50 research outputs found

    Photographic Observations of the Hayabusa Re-entry

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    We analyzed photographic observations of the re-entry of the Hayabusa spacecraft and capsule over Southern Australia on June 13, 2010, 13:52 UT. Radiometric measurements of the brightness of the associated fireball were obtained as well. We derived the trajectories and velocities of the spacecraft, its four fragments and the capsule. The capsule trajectory was within a few hundred meters of the trajectory predicted by JAXA prior the re-entry. The spacecraft trajectory was about 1 km higher than the capsule trajectory. Two major fragments separated from the spacecraft at a height of about 62 km with mutual lateral velocity of 250 m/s. The maximum absolute magnitude of the fireball of -12.6 was reached at a height of 67 km. The dynamic pressures acting on the spacecraft at the fragmentation points were only 1 - 50 kPa. No spacecraft fragment was seen to survive below the height of 47 km. The integral luminous efficiency of the event was 1.3%. As expected, the capsule had a very low luminous efficiency and very low ablation coefficient. The ablation coefficients and masses of the major spacecraft fragments are discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASJ, 16 pages, 8 figures, 5 table

    Bolidy meteorických rojů

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    Centimeter-sized meteoroids cause bright meteors, called meteoric fireballs, during their encounter with the Earth's atmosphere. These fireballs can be observed by all-sky photographic methods. In this thesis, bright meteors belonging to major meteor streams are studied. All presented fireballs were recorded during last few years by all-sky photographic cameras from the Czech part of the European Fireball Network, Spain (Leonids 1999 campaign), and from the Australian Desert Network. Physical properties in terms of different methods (end height criterion, beginning heights, apparent ablation coefficient, fragmentation, dynamic pressure at the height of fragmentation or terminal flare), very detailed light curves (periodic changes of brightness, afterglow, shortlived flares, profiles) and heliocentric orbits are studied by individual showers. Studied meteor showers are Orionids, Geminids, _-Capricornids, Southern -Aquariids, Leonids and Perseids and a comparison of their main properties was performed. Also comparison with meteorite dropping fireballs was performed.Matematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Real Status Survey of Actual NN Network Construction and Copy Survey Sketch for the Determination of the Extent Onus

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    Import 04/07/2011Tato diplomová práce popisuje kompletní zaměření a zpracování geodetické dokumentace skutečného provedení stavby, rekonstrukce a obnovy elektrické sítě nízkého napětí pro firmu ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. Jsou popsány a vysvětleny jednotlivé dílčí etapy provedení. V první části je popsáno orientační vytýčení vlastnické hranice před zahájením stavby. Následuje zaměření a zpracování geodetické části dokumentace skutečného provedení stavby podle metodiky firmy ČEZ. Poslední část je pak věnována zpracování geometrického plánu pro vymezení rozsahu skupiny věcných břemen.This diploma work describes the complete surveying and work for geodetical documentation of real building construction, reconstruction and restoration of electrical low tension network for firm ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. All partial stages of the work are described and explained here. The first part describes demarcation of proprietary before construction beginning. Surveying and elaborating the geodetical documentation of real building construction in accordance with the methodology by firm ČEZ is following. The last part is obout work on plat map for demarcate the land charge.Prezenční544 - Institut geodézie a důlního měřictvívelmi dobř

    Geometrical plan with a proposition to correct a mistable in the land registry

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    Import 28/02/2008Prezenční544 - Institut geodézie a důlního měřictvíNeuveden

    Index ekonomické svobody, případ České republiky

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    We have identified number of possible advices for the Czech Republic to improve its rating for both Heritage Foundation and Fraser Institute Economic Freedom Index, which often leads to top 10 countries in the world. These advices range from cuts in government spending, betterment in judicial system, to the establishing healthier environment for startups and advices to combat corruption. We further noticed some divergence between above mentioned indexes and managed to evaluate those indexes, which showed the simplicity yet usefulness of Heritage EFI and flexibility and sensitivity of the Fraser EFI. Weak sides of the research were noted and ideas for further research were given

    Pension reform and pension insurance with state contribution

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je popsat, jak v současné době probíhá důchodová reforma, rozebrat její jednotlivé části a popsat vývoj sociálního zabezpečení, z kterého vychází. Obsahuje také stručnou charakteristiku, jak systém sociálního zabezpečení funguje v ostatních státech (Slovensko, Maďarsko, Chile). Na konci uvádím svůj vlastní pohled na důchodovou reformu a její zhodnocení.Katedra pracovního práva a práva sociálního zabezpečeníObhájenoThe aim of this thesis is to describe the process of currently ongoing pension reform, breaking down its components and describing the evolution of social security on which it is based . It also contains brief descriptions of characteristics of how the social security system works in other countries (Slovakia, Hungary and Chile). Finally, I describe my own view on pension reform and its evaluation