46 research outputs found

    Urbanization associated changes in biogeochemical cycles

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    North American boreal forests are a large carbon source due to wildfires from 1986 to 2016

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    Wildfires are a major disturbance to forest carbon (C) balance through both immediate combustion emissions and post-fire ecosystem dynamics. Here we used a process-based biogeochemistry model, the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM), to simulate C budget in Alaska and Canada during 1986-2016, as impacted by fire disturbances. We extracted the data of difference Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) for fires from Landsat TM/ETM imagery and estimated the proportion of vegetation and soil C combustion. We observed that the region was a C source of 2.74 Pg C during the 31-year period. The observed C loss, 57.1 Tg C year(-1), was attributed to fire emissions, overwhelming the net ecosystem production (1.9 Tg C year(-1)) in the region. Our simulated direct emissions for Alaska and Canada are within the range of field measurements and other model estimates. As burn severity increased, combustion emission tended to switch from vegetation origin towards soil origin. When dNBR is below 300, fires increase soil temperature and decrease soil moisture and thus, enhance soil respiration. However, the post-fire soil respiration decreases for moderate or high burn severity. The proportion of post-fire soil emission in total emissions increased with burn severity. Net nitrogen mineralization gradually recovered after fire, enhancing net primary production. Net ecosystem production recovered fast under higher burn severities. The impact of fire disturbance on the C balance of northern ecosystems and the associated uncertainties can be better characterized with long-term, prior-, during- and post-disturbance data across the geospatial spectrum. Our findings suggest that the regional source of carbon to the atmosphere will persist if the observed forest wildfire occurrence and severity continues into the future.Peer reviewe

    Nitrogen Addition Affects Nitrous Oxide Emissions of Rainfed Lucerne Grassland

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    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas. Assessing the N2O emission from lucerne grasslands with nitrogen addition will aid in estimating the annual N2O emissions of such agriculture areas, particularly following summer rainfall events in light of precipitation variation associated with global change. Here, we measured soil N2O emissions, soil temperature and water content of lucerne grasslands with four levels of nitrogen addition over 25 days, which included 10 rainfall events. Results showed that nitrogen addition was observed to increase soil NO3−-N content, but not significantly improve dry matter yield, height or leaf area index. Nitrogen addition and rainfall significantly affected N2O emissions, while the response of N2O emissions to increasing nitrogen input was not linear. Relative soil gas diffusivity (Dp/Do) and water-filled pore space (WFPS) were good indicators of N2O diurnal dynamics, and Dp/Do was able to explain slightly more of the variation in N2O emissions than WFPS. Collectively, nitrogen addition did not affect lucerne dry matter yield in a short term, while it induced soil N2O emissions when rainfall events alter soil water content, and Dp/Do could be a better proxy for predicting N2O emissions in rainfed lucerne grasslands

    Simulating Soil-Plant-Climate Interactions and Greenhouse Gas Exchange in Boreal Grasslands Using the DNDC Model

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    With global warming, arable land in boreal regions is tending to expand into high latitude regions in the northern hemisphere. This entails certain risks; such that inappropriate management could result in previously stable carbon sinks becoming sources. Agroecological models are an important tool for assessing the sustainability of long-term management, yet applications of such models in boreal zones are scarce. We collated eddy-covariance, soil climate and biomass data to evaluate the simulation of GHG emissions from grassland in eastern Finland using the process-based model DNDC. We simulated gross primary production (GPP), net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) with fair performance. Soil climate, soil temperature and soil moisture at 5 cm were excellent, and soil moisture at 20 cm was good. However, the model overestimated NEE and Reco following crop termination and tillage events. These results indicate that DNDC can satisfactorily simulate GHG fluxes in a boreal grassland setting, but further work is needed, particularly in simulated second biomass cuts, the (>20 cm) soil layers and model response to management transitions between crop types, cultivation, and land use change

    Rising methane emissions from boreal lakes due to increasing ice-free days

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    Lakes account for about 10% of the boreal landscape and are responsible for approximately 30% of biogenic methane emissions that have been found to increase under changing climate. However, the quantification of this climate-sensitive methane source is fraught with large uncertainty under warming climate conditions. Only a few studies have addressed the mechanism of climate impact on the increase of northern lake methane emissions. This study uses a large observational dataset of lake methane concentrations in Finland to constrain methane emissions with an extant process-based lake biogeochemical model. We found that the total current diffusive emission from Finnish lakes is 0.12 +/- 0.03 Tg CH4 yr(-1) and will increase by 26%-59% by the end of this century depending on different warming scenarios. We discover that while warming lake water and sediment temperature plays an important role, the climate impact on ice-on periods is a key indicator of future emissions. We conclude that these boreal lakes remain a significant methane source under the warming climate within this century.peerReviewe

    Management practices during the renewal year affect the carbon balance of a boreal legume grassland

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    Evaluating the net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB) of legume-based grasslands is crucial for optimizing grassland management and assessing the sustainability of the milk and beef industries. This study investigated the NECB of a boreal legume grassland in eastern Finland from May 2017 to May 2020, covering the entire three-year rotation cycle. We found that the grassland showed interannual variability in carbon sequestration, fixing 220 g C m−2 in the first year, 334 g C m−2 in the second year, and losing 146 g C m−2 in the last year during the grassland renewal period. The study also examined the effects of mineral nitrogen fertilizer and digestate residue addition on the NECB of the grassland. No significant differences in net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange were observed between the two treatments, but the application of digestate slurry increased the NECB, suggesting that organic fertilizers could potentially enhance carbon sequestration and sustain ecosystem services. In conclusion, our findings emphasize the importance of developing climate-friendly renovation management practices that maximize the photosynthetic period in boreal legume grasslands. These practices, combined with the use of organic fertilizers, can contribute to improved carbon sequestration and support the sustainability of milk and beef industries that rely on grasslands

    Modelling past and future peatland carbon dynamics across the pan-Arctic

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    The majority of northern peatlands were initiated during the Holocene. Owing to their mass imbalance, they have sequestered huge amounts of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. Although recent syntheses have filled some knowledge gaps, the extent and remoteness of many peatlands pose challenges to developing reliable regional carbon accumulation estimates from observations. In this work, we employed an individual- and patch-based dynamic global vegetation model (LPJ-GUESS) with peatland and permafrost functionality to quantify long-term carbon accumulation rates in northern peatlands and to assess the effects of historical and projected future climate change on peatland carbon balance. We combined published datasets of peat basal age to form an up-to-date peat inception surface for the pan-Arctic region which we then used to constrain the model. We divided our analysis into two parts, with a focus both on the carbon accumulation changes detected within the observed peatland boundary and at pan-Arctic scale under two contrasting warming scenarios (representative concentration pathway—RCP8.5 and RCP2.6). We found that peatlands continue to act as carbon sinks under both warming scenarios, but their sink capacity will be substantially reduced under the high-warming (RCP8.5) scenario after 2050. Areas where peat production was initially hampered by permafrost and low productivity were found to accumulate more carbon because of the initial warming and moisture-rich environment due to permafrost thaw, higher precipitation and elevated CO2 levels. On the other hand, we project that areas which will experience reduced precipitation rates and those without permafrost will lose more carbon in the near future, particularly peatlands located in the European region and between 45 and 55°N latitude. Overall, we found that rapid global warming could reduce the carbon sink capacity of the northern peatlands in the coming decades