7 research outputs found

    Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) bridge deck life-cycle cost analysis

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    A model was developed to compare the life cycle cost (LCC) of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) bridge decks with steel reinforced concrete (SRC) bridge decks. The objective was to analyze the viability of FRP for certain bridge deck projects.;Current LCC models of FRP bridge decks versus SRC bridge decks consider only manufacturing and erection costs in the cost calculations. They do not consider one of the most important advantages of FRP for construction, which is its light weight. The proposed model includes the cost savings in support structures when FRP is chosen as opposed to SRC, as well as the user costs occurring during bridge installation, maintenance, repair, and disposal processes. A computer program, FRP Bridge Deck LCC Analyzer, was developed for conducting the comparison analysis. The program incorporates the service life estimation of the FRP deck based on the Factor Method. An LCC comparison between FRP bridge deck and SRC bridge deck was developed for a Base Case.;Three case studies of bridges in West Virginia were performed using the program. Sensitivity of certain parameters including FRP manufacturing cost and average daily traffic (ADT) were studied. The results suggest that FRP bridge deck was economically viable to replace concrete bridge decks for Goat Farm, Katy Truss, and La Chein bridge deck projects


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    Tofu is famous as an alternate protein source. Comparing to Beef and Chicken based products; Tofu is indeed one of those promising foods which using less energy. Nevertheless it takes a lot of energy to turn fresh soy beans into tofu. It includes energy used for draining, grinding, cooking, extracting the soymilk, pressing the curd, cutting and wrapping the final products. To increase the love of tofu, consumers in the era full with environment awareness need to be convinced that switching from others to bean curd does help cutting back greenhouse gas emissions. The question is: how significant are those numbers? Is it possible to reduce energy usage in tofu production without interfering its quality? This research, conducted in one of tofu central productions in Indonesia, attempts to answer those questions. Kalisari village, Banyumas is also known as tofu village, since producing tofu in traditional ways is the main occupation of its residents. The objectives of the study are: (1) to investigate the overall energy consumption and emission produced by tofu production process in Kalisari village, Banyumas, Indonesia, (2) to compare those numbers with other soybean products as well as other protein sources and (3) to come up with process improvements to reduce the tofu carbon footprint. Life Cycle Assessment methodology (LCA) – a method commonly used to identify and calculate energy usage, natural resources usage and amount of emissions to the environment - is applied to reach those objectives. This paper depicts preliminary results of this on-going research

    Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Padi di Distrik Semangga, Kabupaten Merauke

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    This study aimed to determine the land suitability for paddy plantation in Semangga subdistrict, Merauke Regency, Papua Province and to identify any treatments that needs to be taken to promote the land suitability classes. The information on land suitability is important to determine the treatment required in land preparation in order to achieve optimal production. Survey was conducted to collect necessary data which includes climate data, nutrient content (N, P, K available), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), pH, and toxicity. These data are interpolated within the area of Semangga subdistrict and classified based on the criteria developed by Indonesian Soil Research Institute - Ministry of Agriculture and FAO. Overlay analysis is performed in order to determine land suitability classes and the dominant limiting factor. Criteria for determining the suitability classes was taken from the lowest class of land unit. The results showed that the area of 1% (360.09 hectare) is classified as class of S2wfn, 55.8% (19,495.83 hectare) as class of S3n, 7% (2,431.83 hectare) as class of S3np, 35.3% (12,349.74 hectare) as class N1n, and 0.9% (306.6 hectare) as class of N2f. The finding of land suitability classes and its dominant inhibitory factor can be used then to determine the proper land treatment planning such as fertilization, liming, and drainage system design

    Variasi Intersepsi Cahaya dan Model Pendugaan Biomassa Tanaman Bayam Merah (Amaranthus gangeticus) dalam Sistem Plant-Factory

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    AbstractArtificial lighting given in plant-factory planting system is inseparable from uniformity problem. Spatial variation in the catch of light (radiation) will occur due to the position of the plant against the lamp. The purpose of this research was; a) to determine the relationship between biomass growth and the intensity of artificial irradiation in plant-factory systems, and b) to apply the mechanical model of plant growth basedon radiation interception and temperature. Six boxes containing red spinach plants were placed on plant factory system in the form of two racks (each rack is placed 3 boxes). In each box, intercepted light was measured and then converted to radiation value. The air temperature in plant-factory space was measured during growth to harvest. Observations showed that there was a difference in light interception in plantfactorygrowing spaces that caused variations in plant biomass growth. Mathematical models were used to predict the relationship between light interception and biomass growth. This research concludes that the variation of light occurring in plant-factory planting cannot be ignored, as this leads to markedly different plant-end biomass differences. Modeling can be applied to design optimal lighting to improve plant biomass.AbstrakPencahayaan buatan yang diberikan dalam sistem penanaman dalam ruang (plant factory) tidak terlepas dari masalah keseragaman. Variasi spasial dalam tangkapan cahaya (radiasi) akan terjadi karena posisi tanaman terhadap lampu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah; a) untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pertumbuhan biomassa dan intensitas penyinaran buatan dalam sistem plant-factory, dan b) menerapkanmodel mekanik pertumbuhan tanaman berdasarkan intersepsi radiasi dan temperatur. Enam buah kotak berisi tanaman bayam merah diletakkan pada sistem plant factory berupa dua buah rak (masing-masing rak ditempatkan 3 buah kotak). Pada masing-masing kotak diukur cahaya terintersepsi yang kemudiandikonversi menjadi nilai radiasi. Suhu udara dalam ruang plant-factory diukur selama pertumbuhan hingga panen. Pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa dalam ruang tumbuh plant-factory terdapat perbedaan intersepsi cahaya yang menyebabkan adanya variasi pada pertumbuhan biomassa tanaman. Model matematikadigunakan untuk memprediksi hubungan antara intersepsi cahaya dan pertumbuhan biomassa. Kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa variasi cahaya yang terjadi dalam penanaman sistem plant-factory tidak dapat diabaikan, karena menyebabkan terjadinya perbedaan biomassa akhir tanaman yang cukup tajam. Permodelan dapat diterapkan untuk merancang pemberian cahaya yang optimal untuk meningkatkanbiomassa tanaman

    Kajian Kualitas Air Pasca-Pengerukan Alur Pelayaran Batu Kapur Sungai Donan Cilacap

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    Donan River dredging impacts on ecological regions and communities around the basin. Dredging from Buoy 27 to Buoy segment 34 as an effort to reduce silting of existing in Cilacap and Donan River shipping channel maintenance efforts limestone PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk. Cilacap Plant. The purpose of the study is to determine the condition of post-dredging water quality in terms of physical and chemical factors, to determine the condition of post-dredging water quality in terms of biological factors; and to analyze the relationship between physical, chemical, and biological factors post-dredging shipping lanes limestone around Cilacap Donan River. The research method used was purposive sampling method. The study was conducted from March-May 2013, with five replications. Samples were taken at three stations namely Station 1 (area before dredging), Station 2 (dredging area), and Station 3 (area after dredging). The results showed that water quality conditions of post-dredging chemical in terms of physical factors tend to decrease at station 2 (TSS amounted of 303.6 mgl-1, BOD5 9.806 mgl-1, COD 171.4 mgl-1), followed by station 3 (TSS 268 mgl-1, BOD5 at 18.182 mgl-1, COD is 262.8 mgl-1) and station 1 (TSS 204.4 mgl-1, BOD5 at 12.258 mgl-1, and COD of 252 , 2 mgl-1). Water quality conditions in terms of post-dredging tend to decrease at station 2 (the number of types makrobenthos by 5 species, number of individuals ind/m2 makrobenthos by 147, the number of types of plankton by 11 species and number of individuals of 1,461 ind/l) followed by station 3 (the number of species makrobenthos by 6 species, number of individuals ind/m2 makrobenthos by 180, the number of types of plankton by 12 species, and the number of individual plankton of 1,341 ind / l), and Station 1 (the number of types makrobenthos by 7 species, number of individuals makrobenthos ind/m2 by 327, the number of types of plankton by 12 species, and the number of individual plankton of 1,340 ind / l). In general, the relationship between physical factors, chemical, and biological post-dredging shipping lanes limestone around the same Cilacapmemilikikecenderungan Donan River bahwakondisi declining water quality at Station 2, followed by Station 3 and Station 1