6,598 research outputs found

    Colonial History & Anglo-American tension: Allegheny Uprising & Drums along the Mohawk

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    Colonial History & Anglo-American tension: "Allegheny Uprising & Drums along the Mohawk"

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    American Newsreels in World War II: Entertainment, News and Pro-British Propaganda in 1941-42

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    The most visible and best recalled media ofthe Second World War, regardless of nationality, are the newsreels. These very same newsreels, while essential for our visual recollection of that war, have been largely ignored by historians, except for mining them for documentary television. Interestingly, much of the early interest in history and film centred upon the newsreels as historical sources and, as late as 1975, feature films had yet to be probed for their own significant contribution.The most visible and best recalled media ofthe Second World War, regardless of nationality, are the newsreels. These very same newsreels, while essential for our visual recollection of that war, have been largely ignored by historians, except for mining them for documentary television. Interestingly, much of the early interest in history and film centred upon the newsreels as historical sources and, as late as 1975, feature films had yet to be probed for their own significant contribution

    Quantum Mechanical Realization of a Popescu-Rohrlich Box

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    We consider quantum ensembles which are determined by pre- and post-selection. Unlike the case of only pre-selected ensembles, we show that in this case the probabilities for measurement outcomes at intermediate times satisfy causality only rarely; such ensembles can in general be used to signal between causally disconnected regions. We show that under restrictive conditions, there are certain non-trivial bi-partite ensembles which do satisfy causality. These ensembles give rise to a violation of the CHSH inequality, which exceeds the maximal quantum violation given by Tsirelson's bound, BCHSH≤22B_{\rm CHSH}\le 2\sqrt2, and obtains the Popescu-Rohrlich bound for the maximal violation, BCHSH≤4B_{\rm CHSH}\le 4. This may be regarded as an a posteriori realization of super-correlations, which have recently been termed Popescu-Rohrlich boxes.Comment: 5 page


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    Papers from private industry reporting applications of remote sensing to oil and gas exploration were presented. Digitally processed LANDSAT images were successfully employed in several geologic interpretations. A growing interest in digital image processing among the geologic user community was shown. The papers covered a wide geographic range and a wide technical and application range. Topics included: (1) oil and gas exploration, by use of radar and multisensor studies as well as by use of LANDSAT imagery or LANDSAT digital data, (2) mineral exploration, by mapping from LANDSAT and Skylab imagery and by LANDSAT digital processing, (3) geothermal energy studies with Skylab imagery, (4) environmental and engineering geology, by use of radar or LANDSAT and Skylab imagery, (5) regional mapping and interpretation, and digital and spectral methods

    The Erpenbeck high frequency instability theorem for ZND detonations

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    The rigorous study of spectral stability for strong detonations was begun by J.J. Erpenbeck in [Er1]. Working with the Zeldovitch-von Neumann-D\"oring (ZND) model, which assumes a finite reaction rate but ignores effects like viscosity corresponding to second order derivatives, he used a normal mode analysis to define a stability function V(\tau,\eps) whose zeros in ℜτ>0\Re \tau>0 correspond to multidimensional perturbations of a steady detonation profile that grow exponentially in time. Later in a remarkable paper [Er3] he provided strong evidence, by a combination of formal and rigorous arguments, that for certain classes of steady ZND profiles, unstable zeros of VV exist for perturbations of sufficiently large transverse wavenumber \eps, even when the von Neumann shock, regarded as a gas dynamical shock, is uniformly stable in the sense defined (nearly twenty years later) by Majda. In spite of a great deal of later numerical work devoted to computing the zeros of V(\tau,\eps), the paper \cite{Er3} remains the only work we know of that presents a detailed and convincing theoretical argument for detecting them. The analysis in [Er3] points the way toward, but does not constitute, a mathematical proof that such unstable zeros exist. In this paper we identify the mathematical issues left unresolved in [Er3] and provide proofs, together with certain simplifications and extensions, of the main conclusions about stability and instability of detonations contained in that paper. The main mathematical problem, and our principal focus here, is to determine the precise asymptotic behavior as \eps\to \infty of solutions to a linear system of ODEs in xx, depending on \eps and a complex frequency τ\tau as parameters, with turning points x∗x_* on the half-line [0,∞)[0,\infty)

    Systems and equipment for disposal of organic wastes on soils

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    High Time for Conservation: Adding the Environment to the Debate on Marijuana Liberalization

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    The liberalization of marijuana policies, including the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana, is sweeping the United States and other countries. Marijuana cultivation can have significant negative collateral effects on the environment that are often unknown or overlooked. Focusing on the state of California, where by some estimates 60% -- 70% of the marijuana consumed in the United States is grown, we argue that (a) the environmental harm caused by marijuana cultivation merits a direct policy response, (b) current approaches to governing the environmental effects are inadequate, and (c) neglecting discussion of the environmental impacts of cultivation when shaping future marijuana use and possession policies represents a missed opportunity to reduce, regulate, and mitigate environmental harm

    Ignition of thermally sensitive explosives between a contact surface and a shock

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    The dynamics of ignition between a contact surface and a shock wave is investigated using a one-step reaction model with Arrhenius kinetics. Both large activation energy asymptotics and high-resolution finite activation energy numerical simulations are employed. Emphasis is on comparing and contrasting the solutions with those of the ignition process between a piston and a shock, considered previously. The large activation energy asymptotic solutions are found to be qualitatively different from the piston driven shock case, in that thermal runaway first occurs ahead of the contact surface, and both forward and backward moving reaction waves emerge. These waves take the form of quasi-steady weak detonations that may later transition into strong detonation waves. For the finite activation energies considered in the numerical simulations, the results are qualitatively different to the asymptotic predictions in that no backward weak detonation wave forms, and there is only a weak dependence of the evolutionary events on the acoustic impedance of the contact surface. The above conclusions are relevant to gas phase equation of state models. However, when a large polytropic index more representative of condensed phase explosives is used, the large activation energy asymptotic and finite activation energy numerical results are found to be in quantitative agreement
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