33 research outputs found

    Influence Des Activites Anthropiques Sur La Degradation De La Qualite Des Sediments De La Lagune Ouladine (Sud-Est De La Côte d’Ivoire)

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    La contamination des sédiments lagunaires par les éléments traces métalliques constitue un danger pour l’eau, les espèces vivantes et pour la santé de l’homme. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer le niveau de contamination des sédiments de la lagune Ouladine en éléments traces. Les éléments traces (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd et Cr) ont été dosés dans les sédiments lagunaires à l’aide d’un spectromètre d’absorption atomique de type VARIAN AA 20. L’intensité de la contamination des sédiments a été estimée à partir du calcul de plusieurs indices, notamment le Facteur de Contamination (FC), le Degré de Contamination modifié (DCm) et l’Indice de Pollution Sédimentaire (IPS). La toxicité des sédiments a été mise en évidence en comparant les concentrations des éléments traces dosés aux valeurs guides américaines SQGs (Sediment Quality Guidelines). Les résultats mettent en évidence l’ordre d’abondance des teneurs en ETM (Eléments Traces Métalliques) des sédiments suivants : Cr (83,92 mg.kg-1)>Pb (62,03 mg.kg-1)>Zn (60,06 mg.kg-1)> Cu (13,76 mg.kg-1)> Cd (1,45 mg.kg-1). Le Facteur de Contamination (FC) et le Degré de Contamination modifiée (DCm) révèlent une contamination faible à considérable. Les valeurs de l’IPS montrent que les sédiments de la lagune Ouladine sont faiblement pollués sauf à la station S7 où les sédiments sont sains. Hormis le Zinc, les autres ETM dosés s’avèrent néfastes pour les organismes vivants de la lagune Ouladine à toutes les stations qui ont fait l’objet d’échantillonnage. Contamination of lagoon sediments by trace metal elements constitutes a danger to water, living species and human health. The objective of this study is to evaluate the level of trace element contamination in the sediments of the Ouladine lagoon. Trace elements (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd and Cr) were assayed in lagoon sediments using a VARIAN AA 20. The intensity of sediment contamination was estimated from the calculation ofseveral indices, including the Contamination Factor (CF), the Modified Degree of Contamination (MDC) and the Sediment Pollution Index (SPI). Sediment toxicity was demonstrated by comparing the concentrations of the measured trace elements with the American Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs). The results show the order of abundance of the following sediment VEC levels: Cr (83.92 mg.kg1 )>Pb (62.03 mg.kg-1 )>Zn (60.06 mg.kg-1 )> Cu (13.76 mg.kg-1 )> Cd (1.45 mg.kg-1 ). The Contamination Factor (CF) and the Modified Degree of Contamination (MDC) indicate low to considerable contamination. The SPI values show that the sediments of the Ouladine lagoon are slightly polluted except at station S7 where the sediments are healthy. Except for Zinc, the other measured TE (Trace elements) were found to be detrimental to the living organisms of the Ouladine lagoon at all the stations that were sampled

    Epidemiology of malaria in the Taabo health and demographic surveillance system, south-central Côte d'Ivoire

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    A deep understanding of the local epidemiology of malaria is essential for the design and implementation of setting-specific control and elimination efforts. In Côte d'Ivoire, new initiatives are underway to reduce the burden of malaria, which requires high-quality longitudinal data. The epidemiology of malaria was studied in the Taabo health and demographic surveillance system (HDSS) in south-central Côte d'Ivoire and implications for control are discussed.; Two cross-sectional surveys were carried out in the rainy season of June/July in 2010 and 2011. Inhabitants of approximately 7 % of randomly selected households in the Taabo HDSS were invited to participate. People were clinically examined, ear temperature was measured and spleen size determined. Finger-prick blood samples were collected and subjected to a rapid diagnostic test (RDT). Additionally, thick and thin blood films were prepared on microscope slides and diagnosed under a microscope for Plasmodium infection and parasitaemia. Haemoglobin (Hb) level was determined using a HemoCue device.; A total of 1187 and 1264 people in 2010 and 2011, respectively, had complete data records. The prevalence of Plasmodium infection was 46.0 % in 2010 and 56.6 % in 2011, owing to a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05). Males showed a higher Plasmodium infection prevalence than females (49.6 and 62.8 % versus 42.6 and 51.2 %; respectively, in 2010 and 2011; both p < 0.05). The highest malaria prevalence was observed among infants and young children (aged ≤9 years). The risk of Plasmodium infection was significantly higher in villages compared to small hamlets and urban settings (p < 0.05). Fever, Hb level and splenomegaly were associated with parasitaemia.; Malaria is highly endemic in the Taabo HDSS in south-central Côte d'Ivoire with considerable spatial heterogeneity of Plasmodium infection. There is a pressing need to scale-up control interventions against malaria

    Etat Phytosanitaire Dans Les Plantations Industrielles De Bananiers Dans La Lutte Contre La Cercosporiose Noire En Côte d’Ivoire

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    La cercosporiose noire causée par le champignon Mycosphaerella fijiensis détruit le feuillage du bananier. Cette maladie apparaît sous forme de petits tirets noirs allongés sur les feuilles qui évoluent très rapidement en nécroses généralisées qui peuvent aboutir à la destruction totale des feuilles du bananier avant la récolte du régime. Elle entraîne ainsi une diminution des rendements et une maturation précoce des fruits. Les stratégies de lutte raisonnée pour le contrôle de la maladie qui s’appuient sur les méthodes d’avertissement, reposent sur le suivi de la maladie en bananeraie et sur l’observation de descripteurs climatiques (pluies, humidité, etc.). Cette étude portant sur l’environnement de production et sur l’organisation des équipes phytosanitaires, a été menée de 2008 à 2012 dans douze plantations industrielles de bananiers de Côte d’Ivoire. L’évaluation de l’état phytosanitaire a porté sur les caractéristiques environnementales (contrôle de l’enherbement, gestion de l’humidité et bordures des parcelles) et sur l’organisation des équipes phytosanitaires. Les résultats ont montré que les plantations Eglin à Agboville, à Azaguié et à Motobé ; WANITA Dabou ont présenté un état sanitaire acceptable, avec une nette progression des paramètres environnementaux observés. Quant aux plantations TIABAM, Rouchard Tagbadié, CDBCI Azaguié et SAKJ Aboisso, elles présentent des inquiétudes dans le redressement de l’état sanitaire de leurs parcelles. Dès 2010, toutesles plantations avaient la présence des équipes phytosanitaires qui numérisaient les observations de la maladie et faisaient le suivi régulier de l’évolution de la maladie. L’ensemble des plantations a montré une évolution positive dans la prise en compte des paramètres essentiels pour une gestion efficiente de la cercosporiose noire. Black Sigatoka caused by the fungus Mycosphaerella fijiensis, destroys the foliage of banana. This disease appears as small elongated black dashes on the leaves which develop very rapidly into widespread necrosis which can lead to total destruction of banana leaves before the harvest of the bunch. It thus leads to reduced yields and early fruit ripening. Rational disease control strategies based on warning methods are based on monitoring the disease in banana plantations and on the observation of climatic descriptors (rainfall, humidity, etc.). This study on the production environment and the organization of phytosanitary teams was carried out from 2008 to 2012 in twelve industrial banana plantations in Ivory Coast. The evaluation of the phytosanitary status focused on the environmental characteristics (grassing control, moisture management and plot borders) and on the organization of the phytosanitary teams. The results showed that the Eglin plantations in Agboville, Azaguié and Motobé; WANITA Dabou presented an acceptable sanitary state, with a clear progression of the observed environmental parameters. As for the TIABAM, Rouchard Tagbadié, CDBCI Azaguié and SAKJ Aboisso plantations, they showed concern in the recovery of the sanitary state of their plots. As of 2010, all plantations had the presence of phytosanitary teams who digitized the observations of the disease and regularly monitored the evolution of the disease. All the plantations showed a positive evolution in taking into account the essential parameters for an efficient management of black Sigatoka

    L’appendagite aiguë : une étiologie rare à ne pas méconnaître dans les douleurs abdominales: Acute appendagitis: a rare etiology not to be overlooked in abdominal pain

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    Acute appendagitis is a rare cause of abdominal pain. Its diagnosis is based on medical imaging and its treatment is medical. We report a case of acute appendagitis diagnosed on the abdominal CT scan in the context of epigastralgia. L’appendagite aiguë est une cause rare de douleurs abdominales. Son diagnostic repose sur l’imagerie médicale et son traitement est médical. Nous rapportons un cas d’appendagite aiguë diagnostiquée au scanner abdominal au décours d’une mise au point d’épigastralgies

    État des lieux des bananeraies (Musa sp.) en zone de culture du cocotier, sur le littoral en Côte d’Ivoire : cas de la station Marc DELORME et des villages aux alentours

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    Cette étude avait pour objectif de mieux connaître la problématique liée à la production du plantain à la Station Marc DELORME et les localités aux alentours. Pour ce faire, une enquête impliquant 130 répondants a été effectuée. Les résultats ont révélé que la production de plantain sur le littoral est plus réalisée par des hommes (63,8). La tranche d’âge la plus active en ce qui concerne cette culture est celle de plus de 50 ans (45,5%). La variété la plus rencontrée dans les plantations était la variété CORNE (74,3%). La culture du plantain est faite en association (66,2%) ou en monoculture (33,8%). Au total, 62,3% des producteurs n’appliquent pas d’engrais, 77,7% ne pratiquent pas d’irrigation et 88,5% n’utilisent pas de pesticide au cours de la culture. Les bananes plantains récoltées sont plus destinées à la consommation domestique (53,8%) qu’à la vente. En période d’abondance, les coûts fluctuent entre 500 F à 3000 F CFA le régime. Par contre, En période de pénurie, les coûts des régimes varient entre 1000 et 4000 F CFA. La culture du plantain peut être envisagée en association avec le cocotier vu son importance au sein des ménages.   English title: Status of banana plantations (Musa sp.) in coconut cultivation areas on the coast of Côte d'Ivoire: case of the Marc DELORME station and surrounding villages The aim of this study is to better understand the problems related to plantain production at the Marc DELORME Station and the surrounding localities. To this end, a survey involving 130 respondents was conducted. The results revealed that plantain production is carried out more by men (63.8%). The most active age group with regard to this crop is the over 50s (45.5%). The variety most frequently found in the plantations was the CORNE variety (74.3%). Plantain is grown in association (66.2%) or as a monoculture (33.8%). In total, 62.3% of producers do not apply fertilizers, 77.7% do not use irrigation and 88.5% do not use pesticides during cultivation. The plantains harvested are more destined for domestic consumption (53.8%) than for sale. In periods of abundance, costs fluctuate between 500 F and 3000 F CFA per bunch. On the other hand, in periods of shortage, the costs of the bunch vary between 1000 and 4000 F CFA. The cultivation of plantain can be considered in association with the coconut tree given its importance in households


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    The cultivation of bananas in the classical systems by smallholders is seriously threatened by the Black Leaf Streak Disease (BLSD). The chemical and genetic fight methods against this disease showed some limitations and disadvantages. That suggests the possibility of the efficient use of susceptible banana in combination of tolerant hybrids as fight methods. This study is carried out to assess the performances of various prototypes or associations of banana on the control of BLSD. These protocols can reduce pest pressure in banana farm and increase the yield of the cultivar "Orishele" which is susceptible to BLSD. During eight months of vegetative growth, the varietal association prototypes of banana had shown variable effectiveness face the disease according to the pathological descriptors. "Orishele" cultivar in association plots showed high tolerance level against BLSD than those of non-association plots. In the prototype with a low density of the cultivar "Orishele", the severity indices of the disease were low. When "Orishele" was associated with the tolerant hybrid PITA 3 or the variety "Figue Sucrée", the severity indices were respectively 10.99 % and 11.07 %.When "Orishele" is on non-association plots the severity indices was high (33.47 %). Banana cultivation in combination of susceptible and tolerant varieties in almost equal proportions seems an ideal strategy to slow the spread of the fungus causing BLSD and provide better yield at harvest of susceptible cultivars to the BSD

    Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte density and infectivity in peripheral blood and skin tissue of naturally infected parasite carriers in Burkina Faso

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    Background: Plasmodium falciparum transmission depends on mature gametocytes that can be ingested by mosquitoes taking a blood meal on human skin. Although gametocyte skin sequestration has long been hypothesized as important contributor to efficient malaria transmission, this has never been formally tested. Methods: In naturally infected gametocyte carriers from Burkina Faso, we assessed infectivity to mosquitoes by direct skin feeding and membrane feeding. We directly quantified male and female gametocytes and asexual parasites in finger-prick and venous blood samples, skin biopsy samples, and in of mosquitoes that fed on venous blood or directly on skin. Gametocytes were visualized in skin tissue with confocal microscopy. Results: Although more mosquitoes became infected when feeding directly on skin then when feeding on venous blood (odds ratio, 2.01; 95% confidence interval, 1.21–3.33; P = .007), concentrations of gametocytes were not higher in the subdermal skin vasculature than in other blood compartments; only sparse gametocytes were observed in skin tissue. Discussion: Our data strongly suggest that there is no significant skin sequestration of P. falciparum gametocytes. Gametocyte densities in peripheral blood are thus informative for predicting onward transmission potential to mosquitoes and can be used to target and monitor malaria elimination initiatives

    Plasmodium falciparum Gametocyte Density and Infectivity in Peripheral Blood and Skin Tissue of Naturally Infected Parasite Carriers in Burkina Faso.

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    BACKGROUND: Plasmodium falciparum transmission depends on mature gametocytes that can be ingested by mosquitoes taking a blood meal on human skin. Although gametocyte skin sequestration has long been hypothesized as important contributor to efficient malaria transmission, this has never been formally tested. METHODS: In naturally infected gametocyte carriers from Burkina Faso, we assessed infectivity to mosquitoes by direct skin feeding and membrane feeding. We directly quantified male and female gametocytes and asexual parasites in finger-prick and venous blood samples, skin biopsy samples, and in of mosquitoes that fed on venous blood or directly on skin. Gametocytes were visualized in skin tissue with confocal microscopy. RESULTS: Although more mosquitoes became infected when feeding directly on skin then when feeding on venous blood (odds ratio, 2.01; 95% confidence interval, 1.21-3.33; P = .007), concentrations of gametocytes were not higher in the subdermal skin vasculature than in other blood compartments; only sparse gametocytes were observed in skin tissue. DISCUSSION: Our data strongly suggest that there is no significant skin sequestration of P. falciparum gametocytes. Gametocyte densities in peripheral blood are thus informative for predicting onward transmission potential to mosquitoes and can be used to target and monitor malaria elimination initiatives

    High stress related to COVID-19 among health workers in the Plateau Central healthcare region (BURKINA FASO): a cross-sectional study

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    BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic challenged the mental wellbeing of health workers. The objective of this study was to assess health workers' perceived stress during the response to COVID-19 in the Central Plateau region (Burkina Faso).MethodsWe conducted a cross-sectional study of health workers in the Central Plateau health region from September 20 to October 20, 2021. Agents' perceived stress was assessed by the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10). Factors associated with high stress (PSS-10 score ≥ 27) were identified by logistic regression.ResultsA total of 272 officers participated in the survey. The mean PSS-10 score was 29.3 points (standard deviation: 6.2). Three out of ten agents (68%) had a high level of stress. The main sources of stress were the risk of being exposed to contamination (70%) and being the source of contamination (78%). Working at the referral health center [adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 2.29; 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 1.19–4.41], the hospital as the main source of COVID-19 information (aOR: 1.17; 95% CI: 1.01-3.04), fear of COVID-19 patients being managed at one's center (aOR: 1.8; 95% CI: 1.06–3.07) were factors associated with high health worker stress levels during the first wave of COVID-19.ConclusionThe COVID-19 pandemic caused high stress among health care workers in Burkina Faso. Psychological support for health center workers in responding to future epidemics would improve their mental health