15 research outputs found

    Melanopsin-Containing ipRGCs Are Resistant to Excitotoxic Injury and Maintain Functional Non-Image Forming Behaviors After Insult in a Diurnal Rodent Model

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    Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) are critical for the light signaling properties of non-image forming vision. Melanopsin-expressing ipRGCs project to retinorecipient brain regions involved in modulating circadian rhythms. Melanopsin has been shown to play an important role in how animals respond to light, including photoentrainment, masking (i.e., acute behavioral responses to light), and the pupillary light reflex (PLR). Importantly, ipRGCs are resistant to various forms of damage, including ocular hypertension, optic nerve crush, and excitotoxicity via N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) administration. Although these cells are resistant to various forms of injury, the question still remains whether or not these cells remain functional following injury. Here we tested the hypothesis that ipRGCs would be resistant to excitotoxic damage in a diurnal rodent model, the Nile grass rat (Arvicanthis niloticus). In addition, we hypothesized that following insult, grass rats would maintain normal circadian entrainment and masking to light. In order to test these hypotheses, we injected NMDA intraocularly and examined its effect on the survivability of ipRGCs and RGCs, along with testing behavioral and functional consequences. Similar to findings in nocturnal rodents, ipRGCs were spared from significant damage but RGCs were not. Importantly, whereas image-forming vision was significantly impaired, non-image forming vision (i.e, photoentrainment, masking, and PLR) remained functional. The present study aims to characterize the resistance of ipRGCs to excitotoxicity in a diurnal rodent model

    Tracking Neural Progenitor Cell Migration in the Rodent Brain Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    The study of neurogenesis and neural progenitor cells (NPCs) is important across the biomedical spectrum, from learning about normal brain development and studying disease to engineering new strategies in regenerative medicine. In adult mammals, NPCs proliferate in two main areas of the brain, the subventricular zone (SVZ) and the subgranular zone, and continue to migrate even after neurogenesis has ceased within the rest of the brain. In healthy animals, NPCs migrate along the rostral migratory stream (RMS) from the SVZ to the olfactory bulb, and in diseased animals, NPCs migrate toward lesions such as stroke and tumors. Here we review how MRI-based cell tracking using iron oxide particles can be used to monitor and quantify NPC migration in the intact rodent brain, in a serial and relatively non-invasive fashion. NPCs can either be labeled directly in situ by injecting particles into the lateral ventricle or RMS, where NPCs can take up particles, or cells can be harvested and labeled in vitro, then injected into the brain. For in situ labeling experiments, the particle type, injection site, and image analysis methods have been optimized and cell migration toward stroke and multiple sclerosis lesions has been investigated. Delivery of labeled exogenous NPCs has allowed imaging of cell migration toward more sites of neuropathology, which may enable new diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities for as-of-yet untreatable neurological diseases

    The Contribution of the Pineal Gland on Daily Rhythms and Masking in Diurnal Grass Rats, Arvicanthis niloticus

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    Melatonin is a hormone rhythmically secreted at night by the pineal gland in vertebrates. In diurnal mammals, melatonin is present during the inactive phase of the rest/activity cycle, and in primates it directly facilitates sleep and decreases body temperature. However, the role of the pineal gland for the promotion of sleep at night has not yet been studied in non-primate diurnal mammalian species. Here, the authors directly examined the hypothesis that the pineal gland contributes to diurnality in Nile grass rats by decreasing activity and increasing sleep at night, and that this could occur via effects on circadian mechanisms or masking, or both. Removing the pineal gland had no effect on the hourly distribution of activity across a 12:12 light-dark (LD) cycle or on the patterns of sleep-like behavior at night. Masking effects of light at night on activity were also not significantly different in pinealectomized and control grass rats, as 1h pulses of light stimulated increases in activity of sham and pinealectomized animals to a similar extent. In addition, the circadian regulation of activity was unaffected by the surgical condition of the animals. Our results suggest that the pineal gland does not contribute to diurnality in the grass rat, thus highlighting the complexity of temporal niche transitions. The current data raise interesting questions about how and why genetic and neural mechanisms linking melatonin to sleep regulatory systems might vary among mammals that reached a diurnal niche via parallel and independent pathways

    Suprachiasmatic Nucleus and Subparaventricular Zone Lesions Disrupt Circadian Rhythmicity but Not Light-Induced Masking Behavior in Nile Grass Rats

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    The ventral subparaventricular zone (vSPVZ) receives direct retinal input and influences the daily patterning of activity in rodents, making it a likely candidate for the mediation of acute behavioral responses to light (i.e., masking). We performed chemical lesions aimed at the vSPVZ of diurnal grass rats (Arvicanthis niloticus) using N-methyl-D,L-aspartic acid (NMA), a glutamate agonist. Following NMA lesions, we placed grass rats in various lighting conditions (e.g., 12:12 light-dark, constant dark, constant light); presented a series of light pulses at circadian times (CT) 6, 14, 18, and 22; and placed them in a 7-h ultradian cycle to assess behavioral masking. Extensive bilateral lesions of the vSPVZ disrupted the expression of circadian rhythms of activity and abolished the circadian modulation of masking responses to light, without affecting light-induced masking behavior per se. We also found that in diurnal grass rats, NMA was capable of destroying not only neurons of the vSPVZ but also those of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), even though excitotoxins have been ineffective at destroying cells within the SCN of nocturnal rodents. The vulnerability of the grass rat\u27s SCN to NMA toxicity raises the possibility of a difference in density of receptors for glutamate between nocturnal and diurnal species. In cases in which damage extended to the SCN, masking responses to light were present and similar to those displayed by animals with damage restricted to the vSPVZ. Thus, extensive bilateral lesions of the SCN and vSPVZ disrupted the expression of circadian rhythms without affecting acute responses to light in a diurnal species. Our present and previous results suggest that retinorecipient brain areas other than the SCN or vSPVZ, such as the intergeniculate leaflet or olivary pretectal nucleus, may be responsible for the mediation of masking responses to light in the diurnal grass rat

    Dual-modality, fluorescent, PLGA encapsulated bismuth nanoparticles for molecular and cellular fluorescence imaging and computed tomography

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    Reports of molecular and cellular imaging using computed tomography (CT) are rapidly increasing. Many of these reports use gold nanoparticles. Bismuth has similar CT contrast properties to gold while being approximately 1000-fold less expensive. Herein we report the design, fabrication, characterization, and CT and fluorescence imaging properties of a novel, dual modality, fluorescent, polymer encapsulated bismuth nanoparticle construct for computed tomography and fluorescence imaging. We also report on cellular internalization and preliminary in vitro and in vivo toxicity effects of these constructs. 40 nm bismuth(0) nanocrystals were synthesized and encapsulated within 120 nm Poly(DL-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles by oil-in-water emulsion methodologies. Coumarin-6 was co-encapsulated to impart fluorescence. High encapsulation efficiency was achieved ∼ 70% bismuth w/w. Particles were shown to internalize within cells following incubation in culture. Bismuth nanocrystals and PLGA encapsulated bismuth nanoparticles exhibited >90% and >70% degradation, respectively, within 24 hours in acidic, lysosomal environment mimicking media and both remained nearly 100% stable in cytosolic/extracellular fluid mimicking media. μCT and clinical CT imaging was performed at multiple X-ray tube voltages to measure concentration dependent attenuation rates as well as to establish the ability to detect the nanoparticles in an ex vivo biological sample. Dual fluorescence and CT imaging is demonstrated as well. In vivo toxicity studies in rats revealed neither clinically apparent side effects nor major alterations in serum chemistry and hematology parameters. Calculations on minimal detection requirements for in vivo targeted imaging using these nanoparticles are presented. Indeed, our results indicate that these nanoparticles may serve as a platform for sensitive and specific targeted molecular CT and fluorescence imaging

    The Contribution of the Pineal Gland on Daily Rhythms and Masking in Diurnal Grass Rats, Arvicanthis niloticus

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    Melatonin is a hormone rhythmically secreted at night by the pineal gland in vertebrates. In diurnal mammals, melatonin is present during the inactive phase of the rest/activity cycle, and in primates it directly facilitates sleep and decreases body temperature. However, the role of the pineal gland for the promotion of sleep at night has not yet been studied in non-primate diurnal mammalian species. Here, the authors directly examined the hypothesis that the pineal gland contributes to diurnality in Nile grass rats by decreasing activity and increasing sleep at night, and that this could occur via effects on circadian mechanisms or masking, or both. Removing the pineal gland had no effect on the hourly distribution of activity across a 12:12 light-dark (LD) cycle or on the patterns of sleep-like behavior at night. Masking effects of light at night on activity were also not significantly different in pinealectomized and control grass rats, as 1h pulses of light stimulated increases in activity of sham and pinealectomized animals to a similar extent. In addition, the circadian regulation of activity was unaffected by the surgical condition of the animals. Our results suggest that the pineal gland does not contribute to diurnality in the grass rat, thus highlighting the complexity of temporal niche transitions. The current data raise interesting questions about how and why genetic and neural mechanisms linking melatonin to sleep regulatory systems might vary among mammals that reached a diurnal niche via parallel and independent pathways

    Functional and Anatomical Variations in Retinorecipient Brain Areas in \u3ci\u3eArvicanthis niloticus\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eRattus norvegicus\u3c/i\u3e: Implications for the Circadian and Masking Systems

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    Daily rhythms in light exposure influence the expression of behavior by entraining circadian rhythms and through its acute effects on behavior (i.e., masking). Importantly, these effects of light are dependent on the temporal niche of the organism; for diurnal organisms, light increases activity, whereas for nocturnal organisms, the opposite is true. Here we examined the functional and morphological differences between diurnal and nocturnal rodents in retinorecipient brain regions using Nile grass rats (Arvicanthis niloticus) and Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (Rattus norvegicus), respectively. We established the presence of circadian rhythmicity in cFOS activation in retinorecipient brain regions in nocturnal and diurnal rodents housed in constant dark conditions to highlight different patterns between the temporal niches. We then assessed masking effects by comparing cFOS activation in constant darkness (DD) to that in a 12:12 light/dark (LD) cycle, confirming light responsiveness of these regions during times when masking occurs in nature. The intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) and olivary pretectal nucleus (OPN) exhibited significant variation among time points in DD of both species, but their expression profiles were not identical, as SD rats had very low expression levels for most timepoints. Light presentation in LD conditions induced clear rhythms in the IGL of SD rats but eliminated them in grass rats. Additionally, grass rats were the only species to demonstrate daily rhythms in LD for the habenula and showed a strong response to light in the superior colliculus. Structurally, we also analyzed the volumes of the visual brain regions using anatomical MRI, and we observed a significant increase in the relative size of several visual regions within diurnal grass rats, including the lateral geniculate nucleus, superior colliculus, and optic tract. Altogether, our results suggest that diurnal grass rats devote greater proportions of brain volume to visual regions than nocturnal rodents, and cFOS activation in these brain regions is dependent on temporal niche and lighting conditions

    Sleep and Core Body Temperature Alterations Induced by Space Radiation in Rats

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    Sleep problems in astronauts can arise from mission demands and stress and can impact both their health and ability to accomplish mission objectives. In addition to mission-related physical and psychological stressors, the long durations of the proposed Mars missions will expose astronauts to space radiation (SR), which has a significant impact on the brain and may also alter sleep and physiological functions. Therefore, in this study, we assessed sleep, EEG spectra, activity, and core body temperature (CBT) in rats exposed to SR and compared them to age-matched nonirradiated rats. Male outbred Wistar rats (8–9 months old at the time of the study) received SR (15 cGy GCRsim, n = 15) or served as age- and time-matched controls (CTRL, n = 15) without irradiation. At least 90 days after SR and 3 weeks prior to recording, all rats were implanted with telemetry transmitters for recording EEG, activity, and CBT. Sleep, EEG spectra (delta, 0.5–4 Hz; theta, 4–8 Hz; alpha, 8–12 Hz; sigma, 12–16 Hz; beta, 16–24 Hz), activity, and CBT were examined during light and dark periods and during waking and sleeping states. When compared to the CTRLs, SR produced significant reductions in the amounts of dark period total sleep time, total nonrapid eye movement sleep (NREM), and total rapid eye movement sleep (REM), with significant decreases in light and dark period NREM deltas and dark period REM thetas as well as increases in alpha and sigma in NREM and REM during either light or dark periods. The SR animals showed modest increases in some measures of activity. CBT was significantly reduced during waking and sleeping in the light period. These data demonstrate that SR alone can produce alterations to sleep and temperature control that could have consequences for astronauts and their ability to meet mission demands