23 research outputs found

    Model simulations of CFC uptake in North Atlantic Deep Water: Effects of parameterizations and grid resolution

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    A series of numerical experiments with models of the Atlantic Ocean is analyzed with respect to the uptake of CFC‐11 and its export from the subpolar gyre with the North Atlantic Deep Water. We discuss the influence of parameterizations for air‐sea gas exchange and subgrid‐scale processes on the rate of CFC‐11 that enters the North Atlantic Ocean and its dependence on horizontal grid spacing in models from medium (4/3°) to eddy‐permitting (1/3°) horizontal resolution. Model results are compared with observational estimates of tracer inventories in order to evaluate to what degree the simulations capture realistic CFC distributions. While higher resolution is needed to model details of the CFC distribution, for example, in the Deep Western Boundary Current, the medium resolution models are able to simulate quantitatively satisfying CFC inventories in different water masses. Nevertheless, the inventories derived from the medium‐resolution experiments show a critical dependence on details of the parameterization of the mixing effect of mesoscale eddies and on the representation of bottom boundary layer processes. The numerical representation of eddy activity turns out to be of crucial importance in order to obtain modeled CFC inventories in agreement with observed values, which can be achieved either by carefully choosing the mixing parameterization or by applying higher horizontal resolution. The ratio of CFC‐11 being exported southward from the subpolar North Atlantic to the total CFC‐11 inventory in NADW does not vary significantly over the suite of model experiments

    Meddies in the Mercator North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea eddy-resolving model

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    International audienceThe new generation of high-resolution ocean models offers a new way to investigate the characteristics and the evolution of the ocean mesoscale. An analysis of the simulated Mediterranean eddies, the so-called ''meddies,'' is presented. The model used in this study is the Mercator North Atlantic [9°N, 70°N] and Mediterranean Sea Prototype (PAM), a high-resolution configuration (3.5-8 km horizontal grid) based on the OPA ocean general circulation model. The meddies are coherent structures of warm and salt Mediterranean Water (MW) advected in the northeast Atlantic. A 5 year experiment performed with PAM reproduced the main observed characteristics of the meddies: thermohaline properties (11.8°C, 36 psu), sizes (radius between 25 and 110 km), thickness (between 500 and 1000 m), westward advection velocities (1.4 cm.s-1), angular velocities (a period of 20 days), a good estimate of the number of meddies in the northeast Atlantic (~22), and their realistic geographical distribution (80% south of 40°N). Moreover, and in agreement with a previous study based on an observation cruise, these modeled meddies represent half of the westward salinity transport of MW

    L’exercice de la mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale Ă  l’épreuve des crises sanitaires : de Lubrizol Ă  la COVID

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    International audienceIntroduction: Following the fire of the chemical products stored by the Lubrizol (Seveso upper tier) and Normandie Logistique companies on 26 September 2019 in Rouen, a research group bringing together general practitioners (GP), anthropologists and sociologists has undertaken a multidisciplinary qualitative investigation of general practitioners. The initial objective was to study the practice of primary care health professionals following the event. Initiated in February 2020, this survey was strongly transformed by the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 changed the object of this study, imposed a reflection and a link between the two crises, where GPs found themselves once again on the front line.Purpose of research: To analyze the practices of general practitioners in situations of uncertainty in the context of these extraordinary events, namely an industrial fire and a viral pandemic.Methods: Eighteen general practitioners were interviewed between February and July 2019 in semi-structured interviews conducted by a pair of researchers (sociologist and GP). An analysis inspired by the grounded theory was carried out on three levels (individual thematic analysis, paired confrontation, and collective restitution).Conclusion: In the health crisis contexts studied, GPs were confronted with more recurrent complaints while they had relatively little robust knowledge on which to base their responses. Finally, physicians responded to these situations of high uncertainty by drawing in original ways on their personal experiences of these crises.Introduction : À la suite de l’incendie des produits chimiques stockĂ©s par les entreprises Lubrizol (site Seveso seuil haut) et Normandie Logistique le 26 septembre 2019 Ă  Rouen, un collectif de recherche rĂ©unissant des mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes, anthropologues et sociologues a engagĂ© une enquĂȘte qualitative pluridisciplinaire auprĂšs de mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes. L’objectif initial Ă©tait d’étudier la pratique des professionnels de santĂ© de premier recours dans les suites de cet incendie. InitiĂ©e en fĂ©vrier 2020, cette enquĂȘte a Ă©tĂ© fortement transformĂ©e par la pandĂ©mie de la COVID-19, modifiant l’objet mĂȘme de cette Ă©tude, imposant une rĂ©flexion et une articulation entre la crise Lubrizol et la crise COVID-19, oĂč les mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes se sont retrouvĂ©s une nouvelle fois en premiĂšre ligne.But de l’étude : Analyser les pratiques des mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes en situation d’incertitude dans le cadre de ces Ă©vĂšnements extraordinaires que sont un incendie industriel et une pandĂ©mie virale.MĂ©thode : Dix-huit mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes ont Ă©tĂ© interrogĂ©s, entre fĂ©vrier et juillet 2019, par entretiens semi-dirigĂ©s par un binĂŽme de chercheurs (sociologue et mĂ©decin). Une analyse inspirĂ©e de la thĂ©orisation ancrĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e en trois niveaux (analyse thĂ©matique individuelle, confrontation en binĂŽme puis restitution collective).Conclusion : Dans les contextes de crises sanitaires Ă©tudiĂ©s, les gĂ©nĂ©ralistes ont Ă©tĂ© confrontĂ©s Ă  des plaintes plus rĂ©currentes alors qu’ils disposaient, pour y rĂ©pondre, de relativement peu de savoirs robustes sur lesquels s’appuyer. Les mĂ©decins ont rĂ©agi dans ces situations de forte incertitude en puisant de façon originale dans leurs expĂ©riences personnelles de ces crises