459 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of spectra of induced emission of polymethine dye solutions at low temperatures

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    Results from studying the induced emission spectra with monochromatic excitation (superluminescent regime) within a temperature range of 300 K - 5.2 K are presented. The significant feature of such operations is the appearance of quasi-lines whose minimum width is realized at 4.2 K. The frequency distribution of the quasi-lines unambiguously characterizes the dye investigated. When interpreting these results, the idea of an inhomogeneous broadening of the polymethine dye spectra in the solution being studied experimentally was used for the first time. The quasi-lines observed are interpreted as a manifestation of the electron vibration structure of singlet states of a complex molecule

    The role of human resources on the economy: a study of the Balkan eu member states

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    In this paper we analyze the impact of the quality of human capital on the main economic indicators of South-Eastern Europe countries [SEE] at the NUTS 2 level. The subjects of this research are the human capital indicators of regional competitiveness. The quality of human capital depends largely on the age structure of the population and the quality of education. Those regions, which have the highest percentage of the working-age population and highly educated people, are able to achieve higher productivity and gain a competitive advantage over other regions. As main indicators of the quality of human capital we identified: population; persons aged 25-64 with tertiary education attainment; students in tertiary education and participation of adults aged 25-64 in education and training and human resources in science and technology. As main economic indicators, we identified: regional gross domestic product; employment and income of households. The aim of this paper is to determine whether there is a correlation between the indicators of the quality of human capital and economic indicators. As a main methodology we have used the correlation coefficient which shows interdependence of the analyzed indicators. As part of our analysis, we consider only EU member states that belong to the SEE countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. We conclude that in all countries there is a high multiple correlation coefficient between the indicators human resources in science and technology, number of students and employment.This paper is the result of the project No. 47007 III funded by the Ministry for Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia

    Radiation induced thyroid cancer: fundamental and applied aspects

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    Aim: To describe the epidemiology and pathology of thyroid cancer in Ukraine, and to perform the molecular analysis of genetic alterations more frequently found to be associated to papillary carcinomas (PTC) in a selected group of PTC. Materials and Methods: Relationship between the thyroid cancer incidence and gender, age, and place of residence of subjects aged 0–18 years at the time of the Chernobyl accident (5427 subjects of thyroid cancer, among which 3996 (73.6%) were children aged 0 to 14 years at the time of the accident, and 1431 (26.3%) were adolescents aged 15 to 18 years was studied. Pathologically analyzed thyroid carcinomas were obtained from 640 patients (20–40 years old at the time of surgery and born before the Chernobyl accident), and from 90 patients (11–22 years old at the time of surgery and born after the accident). All patients were operated during 2006–2008. RET/PTC rearrangements and BRAFV600E mutation were analyzed in 35 cases of PTC. Results: A comparison between the thyroid cancer incidence rates in the 6 highest contaminated regions of Ukraine and in the other 21 regions shows the most significant difference between the rates for the last three years of follow-up, which confirms that a direct relationship is still present between the rise in thyroid cancer incidence and the post Chernobyl radiation exposure. Much lower incidence of thyroid cancer in subjects, who were born after the accident, additionally confirmed a direct relationship between the Chernobyl accident and thyroid cancer development at least in those who were aged up to 18 years at the time of the nuclear accident. Pathological results showed that with increasing latency the decrease has been noted in the percentage of PTC with solid structure, a decrease in invasive properties of tumors, as well as an increase in the percentage of PTC with papillary-follicular structure, encapsulated forms, and «small» carcinomas measuring up to 1 cm. Molecular-biological studies of PTC revealed more common RET/PTC1 and RET/PTC3 rearrangements (34.3% of cases), than BRAFV600E mutation (24%cases). Conclusion: After 22 years from the Chernobyl nuclear accident the number and incidence of thyroid cancer cases in Ukraine was steadily increased in the cohort of those who were children and adolescents at the time of the accident. Most common thyroid tumors (PTC) were characterized by significant changes in histological structure with increasing latency. PTC with any RET/PTC rearrangements had more aggressive behavior than BRAFV600E-positive tumors or PTC without gene alterations

    Switching Casimir forces with Phase Change Materials

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    We demonstrate here a controllable variation in the Casimir force. Changes in the force of up to 20% at separations of ~100 nm between Au and AgInSbTe (AIST) surfaces were achieved upon crystallization of an amorphous sample of AIST. This material is well known for its structural transformation, which produces a significant change in the optical properties and is exploited in optical data storage systems. The finding paves the way to the control of forces in nanosystems, such as micro- or nanoswitches by stimulating the phase change transition via localized heat sources.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures The AFM images for the inset in Fig.2 were replaced with new ones as obtained with tips having high aspect rati

    Hygienic substantiation of calculating models for predicting toxicity of different classes insecticides (first part).

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    This work is the first part of our study to develop alternative experimental mathematic models for predicting toxicity of insecticides. In the first stage, calculations will be carried out and the most reliable models will be proposed. In the second – a statistical analysis and comparative estimation of the toxicometric parameters obtained experimentally and calculated according to the proposed equations. The purpose of the research is the scientific substantiation of the calculation models for predicting toxicity of insecticides of different classes. Data on the physico-chemical properties and toxicometry parameters of fungicides are taken from the PPDB pesticides database. Insecticides of such chemical classes as derivatives of tetram and tetronic acids, benzoylureas, carbamates, neonicotinoids, pyrethroids, organophosphorus compounds, avermectins were selected for analysis. It has been established that there is a significant positive correlation between NO(A)EL in the chronic experiment of all insecticides, the median lethal doses at oral administration (LD50 per os) of pyrithoids and neonicotinoids, and the molecular weight (at p<0.05). There is a significant negative correlation between the toxicometry parameters of all insecticides and their individual groups (pyrithoids, neonicotinoids, organophosphorus compounds) and melting temperature and the octanol-water partition coefficient, log Po/w (at p<0.05). It is proved that the proposed calculation models for predicting insecticide hazards are adequate according to Fisher's criterion, and the coefficients of regression equations are reliable according to Student's criterion (p<0,05)

    OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY IN PATIENTS WITH REFRACTIVE ERRORS. Part 1: The thickness of the peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer

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    Purpose. To develop an available method to correct the influence of the optical system of long or short eyes on the thickness of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (pRNFL), measured using the optical coherence tomography (OCT).Material and methods. The study involved 46 patients (46 eyes) aged 18 to 40 years, with moderate and high myopia and the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) not lower than 0.8, as well as 53 healthy persons with emmetropia of the same sex and age (comparative group) and 117 healthy emmetropic individuals aged 41-84 years (group «over 40 years old»). The OCT was performed using a Cirrus HD-OCT device (Carl Zeiss Meditec). An analysis of the literature was conducted for the selection of the optimal method to correct the influence of the eye optical system on the pRNFL parameters.Results. Taking into account the literature data, Littmann’s method (1982), modified by Bennett et al. (1994), was chosen for a correction of the influence of the ocular optical system on the pRNFL. The method was modified and adopted to the emmetropic eye with a 23.5 mm axial length. The pRNFL normative data were defined for such eyes. Despite the high visual acuity, the patients with myopia showed a significant decrease in the thickness of pRNFL (83.9±5.4 µm) compared to the healthy individuals (96.1±8.2 µm, P<0.000) and the correlation of the pRNFL thickness with the axial length of the eye (r=-0.394; P=0.007).After the correction by the suggested modified method, the average RNFL thickness (96.0±5.8 µm) did not differ from the healthy individuals, and there was no correlation with the axial length of the eye. A table was developed that allows to correct the pRNFL thickness taking into account the axial length of the eye.Conclusion. The OCT devices of most manufacturers do not consider the effect of refractive errors, especially in case of high degree, on quantitative measurements of structures of the eye fundus. For a correct interpretation of pRNFL measurements in these patients, the existing methods of calculation were improved and an original table was proposed, which provides a quick assessment of the obtained results

    Impact damage to the fibula in the lower limb deformation under external loads

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    В серії експериментів вивчено вплив пошкоджень малогомілкової кістки на жорсткість біомеханічної системи «гомілка - стопа» та закономірності розвитку деформацій під дією зовнішніх статичних та циклічних навантажень. Ушкодження малогомілкової кістки на рівні нижньої та середньої її третин не приводять до критичної втрати несівної спроможності системи «гомілка - стопа». Деформування при циклічних навантаженнях більш чутливе до стану системи, ніж при одноразових навантаженнях. Цю властивість доцільно використовувати у біомеханіці при розробці програми оцінки якості систем фіксації переломів.Purpose. Based on experimental studies of biomechanical characteristics of lower limb under axial (static and cyclic) loads determine the effect of the level and nature of damage fibula on stability and overall stiffness of the “shin-foot” complex in general. Design/methodology/approach. Using 8 fresh-frozen lower limbs examples (“shin-foot” complex) and universal examining machineTIRAtest-2151 we studied axial static and cyclic loadings of ankle at changes of foot’s position (neutral, dorsal extension, plantar flexion, inversion, eversion) and modeled fibula injuries (osteotomy and resection of middle and lower thirds thereof), tibia bone is intact. Software control testing machine TIRA-test reproduces the cyclic loading of samples while maintaining the specified minimum and maximum values of power during certain periods of time. With this program performed cyclic loading and unloading cycled between two given values force from 100 to 800 N with the number of cycles to 50.Findings. 1. The modeled lower and middle third of fibula injures, do not cause critical decrease of “shin-foot” complex load bearing capacity. 2. Deformation under cyclic loads more sensitive to the state of the “shin-foot” complex than in single loads. This property should be used in biomechanics in the development of programs for evaluating the quality of fixation of fractures.В серии экспериментов изучено влияние повреждений малоберцовой кости на жесткость биомеханической системы «голень-стопа» и закономерности развития деформаций под действием внешних статических и циклических нагрузок. Повреждения малоберцовой кости на уровне нижней и средней ее третей не приводят к критической потери несущей способности системы «голень - стопа». Деформирования при циклических нагрузках более чувствительное к состоянию системы, чем при однократных нагрузках. Это свойство целесообразно использовать в биомеханике при разработке программы оценки качества систем фиксации переломов


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    World best practices and institutions (UN, UNIDO and UNEP) believethat resource-efficient and cleaner production is the path to a circulareconomy and waste management. Harmonization of laws and standards in Ukraine involves the use of preventive strategies for all types of waste that increase the efficiency of the economy, form social and environmental significance. The article is devoted to waste prevention and waste management and corresponds to the Directive 2008/98 / EC on waste to be produced in Ukraine by: reducing the amount of waste, reducing the adverse effects of waste on the environment and human health; implementation of the National Waste Management Strategy in Ukraine until 2030. Promising for Ukraine are: sorting of waste with their subsequent processing; formation of online plans for waste collection and logistics; certain types of toxic and medical waste management; prevention of waste incineration and disposal of only a part of waste that cannot be recycled. One of the options for digitalization of waste management can be a tool – information and communication platforms in the regions (communities) in the methodology at the global level which is the Platform for Green Growth. Proposals for harmonization of legal and regulatory documents in the field of environmental management should be considered in two aspects: long-term and short-term. The long-term aspect of the concept is related to the desire to form in the future a theoretically sound and practically effective mechanism for internalizing external costs, as well as ensuring environmentally safe and economically feasible development. The shortterm aspect is designed to consolidate in legislative and regulatory form the international experience of greening the country's economy in order to protect the environment from the negative anthropogenic impact. Лучшие мировые практики и институты (ООН, ЮНИДО и ЮНЕП)считают, что ресурсно-эффективное и более чистое производство этопуть к циркулярной экономики и обращения с отходами. Гармонизация законов и стандартов в Украине предусматривает использование превентивных стратегий поведения со всеми видами отходов, которые повышают эффективность экономики, формируют социальную и экологическую значимость. Перспективными для Украины: сортировка отходов с последующей их переработкой; формирования онлайн планформ сбора и логистики отходов; отдельные виды обращения с токсичными медицинскими отходами; запрет сжигания отходов и захоронения лишь доли отходов которых невозможно переделать. Одним из вариантов диджитализации сферы обращения с отходами может быть инструмент – информационно-коммуникативные платформы в регионах (общинах) в методологии на уровне мира – Платформа зеленого роста.Кращі світові практики та інституції (ООН, ЮНІДО та ЮНЕП) вважають, що ресурсно-ефективне та більш чисте виробництво це шлях до циркулярної економіки й поводження з відходами. Гармонізація законів та стандартів в Україні передбачає використання превентивних стратегій поводження з всіма видами відходів, які підвищують ефективність економіки, формують соціальну й екологічну значимість.Перспективними для України є: сортування відходів з наступною їх переробкою; формування онлайн-платформ збору й логістики відходів; окремі види поводження з токсичними, медичними відходами; не допущення спалювання відходів та захоронення лише частки відходів яких не можливо переробити. Одним із варіантів діджиталізації сфери поводження з відходами може бути інструмент – інформаційнокомунікативні платформи в регіонах (громадах) у методології на рівні світу як от Платформа зеленого зростання