients undergoing arthroplastic surgery.

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnGerviliðaaðgerðir á hné og mjöðm eru algeng og árangursrík meðferð við einkennum slitgigtar og geta bætt heilsutengd lífsgæði sjúklinga. Sjúklingafræðsla gegnir veigamiklu hlutverki í að hjálpa sjúklingum að gera sér raunhæfar vonir um árangur aðgerðar innar og aðgerðarferlisins og undirbúa þá fyrir þá sjálfs­ umönnun sem er nauð synleg eftir aðgerð. T ilgangur rannsóknar­ innar var að kanna hvernig væntingum sjúklinga, sem fara í gerviliða aðgerð á mjöðm og hné, til fræðslu er sinnt á íslenskum sjúkra húsum og tengslum þess við heilsutengd lífsgæði. Aðferðin var framvirk, lýsandi samanburðarrannsókn með þremur mæli punktum: tími 1 fyrir aðgerð og fyrir formlega fræðslu um aðgerðina; tími 2 við útskrift eftir aðgerð á sjúkra­ húsinu, eftir formlega útskriftarfræðslu; tími 3 6 7 mánuðum eftir aðgerð. Úrtakið var sjúklingar sem fóru í skipulagðar gerviliðaaðgerðir á mjöðm og hné frá janúar til nóvember 2010, á þeim þremur sjúkrahúsum á Íslandi sem framkvæma gerviliðaaðgerðir. Þrjú matstæki voru notuð: Hospital Patients’ Knowledge Expectations (HPKE), Hospital Patients’ Received Knowledge (HPRK), sem meta væntingar sjúklinga til fræðslu og fengna fræðslu, og EQ 5D sem metur heilsutengd lífsgæði. Á tíma 1 svöruðu 279 sjúklingar, á tíma 2 svöruðu 220 og á tíma 3 svöruðu 210 spurningalistunum. Meðalaldur var 65,4 ár og aldursbilið frá 37 til 87 ára. Meðallegutími var 6,6 dagar. Þátttakendur höfðu miklar væntingar til fræðslu en þeir töldu sig fá minni fræðslu en þeir væntu og jókst sá munur frá tíma 2 til tíma 3. Heilsutengd lífsgæði batna frá því fyrir aðgerð til 6 7 mánaða eftir aðgerð. Eftir því sem væntingar um fræðslu voru betur uppfylltar því betra var heilsufar metið á tíma 3 og var það samband marktækt. Það er ályktað að þörf sé á að endurskoða mat á fræðsluþörfum og innihaldi sjúklingafræðslu sjúklinga sem fara í gerviliðaaðgerðir á Íslandi.Hip and knee arthroplasties are a common and effective treatment for symptoms of arthritis and can improve patients’ health related quality of life. Patient education plays an important role in helping patients to create realistic expectations of the outcome of surgery and the perioperative process and to prepare them for the self care which is needed after surgery. The aim of the study was to examine how the knowledge expectations of arthroplastic patients are being met in Icelandic hospitals and the relationship between knowledge expectations and patients’ self reported health related quality of life. The method was a prospective, descriptive and comparative follow up design with three measurement points; time 1 before surgery and any formal education, time 2 at discharge from hospital and after formal discharge education and time 3 6 7 months after discharge. The sample consisted of patients undergoing elective hip or knee arthroplasty from January to November 2010 in all three Icelandic hospitals which perform this type of surgery. Three instruments were used: Hospital Patients ʼ Knowledge Expectations (HPKE) and Hospital Patients ʼ Received Knowledge (HPRK) measure expected knowledge and received knowledge, respectively, and EQ 5D measures health related quality of life. On time 1, 2 and 3, 279, 220 and 210 patients participated, respectively. Their average age was 65.4 years (range 37 to 87 years). The average hospital stay was 6.6 days. The participants reported high expectations for knowledge but they perceived that they received less knowledge than they expected and even less so when asked 6 months after surgery. Health related quality of life improved after the operation, as measured after 6 7 months. A significant relationship was detected between patients’ assessment of their health and how well their knowledge expectations were met. It is concluded that there is a need to reconsider how the knowledge expectations of patients are being assessed and the content of patient education for arthroplasty patients in Iceland.Vísindasjóður Félags íslenskra hjúkrunarfræðinga (Bhluta), Rannsóknasjóður Háskólans á Akureyri, KEA háskólasjóði, vísindasjóður Landspítala, vísindasjóður Sjúkrahússins á Akureyr

    Interest in breast cancer genetic testing among Icelandic women

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: It is estimated that 6-10% of all breast cancers in Iceland can be attributed to inherited mutations in newly identified breast cancer susceptibility genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2). Before genetic testing becomes widely available in Iceland it is important to understand what motivates women s interest in undergoing testing as that will provide the data necessary for designing effective counseling interventions. Therefore, the aim of this population-based study was to examine interest in and predictors of interest in genetic testing among Icelandic women. Material and methods: A randomly selected sample of 534 Icelandic women, who had not been previously diagnosed with breast cancer, completed questionnaires assessing, demographic/medical variables, interest in genetic testing, perceived risk of carrying mutations in BRCA1/2 genes, cancer-specific distress and perceived benefits and barriers of genetic testing. The mean age was 53.8 years and 197 of the women had at least one first degree-relative that had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Results: Interest in testing was high with 74% of the women indicating that they were interested in testing. Family history of breast cancer was unrelated to interest in testing whereas perceived risk of being a mutation carrier was significantly and positively related to interest in testing. Interest in testing was also significantly higher among younger women and among women with higher levels of cancer-specific distress. The most commonly cited reasons for wanting to be tested were to increase use of mammography screening and to learn if one s children were at risk for developing cancer. The most commonly citied reasons against being tested were fear of being mutation carrier and worry that test results would not stay confidential. Conclusions: These results suggest that demand for genetic testing, once it becomes commercially available, among Icelandic women may be high even among women without family history of breast cancer. The results also suggest that genetic counseling needs to address women s breast cancer worries as that may increase the probability that the decision to undergo testing is based on knowledge rather than driven by breast cancer fear and distress.Tilgangur: Áætlað er að um 6-10% brjóstakrabbameinstilfella á Íslandi megi rekja til arfgengra stökkbreytinga á tveimur erfðaefnum sem nýlega hafa verið einangruð (BRCA1 og BRCA2). Greina má tilvist þeirra með erfðaprófum. Mikilvægt er að greina hvað ýtir undir áhuga kvenna á að fara í slíkt próf til að tryggja að erfðaráðgjöf beri tilætlaðan árangur. Þess vegna var markmið þessarar þýðisbundnu rannsóknar að kanna áhuga á og kanna forspárþætti fyrir áhuga íslenskra kvenna á að mæta í erfðapróf. Efniviður og aðferðir: Handahófsúrtak 534 íslenskra kvenna, sem ekki höfðu greinst með brjóstakrabbamein, svaraði spurningalista með lýðfræðilegum þáttum/fjölskyldusögu um brjóstakrabbamein, áhuga á að mæta í erfðapróf, mati á líkum á að vera með brjóstakrabbameinserfðaefni, sértækum krabbameinsótta og mælikvarða á hindranir og hvatningu fyrir mætingu í erfðapróf. Meðalaldur var 53,8 ár og 197 konur áttu að minnsta kosti einn ættingja sem fengið hafði brjóstakrabbamein. Niðurstöður: Áhugi á erfðaprófi var mikill þar sem um 74% kvenna höfðu áhuga á að mæta í slíkt próf. Fjölskyldusaga um brjóstakrabbamein tengdist ekki áhuga á erfðaprófi, en mat á líkum á að hafa brjóstakrabbameinserfðaefni tengdist marktækt og jákvætt áhuga á prófinu. Áhugi á erfðaprófi var einnig meiri hjá yngri konum og hjá konum sem óttuðust brjóstakrabbamein. Helstu kostir erfðaprófa voru taldir að þau gæfu vísbendingu um hvort fara ætti oftar í brjóstamyndatöku og til að vita hvort börn þátttakenda væru í aukinni áhættu fyrir brjóstakrabbameini. Helstu ókostir erfðaprófa voru ótti við að greinast með stökkbreytingar og áhyggjur af ónógri persónuvernd. Ályktanir: Þessar niðurstöður gefa til kynna að kröfur íslenskra kvenna um að fá að fara í erfðapróf, þegar þau eru orðin almenn hér á landi verði miklar, jafnvel hjá konum sem ekki hafa ættarsögu um brjóstakrabbamein. Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar gefa einnig til kynna að erfðaráðgjöf þurfi að taka mið af ótta kvenna við brjóstakrabbamein því það gæt

    Predictors of mammography adherence among Icelandic women

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: In Iceland, breast cancer is a second only to lung cancer as a cause of women s cancer related deaths. Despite the widely-recognized utility of mammography for detecting breast cancer at early stages when it is most curable, many Icelandic women do not adhere to mammography screening recommendations. The aim of the present population-based study was to identify factors that facilitate and hinder women s adherence to mammography screening in Iceland. Material and methods: A randomly selected sample of Icelandic women between the ages of 40-69 years, not previously diagnosed with breast cancer (n=1000), were recruited to the study by mail. Participants (n=619) completed questionnaires assessing: demopgraphic variables, knowledge of screening guidelines, possible facilitators (e.g., physician recommendation) and barriers (e.g. concern about radiation) to adherence, as well as stages of mammography screening adoption (precontemplation, contemplation, action and maintenance). Results: Women in the precontemplation stage were more afraid of radiation than women on other stages. They as well as women on contemplation stage were more afraid that mammography would be painful, and less satisfied with previous service at the mammography screening center. Doctors recommendations, as well as women s knowledge about mammography screening guidelines, were positively related to mammography adherence. Conclusions: These findings suggest that physicians may have an important role in motivating women to follow mammography screening recommendations. Educating women about mammography screening guidelines and addressing their concern about radiation and pain may increase mammography adherence further. Service at the mammography screening center may also improve adherence.Tilgangur: Brjóstakrabbamein, ásamt lungnakrabbameini, er langalgengasta dánarorsök íslenskra kvenna á miðjum aldri. Þrátt fyrir alþjóðlegan árangur reglubundinnar brjóstamyndatöku við að finna brjóstakrabbamein á for- eða byrjunarstigi, þegar mestar líkur eru á lækningu, mæta íslenskra konur ekki nægilega vel í myndatöku. Tilgangur þessarar rannsóknar var að kanna hvaða þættir hvetja eða letja íslenskar konur til að mæta í myndatöku. Efniviður og aðferðir: Konur á Stór-Reykjavíkursvæðinu, 40-69 ára, sem ekki höfðu greinst með brjóstakrabbamein, voru valdar af handahófi (n=1000) og var þeim sendur spurningalisti í pósti. Þátttakendur (n=619) fengur spurningalista um: lýðfræðilegar breytur, þekkingu á brjóstamyndatöku, mögulega hvetjandi þætti (til dæmis hvatningu frá lækni) og hindranir (til dæmis ótta við geislun) sem tengdust mætingu, ásamt aðlögunarstigum að mætingu í brjóstamyndatöku, það er foríhugun (precontemplation), íhugun (contemplation), framkvæmd (action) og viðhald (maintenance). Niðurstöður: Konur á foríhugunarstigi voru hræddari við geislun en konur á öðrun stigum. Þær ásamt konum á íhugunarstigi óttuðust meira sársauka frá myndavél og voru óánægðari með þjónustu leitarstöðvar Krabbameinsfélagsins. Hvatning frá einkalækni og þekking á því hvenær fara á í myndatöku tengdust einnig jákvætt mætingu. Ályktanir: Þessar niðurstöður gefa til kynna að læknar geti gegnt mikilvægu hlutverki í að hvetja konur til að mæta í brjóstamyndatöku. Með því að upplýsa konur um gildi myndatökunnar og að ræða við þær um áhyggjur þeirra af geislun og sársauka væri hugsanlega hægt að auka þátttöku. Þjónusta á leitarstöðinni virðist einnig geta haft áhrif á það hvort konur halda áfram að mæta í myndatöku

    Is Nordic elder care facing a (new) collaborative turn?

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    Nordic countries are known for their service-based welfare states, which include basic health and social care for all older adults who have been formally assessed and found to need additional services. Facing fiscal constraints in the mid-1990s, these countries endeavoured to create more cost-effective care services that incorporated the doctrines of new public management (NPM). Overlapping NPM, steps have been taken to better integrate services and utilise the care capacity of a broader institutional and environmental set of actors. In this study, we draw attention to this call for collaborative and participatory modes of governance beyond NPM. We explore whether and how Nordic eldercare policies fit in to the framework and logic of new public governance (NPG). The data consist of 62 key government documents from five Nordic countries, representing the central features of eldercare policies over the past 10 years. Our content analysis is based on three conceptual lenses associated with NPG: service integration, service co-production and cross-sectoral co-creation. The analysis shows that several policy issues are framed by the logic of NPG in all countries. Further research is needed to assess how these NPG measures are implemented and interacting with institutional arrangements of other public governance paradigms.Peer reviewe

    Young adults with type 1 diabetes and their experiences with diabetes follow‐up and participation in the DiaPROM pilot trial: A qualitative study

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    This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Aim To explore young adults' experiences of outpatient follow‐up appointments, completing electronic Patient‐Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs), and using the Problem Areas In Diabetes (PAID) scale during the Diabetes Patient‐Reported Outcome Measures (DiaPROM) pilot trial. Methods We performed a qualitative study among 19 young adults (aged 22–39 years) with type 1 diabetes who participated in the pilot trial. Between February and June 2019, we conducted individual, semi‐structured telephone interviews with participants from the intervention and control arms. We analysed the data using thematic analysis. Results Our analyses generated three themes, each with two subthemes: (1) Follow‐up with limitations; (i) Marginal dialogue about everyday challenges, (ii) Value of supportive relationships and continuity, indicate that previous follow‐up had been experienced as challenging and insufficient. (2) New insights and raised awareness; (i) More life‐oriented insights, (ii) Moving out of the comfort zone, suggest mostly positive experiences with completing questionnaires and discussing the PAID scores. (3) Addressing problem areas with an open mind; (i) Need for elaboration, (ii) Preparedness for dialogue, indicate that both openness and explanations were vital in the follow‐up. Conclusions Participants characterised the previous follow‐up as challenging and insufficient. They described completing and using the PAID as somewhat uncomfortable yet worthwhile. Our findings also suggest that by utilising diabetes distress data alongside health and biomedical outcomes, consultations became more attuned to the young adults' wishes and needs, mainly because the dialogue was more focused and direct. Hence, the PAID has the potential to facilitate person‐centredness and improve patient–provider relationships.publishedVersio

    The economic collapse and school practice in Reykjavik

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    Í þessari rannsókn voru könnuð áhrif efnahagshrunsins á Íslandi árið 2008 á skóla í Reykjavík. Gagnaöflun fór fram á árunum 2013 og 2014. Tekin voru viðtöl við einstaklinga og í rýnihópum. Rætt var við fulltrúa hjá Reykjavíkurborg og í menntaog menningarmálaráðuneyti, skólastjórnendur, kennara, foreldra og nemendur í völdum leik-, grunn- og framhaldsskólum. Niðurstöður benda til þess að tekist hafi að vernda kjarnann í skólastarfinu fyrir niðurskurði en þó í meira mæli í grunnskólum en í leik- og framhaldsskólum. Niðurskurðurinn olli því ekki skólakreppu í þeim skilningi að grunngildum skólanna væri ógnað. Öðru máli kann þó að gegna um leikskólana sem urðu fyrir þyngri áföllum en skólarnir á hinum skólastigunum. Þótt ekki kæmi til skólakreppu í framangreindum skilningi þá hafði niðurskurður margvísleg áhrif á skólastarfið. Stjórnunarstöðum fækkaði umtalsvert, einkum millistjórnendum, forfallakennsla var unnin af skólastjórnendum, annað starfsfólk var ráðið í hlutastörf og framlög til tómstundastarfs og náms- og starfsráðgjafar skert. Yfirvinna starfsfólks var ekki leyfð, minna fé var veitt til samstarfs, bekkir urðu fjölmennari og dregið úr fjárveitingum til kaupa á efniviði og námsgögnum og til viðhalds tækja og húsa. Loks voru skólar á leik- og grunnskólastigi sameinaðir. Fram kom að sú aðgerð hefði aukið mjög á þá erfiðleika sem af niðurskurðinum hlaust. Ekki voru nefnd dæmi um að fólk missti vinnuna þótt talsvert væri um uppsagnir, starfsmönnum var þá boðin vinna að nýju en stundum í skertu starfshlutfalli. Þótt viðmælendur teldu að ekki kæmi til frekari niðurskurðar sögðust þeir ekki vongóðir um bjartari tíma framundan. Að mörgu leyti voru áherslur hagsmunaaðila skóla í samræmi við ráðleggingar fræðimanna um fagleg viðbrögð við efnahags- þrenginum. Sú áhersla sem lögð var á að vernda nám og kennslu og standa vörð um velferð nemenda eru dæmi um slík viðbrögð. Á hinn bóginn komu upp mál þar sem bæði starfsmenn skóla og foreldrar kvörtuðu yfir þeim skorti á samráði sem yfirvöld hefðu viðhaft við ákvarðanir um mikilvæg málefni skólanna. Rannsóknin var unnin af fimm fræðimönnum Rannsóknarstofu í menntastjórnun, nýsköpun og matsfræði við Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands.This paper explores the impact of the economic collapse in 2008 on schools in one Icelandic municipality, Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland. Earlier, a similar study was conducted by the same research team in two Icelandic municipalities, one in an agricultural area, and one in a fishing and service community. Information about staff and school costs was gathered for the years of 2013 and 2014. Interviews with individuals and in focus groups were carried out with represenatives at the ministry of culture and education, the Local Education Authorities in Reykjavík, school administrators, teachers, other staff, parents and pupils of six selected schools: two preschools, two primary and lowersecondary schools and two upper-secondary schools. Information about staff and school costs was also gathered. The research was qualitative in nature, primarily based on interviews and documentary data. Interviews were conducted with individuals and in focus groups with representatives of the municipalities and the state, school administrators, teachers, parents and pupils of selected pre-, primary-, and upper-secondary schools. The research sought answers to the following questions: How did educational authorities and school professionals respond to budget cut requirements? Did the reductions cause a school crisis and did they have different consequences depending on the school level? The findings suggest that the core functions of the schools, teaching and learning, were to a large extent protected as stipulated by school authorities. Reduction in expenditure, therefore, did not cause a school crisis in the sense, that the basic values of the schools were threatened. This, however, may not apply to the preschools and the schools at the upper secondary level, which were harder hit by the cut-backs than the other school levels. Even if the schools were able to protect the core school activities, finanicial cutbacks had serious implications for the schools. Various cutbacks were made at all school levels; administrative positions, especially at the middle levels, were cut considerably, principals served as substitute teachers, classes became bigger, no overtime was paid, extracurricular activities and specialist work, such as counseling, and maintenance of equipment and buildings were all cut. Finally, at the preschool level, and primary and lower-secondary school levels, schools were amalgamated. Interviewees in these schools agreed that the merges had been an additional challenge to deal with while trying to come to terms with reduced funding. Findings, moreover, indicate, that while all school members were affected by the bad economy, school principals at all school levels carried the heaviest burdens. While interviewees agreed that further cutbacks were unlikely, they did not envision better times ahead. In many ways school stakeholders, within and outside of the schools, responded to the cutbacks in a manner recommended by experts on school crisis, such as by protecting the core activities of teaching and learning. There were, however, instances when school personnell and parents complained, that school authorities had failed to consult them on relevant matters. The discussion highlights the impact of values on policy and decision making in general, but in times of austerity in particular. The research was carried out by five academics at the School of Education, University of Iceland and sponsored by the by the Center for Research on School Administration, Innovation and Evaluation at the School of Education, University of Iceland and carried out by five of its members.Rannsóknarstofa í menntastjórnun, nýsköpun og matsfræðiPublisher's Prin

    Prevalence of food allergy in Icelandic infants during first year of life

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn Skoða/Opna(view/open)Objective: This study is a part of EuroPrevall, an EU-funded European food allergy project. The aim was to evaluate the prevalence of food allergy in Icelandic infants during their first year of life. Material and methods: Infants (n=1,341) were followed prospectively from birth to 12 months of age. Questionnaires were obtained at birth and 12 months. Children with symptoms of possible food allergy were assessed with a skin-prick test (SPT) and specific IgE. Food allergy was confirmed with a double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge (DBPCFC). Results: Out of 170 symptomatic children 44 infants (3.27%) had either positive SPT (n=21; 1.57%) or specific IgE (n=40; 2.98%). Food allergy was confirmed in 25 (1.86%); egg allergy 1.42%, milk 0.52%, fish 0.22%, wheat 0.15%, peanuts 0.15%, and soy 0.07%. Atopic dermatitis was diagnosed in 7.90% (n=106) and according to questionnaires 8.80% had asthma (n=118). Positive family history was the strongest risk factor for asthma (OR=2.12; p<0.001) and atopic dermatitis (OR=1.90; p=0.004). Family history influenced the relationship between predisposing factors and allergy symptoms. Conclusion: Our results show lower prevalence of food allergy than previously reported in a study of Icelandic children at two years of age. The prevalence was also lower than reported in some other European countries and could be explained by different genetic and environmental factors.Key words: exem, infants, food allergy, prevalence, asthma, atopic dermatitis.Inngangur: Rannsóknin er hluti af alþjóðlegri fæðuofnæmisrannsókn, EuroPrevall. Markmiðið var að rannsaka algengi fæðuofnæmis hjá íslenskum börnum á fyrsta ári. Efniviður og aðferðir: Börnum (n=1341) var fylgt eftir frá fæðingu til eins árs aldurs. Spurningalistar voru lagðir fyrir við fæðingu og 12 mánaða aldur. Barn með einkenni fæðuofnæmis var skoðað af rannsóknarlækni, ofnæmishúðpróf gerð og sértækt IgE mælt. Fæðuofnæmi var staðfest eða afsannað með tvíblindu þolprófi. Niðurstöður: Alls kom 231 barn í læknisheimsókn. Fjörutíu og fjögur börn (3,27%) voru með jákvæð ofnæmispróf, þar af 21 (1,57%) með jákvætt húðpróf og 40 (2,98%) með sértækt IgE í sermi. Fæðuofnæmi var staðfest hjá 25 börnum (1,86%). Algengi ofnæmis fyrir eggjum var 1,42%; mjólk 0,52%; fiski 0,22%; hveiti 0,15%; jarðhnetum 0,15% og soja 0,07%. Exem var greint hjá 7,90% (n=106) og samkvæmt spurningalista voru 8,80% með astma (n=118). Jákvæð fjölskyldusaga var sterkasti áhættuþátturinn fyrir astma (OR=2,12; p<0,001) og exemi (OR=1,90; p=0,004). Fylgni var á milli áhættuþátta og ofnæmissjúkdóma innan fjölskyldna. Ályktun: Niðurstöðurnar sýna heldur lægri tíðni en fyrri rannsókn á fæðuofnæmi hjá íslenskum börnum á öðru ári. Þær sýna einnig lægri tíðni fæðuofnæmis en í sumum öðrum Evrópulöndum sem hugsanlega má rekja til erfða og umhverfisþátta

    The chemistry and potential reactivity of the CO2-H2S charged injected waters at the basaltic CarbFix2 site, Iceland

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    Publisher's version (útgefin grein)The CarbFix2 project aims to capture and store the CO2 and H2S emissions from the Hellisheiði geothermal power plant in Iceland by underground mineral storage. The gas mixture is captured directly by its dissolution into water at elevated pressure. This fluid is then injected, along with effluent geothermal water, into subsurface basalts to mineralize the dissolved acid gases as carbonates and sulfides. Sampled effluent and gas-charged injection waters were analyzed and their mixing geochemically modeled using PHREEQC. Results suggest that carbonates, sulfides, and other secondary minerals would only precipitate after it has substantially reacted with the host basalt. Moreover, the fluid is undersaturated with respect to the most common primary and secondary minerals at the injection well outlet, suggesting that the risk of clogging fluid flow paths near the injection well is limited.This publication has been produced with support from Reykjavik Energy and the European Commission through the projects CarbFix (EC coordinated action 283148) and CO2-REACT (EC Project 317235).Peer Reviewe