30 research outputs found

    The black box of global aphasia: Neuroanatomical underpinnings of remission from acute global aphasia with preserved inner language function

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    Objective We studied an unusual case of global aphasia (GA) occurring after brain tumor removal and remitting one-month after surgery. After recovering, the patient reported on her experience during the episode, which suggested a partial preservation of language abilities (such as semantic processing) and the presence of inner speech (IS) despite a failure in overt speech production. Thus, we explored the role of IS and preserved language functions in the acute phase and investigated the neuroanatomical underpinnings of this severe breakdown in language processing. Method A neuropsychological and language assessment tapping into language production, comprehension, attention and working memory was carried out both before and three months after surgery. In the acute stage a simplified protocol was tailored to assess the limited language abilities and further explore patient's performance on different semantic tasks. The neuroanatomical dimension of these abrupt changes was provided by perioperative structural neuroimaging. Results Language and neuropsychological performance were normal/close to normal both before and three months after surgery. In the acute stage, the patient presented severe difficulties with comprehension, production and repetition, whereas she was able to correctly perform tasks that requested conceptual analysis and non-verbal operations. After recovering, the patient reported that she had been able to internally formulate her thoughts despite her overt phonological errors during the episode. Structural neuroimaging revealed that an extra-axial blood collection affected the middle frontal areas during the acute stage and that the white matter circuitry was left-lateralized before surgery. Conclusions We deemed that the global aphasia episode was produced by a combination of the post-operative extra-axial blood collection directly impacting left middle frontal areas and a left-lateralization of the arcuate and/or uncinated fasciculi before surgery. Additionally, we advocate for a comprehensive evaluation of linguistic function that includes the assessment of IS and non-expressive language functions in similar cases

    Inferior fronto-occipital fascicle displacement in temporoinsular gliomas using diffusion tensor imaging

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    Background and purpose: Brain tumors can result in displacement or destruction of important white matter tracts such as the inferior fronto-occipital fascicle (IFOF). Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can assess the extent of this effect and potentially provide neurosurgeons with an accurate map to guide tumor resection; analyze IFOF displacement patterns in temporoinsular gliomas based on tumor grading and topography in the temporal lobe; and assess whether these patterns follow a predictable pattern, to assist in maximal tumor resection while preserving IFOF function. Methods: Thirty-four patients with temporal gliomas and available presurgical MRI were recruited. Twenty-two had insula infiltration. DTI deterministic region of interest (ROI)-based tractography was performed using commercial software. Tumor topographic imaging characteristics analyzed were as follows: location in the temporal lobe and extent of extratemporal involvement. Qualitative tractographic data obtained from directional DTI color maps included type of involvement (displaced/edematous-infiltrated/destroyed) and displacement direction. Quantitative tractographic data of ipsi- and contralateral IFOF included whole tract volume, fractional anisotropy, and fractional anisotropy of a 2-dimensional coronal ROI on the tract at the point of maximum tumor involvement. Results: The most common tract involvement pattern was edematous/infiltrative displacement. Displacement patterns depended on main tumor location in the temporal lobe and presence of insular involvement. All tumors showed superior displacement pattern. In lateral tumors, displacement tendency was medial. In medial tumors, displacement tendency was lateral. When we add insular involvement, the tendency was more medial displacement. A qualitative and quantitative assessment supported these results. Conclusions: IFOF displacement patterns are reproducible and suitable for temporoinsular gliomas presurgical planning

    Behavioural and neurophysiological signatures in the retrieval of individual memories of recent and remote real-life routine episodic events

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    Autobiographical memory (AM) has been largely investigated as the ability to recollect specific events that belong to an individual's past. However, how we retrieve real-life routine episodes and how the retrieval of these episodes changes with the passage of time remain unclear. Here, we asked participants to use a wearable camera that automatically captured pictures to record instances during a week of their routine life and implemented a deep neural network-based algorithm to identify picture sequences that represented episodic events. We then asked each participant to return to the lab to retrieve AMs for single episodes cued by the selected pictures 1 week, 2 weeks and 6-14 months after encoding while scalp electroencephalographic (EEG) activity was recorded. We found that participants were more accurate in recognizing pictured scenes depicting their own past than pictured scenes encoded in the lab, and that memory recollection of personally experienced events rapidly decreased with the passing of time. We also found that the retrieval of real-life picture cues elicited a strong and positive 'ERP old/new effect' over frontal regions and that the magnitude of this ERP effect was similar throughout memory tests over time. However, we observed that recognition memory induced a frontal theta power decrease and that this effect was mostly seen when memories were tested after 1 and 2 weeks but not after 6-14 months from encoding. Altogether, we discuss the implications for neuroscientific accounts of episodic retrieval and the potential benefits of developing individual-based AM exploration strategies at the clinical level

    Suositus potilaan suojaamisesta röntgentutkimuksissa

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    Ulkoisia säteilysuojaimia on perinteisesti käytetty ionisoivaa säteilyä hyödyntävässä kuvantamisessa potilaan säteilyherkkien kudosten, elimien ja sikiön suojaamiseksi. Kuvantamistekniikoiden kehittymisen myötä säteilysuojainten käytön tarve on vähentynyt. Tieteellisten tutkimusten myötä myös tieto kudosten ja elimien säteilyherkkyyksistä on parantunut [1]. Terveydenhuollon yksiköissä säteilysuojainten käytön tulee perustua ajankohtaisiin tieteellisiin tutkimustuloksiin ja niiden perusteella laadittuihin suosituksiin. Tämä suositus pohjautuu vuonna 2022 julkaistuun eurooppalaiseen konsensukseen potilaiden suojaamisesta röntgentutkimuksissa [1] sekä muihin tieteellisiin julkaisuihin. Suosituksissa ei oteta kantaa henkilökunnan tai tukihenkilöiden säteilysuojaukseen

    Right Structural and Functional Reorganization in Four-Year-Old Children with Perinatal Arterial Ischemic Stroke Predict Language Production

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    Brain imaging methods have contributed to shed light on the mechanisms of recovery after early brain insult. The assumption that the unaffected right hemisphere can take over language functions after left perinatal stroke is still under debate. Here, we report how patterns of brain structural and functional reorganization were associated with language outcomes in a group of 4-year-old children with left perinatal arterial ischemic stroke. Specifically, we gathered specific fine-grained developmental measures of receptive and productive aspects of language as well as standardized measures of cognitive development. We also collected structural neuroimaging data as well as functional activations during a passive listening story-telling fMRI task and a resting state session (rs-fMRI). Children with a left perinatal stroke showed larger lateralization indices of both structural and functional connectivity of the dorsal language pathway towards the right hemisphere that, in turn, were associated with better language outcomes. Importantly, the pattern of structural asymmetry was significantly more right-lateralized in children with a left perinatal brain insult than in a group of matched healthy controls. These results strongly suggest that early lesions of the left dorsal pathway and the associated perisylvian regions can induce the inter-hemispheric transfer of language functions to right homolog regions. This study provides combined evidence of structural and functional brain reorganization of language networks after early stroke with strong implications for neurobiological models of language development

    Suositus kuvankatselunäytöille ja niiden laadunvalvontaan

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    Kansainvälisiin suosituksiin perustuva opas kuvankatselumonitorien suositelluista ominaisuuksista ja niiden laadunvalvonnasta

    White matter hyperintensities at critical crossroads for executive function and verbal abilities in small vessel disease

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    © 2020 The Authors. Human Brain Mapping published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. The presence of white matter lesions in patients with cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) is among the main causes of cognitive decline. We investigated the relation between white matter hyperintensity (WMH) locations and executive and language abilities in 442 SVD patients without dementia with varying burden of WMH. We used Stroop Word Reading, Stroop Color Naming, Stroop Color-Word Naming, and Category Fluency as language measures with varying degrees of executive demands. The Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) was used as a control task, as it measures processing speed without requiring language use or verbal output. A voxel-based lesion–symptom mapping (VLSM) approach was used, corrected for age, sex, education, and lesion volume. VLSM analyses revealed statistically significant clusters for tests requiring language use, but not for SDMT. Worse scores on all tests were associated with WMH in forceps minor, thalamic radiations and caudate nuclei. In conclusion, an association was found between WMH in a core frontostriatal network and executive-verbal abilities in SVD, independent of lesion volume and processing speed. This circuitry underlying executive-language functioning might be of potential clinical importance for elderly with SVD. More detailed language testing is required in future research to elucidate the nature of language production difficulties in SVD

    White matter cortico-striatal tracts predict apathy subtypes in Huntington's disease

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    Apathy is the neuropsychiatric syndrome that correlates most highly with Huntington's disease progression, and, like early patterns of neurodegeneration, is associated with lesions to cortico-striatal connections. However, due to its multidimensional nature and elusive etiology, treatment options are limited. To disentangle underlying white matter microstructural correlates across the apathy spectrum in Huntington's disease. Forty-six Huntington's disease individuals (premanifest (N = 22) and manifest (N = 24)) and 35 healthy controls were scanned at 3-tesla and underwent apathy evaluation using the short-Problem Behavior Assessment and short-Lille Apathy Rating Scale, with the latter being characterized into three apathy domains, namely emotional, cognitive, and auto-activation deficit. Diffusion tensor imaging was used to study whether individual differences in specific cortico-striatal tracts predicted global apathy and its subdomains. We elucidate that apathy profiles may develop along differential timelines, with the auto-activation deficit domain manifesting prior to motor onset. Furthermore, diffusion tensor imaging revealed that inter-individual variability in the disruption of discrete cortico-striatal tracts might explain the heterogeneous severity of apathy profiles. Specifically, higher levels of auto-activation deficit symptoms significantly correlated with increased mean diffusivity in the right uncinate fasciculus. Conversely, those with severe cognitive apathy demonstrated increased mean diffusivity in the right frontostriatal tract and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex to caudate nucleus tract. The current study provides evidence that white matter correlates associated with emotional, cognitive, and auto-activation subtypes may elucidate the heterogeneous nature of apathy in Huntington's disease, as such opening a door for individualized pharmacological management of apathy as a multidimensional syndrome in other neurodegenerative disorders

    White matter cortico-striatal tracts predict apathy subtypes in Huntington's disease

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    BACKGROUND: Apathy is the neuropsychiatric syndrome that correlates most highly with Huntington's disease progression, and, like early patterns of neurodegeneration, is associated with lesions to cortico-striatal connections. However, due to its multidimensional nature and elusive etiology, treatment options are limited. OBJECTIVES: To disentangle underlying white matter microstructural correlates across the apathy spectrum in Huntington's disease. METHODS: Forty-six Huntington's disease individuals (premanifest (N = 22) and manifest (N = 24)) and 35 healthy controls were scanned at 3-tesla and underwent apathy evaluation using the short-Problem Behavior Assessment and short-Lille Apathy Rating Scale, with the latter being characterized into three apathy domains, namely emotional, cognitive, and auto-activation deficit. Diffusion tensor imaging was used to study whether individual differences in specific cortico-striatal tracts predicted global apathy and its subdomains. RESULTS: We elucidate that apathy profiles may develop along differential timelines, with the auto-activation deficit domain manifesting prior to motor onset. Furthermore, diffusion tensor imaging revealed that inter-individual variability in the disruption of discrete cortico-striatal tracts might explain the heterogeneous severity of apathy profiles. Specifically, higher levels of auto-activation deficit symptoms significantly correlated with increased mean diffusivity in the right uncinate fasciculus. Conversely, those with severe cognitive apathy demonstrated increased mean diffusivity in the right frontostriatal tract and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex to caudate nucleus tract. CONCLUSIONS: The current study provides evidence that white matter correlates associated with emotional, cognitive, and auto-activation subtypes may elucidate the heterogeneous nature of apathy in Huntington's disease, as such opening a door for individualized pharmacological management of apathy as a multidimensional syndrome in other neurodegenerative disorders