3,349 research outputs found

    Non-classical photon pair generation in atomic vapours

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    A scheme for the generation of non-classical pairs of photons in atomic vapours is proposed. The scheme exploits the fact that the cross correlation of the emission of photons from the extreme transitions of a four-level cascade system shows anti-bunching which has not been reported earlier and which is unlike the case of the three level cascade emission which shows bunching. The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality which is the ratio of cross-correlation to the auto correlation function in this case is estimated to be 103−10610^3-10^6 for controllable time delay, and is one to four orders of magnitude larger compared to previous experiments. The choice of Doppler free geometry in addition to the fact that at three photon resonance the excitation/deexcitation processes occur in a very narrow frequency band, ensures cleaner signals.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Tracking the Gendered Life Courses of Care Leavers in 19th century Britain

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    The adult outcomes of children raised in care are a matter of much concern in Britain today. Care leavers account for a quarter of the adult prison population, a tenth of the young homeless population, and over two thirds of sex workers (Centre for Social Justice, 2015: 4). This article argues that, by contrast, the first generation of boys and girls passing through the early care system were more likely to have experienced a modest improvement in their life chances. It explores three key questions. First, what mechanisms shaped adult outcomes of care in the past? Second, did these vary by gender? Third, what might life course approaches to these issues gain from engaging both with historical- and gender-inflected analysis? The article draws on our wider analysis of the life courses and life chances of 400 adults who passed through the early youth justice and care systems as children in the northwest of England from the 1860s to the 1920s. These systems were closely interlinked. Within that, the article focuses on the experiences of a subgroup sent to a more care-oriented institution. It compares their collective outcomes with those of the wider group and within-group by gender. It offers a selection of case studies of women’s lives before and after care to highlight the value of, and challenges involved in, undertaking gender analysis in life course research of this kind

    Two-Pulse Propagation in a Partially Phase-Coherent Medium

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    We analyze the effects of partial coherence of ground state preparation on two-pulse propagation in a three-level Λ\Lambda medium, in contrast to previous treastments that have considered the cases of media whose ground states are characterized by probabilities (level populations) or by probability amplitudes (coherent pure states). We present analytic solutions of the Maxwell-Bloch equations, and we extend our analysis with numerical solutions to the same equations. We interpret these solutions in the bright/dark dressed state basis, and show that they describe a population transfer between the bright and dark state. For mixed-state Λ\Lambda media with partial ground state phase coherence the dark state can never be fully populated. This has implications for phase-coherent effects such as pulse matching, coherent population trapping, and electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). We show that for partially phase-coherent three-level media, self induced transparency (SIT) dominates EIT and our results suggest a corresponding three-level area theorem.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage (STIRAP) Among Degenerate-Level Manifolds

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    We examine the conditions needed to accomplish stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) when the three levels (g, e and f) are degenerate, with arbitrary couplings contributing to the pump-pulse interaction (g - e) and to the Stokes-pulse interaction (e-f). We show that in general a sufficient condition for complete population removal from the g set of degenerate states for arbitrary, pure or mixed, initial state is that the degeneracies should not decrease along the sequence g, e and f. We show that when this condition holds it is possible to achieve the degenerate counterpart of conventional STIRAP, whereby adiabatic passage produces complete population transfer. Indeed, the system is equivalent to a set of independent three-state systems, in each of which a STIRAP procedure can be implemented. We describe a scheme of unitary transformations that produces this result. We also examine the cases when this degeneracy constraint does not hold, and show what can be accomplished in those cases. For example, for angular momentum states when the degeneracy of the g and f levels is less than that of the e level we show how a special choice for the pulse polarizations and phases can produce complete removal of population from the g set. Our scheme can be a powerful tool for coherent control in degenerate systems, because of its robustness when selective addressing of the states is not required or impossible. We illustrate the analysis with several analytically solvable examples, in which the degeneracies originate from angular momentum orientation, as expressed by magnetic sublevels.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figure

    Super and Sub-Poissonian photon statistics for single molecule spectroscopy

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    We investigate the distribution of the number of photons emitted by a single molecule undergoing a spectral diffusion process and interacting with a continuous wave laser field. The spectral diffusion is modeled based on a stochastic approach, in the spirit of the Anderson-Kubo line shape theory. Using a generating function formalism we solve the generalized optical Bloch equations, and obtain an exact analytical formula for the line shape and Mandel's Q parameter. The line shape exhibits well known behaviors, including motional narrowing when the stochastic modulation is fast, and power broadening. The Mandel parameter, describing the line shape fluctuations, exhibits a transition from a Quantum sub-Poissonian behavior in the fast modulation limit, to a classical super-Poissonian behavior found in the slow modulation limit. Our result is applicable for weak and strong laser field, namely for arbitrary Rabi frequency. We show how to choose the Rabi frequency in such a way that the Quantum sub-Poissonian nature of the emission process becomes strongest. A lower bound on QQ is found, and simple limiting behaviors are investigated. A non-trivial behavior is obtained in the intermediate modulation limit, when the time scales for spectral diffusion and the life time of the excited state, become similar. A comparison is made between our results, and previous ones derived based on the semi-classical generalized Wiener--Khintchine theorem.Comment: 14 Phys. Rev style pages, 10 figure

    Time Ordering in Kicked Qubits

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    We examine time ordering effects in strongly, suddenly perturbed two-state quantum systems (kicked qubits) by comparing results with time ordering to results without time ordering. Simple analytic expressions are given for state occupation amplitudes and probabilities for singly and multiply kicked qubits. We investigate the limit of no time ordering, which can differ in different representations.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    The Conical Point in the Ferroelectric Six-Vertex Model

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    We examine the last unexplored regime of the asymmetric six-vertex model: the low-temperature phase of the so-called ferroelectric model. The original publication of the exact solution, by Sutherland, Yang, and Yang, and various derivations and reviews published afterwards, do not contain many details about this regime. We study the exact solution for this model, by numerical and analytical methods. In particular, we examine the behavior of the model in the vicinity of an unusual coexistence point that we call the ``conical'' point. This point corresponds to additional singularities in the free energy that were not discussed in the original solution. We show analytically that in this point many polarizations coexist, and that unusual scaling properties hold in its vicinity.Comment: 28 pages (LaTeX); 8 postscript figures available on request ([email protected]). Submitted to Journal of Statistical Physics. SFU-DJBJDS-94-0

    A generalized theory of semiflexible polymers

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    DNA bending on length scales shorter than a persistence length plays an integral role in the translation of genetic information from DNA to cellular function. Quantitative experimental studies of these biological systems have led to a renewed interest in the polymer mechanics relevant for describing the conformational free energy of DNA bending induced by protein-DNA complexes. Recent experimental results from DNA cyclization studies have cast doubt on the applicability of the canonical semiflexible polymer theory, the wormlike chain (WLC) model, to DNA bending on biological length scales. This paper develops a theory of the chain statistics of a class of generalized semiflexible polymer models. Our focus is on the theoretical development of these models and the calculation of experimental observables. To illustrate our methods, we focus on a specific toy model of DNA bending. We show that the WLC model generically describes the long-length-scale chain statistics of semiflexible polymers, as predicted by the Renormalization Group. In particular, we show that either the WLC or our new model adequate describes force-extension, solution scattering, and long-contour-length cyclization experiments, regardless of the details of DNA bend elasticity. In contrast, experiments sensitive to short-length-scale chain behavior can in principle reveal dramatic departures from the linear elastic behavior assumed in the WLC model. We demonstrate this explicitly by showing that our toy model can reproduce the anomalously large short-contour-length cyclization J factors observed by Cloutier and Widom. Finally, we discuss the applicability of these models to DNA chain statistics in the context of future experiments

    Cooperating or Fighting with Decoherence in the Optimal Control of Quantum Dynamics

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    This paper explores the use of laboratory closed-loop learning control to either fight or cooperate with decoherence in the optimal manipulation of quantum dynamics. Simulations of the processes are performed in a Lindblad formulation on multilevel quantum systems strongly interacting with the environment without spontaneous emission. When seeking a high control yield it is possible to find fields that successfully fight with decoherence while attaining a good quality yield. When seeking modest control yields, fields can be found which are optimally shaped to cooperate with decoherence and thereby drive the dynamics more efficiently. In the latter regime when the control field and the decoherence strength are both weak, a theoretical foundation is established to describe how they cooperate with each other. In general, the results indicate that the population transfer objectives can be effectively met by appropriately either fighting or cooperating with decoherence

    Topological charge density renormalization in the presence of dynamical fermions

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    We study the renormalization group behaviour of the topological charge density in full QCD on the lattice. We propose a way of extracting the necessary renormalization functions from Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 8 pages, Revte
