1,553 research outputs found

    Mitochondria-encoded genes contribute to evolution of heat and cold tolerance in yeast

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    Genetic analysis of phenotypic differences between species is typically limited to interfertile species. Here, we conducted a genome-wide noncomplementation screen to identify genes that contribute to a major difference in thermal growth profile between two reproductively isolated yeast species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces uvarum. The screen identified only a single nuclear-encoded gene with a moderate effect on heat tolerance, but, in contrast, revealed a large effect of mitochondrial DNA (mitotype) on both heat and cold tolerance. Recombinant mitotypes indicate that multiple genes contribute to thermal divergence, and we show that protein divergence in COX1 affects both heat and cold tolerance. Our results point to the yeast mitochondrial genome as an evolutionary hotspot for thermal divergence.This work was supported by the NIH (grant GM080669) to J.C.F. Additional support to C.T.H. was provided by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Hatch project 1003258), the National Science Foundation (DEB-1253634), and the DOE Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (DOE BER Office of Science DE-SC0018409 and DE-FC02-07ER64494 to T. J. Donohue). C.T.H. is a Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences and a Vilas Faculty Early Career Investigator, supported by the Pew Charitable Trusts and the Vilas Trust Estate, respectively. D.P. is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellow of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 747775).Peer reviewe

    RasGRP1 Transduces Low-Grade TCR Signals which Are Critical for T Cell Development, Homeostasis, and Differentiation

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    AbstractTwo important Ras-guanyl nucleotide exchange factors, Sos and RasGRP1, control Ras activation in thymocytes. However, the relative contribution of these two exchange factors to Ras/ERK activation and their resulting impact on positive and negative selection is unclear. We have produced two lines of RasGRP1−/− TCR transgenic mice to determine the effect of RasGRP1 in T cell development under conditions of defined TCR signaling. Our results demonstrate that RasGRP1 is crucial for thymocytes expressing weakly selecting TCRs whereas those that express stronger selecting TCRs are more effective at utilizing RasGRP1-independent mechanisms for ERK activation and positive selection. Analysis of RasGRP1−/− peripheral T cells also revealed hitherto unidentified functions of RasGRP1 in regulating T cell homeostasis and sustaining antigen-induced developmental programming

    A High Diffusive Model for Nanomaterials

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    Considerable attention is today devoted to the engineering of films widely used in photocatalytic, solar energy converters, photochemical and photoelectrochemical cells, dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), to optimize electronic time response following photogeneration. However, the precise nature of transport processes in these systems has remained unresolved. To investigate such aspects of carrier dynamics, we have suggested a model for the calculation of correlation functions, expressed as the Fourier transform of the frequency-dependent complex conductivity σ(ω). Results are presented for the velocity correlation functions, the mean square deviation of position and the diffusion coefficient in systems, like TiO2 and doped Si, of large interest in present devices. Fast diffusion occurs in short time intervals of the order of few collision times. Consequences for efficiency of this fast response are discussed in relation to nanostructured devices

    Performance of a C4F8O Gas Radiator Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector Using Multi-anode Photomultiplier Tubes

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    We report on test results of a novel ring imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detection system consisting of a 3 meter long gaseous C4F8O radiator, a focusing mirror, and a photon detector array based on Hamamatsu multi-anode photomultiplier tubes. This system was developed to identify charged particles in the momentum range from 3-70 GeV/c for the BTeV experiment.Comment: 28 pages, 23 figures, submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Method

    An auxin-inducible, GAL4-compatible, gene expression system for Drosophila

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    The ability to control transgene expression, both spatially and temporally, is essential for studying model organisms. In Drosophila, spatial control is primarily provided by the GAL4/UAS system, whilst temporal control relies on a temperature-sensitive GAL80 (which inhibits GAL4) and drug-inducible systems. However, these are not ideal. Shifting temperature can impact on many physiological and behavioural traits, and the current drug-inducible systems are either leaky, toxic, incompatible with existing GAL4-driver lines, or do not generate effective levels of expression. Here, we describe the auxin-inducible gene expression system (AGES). AGES relies on the auxin-dependent degradation of a ubiquitously expressed GAL80, and therefore, is compatible with existing GAL4-driver lines. Water-soluble auxin is added to fly food at a low, non-lethal, concentration, which induces expression comparable to uninhibited GAL4 expression. The system works in both larvae and adults, providing a stringent, non-lethal, cost-effective, and convenient method for temporally controlling GAL4 activity in Drosophila

    Cognitive dysfunction in patients treated with androgen deprivation therapy: a multimodality functional imaging study to evaluate neuroinflammation

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    BACKGROUND: Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for prostate cancer is implicated as a possible cause of cognitive impairment (CI). CI in dementia and Alzheimer's disease is associated with neuroinflammation. In this study, we investigated a potential role of neuroinflammation in ADT-related CI. METHODS: Patients with prostate cancer on ADT for ≥3 months were categorized as having ADT-emergent CI or normal cognition (NC) based on self-report at interview. Neuroinflammation was evaluated using positron emission tomography (PET) with the translocator protein (TSPO) radioligand [11C]-PBR28. [11C]-PBR28 uptake in various brain regions was quantified as standardized uptake value (SUVR, normalized to cerebellum) and related to blood oxygen level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-fMRI) choice-reaction time task (CRT) activation maps. RESULTS: Eleven patients underwent PET: four with reported CI (rCI), six with reported NC (rNC), and one status unrecorded. PET did not reveal any between-group differences in SUVR regionally or globally. There was no difference between groups on brain activation to the CRT. Regardless of the reported cognitive status, there was strong correlation between PET-TSPO signal and CRT activation in the hippocampus, amygdala, and medial cortex. CONCLUSIONS: We found no difference in neuroinflammation measured by PET-TSPO between patients with rCI and rNC. However, we speculate that the strong correlation between TSPO uptake and BOLD-fMRI activation in brain regions involved in memory and known to have high androgen-receptor expression mediating plasticity (hippocampus and amygdala) might reflect inflammatory effects of ADT with compensatory upregulated/increased synaptic functions. Further studies of this imaging readout are warranted to investigate ADT-related CI

    Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 1 And Aurora Kinase Choreograph Mitotic Storage And Redistribution Of A Growth Factor Receptor

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    Endosomal trafficking of receptors and associated proteins plays a critical role in signal processing. Until recently, it was thought that trafficking was shut down during cell division. Thus, remarkably, the regulation of trafficking during division remains poorly characterized. Here we delineate the role of mitotic kinases in receptor trafficking during asymmetric division. Targeted perturbations reveal that Cyclin-dependent Kinase 1 (CDK1) and Aurora Kinase promote storage of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors (FGFRs) by suppressing endosomal degradation and recycling pathways. As cells progress through metaphase, loss of CDK1 activity permits differential degradation and targeted recycling of stored receptors, leading to asymmetric induction. Mitotic receptor storage, as delineated in this study, may facilitate rapid reestablishment of signaling competence in nascent daughter cells. However, mutations that limit or enhance the release of stored signaling components could alter daughter cell fate or behavior thereby promoting oncogenesis

    Planar and spherical stick indices of knots

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    The stick index of a knot is the least number of line segments required to build the knot in space. We define two analogous 2-dimensional invariants, the planar stick index, which is the least number of line segments in the plane to build a projection, and the spherical stick index, which is the least number of great circle arcs to build a projection on the sphere. We find bounds on these quantities in terms of other knot invariants, and give planar stick and spherical stick constructions for torus knots and for compositions of trefoils. In particular, unlike most knot invariants,we show that the spherical stick index distinguishes between the granny and square knots, and that composing a nontrivial knot with a second nontrivial knot need not increase its spherical stick index

    An Upgraded Transverse Electromagnetic Parallel Plates for Dielectric Measurement

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    A new version of transverse electromagnetic parallel plates with irregular plates’ width and plate separation has been developed for dielectric measurement. The separations between the plates are supported by four rectangular Teflon block and 1 mm of groove is proposed at the center of the upper plate to maintain the measurement repeatability. The groove enables the samples which are slightly higher than 2 cm to be fitted well between the plates without introducing extra force to the plates. Theperformance of both parallel plates has been compared in the frequency range from 100 MHz to 1.1 GHz. It is found that the upgraded parallel plate offers better return loss and insertion loss above 500 MHz compared to the previous parallel plate. It is reported from this work that the return loss of the parallel plate must be lower than -15 dB in order to achieve accurate dielectric constant. However, the insertion loss of the parallel plates does not influence the real permeability significantly. The upgraded TEM parallel plateproduces a consistent reading with a standard deviation of less than 0.05 above frequency 200 MHz. The dielectric measurement of Polypropylene (PP) has proven the capability of this upgraded TEM parallelplate


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    Stormwater management solutions are needed to increase resiliency within urban areas by: (1) maintaining the natural hydrologic cycle, (2) controlling erosion and flooding, and (3) protecting water quality (MOE, 2003). Large impervious areas from urban development results in the loss of vegetated surfaces which leads to an increase in direct runoff (e.g. Paul and Meyer, 2008). Within urban areas, conventional roofs cover 40-50% of the impervious surfaces giving them significant potential to host urban stormwater management solutions (Dunnett and Kingsbury, 2004). Green roofs are able to restore the altered hydrologic cycle closer to its natural state by reducing the volume of runoff from a roof as well as attenuating flowrates. The hydrologic benefits of green roofs are partially attributed due to the vegetated surfaces enhancing evapotranspiration (ET) in urban areas. Predicting ET from green roofs is critical to inform green roof design and for optimization of hydrologic performance. This study focuses on evaluating the influence of green roof design parameters, such as vegetation type and growth media depth, on ET and by extension the hydrologic performance of an extensive green roof. While many studies have now demonstrated the effectiveness of green roofs in attenuating flowrate and reducing the volume of stormwater runoff (e.g., VanWoert et al., 2005a, Fassman-Beck et al., 2013, Berndtsson, 2010), little field research has been completed on directly quantifying ET rates and the hydrologic benefits green roofs in Canada including the influence of different vegetation types. The lack of available data on ET rates from green roofs limits optimal green roof design under the Canadian climate
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