13 research outputs found

    A secure cross-domain interaction scheme for blockchain-based intelligent transportation systems

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    Si, H., Li, W., Wang, Q., Cao, H., Bação, F., & Sun, C. (2023). A secure cross-domain interaction scheme for blockchain-based intelligent transportation systems. PeerJ Computer Science, (November 2023), 1-36. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.1678, https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.1678/supp-1, https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.1678/supp-2---This work was supported by the Henan Province Key Science-technology Research Project under Grant No. 232102520006 and 232102210122, the Key Research Project of Henan Provincial Higher Education Institution under Grant No. 23A520005, and the Henan Province Major Public Welfare Projects under Grant No. 201300210300. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.In the intelligent transportation system (ITS), secure and efficient data communication among vehicles, road testing equipment, computing nodes, and transportation agencies is important for building a smart city-integrated transportation system. However, the traditional centralized processing approach may face threats in terms of data leakage and trust. The use of distributed, tamper-proof blockchain technology can improve the decentralized storage and security of data in the ITS network. However, the cross-trust domain devices, terminals, and transportation agencies in the heterogeneous blockchain network of the ITS still face great challenges in trusted data communication and interoperability. In this article, we propose a heterogeneous cross-chain interaction mechanism based on relay nodes and identity encryption to solve the problem of data cross-domain interaction between devices and agencies in the ITS. First, we propose the ITS cross-chain communication framework and improve the cross-chain interaction model. The relay nodes are interconnected through libP2P to form a relay node chain, which is used for cross-chain information verification and transmission. Secondly, we propose a relay node secure access scheme based on identity-based encryption to provide reliable identity authentication for relay nodes. Finally, we build a standard cross-chain communication protocol and cross-chain transaction lifecycle for this mechanism. We use Hyperledger Fabric and FISCO BCOS blockchain to design and implement this solution, and verify the feasibility of this cross-chain interaction mechanism. The experimental results show that the mechanism can achieve a stable data cross-chain read throughput of 2,000 transactions per second, which can meet the requirements of secure and efficient cross-chain communication and interaction among heterogeneous blockchains in the ITS, and has high application value.publishersversionpublishe

    Multi-Perspective Fusion Network for Commonsense Reading Comprehension

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    Commonsense Reading Comprehension (CRC) is a significantly challenging task, aiming at choosing the right answer for the question referring to a narrative passage, which may require commonsense knowledge inference. Most of the existing approaches only fuse the interaction information of choice, passage, and question in a simple combination manner from a \emph{union} perspective, which lacks the comparison information on a deeper level. Instead, we propose a Multi-Perspective Fusion Network (MPFN), extending the single fusion method with multiple perspectives by introducing the \emph{difference} and \emph{similarity} fusion\deleted{along with the \emph{union}}. More comprehensive and accurate information can be captured through the three types of fusion. We design several groups of experiments on MCScript dataset \cite{Ostermann:LREC18:MCScript} to evaluate the effectiveness of the three types of fusion respectively. From the experimental results, we can conclude that the difference fusion is comparable with union fusion, and the similarity fusion needs to be activated by the union fusion. The experimental result also shows that our MPFN model achieves the state-of-the-art with an accuracy of 83.52\% on the official test set

    Language Prior Is Not the Only Shortcut: A Benchmark for Shortcut Learning in VQA

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    Visual Question Answering (VQA) models are prone to learn the shortcut solution formed by dataset biases rather than the intended solution. To evaluate the VQA models' reasoning ability beyond shortcut learning, the VQA-CP v2 dataset introduces a distribution shift between the training and test set given a question type. In this way, the model cannot use the training set shortcut (from question type to answer) to perform well on the test set. However, VQA-CP v2 only considers one type of shortcut and thus still cannot guarantee that the model relies on the intended solution rather than a solution specific to this shortcut. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new dataset that considers varying types of shortcuts by constructing different distribution shifts in multiple OOD test sets. In addition, we overcome the three troubling practices in the use of VQA-CP v2, e.g., selecting models using OOD test sets, and further standardize OOD evaluation procedure. Our benchmark provides a more rigorous and comprehensive testbed for shortcut learning in VQA. We benchmark recent methods and find that methods specifically designed for particular shortcuts fail to simultaneously generalize to our varying OOD test sets. We also systematically study the varying shortcuts and provide several valuable findings, which may promote the exploration of shortcut learning in VQA.Comment: Fingdings of EMNLP-202

    Combo of Thinking and Observing for Outside-Knowledge VQA

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    Outside-knowledge visual question answering is a challenging task that requires both the acquisition and the use of open-ended real-world knowledge. Some existing solutions draw external knowledge into the cross-modality space which overlooks the much vaster textual knowledge in natural-language space, while others transform the image into a text that further fuses with the textual knowledge into the natural-language space and completely abandons the use of visual features. In this paper, we are inspired to constrain the cross-modality space into the same space of natural-language space which makes the visual features preserved directly, and the model still benefits from the vast knowledge in natural-language space. To this end, we propose a novel framework consisting of a multimodal encoder, a textual encoder and an answer decoder. Such structure allows us to introduce more types of knowledge including explicit and implicit multimodal and textual knowledge. Extensive experiments validate the superiority of the proposed method which outperforms the state-of-the-art by 6.17% accuracy. We also conduct comprehensive ablations of each component, and systematically study the roles of varying types of knowledge. Codes and knowledge data can be found at https://github.com/PhoebusSi/Thinking-while-Observing.Comment: ACL-23, Main Conferenc

    Towards Robust Visual Question Answering: Making the Most of Biased Samples via Contrastive Learning

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    Models for Visual Question Answering (VQA) often rely on the spurious correlations, i.e., the language priors, that appear in the biased samples of training set, which make them brittle against the out-of-distribution (OOD) test data. Recent methods have achieved promising progress in overcoming this problem by reducing the impact of biased samples on model training. However, these models reveal a trade-off that the improvements on OOD data severely sacrifice the performance on the in-distribution (ID) data (which is dominated by the biased samples). Therefore, we propose a novel contrastive learning approach, MMBS, for building robust VQA models by Making the Most of Biased Samples. Specifically, we construct positive samples for contrastive learning by eliminating the information related to spurious correlation from the original training samples and explore several strategies to use the constructed positive samples for training. Instead of undermining the importance of biased samples in model training, our approach precisely exploits the biased samples for unbiased information that contributes to reasoning. The proposed method is compatible with various VQA backbones. We validate our contributions by achieving competitive performance on the OOD dataset VQA-CP v2 while preserving robust performance on the ID dataset VQA v2.Comment: Findings of EMNLP-202