286 research outputs found

    The German Socio-Economic Panel as Reference Data Set

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    This paper discusses how household panels in general?and the German Socio- Economic Panel (SOEP) in particular?can serve as reference data for researchers collecting datasets that do not represent the full universe of the population of interest (e.g., through clinical trials, intervention studies, laboratory and behavioural experiments, and cohort studies). We first discuss potential benefits of using questions similar to those in the SOEP for studies where researchers are interested in using the SOEP as reference data. We present a comprehensive list of SOEP core questions that we recommend researchers to consider when collecting their own data. We focus on seven topics: (1) demographic and parental characteristics; (2) labour market; (3) health; (4) personality, preferences, and subjective orientations; (5) subjective wellbeing; (6) political involvement and participation, and finally, a set of core questions for young children before they enter school. Of course the selection of a minimum set of questions depends on the research question. In this paper, we offer general advice for the selection of variables to researchers interested in comparing their own data with the SOEP.clinical trials, intervention studies, behavioural experiments, cohort studies, household panels, SOEP, reference data

    The German Socio-Economic Panel as a Reference Data Set

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    This paper discusses how household panels in general - and the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) in particular - can serve as reference data for researchers collecting datasets that do not represent the full universe of the population of interest (e.g., through clinical trials, intervention studies, laboratory and behavioural experiments, and cohort studies). We first discuss potential benefits of using questions similar to those in the SOEP for studies where researchers are interested in using the SOEP as reference data. We present a comprehensive list of SOEP core questions that we recommend researchers to consider when collecting their own data. We focus on seven topics: (1) demographic and parental characteristics; (2) labour market; (3) health; (4) personality, preferences, and subjective orientations; (5) subjective wellbeing; (6) political involvement and participation, and finally, a set of core questions for young children before they enter school. Of course the selection of a minimum set of questions depends on the research question. In this paper, we offer general advice for the selection of variables to researchers interested in comparing their own data with the SOEP.clinical trials, intervention studies, behavioural experiments, cohort studies, household panels, SOEP, reference data

    Vertical coherence of short-periodic current variations

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    A study is described which attempts to obtain information about the vertical correlation of ocean currents at frequencies higher than inertial. Current velocity and temperature data for sensor separations of 4–12 m were taken with a mooring at ‘Site D’. The coherence and phase spectra for velocity component pairs reveals that motions are rotational at low frequencies. A cut-off frequency exists above which coherence drops to low values. The limiting frequency coincides with the minimum Väisälä frequency of the total water column. These cross-spectral properties support the assumption that the motion in this frequency range is governed by internal wave dynamics. The coherence and phase spectra of temperature pairs indicate that a field of temperature structure is superimposed on the mean field which is weakly correlated to the field of motion

    Consistency Relations for Internal Waves

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    A complete set of linearly independent relationships among the different cross spectral components obtained from pairs of moored instruments is derived which can be utilized to test whether or not the observed fluctuations within the internal wave frequency band represent a field of propagating internal waves. A further complete set of relationships is derived which enables to test whether or not the internal wave field is horizontally isotropic and (or) vertically symmetric. These relations are compared with corresponding relations for alternative models (standing internal wave modes, three-dimensional isotropic turbulence) and their capability to discriminate between the various models is investigated. The tests are applied to a set of data for which it is found that the observed fluctuations are consistent with both propagating and standing internal waves whereas isotropic turbulence must be rejected for the most part of the internal wave frequency band

    Antarctic Bottom Water Flow through the Hunter Channel*

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    The German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) as reference data set

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    Einfluss der Familienform auf den Schulerfolg von Kindern nicht nachweisbar

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    Die Bedeutung von nicht traditionellen Familienformen, d. h. von Familien, in denen nicht beide leibliche Eltern ihre Kinder gemeinsam großziehen, wird immer wieder kontrovers diskutiert. In der Öffentlichkeit wird häufi g vermutet, dass Kindern Nachteile erwachsen, wenn sie nicht in traditionellen Elternhäusern aufwachsen. Gegenwärtig ist sogar in der Diskussion, dass Kinder Alleinerziehender und in Patchworkfamilien nicht genügend soziales Verhalten lernen würden und deshalb der gesellschaftliche Zusammenhalt insgesamt gefährdet sei. Zur Objektivierung der Debatte werden in diesem Bericht Befunde zum Zusammenhang zwischen Familientyp und dem frühen Lebensweg von Kindern und Jugendlichen vorgelegt. Die Ergebnisse wurden im Rahmen eines vom DIW Berlin zusammen mit dem Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) der University of Essex durchgeführten Forschungsprojektes erarbeitet, das von der Deutsch-Britischen Stiftung für das Studium der Industriegesellschaft fi nanziert wurde. Auf Basis der Daten des vom DIW Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit Infratest Sozialforschung erhobenen Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) kann für Kinder, die in Deutschland von 1966 bis 1986 geboren wurden, methodisch zuverlässig gezeigt werden, dass es keinen statistisch eindeutig nachweisbaren Einfl uss des Familientyps auf die Wahrscheinlichkeit gibt, das Abitur oder einen höheren Bildungsabschluss zu erlangen. Auch lässt sich statistisch kein konsistenter Einfl uss auf das Arbeitslosigkeitsrisiko in der Jugend nachweisen. Die für das lebenslange Gesundheitsrisiko bedeutsame Frage, ob Jugendliche rauchen, lässt sich allerdings empirisch beantworten: Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene, die in nicht traditionellen Elternhäusern aufgewachsen sind, haben eine - je nach Untersuchungsgruppe - etwa 10 bis 20 % höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit zu rauchen. Die genaueren Ursachen hierfür werden derzeit näher untersucht.

    Data Acquisition, Management and Evaluation for Stone Conservation Projects with Digital Mapping

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    Several years of experience in heritage documentation have given a background to develop methods of digital photogrammetry and mapping. The outcome is the development of a mapping software over a period of 20 years.Main features of the software are image rectification, vector based mapping, quantity survey and data analysis. In Germany, it is mainly used in the field of stone conservation. Small projects can be processed as a single mapping project, whilst complex projects like a cathedral can be organised as a hierarchical project, with several mapping projects for individual object parts. Each mapped element can be connected with additional attributes. This allows visual analysis of mapping activities, quantities and attributes – like in a geographical information system (GIS) for conservators. Tools and procedures for efficient mapping are developed in close cooperation with conservators from different fields. It is shown how large stone objects can be managed efficiently with an example project from the field of natural stone. This applies to the overall data acquisition and data evaluation for condition analysis, conservation planning, accounting documentation and monitoring. Due to the advances in the fields 3D laser scanning and digital photogrammetry within the past 5 years the R&D project „PROQUATO“ (2016 – 2018) was initiated by fokus GmbH Leipzig with the institute for photogrammetry and remote sensing of TU Dresden and Scan 3D GmbH, Berlin. Project results for efficient data processing and functions for 3D mapping will be presented. Current developments deal with the fast processing of point clouds scanned by laser scanner for the use as reference for image rectification, deformation analysis and creation of section lines

    On the processes of renewal of the North Atlantic deep water in the Irminger Sea

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    Observations of temperature and electrical conductivity by a recording in situ salinometer are discussed in respect oo the physical processes connected with the renewal of North Atlantic deep water. The measured fine structure of the layering suggests that the downward movement of cooled surface water is combined with horizontal mixing down to more than 1000 m depth. This is confirmed by the existence of water elements which have slightly different temperature and salinity. Curves of temperature, conductivity, and salinity and T-S diagrams are shown
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