276 research outputs found

    The impact of email marketing on property availability update for a Portuguese startup

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    This paper analyses an email campaign – “availability push” – sent to the supply side of the marketplace: landlords. We find that the delivery of the emails increased the update of the properties’ availability by the landlords by 34,15%, the opening increased by 24,96%, and the click by 18,16%. Overall, 3112 offers were updated with this campaign, out of which 84 were considered as out of platform, representing a gain of 2,7% to the company, just with these offers. This campaign was a huge success for the company, and the findings on this paper tend to analyse what influences this success

    Pathogenicity And Aethiology Of Fusarium Species Associated With Pokkah Boeng Disease On Sugarcane [SB741.F9 S623 2007 f rb].

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    Kehadiran penyakit pokkah boeng pada tebu di dapati terdapat di hampir kesemua negara yang menanam tebu secara komersial. Tinjauan di jalankan di ladang tebu, kebun kecil dan perkarangan rumah yang menanam tebu di Semenanjung Malaysia (Kedah, Perlis, Pulau Pinang, Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang dan Johor ) dan Jawa Timur (Indonesia). Pokkah boeng disease on sugarcane has been recorded in almost all countries where sugarcane is grown commercially. In our survey throughout sugarcane plantations, small holders and household compounds within Peninsular Malaysia (Kedah, Perlis, Penang, Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and Johor) and East Java (Indonesia), the first visible symptoms of pokkah boeng were chlorosis and yellowing of young leaves and the final results were usually a malformed and distorted top

    Frontal sinus foreign body. A systematic review

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    Introduction and objective: Accidents with foreign bodies of all types have been described in most parts of the body. The presence of foreign bodies (FB) are common complaints in urgent and otorhinolaryngology consultations. The most common places are the natural head and neck cavities. The objective of this study is to know the situation of the foreign body in front sinus. Method: We conducted a search in PubMed, Cochrane, Scopus and WoS, selecting those articles in which the existence of foreign bodies in the frontal sinus was mentioned. Results: Of the 72 articles identified by means of information sources, 34 were excluded because they are not clinical cases, determining a selection of 38 clinical cases. Of these, 35 excluded for not complying with inclusion criteria. 3 Full-text articles assessed for eligibility. Of this, 2 Records excluded for not being related to the topic under study, only one case remaining. Discussion: Of the articles found there are few studies about foreign bodies located in frontal sinus. One of the first published cases dates from 1967, in Bristol, England. Conclusions: Accidents with foreign bodies are common in ENT clinical practice, however, in sinus location are very rare. The maxillary sinus is the most common site. Although the frontal sinus is more prominent on the face. Foreign bodies are rare. Most of them result from trauma by accident, gunshot or surgery or dental treatment. Accidents with foreign bodies are common in ENT clinical practice, however, in sinus location are very rare.Introducción y objetivo: Se han descrito accidentes con cuerpos extraños de todo tipo en la mayor parte del cuerpo. La presencia de cuerpos extraños (CE) es frecuentes en las consultas de urgencia y otorrinolaringología. Los lugares más comunes son las cavidades de cabeza Objetivo: Conocer las características de los cuerpos extraños en seno frontal. Método: Realizamos una búsqueda en PubMed, Cochrane, Scopus y WoS, seleccionando aquellos artículos en los cuales se menciona la existencia de cuerpos extraños en seno frontal. Resultados: De los 72 artículos identificados mediante fuentes de información, 34 fueron excluidos por no ser casos clínicos, determinando una selección de 38 casos clínicos. De estos, 35 excluidos por no cumplir con los criterios de inclusión. 3 artículos de texto completo evaluados para elegibilidad. De este, 2 Registros excluidos por no estar relacionados con el tema en estudio, solo queda un caso. Discusión: De los artículos encontrados existen pocos estudios sobre cuerpos extraños localizados en seno frontal. Uno de los primeros casos publicados data de 1967, en Bristol, Inglaterra. Conclusiones: Los accidentes con cuerpos extraños son frecuentes en la práctica clínica ORL, sin embargo, la localización sinusal es muy rara. El seno maxilar es el sitio más común. Aunque el seno frontal es más prominente en la cara. Los cuerpos extraños son raros. La mayoría de ellos son el resultado de un traumatismo por accidente, disparo o cirugía o tratamiento dental

    Unusual case of intentional ingestion of foreign body in patient with mental retardation: Caso incomum de ingestão intencional de corpo estranho em paciente com transtorno mental

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    Introduction: In developing countries the problem of foreign bodies in Otorhinolaryngology Services (ENT) is poorly studied. The foreign body is common in children but may occur in adults with mental disorders or in prisoners. Objective: To describe the case of a patient with psychiatric problems who ingested a metallic object. Psychiatric observation was requested that diagnosed an "anxiety crisis" after family conflict. Results: Esophagoscopy was performed for uncomplicated extraction. Discussion: Voluntary (intentional) ingestion of objects occurs in patients with psychiatric disorders, especially schizophrenia, mental retardation or in the inmate population. However, the ingestion of a large foreign body is related to parasuicidal behaviour. Conclusions: Always suspect the presence of a foreign body in patients with psychiatric disorders with odynophagia in the absence of pharyngotonsillitis

    Effectiveness of Rlm7 resistance against Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) in UK winter oilseed rape cultivars

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    © 2018 The Authors. Plant Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Society for Plant Pathology. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The Rlm7 gene in Brassica napus is an important source of resistance for control of phoma stem canker on oilseed rape caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans. This study shows the first report of L. maculans isolates virulent against Rlm7 in the UK. Leptosphaeria maculans isolates virulent against Rlm7 represented 3% of the pathogen population when cultivars with the Rlm7 gene represented 5% of the UK oilseed rape area in 2012/13. However, the Rlm7 gene has been widely used since then, representing >15% of the UK oilseed rape area in 2015/16. Winter oilseed rape field experiments included cultivars with the Rlm7 gene, with the Rlm4 gene or without Rlm genes and took place at five sites in the UK over four cropping seasons. An increase in phoma leaf spotting severity on Rlm7 cultivars in successive seasons was observed. Major resistance genes played a role in preventing severe phoma leaf spotting at the beginning of the cropping season and, in addition, quantitative resistance (QR) in the cultivars examined made an important contribution to control of phoma stem canker development at the end of the cropping season. Deployment of the Rlm7 resistance gene against L. maculans in cultivars with QR in combination with sustainable disease management practices will prolong the use of this gene for effective control of phoma stem canker epidemics.Peer reviewe

    The effect of shocks on household consumption in rural Nigeria

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    This paper examines the impact of both exogenous idiosyncratic and covariate shock events on the consumption of farm households in rural Nigeria by using an ordinary least square method. The result of the overall sample shows that whilst idiosyncratic and climatic shock have no significant effect on household consumption, price shocks are having a significant negative impact on household consumer. By disaggregating the sample into poor and non-poor households the result suggests that that the non-poor households are able to adequately insure against the effect of idiosyncratic shocks as well as the climatic shock on their consumption while the poorer ones had not been able to insure against the effect of shocks related to death, livestock loss, climate change and price changes on their consumption. This suggests that the farm households should be provided with an adequate and effective social protection measures that would mitigate the effect of shocks on their welfare

    The impact of external shocks on the comparative advantage of the Malaysian food processing industry.

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    Scheduled liberalization of trade preferences under the World Trade Organisation and the Asean Free Trade Area has heightened the challenges faced by the Malaysian food producers. To penetrate a wider range of markets, Malaysian food processors have to identify food sub-sectors that are internationally competitive. These sub-sectors should not only withstand internal shocks but also external shocks such as the financial crisis in 1997. This article examines the levels of benefit-cost ratios for various productions of food products to analyze the comparative advantages before and after the 1997 financial crisis. The competitiveness of the food processing industry in Malaysia was determined using the Domestic Resource Cost (DRC) method. Twenty food sectors were assessed using the Malaysian food production and trade data from 1985 to 2001. Processed foods with a high comparative advantage sustained after the crisis can be considered as viable to compete with foreign products in domestic and overseas markets. Meat products in import substitutions, palm oil, kernel oil, sago and tapioca, and cocoa in traditional exports and fish products in emerging exports are examples of food sub-sectors that are gaining competitiveness in the post crisis period

    Determinants of food security among households in Nigeria

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    Background and Objective: Although the government has demonstrated a commitment to confronting the issue of food security in Nigeria with different policies, the result indicates that the target is far from being realized, as the country is still listed among the hungry and food-insecure nations. More than 50% of the household income goes to meeting food requirements. This paper was attempted to explore the factors affecting food security status among urban and rural households in Nigeria. Materials and Methods: Using the econometric method, the study used the food consumption score as a proxy for food security to measure the impact of some determinants of household food security on rural and urban households in Nigeria. Results: The result of the ordinary least square (OLS) analysis and the multinomial log it models revealed that education, food and non-food expenditures and the number of adults have a significant positive influence on food security. However, age, gender and household size affect food security slightly and negatively. Land size was expected to be positively affect food security but it was insignificant, which can be explained by the land acquisition and ownership system of the country. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that the government needs to intensify efforts for programs that will promote the education of household headsʼ by improving the access of poor households to formal education, increasing income, increasing social capital and reviewing land ownership policies to allow for the transfer of land to rural house holds. These efforts will create opportunities for improving food security in the country

    Integrated Economic Efficiency and Vulnerability of Chu-Mango Value Chain in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

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    The main purpose of this study is to identify the allocation of cost, revenue, and net profit of stakeholders in marketing channels, identify vulnerable actors, and suggest policies for the sustainability of the Chu-mango value chain. This study employed value chain analysis to analyze the integrated economic efficiency of the Chu-mango value chain in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. A total of 404 observations were collected from farmers, cooperatives, collectors, wholesalers, local retailers, export enterprises, processing firms, and supermarkets/fruit shops. The integrated economic efficiency of the Chu-mango value chain amounts to a revenue of USD 530.4 million and a net profit of USD 54.3 million. The export channels provide a revenue of USD 135.1 million and a net profit of USD 14.1 million while the domestic channels provide a revenue of USD 395.3 million and a net profit of USD 40.2 million. The findings show that farmers are the most vulnerable actors in the chain in terms of small-scale and low mango quality. This study suggests three policy initiatives: quality improvement, technological progress, and benefit re-distribution. The findings of this study contribute to the literature on value chain analysis for other tropical fruits and vegetables, and confirm the role of the value chain approach in policymaking

    Bezpečnost zdraví-role bezpečnostního sektoru v boji proti vzplanutí Ebola 2014 v Sierra Leone

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    This study assessed the role of the security sector in combating the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone. In achieving the overall goal of the study, the assessment broadly covered the following: examined the national response structure before the outbreak; the emergence of Ebola and conspiracy theories in Sierra Leone, ascertained the early national Ebola response structure; the transition and composition to a new response architecture; assessed the effectiveness of policies and strategies by the security sector in combating Ebola; ascertained whether the effects of policies and strategies implored by the security sector in response to the outbreak; evaluated the impact of civil-military relations in combating the outbreak; and in the end examined the overall challenges in terms of the security sector's roles, and policies and strategies implored in responding to the outbreak. These areas broadly correspond to some of the objectives in response to the security sector's roles. Based on findings from assessing the areas stated above, the study has argued that the role played by the security sector in combating the 2014 Ebola outbreak have been largely effective. But while the role of the security sector has been largely positive, but this is not without many other factors - notably without the...Department of Security StudiesKatedra bezpečnostních studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě